Visual C++ 2010 Express for mac - c++

Is it possible to get Visual C++ 2010 Express for Mac OS X?
If not is there another application, other than Xcode, that will do the same thing?

Visual Studio C++ is not supported on OS X.
You can use either Eclipse or KDevelop. A complete listing IDEs for C++ is available at

There is no Visual Studio for Mac that I'm aware of. I think QtCreator, Eclipse and NetBeans all work on Mac.

Microsoft has a version of Visual Studio which is cross platform. It will run on Windows, Mac OSX and Linux. It is called Visual Studio Code. You can download it at:
You will have to download the C++ extensions. It will take you to the market place where you can get the extension for free.
Personally I prefer Xcode when coding on a Mac.
It's not hard to learn, but because it is fairly new there aren't many useful videos or articles on how to navigate Visual Studio Code. If you are familiar with Visual Studio IDE for Microsoft Windows, Visual Studio Code is a totally different program.

You can try Eclipse:

If you really want visual c++ bootcamp you MacOS. Install windows along side with Mountain Lion and you are good to go.


visual studio 2022 for mac cannot create c++ console application

I am using Visual Studio for Mac 2022, and I am trying to create a C++ console application, does anyone know how to get those templates shows up when I choosing language?
Visual Studio for Mac is an IDE solely for .NET development.
If one looks at the Visual Studio website, it provides a comparison of the Mac and PC versions of Visual Studio. C++ development is not available for Visual Studio 2022 for Mac.
However, there exist many IDEs that support C++ development on Mac. Apple's very own Xcode allows the creation of C++ projects, as well as Visual Studio Code, a highly extensible code editor. CodeBlocks and CLion also exist as C++ IDEs for macOS.

Visual Studio 2017 wont show c++ template/extansion

I am trying to use Microsoft visual studio IDE to run my c++ code, however, when I go to create a project, I do not see the option for a c++ project. I tried reinstalling the program to see if I could somehow install the package/extension however it just won't seem to come up.
The only templates that appear are in c# or f#.
If someone could please lead me into the right direction so that I can fix this, it would be great. Thank you.
I don't see any mention of C++ in the release notes.
According to this post on MSDN, there is no C++ support in the Mac version of Visual Studio. It contains links to instructions for using Visual Studio Code, as well as the option to install a VM running Windows.
Apparently Visual Studio Code supports C++ projects, since it can execute external tools. The Microsoft Visual C++ build tools are free for Windows, but I don't think there is a version for the Mac, so some other external compiler is necessary.

Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools compiler with Eclipse

Recently I decided to move from Microsoft Visual Studio to Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools. I am working with the latest Eclipse and want to utilize the Microsoft C++ compiler.
While having Microsoft Visual Studio installed there was an option to choose the Microsoft compiler in the tool-chain options which went away and I can't seem to get it back with Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools.
I have added the folders to user path and tried launching Eclipse from within the build tools "special" terminal but with no success.
Has anyone managed to achieve compilation within eclipse with the build tools and if yes how is it possible?
P.S.: I deliberately changed from Microsoft Visual Studio to Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools, as the difference in disk size is vast.
I have Eclipse 4.6 Neon. In Help > Install New software make sure you installed C/C++ Visual C++ Support. Restart Eclipse after installation.
I can see Microsoft Visual C++ in Toolchains now.

Other programs used to make C/C++ desktop applications besides Visual studio?

I'm unable to buy Visual studio. I'm just wondering if there's any other program besides Visual studio that can be used for developing C++ desktop applications.
Visual Studio has an Express edition which is free :)
For a non-Microsoft option, there is MinGW.
Microsoft offers free Windows SDK 7.1 with all compilers, headers and tools (nmake, all compilers, really good debugger etc.) for all supported Windows platforms. It, basically, full version of VS2010 tools without IDE (you have to use command-line one way or another). By the way, it has x64 compilers that are not shipped with VS2010 Express.
As an IDE I find Eclipse to be terrific. The amount of features and level of their customization are simply amazing and very useful. You can, most likely, configure Eclipse to run MS SDK command-line tools from it, but I haven't checked it myself.
You can download Visual Studio Express 2010 from Microsoft, it is free.
Can't go wrong with Visual Studio Express. It's free.
Ofcourse Visual studio express should be easy and free.
And if you need something to use in linux -
another non-msft option is Eclipse:
Cygwin plus Cygwin Ports gives you a good approximation of the Linux development environment, for free, including the MinGW option (i.e., using GCC to create native Windows executables), Mono, KDevelop etc. etc..
Sharp Develop, DEVcpp, Mono D
but Visual Studio Express works just fine
QT is fine and cross-plateform. There is a QTCreator IDE with MinGW but you can use a plugin for eclipse to draw your application via eclipse CDT.
Qt. You can download latest versions here:

How to create application for mac?

I created an application in visual studio 2008 using c++ and poco library. Since output of visual studio is .exe i have no idea how to create a mac application(.app file) with this. Can any one help me with this.
Google can help:
How to get started with Mac Programming
Writing Mac OS X Applications with Visual Studio Express - Uses Mono
I would recommend that you check out
You may need to adapt some components, but I would recommend using Xcode.