How to debug template arguments at compile-time? - c++

I have a piece of code that pretty much reduces down to:
template<class T> struct MyStruct; // No definition by default
template<class T> struct MyStruct<T *> { ... }; // Specialization for pointers
Now somewhere in my code, I'm getting an instantiation of MyStruct<T> that happens to be undefined (no C++0x/011, no Boost... nothing fancy, just plain C++03):
error C2027: use of undefined type 'MyStruct<T>'
The trouble is, I have no idea where this is being caused, because the code that's doing the instantiation is itself a template, and called from numerous places, with different arguments.
Is there a way to somehow figure out what T is at compile-time, so I can understand the error messages better?
(Sorry, I forgot to mention: Visual Studio 2008.)

I believe you're using MSVC++, if so, then see the output window, it might have more info printed, especially the line number along with the filename. Once you know the file and line number, you can start from there.
Output window usually prints everything, like how and with what template argument(s), a template is instantiated. Everything step by step. Those messages are very useful when debugging.
As you found yourself, enabling /WL prints more detail messages in the output window.

I know you said no C++11, but you may want to consider, since C++03 code is backwards compatible in all C++11 compliant compilers, to use the static_assert feature of C++11 to debug your code ... if you must do the final compile with a C++03 compiler, then you can always create a #define and use the #ifdef and #endif pre-processor macros to make sure that the static_assert feature does not cause problems in earlier compilers that do not support C++11 features.
See the MSDN docs here for more info.


Is the c++ code in standard library all valid c++?

Just out of curiosity, I looked at how std::is_pointer is implemented and saw stuff like this (one of multiple overloads):
template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_pointer_v<_Ty*> = true;
which if I copy and paste into my code and compile says constexpr is not valid here. What is happening?
Is it possible to implement structs like std::is_pointer and std::is_reference by us? (Not that I would, just curious so please don't come at me)
MRE with msvc 2019:
template <class _Ty>
inline constexpr bool is_pointer_v<_Ty*> = true;
int main()
Error: error C7568: argument list missing
after assumed function template 'is_pointer_v'
To answer the question in the title:
No, standard library code does not need to adhere to the language rules for user code. Technically it doesn't even need to be implemented in C++, but could e.g. be directly integrated into the compiler.
However, practically the standard library code is always compiled by the compiler just as user code is, so it will not use any syntax constructs that the compiler would reject for user code. It will however use compiler-specific extensions and guarantees that user code should not generally rely on. And there are also some reservations made specifically to the standard library implementation in the standard.
For example, the snippet you are showing from the standard library implementation is not valid user code, because _Ty is a reserved identifier that may not be used by user code, because it starts with an underscore followed by an uppercase letter. Such identifiers are specifically reserved to the standard library implementation. For this reason alone most standard library code will not be valid user code.
You are using a partial template specialization here. You need a complete declaration of the template to get that code to compile, like this:
template <class _Ty>
inline constexpr bool is_pointer_v = false;
template <class _Ty>
inline constexpr bool is_pointer_v<_Ty*> = true;
See here for example code
To answer your questions, the STL implementation requires specific C++ primitives that the compiler implements to support the required API. You can't have a constexpr version of the STL if the compiler does not implement it.
It's not possible to implement the complete STL without some compiler specifics code and the operating system's primitives. This is different from system to system (you can't use the STL implementation of linux on windows for example). It relies on undefined behavior, and many optimization which are known to be right for that specific compiler.
For example, you can't implement type punning (i.e converting from float* to int* and dereferencing) without UB in C++ (see here and here)
You have to rely on memcpy, but that can't be implemented without UB code (that is well defined if you write the compiler, BTW), since memcpy is accessing the memory likely not in the initial type that it's declared.
Yet, you can always copy & paste the STL code from your system and it'll always build correctly on your compiler.

