invalid memory when using classes from a dll - c++

this is the first time I've tried to export a class from a dll.
what I've done is:
- crated an interface (only pure virtual methods)
- implemented this interface in the dll with a class that wont be exported
- the class has a release method that calls delete on its this pointer
- created a Factory class with a static method that returns a pointer to the concrete class but as the interface. this class is exported.
- the deletion of the returned object is done by calling its release method.
I tuck all this from this tutorial about classes in dlls.
The problem is that when I use this dll in another project everything goes ok until I call the release function on the object.
Then it shows an assertion failed window with the message "_ASSERTE(_BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID(pHead->nBlockUse));"
Did this happened to anybody else?
I know this is as simple as forgetting to use std:: when you start C++ , but as I said I just started this.

Is your factory function defined in the header? If it is, and the new for creating the object is in the header then calling delete from within the DLL can cause this error. The factory function needs to be exported by the DLL, only the declaration must appear in the header.
For instance, your header should look line this:
class MyInterface
virtual void DoSomething() = 0;
virtual ~MyInterface() {}
__declspec(dllexport) MyInterface * __stdcall MyInterfaceFactory();
The implementation of MyInterfaceFactory() must be contained within the DLL.

Thanks for your answers, and I'm sorry I started this for nothing!
The problem was very simple but hidden behind the interfaces , factory , and some other stuff.
I was returning a pointer to an object that was declared as static because it has to be a singleton. Then I was trying to release this object. BANG heap corruption!!
My singleton object shouldn't have a release function in the first place;
I'll solve this by extracting the release function in a separate interface , that will be implemented only by non static objects.


Correctly defining DLL-interfaces with C++11/14

I've read several times that passing STL objects like vector and string outside of a DLL boundary is bad practice because different compiler versions can generate different code for STL objects. Therefore, you should design a C-style interface and not pass STL objects at all. However, there are still some things unclear to me:
1. What is the 'boundary' of a DLL?
Is it right to say, that the boundary is where code is beeing compiled on DLL side? What if I define a .h file inside a DLL (f.e. to write a factory class) and use that header file in a different project? Is that .h file inside or outside the boundary of the DLL and why?
2. What is contained in a DLL?
Let' say I have a class Foo:
class Foo
__declspec(dllexport) void f1(); //instantiates v1 inside function
unique_ptr<vector<int>> v1 = nullptr;
If I only mark the function f1() with __declspec(dllexport), only this function should be contained in the DLL. How does the code inside f1() know what v1 is if v1 isn't contained in the DLL?
3. Passing objects out of a DLL-boundary using unique_ptr
I'm using unique_ptr almost everytime in my project. From what I understand, returning a unique_ptr from a DLL would be bad practice because unique_ptr is an STL object. How can I instantiate an object inside the DLL and return a unique_ptr to it?
4. Why does defining interfaces or using PIMPL help to define an DLL interface?
I still have to convert my STL classes to C-style objects. And in the project using the DLL, I would have to somehow wrap the C-style objects inside STL classes again. I don't see any advantage of using interfaces or PIMPL in this case.
Also, if I define an interface (class with pure virtual functions), wouldn't this have the same effect as just declaring the functions in my class with __declspec(dllexport)?
class IFoo
virtual ~IFoo() = 0 {};
virtual void f1() = 0;
class Foo : public IFoo
void f1();
//__declspec(dllexport) void f1(); //why use an interface if I can just declare the functions like this?
How is the DLL-STL problematic solved in modern C++ 11/14 libraries? Are there any modern open-source libraries that I can have a look at?
Unfortunately STL types aren't consistent across compilers. Even different versions of Visual Studio have differences.
The boundary is where the code is compiled. If you have an implementation in a header file in your library, then the compiler used to compile the EXE will compile the code. This is potentially very bad because what the code in the EXE thinks is the data is different to what the code in the DLL thinks is the data. (You need to look out for differences like this especially if you have #ifs in a struct definition and you need to be explicit about packing).
The only way to be sure is to define all your own types (being careful of packing) and not use STL. This is what DLL libraries usually do.
Interfaces can enable the user to dynamically link to the library. Using __declspec(dllexport) requires a static linking; that is the EXE has to link to the .lib generated when you compiled the DLL to be able to access all the functions. This means amongst other things you can't update the DLL without the EXE having to be recompiled (probably - you can get away with this in some circumstances, but it's not a good idea).
By dynamically linking you can update the DLL or add functionality to the DLL without relinking the EXE as long as you don't change your interfaces. The EXE might call LoadLibrary() on the DLL and GetProcAddress() to access one function that returns an interface. Everything else including data types passed as parameters are interfaces (i.e. contain only pure virtual functions) or simple structs. This is how the basic level of COM works.
To answer question 2, when you declare something as __declspec(dllexport) you are stating that this is part of the interface to the DLL - something that is accessible to the component that loads the DLL. Anything declared without __declspec(dllexport) should be present within the DLL but will not be available to be called/used by an external component.

