Should I unit-test with data that should not be passed in a function (invalid input)? - unit-testing

I am trying to use TDD for my coding practice. I would like to ask should I test with a data that should not happen in a function BUT this data may possibly break your program.
Here is one of a easy example to illustrate to what I ask :
a ROBOT function that has a one INT parameter. In this function I know that the valid range would only be 0-100. If -1, 101 is used, the function will be break.
function ROBOT (int num){
return result;
So I decided some automated test cases for this function...
1. function ROBOT with input argument 0
2. function ROBOT with input argument 1
3. function ROBOT with input argument 10
4. function ROBOT with input argument 100
But should I write test cases with input argument -1 or 101 for this ROBOT function IF I would guard that in my other function that call function ROBOT???
5. function ROBOT with input argument -1
6. function ROBOT with input argument 101
I don't know if it is necessary cause I think it is redundancy to test -1 and 101. And If it is really necessary to cover all the cases, I have to write more code to guard -1 and 101.
So in Common practice of TDD, will you write test case on -1 and 101 as well???

Yes, you should test those invalid inputs. BUT, if your language has accessibility modifiers and ROBOT() is private you shouldn't be testing it; you should only test public functions/methods.
The functional testing technique is called Boundary Value Analysis.
If your range is 0-100, your boundary values are 0 and 100. You should test, at least:
below the boundary value
the boundary value
above the boundary value
In this case:
You assume everything below -1 to -infinity behaves the same, everything between 1-99 behaves the same and everything above 101 behaves the same. This is called Equivalence Partitioning. The ranges outside and between the boundary values are called partitions and you assume that they will have equivalent behaviour.
You should always consider using -1 as a test case to make sure nothing funny happens with negative numbers and a text string if the parameter is not strongly typed.

If the expected outcome is that an exception is thrown with invalid input values, then a test that the exceptions get properly thrown would be appropriate.
As I noted in my comment below, if these cases will break your application, you should throw an exception. If it really is logically impossible for these cases to occur, then I would say no, you don't need to throw an exception, and you don't need test cases to cover it.
Note that if your system is well componentized, and this function is one component, the fact that it is logically impossible now doesn't mean it will always be logically impossible. It may be used differently down the road.

In short, if it can break, then you should test it. Also validate data at the earliest point possible.
The answer depends on whether you control the inputs passed to Robot. If Robot is an internal class (C#) ; values only flow in from RobotClientX which is a public type. Then I'd put the guard checks in RobotClientX, write tests for it. I'd not write tests for Robot, because invalid values cannot materialize in-between.
e.g. if I put my validations in the GUI such that all invalid values are filtered off at the source, then I don't check for invalid values in all classes below the GUI (Unless I've also exposed a public API which bypasses the GUI).
On the other hand, if Robot is publicly visible i.e. Anyone can call Robot with any value that they please, then I need tests that document it's behavior given specific kinds of input.. invalid being one of them. e.g. if you pass an out-of-range value, it'd throw an ArgumentException.

You said your method will raise an exception if the argument is not valid.
So, yes you should, because you should test that the exception gets raised.

If other code guards against calling that method incorrectly, and no one else will be writing code to call that method, then I don't see a reason to test with invalid values. To me, it would seem a waste of time.

The programming by contract style of design and implementation draws attention to the fact that a single function (method) should be responsible for only some things, not for everything. The other functions that it calls (delegates to) and which call it also have responsibilities. This partition of responsibilities is at the heart of dividing the task of programming into smaller tasks that can be performed separately. The contract part of programming by contract is that the specification of a function says what a function must do if and only if the caller of the function fulfills the responsibilities placed on the caller by that specification. The requirement that the input integer is within the range [0,100] is that kind of requirement.
Now, unit tests should not test implementation details. They should test that the function conforms to its specification. This enables the implementation to change without the tests breaking. It makes refactoring possible.
Combining those two ideas, how can we write a test for a function that is given some particular invalid input? We should check that the function behaves according to the specification. But the specification does not say what the function must do in this case. So we can not write any checks of the program state after the invalid function call; the behaviour is undefined. So we can not write such a test at all.

