I have a bunch of functions that map to and from some codes defined by an external system:
(defn translate-from-ib-size-tick-field-code [val]
(condp = val
0 :bid-size
3 :ask-size
5 :last-size
8 :volume))
(defn translate-to-ib-size-tick-field-code [val]
(condp = val
:bid-size 0
:ask-size 3
:last-size 5
:volume 8))
I'd like to make a macro to remove the duplication:
#_ (translation-table size-tick-field-code
{:bid-size 0
:ask-size 3
:last-size 5
:volume 8})
I started the macro like this:
(defmacro translation-table [name & vals]
`(defn ~(symbol (str "translate-to-ib-" name)) [val#]
(get ~#vals val#)))
The resulting function body seems right, but the function name is wrong:
re-actor.conversions> (macroexpand `(translation-table monkey {:a 1 :b 2}))
(def translate-to-ib-re-actor.conversions/monkey
(.withMeta (clojure.core/fn translate-to-ib-re-actor.conversions/monkey
(clojure.core/get {:a 1, :b 2} val__10589__auto__))) (.meta ...
I'd like the "translate-to-ib-" to appear as part of the function name, instead of a prefix to the namespace, as it turned out.
How can I do this with clojure macros? If I am just doing it wrong and shouldn't use macros for this for some reason, please do let me know, but I would also like to know how to create function names like this to just improve my understanding of clojure and macros in general. Thanks!
The macro issue is twofold:
1) You're using a backtick when quoting the form passed to macroexpand, which namespace-qualifies the symbols within:
`(translation-table monkey {:a 1 :b 2})
=> (foo.bar/translation-table foo.bar/monkey {:a 1, :b 2})
where foo.bar is whatever namespace you're in.
2) You're constructing the name of the defn item using the symbol name, which, when it is namespace-qualified, will stringify to "foo.bar/monkey". Here's a version that will work:
(defmacro translation-table [tname & vals]
`(defn ~(symbol (str "translate-to-ib-" (name tname))) [val#]
(get ~#vals val#)))
Notice that we're getting the name of tname without the namespace part, using the name function.
As for whether a macro is the right solution here, probably not :-) For a simple case like this, I might just use maps:
(def translate-from-ib-size-tick-field-code
{0 :bid-size
3 :ask-size
5 :last-size
8 :volume})
;; swap keys & vals
(def translate-to-ib-size-tick-field-code
(zipmap (vals translate-from-ib-size-tick-field-code)
(keys translate-from-ib-size-tick-field-code)))
(translate-from-ib-size-tick-field-code 0)
=> :bid-size
(translate-to-ib-size-tick-field-code :bid-size)
=> 0
If speed is of the essence, check out case.
Some unsolicited advice on a different point: (get ~#vals val#) is extremely suspicious. Your macro alleges to take any number of arguments, but if it gets more than two it will just do something that doesn't make any sense. Eg,
(translation-table metric {:feet :meters}
{:miles :kilometers}
{:pounds :kilograms})
aside from being a terrible translation table, expands to code that always throws an exception:
(defn translate-to-ib-metric [val]
(get {:feet :meters}
{:miles :kilometers}
{:pounds :kilograms}
get doesn't take that many arguments, of course, and it's not really what you meant anyway. The simplest fix would be to only permit two arguments:
(defmacro translation-table [name vals]
(... (get ~vals val#)))
But note that this means the value map gets reconstructed every time the function is called - problematic if it's expensive to compute, or has side effects. So if I were writing this as a macro (though see Justin's answer - why would you?), I would do it as:
(defmacro translation-table [name vals]
`(let [vals# ~vals]
(defn ~(symbol (str "translate-to-ib-" name)) [val#]
(get vals# val#))))
Here's my failed attempt:
(defmacro until
[condition body setup increment]
`(let [c ~#condition]
(loop [i setup]
(when (not c)
(recur ~#increment))))))
(def i 1)
(until (> i 5)
(println "Number " i)
(inc i))
I get: CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't let qualified name: clojure-noob.core/c
I am expecting this output:
Number 1
Number 2
Number 3
Number 4
Number 5
What's wrong?