Calling QPluginLoader::staticInstances from the constructor of a class instantiated as a static local crashes

I have a singleton class for the purpose of loading Qt plugins instantiated as a static local:
LibraryManager* LibraryManager::instance()
static LibraryManager manager;
return &manager;
I'm getting "__cxa_guard_acquire(): initializer for function local static variable called enclosing function" in the console whenever QPluginLoader::staticInstances() is hit in the constructor of LibraryManager. What does this mean exactly, and how can I fix this?
According to this source, you have somehow managed to recurse back to the same function local in the same thread. Isn't your library manager a plugin itself, by chance? :)
I don't know what it means, but my gut feeling is that an oldschool singleton could fix it. That is having a pointer to instance as class member initialized to null and do a lazy check in instance() call. I understand that it requires implementing a static release method and finding a proper place to call it. But it would bypass the function local, which is what your error message complains about.
This was just a brain error.
My plugin class was inheriting from the class actually used by library clients (which calls into manager, which instantiates plugins, whose constructors call manager... you can see where that leads), when it should have inherited from a different class that only calls manager from member functions (not its constructor).
tl;dr I typed the wrong class name, but didn't think I did so I dismissed that part of the code as possibly containing the issue.

Exporting C++ classes from DLL

I came across this article on Code Project that talks about using an abstract interface as an alternative to exporting an entire class from a C++ DLL to avoid name mangling issues. The author has a Release() method in his interface definition that is supposed to be called by the user to free the class object's resources after using it. To automate the calling of this method the author also creates an std::auto_ptr<T>-like class that calls the Release() method before deleting the object.
I was wondering whether the following approach would work instead:
#include <memory>
#if defined(XYZLIBRARY_EXPORT) // inside DLL
# define XYZAPI __declspec(dllexport)
#else // outside DLL
# define XYZAPI __declspec(dllimport)
// The abstract interface for Xyz object.
// No extra specifiers required.
struct IXyz
virtual int Foo(int n) = 0;
//No Release() method, sub-class' destructor does cleanup
//virtual void Release() = 0;
virtual ~IXyz() {}
// Factory function that creates instances of the Xyz object.
// Private function, do not use directly
extern "C" XYZAPI IXyz* __stdcall GetXyz_();
#define GetXyz() std::auto_ptr<IXyz>( GetXyz_() )
Of course, GetXyz() can be a global function defined in the header instead of a #define. The advantage to this method would be that we don't need to cook up our own derivative of auto_ptr that calls the Release() method.
Thanks for your answers,
by doing this, you risk calling delete (in your process, within auto_ptr's destructor) on an object that is not created by the matching call to new() (that is done inside the factory function, hence inside the dll). Trouble guaranteed, for instance when your dll is compiled in release mode while the calling process in debug mode.
The Release() method is better.
This is exactly how COM works. Avoiding re-inventing this wheel if you already target the Win32 API. Using smart pointers to store COM interface pointers is very common in Windows programming, their destructor calls the Release() method. Take a peek at the MSDN docs for _com_ptr_t and CComPtr for ideas.
The restriction you face if this is a public API is the CRT that the different modules will be linked against and that the CRT that creates the object also needs to be the one to delete it.
There will be a mess if you don't choose the right CRT
Anything sharing memory management should use CRT (or other memory allocation) as external lib - ie. MSVC: Multi-threaded DLL (/MD)
Given that, then there is not even a need for the subclass to achieve your purpose.