My answer is that, no, you don't want exceptions, you don't want to have to have ROBOT() check for out of range input. The clients should be so well behaved that they don't pass garbage values in.
You might want to document this - Just say that clients must be careful about the values they pass in.
Besides where are you going to get invalid values from? Well, user input or by converting strings to numbers. But in those cases it should be the conversion routines that perform the checks and give feedback about whether the values are valid or not. The values should be guaranteed to be valid long before they get anywhere near ROBOT()!


How to express "don't care" value for a function/method argument in a test

I am preparing unit test cases, in which I am invoking methods with one or more arguments. For the purposes of a test case, exact values of certain arguments may not be important, as long as they are from an acceptable input range, or its sub-range (e.g. non-zero).
I want future readers of my test cases to understand my intent. I do not want them to spend time on figuring out why a certain value was used.
Has anyone established a solution to this? Do any testing frameworks provide abstractions for "don't care" values? Are there widespread coding conventions or techniques for that?
I am mostly interested in C, C++, and Python, but I believe that the question applies to many programming languages, and technologies.
One option is to use telling variable names.
If you have a valid number, you could call the variable aValidNumber or validNumber.
If it's any string, you could call the variable anyString.
If the value is, on the other hand, an invalid phone number, then use invalidPhoneNumber, or anInvalidPhoneNumber.
The book xUnit Test Patterns also suggests the name dummy to indicate a value that's only present to satisfy a compiler or interpreter.
You can also use Test Data Builders to make it clear to readers which values are important, and which ones aren't.
Property-based frameworks such as QuickCheck (there are ports to many languages) typically take this further and use an abstraction called Arbitrary, where an Arbitrary instance is, as the name implies, an arbitrary, randomly generated value.
"As long as they are from an acceptable input range" is not the same "don't care".
If a parameter value needs to be valid, but the actual value does not matter for the test case, I usually define the value as a constant or variable named as such, that it is clear to the reader that the value does not matter for the case. Example: A_VALID_USER_NAME, which communicates that the test case is about calling the function/method with a valid user name.

Unit testing for either/or conditions

The module I'm working on holds a list of items and has a method to locate and return an item from that list based on certain criteria. the specification states that "...if several matching values are found, any one may be returned"
I'm trying to write some tests with Nunit, and I can't find anything that allows me to express this condition very well (i.e. the returned object must be either A or B but I don't mind which)
Of course I could quite easily write code that sets a boolean to whether the result is as expected and then just do a simple assert on that boolean, but this whole question is making me wonder whether this is a "red flag" for unit testing and whether there's a better solution.
How do experienced unit testers generally handle the case where there are a range of acceptable outputs and you don't want to tie the test down to one specific implementation?
Since your question is in rather general form, I can only give a rather general answer, but for example...
Assert.That(someObject, Is.TypeOf<A>().Or.TypeOf<B>());
Assert.That(someObject, Is.EqualTo(objectA).Or.EqualTo(objectB));
Assert.That(listOfValidOjects, Contains.Item(someObject));
It depends on the details of what you are testing.
I am coming from Java, JUnit and parametrized tests, but it seems that nunit supports those as well (see here).
One could use that to generate values for your different variables (and the "generator" could keep track of the expected overall result, too).
Using that approach you might find ways to avoid "hard-coding" all the potential input value combinations (as said: by really generating them); but at least you should be able to write code where that information of different input values together with the expected result is more nicely "colocated" in your source code.