There are a few issues with the macro:
You need to generate symbols for bindings inside macros. A convenient way to do this is suffix the names with #. Otherwise the bindings in your macros could overshadow bindings elsewhere in your code.
Some of the macro inputs were unnecessarily spliced when unquoted i.e. ~# instead of ~
Here's a version of the macro that will compile/expand:
(defmacro until [condition body setup increment]
`(let [c# ~condition]
(loop [i# ~setup]
(when-not c#
(recur ~increment)))))
But this will loop forever in your example because condition is only evaluated once and i's value would never change anyway. We could fix that:
(defmacro until [condition body increment]
`(loop []
(when-not ~condition
And we need to make i mutable if we want to change its value:
(def i (atom 1))
(until (> #i 5)
(println "Number " #i)
(swap! i inc))
;; Number 1
;; Number 2
;; Number 3
;; Number 4
;; Number 5
But now until is starting to look a lot like the complement of while, and its extra complexity doesn't seem beneficial.
(defmacro until [test & body]
`(loop []
(when-not ~test
This version of until is identical to while except the test is inverted, and the sample code above with the atom still behaves correctly. We can further simplify until by using while directly, and it'll ultimately expand to the same code:
(defmacro until [test & body]
`(while (not ~test) ~#body))
Change the let line too:
`(let [c# ~#condition]
Then rename all references of c to c#. The postfix # generates a unique, non-namespaced-qualified identifier to ensure that the symbol created by the macro doesn't clash with any existing symbols in the context that the macro expands into. Whenever you bind a symbol in a quoted form, you should be using # to prevent collisions, unless you have a good reason to not use it.
Why is this necessary in this case? I can't remember exactly the reason, but if I recall correctly, any symbols bound in a syntax quoted form (`()) are namespace qualified, and you can't use a let to create namespace qualified symbols.
You can recreate the error by typing:
(let [a/a 1]
I am working through Clojure for the Brave and True. In the chapter on macros there is this exercise:
Write a macro that defines an arbitrary number of attribute-retrieving functions using one macro call. Here’s how you would call it:
(defattrs c-int :intelligence
c-str :strength
c-dex :dexterity)
What these functions do is retrieve a value from a map. For example given: (def character {:name "Travis", :intelligence 20, :strength 23, :dexterity 13})
The result of (c-int character) would be 20 of course such a function could easily be defined as (def c-int #(:intelligence %))
This is the solution I came up with to the problem:
(defmacro defattrs
[& attributes]
`(let [attribute-pairs# (partition 2 (quote ~attributes))]
(map (fn [[function-name# attribute-key#]]
(def function-name# #(attribute-key# %)))
The problem I am having is that def uses the generated symbol name instead of what it resolves to to define the function (which in hindsight makes sense given the usage of def). My attempts to use expressions with defining functions such as:
(let [x ['c-int :intelligence]]
(def (first x) #((second x) %)))
Have resulted in this error: CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: First argument to def must be a Symbol, compiling:(/tmp/form-init5664727540242288850.clj:2:1)
Any ideas on how I can achieve this?
There are ordinary manipulations that you do with the attributes parameter that don't need to be generated as forms:
splitting the attributes into attribute-pairs; and
defining the function to generate a def form for each pair.
Applying the above to your code, we get ...
(defmacro defattrs [& attributes]
(let [attribute-pairs (partition 2 attributes)]
(map (fn [[function-name attribute-key]]
`(def ~function-name #(~attribute-key %)))
The scope of the back-quote is restricted to the def we wish to generate.
The values of the function-name and attribute-key parameters of the function are inserted into the def form.
There is one problem remaining.
The result of the map is a sequence of def forms.
The first one will be interpreted as a function to
apply to the rest.