Specialised template *not* asserting despite compile time constant static_assert

For a few days I've been using and testing my application without any trouble using the following code:
class dataHandler
template<class T>
T GetData(bool truncate = false) { static_assert(false, "Unhandled output type"); }
int GetData<int>(bool truncate)
// Normal stuff that compiles
This (As I expected at the time) works fine as long as no implicit instantiation of GetData's default is performed. However, today after adding a new failing specialisation for void* specifically (I wanted a different error) I discovered it wouldn't compile due to the assertion, even though the `void* spec was never called or mentioned in code.
I started a new C++ test project (with the same C++ version, MSVC version, and VS2022 version) and found this also doesn't compile for the same reason:
template<class T>
T Spec()
static_assert(false, "default");
int Spec<int>()
return 1;
I was unable to replicate the original 'success' in anything I tried within the test project, and the failing GetData<void*> assert in the initial project seems to indicate that it's not a project config / difference in toolset issue.
After some searching I discovered that it failing was the intended (or otherwise expected) behaviour, as well as a workaround for it.
However I find myself wondering why the initial case of static_assert(false) didn't also fail to compile. Is this some niche exception, or is this an issue with MSVC's consistency?
However I find myself wondering why the initial case of static_assert(false) didn't also fail to compile. Is this some niche exception, or is this an issue with MSVC's consistency?
It's certainly not an inconsistency. The key part here is "Standard conformance mode", controllable with the compiler option /permissive-. See the documentation of this compiler option.
The reason that MSVC from before VS2017 used to accept your static_assert(false, ...), is because it postponed parsing the contents of a function template until template instantiation. That is just how the parser used to work, and also why features like two-phase name lookup could never be properly implemented. I'll refer you to this blog post for more background on this.
You can easily try it for yourself. Even if the function contains ill-formed code that shouldn't even parse correctly, the compiler doesn't complain as long as the template isn't being instantiated:
template<class T>
void foo()
Normally this should not (never actually (compile)) but it does anyway
It appears to do some basic paranthesis matching and that is it. The token stream is recorded and parsed when foo is instantiated (usually when called).
In order to fix two-phase lookup (and other conformance issues), they had to fix the compiler and parse the code whenever a function template is encountered, rather than being instantiated. But now they have a problem, because a lot of old code might be reliant on the old compiler behavior that suddenly doesn't compile anymore. So they introduced the /permissive- option for users to opt-in into standard conformance mode. And gradually the default was changed for new projects or certain compiler options, as can be read in the documentation:
The /permissive- option is implicitly set by the /std:c++latest option starting in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8, and in version 16.11 by the /std:c++20 option. /permissive- is required for C++20 Modules support. Perhaps your code doesn't need modules support but requires other features enabled under /std:c++20 or /std:c++latest. You can explicitly enable Microsoft extension support by using the /permissive option without the trailing dash. The /permissive option must come after any option that sets /permissive- implicitly.
By default, the /permissive- option is set in new projects created by Visual Studio 2017 version 15.5 and later versions. It's not set by default in earlier versions. When the option is set, the compiler generates diagnostic errors or warnings when non-standard language constructs are detected in your code. These constructs include some common bugs in pre-C++11 code.
Which brings us to the answer to your question. You weren't seeing it in your original code because you were compiling without /permissive-. In your test project, created in VS2022, /permissive- mode was set by default so it failed to compile. It also fails to compile in an explicit specialization (your void* case) because at that point the template arguments are known and the function is instantiated.
There are a couple of ways to properly fix your code. One is by explicitely deleting the main template and any specialiation you don't want to have.
template<class T> void foo() = delete;
template<> void foo<void*>() = delete;
template<> void foo<int>()
// ...
This will make any use of the explicitely deleted variants ill-formed, without having the option to include an error message. Of course the void* case is a bit redundant in this example.
If you want to stick to static_assert, you must make the condition for the assert dependent on the template arguments. If you are compiling with C++17, you could do:
template<class...> constexpr bool always_false = false;
template<class T> void foo()
static_assert(always_false<T>, "your error here");
If using C++14 or earlier, you could wrap the always_false into a struct template:
#include <type_traits>
template<class...> struct always_false : false_type { };
template<class T> void foo()
static_assert(always_false<T>::value, "your error here");

Why is LLDB's print (or p) command so limited?

When I first heard about it, it sounded like a great featureā€”a c++ REPL. However, it cannot call STL functions or methods, and has a whole lot of other issues. This question also applies to conditional breakpoints.
Is it still an experimental feature, or have the developers just dropped it?
(lldb) p iterator->aField
error: call to a function 'std::__1::__wrap_iter<aClass const*>::operator->() const' ('_ZNKSt3__111__wrap_iterIPK8aClassEptEv') that is not present in the target
error: 0 errors parsing expression
error: The expression could not be prepared to run in the target
At present, there's no good way for the debugger to generate methods of template specializations for which the compiler only emitted inlined versions. And the debugger can't call inlined methods.
Here's one limited trick (though it requires C++11) that you can use to force the compiler to generate full copies of the relevant template class so that there are functions the debugger can call. For instance, if I put:
template class std::vector<int>;
in my source code somewhere, the compiler will generate real copies of all the functions in the int specialization of std::vector. This obviously isn't a full solution, and you should only do this in debug builds or it will bloat your code. But when there are a couple of types that you really call methods on, its a useful trick to know.
You mention a "whole lot of other issues". Please file bugs on any expression parser issues you find in lldb, either with the lldb bugzilla:, or Apple's bug reporter: The expression parser is under active development

Why isn't using #define to hide unique_ptr ugliness working here?