C++: Dynamically loading classes from dlls

For my current project I want to be able to load some classes from a dll (which is not always the same, and may not even exist when my app is compiled). There may also be several alternative dll's for a given class (eg an implementation for Direct3D9 and one for OpenGL), but only one of the dlls will be loaded/used at any one time.
I have a set of base classes that define the interface plus some basic methods/members (ie the ones for refrence counting) of the classes I want to load, which the dll projects then derive from when creating there classes.
//in namespace base
class Sprite : public RefCounted//void AddRef(), void Release() and unsigned refCnt
virtual base::Texture *GetTexture()=0;
virtual unsigned GetWidth()=0;
virtual unsigned GetHeight()=0;
virtual float GetCentreX()=0;
virtual float GetCentreY()=0;
virtual void SetCentre(float x, float y)=0;
virtual void Draw(float x, float y)=0;
virtual void Draw(float x, float y, float angle)=0;
virtual void Draw(float x, float y, float scaleX, flota scaleY)=0;
virtual void Draw(float x, float y, float scaleX, flota scaleY, float angle)=0;
The thing is I'm not sure how to do it all so that the executable and other dlls can load and use these classes since ive only ever used dlls where there was only one dll and I could have the Visual Studio linker sort it all out using the .lib file I get when compileing dll's.
I dont mind using factory methods for instancing the classes, many of them do already by design (Ie a sprite class is created by the main Graphics class, eg Graphics->CreateSpriteFromTexture(base::Texture*)
When I needed to write some c++ dlls for use in python I used a library called pyCxx. The resulting dll basicly only exported one method, which created an instance of the "Module" class, which could then contain factory methods to create other classes etc.
The resulting dll could be imported in python just with "import [dllname]".
//dll compiled as cpputill.pyd
extern "C" void initcpputill()//only exported method
static CppUtill* cpputill = new CppUtill;
class CppUtill : public Py::ExtensionModule<CppUtill>
: Py::ExtensionModule<CppUtill>("cpputill")
add_varargs_method("ExampleClass",&CppUtill::ExampleClassFactory, "ExampleClass(), create instance of ExampleClass");
add_varargs_method("HelloWorld", &CppUtill::HelloWorld, "HelloWorld(), print Hello World to console");
initialize("C Plus Plus module");
class ExampleClass
static void init_type()
behaviors().doc ("example class");
add_varargs_method("Random", &ExampleClass::Random, "Random(), get float in range 0<=x<1");
How exactly does that work, and could I use it in a purely c++ enviroment to solve my problem here?
Easiest way to do this, IMHO, is to have a simple C function that returns a pointer to an interface described elsewhere. Then your app, can call all of the functions of that interface, without actually knowing what class it is using.
Edit: Here's a simple example.
In your main app code, you create a header for the interface:
class IModule
virtual ~IModule(); // <= important!
virtual void doStuff() = 0;
Main app is coded to use the interface above, without any details on the actual implementation of the interface.
class ActualModule: public IModule
/* implementation */
Now, the modules - the DLL's have the actual implementations of that interface, and those classes don't even have to be exported - __declspec (dllexport) isn't needed. The only requirement for the modules is to export a single function, that would create and return an implementation of the interface:
__declspec (dllexport) IModule* CreateModule()
// call the constructor of the actual implementation
IModule * module = new ActualModule();
// return the created function
return module;
note: error checking left out - you'd usually want to check, if new returned the correct pointer and you should protect yourself from the exceptions that might be thrown in the constructor of the ActualModule class.
Then, in your main app, all you need is to simply load the module (LoadLibrary function) and find the function CreateModule (GetProcAddr function). Then, you use the class through the interface.
Edit 2: your RefCount (base class of the interface), can be implemented in (and exported from) the main app. Then all your module would need to link to the lib file of the main app (yes! EXE files can have LIB files just like DLL files!) And that should be enough.
You are re-inventing COM. Your RefCounted class is IUnknown. Your abstract class is an interface. A COM server in a DLL has an entrypoint named DllGetClassObject(), it is a class factory. There is lots of documentation available from Microsoft on COM, poke around a bit to see how they did it.
[Edit: whilst I was composing all this, Paulius Maruška edited his comment to say basically the same. So apologies for any duplication. Though I suppose you've now got one for spare :)]
Off the top of my head, and assuming Visual C++...
You need to use LoadLibrary to load a DLL in dynamically, then use GetProcAddress to retrieve from it the address of a function that will create the actual derived class that the DLL code implements. How you decide to do this precisely is up to you (the DLLs need finding, the way the expose their functionality needs specifying, etc.) so for now let's assume that plugins only provides new Sprite implementations.
To do this, decide on the signature of the function in the DLL that the main program will call to create one of these new sprites. This one looks suitable:
typedef Sprite *(*CreateSpriteFn)();
Then, from the main program, you'll have to load a DLL (again, how you find this DLL is up to you) and get the sprite creation function from it. I've decided that the sprite creation function will be called "CreateSprite":
HMODULE hDLL=LoadLibrary(pDLLName);
CreateSpriteFn pfnCreateSprite=CreateSpriteFn(GetProcAddress(hDLL,"CreateSprite"));
Then to actually create one of these, just call the function:
Sprite *pSprite=(*pfnCreateSprite)();
Once you are done with the DLL and there are no objects left that were created by it, you then use FreeLibrary to get rid of it:
To create a DLL that sports this interface, write the code for the derived class and so on then somewhere in the DLL code provide the CreateSprite function that the calling program needs, using the appropriate signature:
extern "C"
Sprite *CreateSprite()
return new MyNewSprite;
The dllexport thing means that you can use GetProcAddress to pick this function up by name, and the extern "C" ensures that the name is unmangled and doesn't end up as "CreateSprite#4" or something like.
Two other notes:
GetProcAddress returns 0 if it couldn't find the function, so you can use this to scan through a list of DLLs (e.g., returned from FindFirstFile and friends) looking for DLLs that support the interface, and/or try to find multiple entry points and support multiple types per plugin.
if the main program is going to delete the sprite using the delete operator, this requires that both DLL and main program are built using the same runtime library, so that the main program's delete and the DLL's new are both using the same heap. You can work around this to some extent by having the DLL provide a DeleteSprite function, that deletes the sprite using the DLL's runtime library rather than the main program's, but you still have to take care about the rest of your program, so you may just want to force DLL writers to use the same runtime library as your program. (I wouldn't say you'd be in good company by doing this, but it's not uncommon. 3D Studio MAX requires this, for example.)
Perhaps you want to look into DLL Delay-Loading ( - this will give you what you want without having to work too hard for it