The solution is to cons a do onto the front of the sequence:
(defmacro defattrs [& attributes]
(let [attribute-pairs (partition 2 attributes)]
(cons 'do
(map (fn [[function-name attribute-key]]
`(def ~function-name ~attribute-key))
I've also abbreviated #(~attribute-key %) to the equivalent ~attribute-key within the back-quoted form.
Let's see what the expansion looks like:
(macroexpand-1 '(defattrs dooby :brrr))
;(do (def dooby :brrr))
Looks good. Let's try it!
(defattrs gosh :brrr)
(gosh {:brrr 777})
It works.
You have found the use-case for the back-quote and tilde. Just try this:
(let [x ['c-int :intelligence]]
(eval `(def ~(first x) #(~(second x) %))))
(def character {:name "Travis", :intelligence 20, :strength 23, :dexterity 13})
(c-int character) => 20
The back-quote is similar to the single-quote in that it makes the next form into a data structure of lists, symbols, etc. The difference is that the data structure is intended to be used as a template, where internal bits can be substituted using the tilde. The cool part is that the tilde doesn't just substitute items, but works for live code that can be any arbitrary Clojure expression.
I've defined a record with a bunch of fields--some of which are computed, some of which don't map directly to keys in the JSON data I'm ingesting. I'm writing a factory function for it, but I want to have sensible default/not-found values. Is there a better way that tacking on :or [field1 "" field2 "" field3 "" field4 ""...]? I could write a macro but I'd rather not if I don't have to.
There are three common idioms for implementing defaults in constructor functions.
:or destructoring
(defn make-creature [{:keys [type name], :or {type :human
name (str "unnamed-" (name type))}}]
;; ...
This is useful when you want to specify the defaults inline. As a bonus, it allows let style bindings in the :or map where the kvs are ordered according to the :keys vector.
(def default-creature-spec {:type :human})
(defn make-creature [spec]
(let [spec (merge default-creature-spec
;; ....
This is useful when you want to define the defaults externally, generate them at runtime and/or reuse them elsewhere.
Simple or
(defn make-creature [{:keys [type name]}]
(let [type (or type :human)
name (or name (str "unnamed-" (name type)))]
;; ...
This is as useful as :or destructoring but only those defaults are evaluated that are actually needed, i. e. it should be used in cases where computing the default adds unwanted overhead. (I don't know why :or evaluates all defaults (as of Clojure 1.7), so this is a workaround).
If you really want the same default value for all the fields, and they really have to be different than nil, and you don't want to write them down again, then you can get the record fields by calling keys on an empty instance, and then construct a map with the default values merged with the actual values:
(defrecord MyFancyRecord [a b c d])
(def my-fancy-record-fields (keys (map->MyFancyRecord {})))
;=> (:a :b :c :d)
(def default-fancy-fields (zipmap my-fancy-record-fields (repeat "")))
(defn make-fancy-record [fields]
(map->MyFancyRecord (merge default-fancy-fields
(make-fancy-record {})
;=> {:a "", :b "", :c "", :d ""}
(make-fancy-record {:a 1})
;=> {:a 1, :b "", :c "", :d ""}
To get the list of record fields you could also use the static method getBasis on your record class:
(def my-fancy-record-fields (map keyword (MyFancyRecord/getBasis)))
(getBasis is not part of the public records api so there are no guarantees it won't be removed in future clojure versions. Right now it's available in both clojure and clojurescript, it's usage is explained in "Clojure programming by Chas Emerick, Brian Carper, Christophe Grand" and it's also mentioned in this thread during a discussion about how to get the keys from a record. So, it's up to you to decide if it's a good idea to use it)
The more I think about this problem, the more wrong it seems...
I have defined in my program something like a 'map constructor'. The idea behind this is that I have a generic map structure to handle some 'items' but I want to enforce some defaults for specific kind of items.
The problem that I have is that this 'map constructor' has a k-v pair, and that pair's value should be determined by the function that consumes this map (it might get clearer in the following example).
My first idea was to quote an expression in the value and then do an eval on it in the said function. The second idea was to replace the value with a fn, but this seems to return something similar to the quoted expression.