Unit testing with random data

I've read that generating random data in unit tests is generally a bad idea (and I do understand why), but testing on random data and then constructing a fixed unit test case from random tests which uncovered bugs seems nice. However I don't understand how to organize it nicely. My question is not related to a specific programming language or to a specific unit test framework actually, so I'll use python and some pseudo unit test framework. Here's how I see coding it:
def random_test_cases():
datasets = [
for dataset in datasets:
# and so on
The problem is: when this test case fails I can't figure out which dataset caused failure. I see two ways of solving it:
Create a single test case per dataset — the problem is load of test cases and code duplication.
Usually test framework lets us pass a message to assert functions (in my example I could do something like assertTrue(..., message = str(dataset))). The problem is that I should pass such a message to each assert, which does not look like elegant too.
Is there a simpler way of doing it?
I still think it's a bad idea.
Unit tests need to be straightforward. Given the same piece of code and the same unit test, you should be able to run it infinitely and never get a different response unless there's an external factor coming in to play. A goal contrary to this will increase maintenance cost of your automation, which defeats the purpose.
Outside of the maintenance aspect, to me it seems lazy. If you put thought in to your functionality and understand the positive as well as the negative test cases, developing unit tests are straightforward.
I also disagree with the user who shows how to do multiple tests cases inside of the same test case. When a test fails, you should be able to tell immediately which test failed and know why it failed. Tests should be as simple as you can make them and as concise/relevant to the code under test as possible.
You could define tests by extension instead of enumeration, or you could call multiple test cases from a single case.
calling multiple test cases from a single test case:
MyTest(1, "A")
MyTest(1, "B")
MyTest(2, "A")
MyTest(2, "B")
MyTest(3, "A")
MyTest(3, "B")
And there are sometimes elegant ways to achieve this with some testing frameworks. Here is how to do it in NUnit:
[Test, Combinatorial]
public void MyTest(
[Values(1,2,3)] int x,
[Values("A","B")] string s)
I also think it's a bad idea.
Mind you, not throwing random data at your code, but having unit tests doing that. It all boils down to why you unit test in the first place. The answer is "to drive the design of the code". Random data doesn't drive the design of the code, because it depends on a very rigid public interface. Mind you, you can find bugs with it, but that's not what unit tests are about. And let me note that I'm talking about unit tests, and not tests in general.
That being said, I strongly suggest taking a look at QuickCheck. It's Haskell, so it's a bit dodgy on presentation and a bit PhD-ish on documentation, but you should be able to figure it out. I'm going to summarize how it works, though.
After you pick the code you want to test (let's say the sort() function), you establish invariants which should hold. In this examples, you can have the following invariants if result = sort(input):.
Every element in result should be smaller than or equal to the next one.
Every element in input should be present in result the same number of times.
result and input should have the same length (this is repeats the previous, but let's have it for illustration).
You encode each variant in a simple function that takes the result and the output and checks whether those invariants code.
Then, you tell QuickCheck how to generate input. Since this is Haskell and the type system kicks ass, it can see that the function takes a list of integers and it knows how to generate those. It basically generates random lists of random integers and random length. Of course, it can be more fine-grained if you have a more complex data type (for example, only positive integers, only squares, etc.).
Finally, when you have those two, you just run QuickCheck. It generates all that stuff randomly and checks the invariants. If some fail, it will show you exactly which ones. It would also tell you the random seed, so you can rerun this exact failure if you need to. And as an extra bonus, whenever it gets a failed invariant, it will try to reduce the input to the smallest possible subset that fails the invariant (if you think of a tree structure, it will reduce it to the smallest subtree that fails the invariant).
And there you have it. In my opinion, this is how you should go about testing stuff with random data. It's definitely not unit tests and I even think you should run it differently (say, have CI run it every now and then, as opposed to running it on every change (since it will quickly get slow)). And let me repeat, it's a different benefit from unit testing - QuickCheck finds bugs, while unit testing drives design.
Usually the unit test frameworks support 'informative failures' as long as you pick the right assertion method.
However if everything else doesn't work, You could easily trace the dataset to the console/output file. Low tech but should work.
public Test.. (Dataset d)
// proceed with checks
In quickcheck for R we tried to solve this problem as follows
the tests are actually pseudo-random (the seed is fixed) so you can always reproduce your tests results (barring external factors, of course)
the test function returns enough data to reproduce the error, including the assertion that failed and the data that made it fail. A convenience function, repro, called on the return value of test will land you in the debugger at the beginning of the failing assertion, with arguments set to the witnesses of the failure. If the tests are executed in batch mode, equivalent information is stored in a file and the command to retrieve it is printed in stderr. Then you can call repro as before. Whether or not you program in R, I would love to know if this starts to address you requirements. Some aspects of this solution may be hard to implement in languages that are less dynamic or don't have first class functions.

how do I avoid re-implementing the code being tested when I write tests?