What is wrong with the following "trick" for hiding unique_ptr ugliness?
class Drawable;
typedef unique_ptr<Drawable> pDrawable;
#define newDrawable(...) pDrawable(new Drawable (##__VA_ARGS__))
The first two are fine. But the third one is causing an error in VS2012:
23 IntelliSense: "std::unique_ptr<_Ty, _Dx>::unique_ptr(const std::unique_ptr<_Ty, _Dx>::
_Myt &) [with _Ty=Drawable, _Dx=std::default_delete<Drawable>]" (declared at line 1447 of
"C:\vs2012\VC\include\memory") is inaccessible file.h 36 26
I don't see why this wouldn't work, unless I am misunderstanding how C++ define macros work. I thought that it would simply replace this code:
newDrawable(a, b, c)
unique_ptr<Drawable>(new Drawable(a, b, c));
I understand that unique_ptr cannot be copied, but I am not copying it, here. Am I?
I have received some requests for "use" of the macro in question:
If I were to use it, it would be used as follows:
pDrawable myDraw = newDrawable();
which I would want to translate to:
unique_ptr<Drawable> myDraw = unique_ptr<Drawable>(new Drawable());
However, I cannot even compile the macro without visual studio giving the below error. It's as if something in the #define is impermissible, per se. The error is returned on the line where I make the define, not where I call the define.
See here for why make_unique doesn't work: make_unique does not compile
I have answered the question below. The code above does compile, and work.
Well, #define is, IMHO, a huge problem because it doesn't obey scoping rules and they do simple textual substitution that can sometimes have surprising results. I consider preprocessor macros to be the last resort when I need to get something done.
It would be much better to define a template like make_shared that returned a unique_ptr<T>. This is allowable because you could then move it into place.
auto a_drawable = make_unique<Drawable>(a, b, c);
template <typename T, typename... Args>
::std::unique_ptr<T> make_unique(Args&&... args)
return ::std::unique_ptr<T>{new T(::std::forward<Args>(args)...)};
That's much cleaner than the macro, and it works for any non-array type. Which is a problem. It can be made to work for array types as well, but that code is a bit more complex, and rather than repeat it, I'll just point at the answer a helpful commenter referred me to:
make_unique and perfect forwarding
As for why you're getting the error you do when you use your macro, I'm not sure. It looks like you're using your macro in some context where the result gets turned into a const ::std::unique_ptr<Drawable> &, and then tries to move construct it into a different pDrawable. This won't work. Why that's happening, I don't know. It depends crucially on the context in which you're using the macro, and you haven't provided that.
And that just highlights my first point. One reason macros are really ugly because they are simple textual substitution and their meaning can change depending on context.
Make sure you actually use the macro, and everything will be ok.
Apparently, in an attempt to validate #define macros, VC++ checks your actual use of the macro. If there is no actual use of the macro compiled, VC++ tries to "understand" it, and can throw compiler errors.
Magically, if I add:
pDrawable myDraw = newDrawable();
After my code above, the error disappears.
Sorry for wasting everyone's time. At least this inspired me to read the following article:

Detect template presence at compilation time

GCC up to 4.5 doesn't have standard C++0x type trait template has_nothrow_move_constructor. I could use it in my package for optimization, but I don't want to rule out one of the common compilers and don't want to overload configuration with symbols like HAVE_STD_HAS_NOTHROW_MOVE_CONSTRUCTOR. Is it somehow possible to use that template if present and just fall back to copying if not present without using any predefined configuration symbols? I also don't want to depend on Boost, since my library is small and doesn't need Boost for any other reasons.
In pseudocode, I need something like:
template <typename type>
struct has_nothrow_move_constructor_robust
: public integral_constant <bool,
/* if possible */ has_nothrow_move_constructor <type>::value
/* otherwise */ false>
{ };
Since move constructors are only for C++0x anyway, I don't mind using other C++0x features for the above definition, if at all possible.
boost::variant has an implementation of has_nothrow_move for its own internal use - you could use that, although it's not as reliable as a proper compiler implementation would be. The source for it is here - I don't know how reliable it is, so YMMV.
Apart from that, you could test compiler version macros (__GNUC__ and __GNUC_MINOR__) to determine presence, and stub it out if not present. Unfortunately it seems has_nothrow_move_constructor isn't supported in any released version of G++ yet, so you'll have to wait a bit before you'll know the right version to use.