Let me try to depict the problem:
The model resulting map should be something like {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3}
The constructor is something like
(defn cons-field [b]
{:a (fn [name] (str name "!"))
:b b
:c "default"})
The item is created (def a-field (cons-field 5))
The calling function that consumes the map is something like
(defn the-function [name field]
(str (get-in field [:a])))
Now what I need is this :a's value to be a function of the parameter name in 'the-function'. Of course the last function is not working and I'm not sure if it's the correct approach anyway. The ':a' key is not always a fn; sometimes it's just a string literal. Any ideas?
So this is how I solved this problem after the comments of A. Webb and Jeremy Heiler.
The initial constructor was changed to this:
(defn cons-field [b]
{:a nil ; either delete completely or comment that
; the case will be handled by the caller
:flag xx ; true or :case-qualifier
:b b
:c "default"})
The calling func was changed to this:
(defn the-function [name field]
(let [case-q (:flag field)]
(= case-q :case-qualifier) (get-name name) ; you can have many different cases
; conciser using constants for these qualifiers
(...) ()))) ; else as normal
Then the logic initially put in the map goes in a different func:
(defn get-name [name] (str name "!"))
Hope this helps someone else :)
It is not really possible to understand your problem based on what you have posted. All I can do for you is tell you what your provided code does and guess what you would want it to do.
(def r (cons-field 5)) creates a hash-map r with (r :b) = 5, (r :c) = "default" and (r :a) = (fn [name] (str name "!")). As you can see, neither the result of (r :a) nor the result of (r :c) is related to r or 5.
If the results described above is what you want, it would be only logical to do some refactoring:
(def default-field {:a (fn [name] (str name "!"))
:c "default"})
(def cons-field (partial assoc default-field :b))
Regarding the-function: A call to (get-in field [:a]) is the same as (field :a) and will return the function (fn [name] ...). the-function will stringify this fn using str and most likely return something like "user.fn$23092...."
If you want the-function to return the result of calling (fn [name] ...) with name as passed to the function, you need to change your the-function as follows:
(defn the-function
[name field]
(str ((field :a) name)))
If you want the function to return something else based on the actual value of :a, you could check if it is a function and invoke it with name, otherwise return the value.
(defn the-function
[name field]
(when-let [v (field :a)]
(or (when (fn? v)
(v name))
Reading from your own answer now I am even more confused what actual problem you are trying to solve, but I hope that this answer could provide help.
Clojure macro noob here. I have a function with some optional parameters, e.g.
(defn mk-foo [name & opt]
(vec (list* name opt)))
giving this:
user> (mk-foo "bar" 1 2 3)
["bar" 1 2 3]
I'm trying to write a macro which takes the same optional arguments and passes them transparently to an invocation of mk-foo. So far I have this:
(defmacro deffoo [name & opt]
`(def ~name ~(apply mk-foo (str name) opt)))
which has the desired effect:
user> (macroexpand '(deffoo bar 1 2 3))
(def bar ["bar" 1 2 3])
The use of apply to flatten the list opt feels clumsy. Is there an idiomatic way to do this? I'm guessing ~# is needed, but I can't get the quoting right. Many thanks.
Your intuition about using apply served you well in this case. When you have a quoted form ` and then unqote all of them it can help to think about moving the un-quoting down to the smallest part or the list. This avoids using code to generate forms that could be simply written.
user=> (defmacro deffoo [name & opt] `(def ~name [~(str name) ~#opt]))
user=> (macroexpand '(deffoo "bar" 1 2 3))
(def "bar" ["bar" 1 2 3])
and here it is with the call to mk-foo:
(defmacro deffoo [name & opt] `(def ~name (mk-foo ~(str name) ~#opt)))
user=> (macroexpand '(deffoo "bar" 1 2 3))
(def "bar" (user/mk-foo "bar" 1 2 3))
in this second case we move the ~ in one level and let the call to mk-foo stay quoted and only unquote the args required to build the parameter list (using splicing-unquote as you suspected)