(I'm using rspec in RoR, but I believe this question is relevant to any testing system.)
I often find myself doing this kind of thing in my test suite:
actual_value = object_being_tested.tested_method(args)
expected_value = compute_expected_value(args)
assert(actual_value == expected_value, ...)
The problem is that my implementation of compute_expected_value() often ends up mimicking object_being_tested.tested_method(), so it's really not a good test because they may have identical bugs.
This is a rather open-ended question, but what techniques do people use to avoid this trap? (Points awarded for pointers to good treatises on the topic...)
Usually (for manually written unit tests) you would not compute the expected value. Rather, you would just assert against what you expect to be the result from the tested method for the given args. That is, you would have something like this:
actual_value = object_being_tested.tested_method(args)
expected_value = what_you_expect_to_be_the_result
assert(actual_value == expected_value, ...)
In other testing scenarios where the arguments (or even test methods being executed) are generated automatically, you need to devise a simple oracle which will give you the expected result (or an invariant that should hold for the expected result). Tools like Pex, Randoop, ASTGen, and UDITA enable such testing.
Well here are my two cents
a) if the calculation of the expected value is simple and does not encompass any business rules/conditions in there apart from the test case to which it is generating the expected result then it should be good enough... remember your actual code will be as generic as possible.
Well there are cases where you will run into issues in the expected method but you can easily pin point the cos of failure and fix it.
b) there are cases when the expected value cannot be easily calculated in that case probably have flat files with results or probably some kind of constant expected value as naturally you would want that.
Also then there are tests where in you just want to verify whether a particular method was called or not and you are done testing that unit.. remember to use all these different paradigms while testing and always remember KEEP IT SIMPLE
you would not do that.
you do not compute the expected value, you know it already. it should be a constant value defined in your test. (or is constructed from other functions that have already been tested.)

What type of input check can be performed against binary data in C++?

let's say I have a function like this in C++, which I wish to publish to third parties. I want to make it so that the user will know what happened, should he/she feeds invalid data in and the library crashes.
Let's say that, if it helps, I can change the interface as well.
int doStuff(unsigned char *in_someData, int in_data_length);
Apart from application specific input validation (e.g. see if the binary begins with a known identifier etc.), what can be done? E.g. can I let the user know, if he/she passes in in_someData that has only 1 byte of data but passes in 512 as in_data_length?
Note: I already asked a similar question here, but let me ask from another angle..
It cannot be checked whether the parameter in_data_length passed to the function has the correct value. If this were possible, the parameter would be redundant and thus needless.
But a vector from the standard template library solves this:
int doStuff(const std::vector<unsigned char>& in_someData);
So, there is no possibility of a "NULL buffer" or an invalid data length parameter.
If you would know how many bytes passed by in_someData why would you need in_data_length at all?
Actually, you can only check in_someData for NULL and in_data_length for positive value. Then return some error code if needed. If a user passed some garbage to your function, this problem is obviously not yours.
In C++, the magic word you're looking for is "exception". That gives you a method to tell the caller something went wrong. You'll end up with code something like
doStuff(unsigned char * inSomeData, int inDataLength) throws Exception {
// do a test
if(inDataLength == 0)
throw new Exception("Length can't be 0");
// only gets here if it passed the test
// do other good stuff
return theResult;
Now, there's another problem with your specific example, because there's no universal way in C or C++ to tell how long an array of primitives really is. It's all just bits, with inSomeData being the address of the first bits. Strings are a special case, because there's a general convention that a zero byte ends a string, but you can't depend on that for binary data -- a zero byte is just a zero byte.
This has currently picked up some downvotes, apparently by people misled by the comment that exception specifications had been deprecated. As I noted in a comment below, this isn't actually true -- while the specification will be deprecated in C++11, it's still part of the language now, so unless questioner is a time traveler writing in 2014, the throws clause is still the correct way to write it in C++.
Also note that the original questioner says "I want to make it so that the user will know what happened, should he/she feeds [sic] invalid data in and the library crashes." Thus the question is not just what can I do to validate the input data (answer: not much unless you know more about the inputs than was stated), but then how do I tell the caller they screwed up? And the answer to that is "use the exception mechanism" which has certainly not been deprecated.