Exporting DLL C++ Class , question about .def file

I want to use implicit linking in my project , and nmake really wants a .def file . The problem is , that this is a class , and I don't know what to write in the exports section .
Could anyone point me in the right direction ?
The error message is the following :
NMAKE : U1073: don't know how to make 'DLLCLASS.def'
P.S: I'm trying to build using Windows CE Platform Builder .
If I recall correctly, you can use __declspec(dllexport) on the class, and VC++ will automatically create exports for all the symbols related to the class (constructors/destructor, methods, vtable, typeinfo, etc).
Microsoft has more information on this here.
You can always find the decorated name for the member function by using dumpbin /symbols myclass.obj
in my case
class A {
A( int ){}
the dumpbin dump showed the symbol ??0A##QAE#H#Z (public: __thiscall A::A(int))
Putting this symbol in the .def file causes the linker to create the A::A(int) symbol in the export symbols.
BUT! as #paercebal states in his comment: the manual entry of decorated (mangled) names is a chore - error prone, and sadly enough, not guarenteed to be portable across compiler versions.
I've found the best route to be an abstract factory.
Start by defining a purely virtual base class. This is a class with no implementation, a purely virtual interface class.
You can export this virtual base "abstract interface" class, but there's no real reason to do so. When the caller uses it, they will be using it through a pointer (PImpl, or Pointer to Implementation) so all the caller knows about is a simple memory address. A Def file, while a teensy bit more work to keep up with, provides benefits beyond what __declspec(dllexport) can attain. What benefits, you ask? We'll get to that, you just wait.
Have your real class publicly inherit from the virtual base. Now create a factory method to construct your object and a "release"ish callable destructor to perform cleanup. Name these methods something like "ConstructMyClass" and "ReleaseMyClass". Please, please replace "MyClass" :-)
Those factory / release methods should take only POD types if they need any paramaters (plain-old-data: integer, char, etc.). The return type should be your virtual abstract interface base class -- or rather, a pointer to it.
IMyClass* CreateAnObjectOfTypeIMyClass();
Perhaps it's now obvious why we need the virtual base class? Since the virtual interface class has no implementation, it's essentially all POD types (sort-of) so the "datatype" of the class can be understood by most callers like Visual Basic, C or vastly different C++ compilers.
If you're sufficiently fancy, you can get around the need for a "manual release" method (sorry, had to do it). How? Manage your own resources in the class through smart-pointers and a pImpl type of architecture so when the object dies, it will clean up after itself. Doing so means your class is, in the immortal words of our saint and saviour Scott Meyers, "easy to use correctly and hard to use incorrectly" by letting the caller disregard the need to clean up. Let those among us who have never forgotten to call ".close" cast the first stone.
Maybe this architecture sounds familiar? It should, it's basically a micromachine version of COM. Well, sort-of, at least the concept for interface, factory construction and release.
In the end you've exported the interface for your class, made (and exported) Create and Destroy methods, and now callers can invoke your PleaseConstructMyClass factory function to have your DLL return a fully constructed, fully implemented and fully baked object under the guise of its interface. They can call down to all the public methods of your class (at least the ones in your abstract virtual interface) and do all the fun stuff.
When they are finished with the object which was returned by the factory function, then they can call a "ReleaseMyClass" function to ask your DLL to clean up the object's resources, or you can help them along by making your class clean up itself, making the "ReleaseMyClass" method redundant and useless.
If anyone's interested in the specific gains & tradeoffs for using the Def file and the interface (besides my blind say-so), please pipe up and we can dig deeper.
Don't you just love this stuff?
The solution is the following :
since a class is exported,you also need to add the exported methods in the .def file
I didn't find out how to export a constructor , so I went with using a factory method ( static ) , which will return new instances of an object
the other functions will be exported by adding normal exporting declaration in the .def file
Hope someone will benefit from this information .