boost::circular_buffer increment begin pointer without use push_back() - c++

I just want to increment pointer of boost::circular_buffer container without use of push_back() method. I saw an increment() method but it is in private section. I need write directly to circular buffer, because it is faster than I prepare the data and insert to buffer using push_back().
This is what I have now. It is slow because two copies are involved every time I push_back():
struct big_data_block
char data[100000];
boost::circular_buffer<big_data_block> m_buffer(8);
void FillBuffer()
big_data_block block;
This is what I want, but function like IncrementBackPointer() does not exist.
void FillBuffer()
ReadFromAnywhere(buffer.end() - 1);


How to take ownership of an object while looping over std::vector of std::unique_ptr using a range based for loop?

I have a std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Kind>> which I want to clean up while it is being iterated upon, without explicitly calling the destructor of its members (.reset()).
The Kind is a heavy struct and its size increases during the iteration. The next object doesn't need to know about previous objects so I'd like to clean up an iterand when its not needed.
I know vector will clean up in the end, but by then, lots of Kind and their dynamically allocated memory adds up. I'm trying to reduce peak memory to just one element.
I want to avoid reset since other developers may not know about the dynamic allocation, forget calling reset in the end of the loop and cost memory penalty.
I cannot create a copy,
for(std::unique_ptr<Kind> t : store)
I cannot move it like
for(std::unique_ptr<Kind> &&t : store)
Then how do I do it ?
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
struct Kind{
char a;
char *array;
Kind(const char c): a(c)
free(array); // internal custom deallocator.
int main() {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Kind>> store;
for(std::unique_ptr<Kind> &t : store){
// increase size of Kind.array.
std::cout << t->a;
// Use the Kind.array
// clean up t automatically.
return 0;
Example of moving the element out of the vector.
int main() {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Kind>> store;
for(std::unique_ptr<Kind> &t : store){
auto tmp = std::move(t); // leaving a valid but empty entry in store
std::cout << tmp->a;
// clean up t automatically.
// tmp runs out of scope and cleans up
return 0;
In effect not much different from the reset, but might be relevant for what you actually do in your real program.
How to take ownership of an object while looping over std::vector of std::unique_ptr using a range based for loop?
Loop with a reference to the element, and std::move the unique pointer into another. Example:
for(std::unique_ptr<Kind> &t : store){
std::unique_ptr<Kind> owner = std::move(t);
// do something with newly owned pointer
I want to clean up
there's no need to keep older structs around
You could deallocate the object by resetting the pointer:
for(std::unique_ptr<Kind> &t : store) {
// do something
That said, this is typically unnecessary. They will be automatically be destroyed when the vector goes out of scope.
I'm trying to save some memory here
If you allocate dynamic objects while iterating this may be useful. Otherwise it won't affect peak memory use.
If you want to make sure the instances are deleted immediately after each iteration and you cannot wait until the entire loop is done, you can write a wrapper that takes care of that and expresses your intent at the same time:
template <typename T>
struct Stealing {
std::unique_ptr<T> ptr;
Stealing(std::unique_ptr<T>& ptr) : ptr(std::move(ptr)) {
auto operator*() {
return ptr.operator*();
auto operator->() {
return ptr.operator->();
You can use that in the loop as a drop-in replacement for a unique_ptr as such:
for (Stealing<Kind> t: store) {
// do what you like with t as if it was a std::unique_ptr
// when t goes out of scope, so does its member -> Kind gets destroyed

C++ N-last added items container

I try to find optimal data structure for next simple task: class which keeps N last added item values in built-in container. If object obtain N+1 item it should be added at the end of the container and first item should be removed from it. It like a simple queue, but class should have a method GetAverage, and other methods which must have access to every item. Unfortunately, std::queue doesn't have methods begin and end for this purpose.
It's a part of simple class interface:
class StatItem final
static int ITEMS_LIMIT;
StatItem() = default;
~StatItem() = default;
void Reset();
void Insert(int val);
int GetAverage() const;
std::queue<int> _items;
And part of desired implementation:
void StatItem::Reset()
std::queue<int> empty;
std::swap(_items, empty);
void StatItem::Insert(int val)
if (_items.size() == ITEMS_LIMIT)
int StatItem::GetAverage() const
const size_t itemCount{ _items.size() };
if (itemCount == 0) {
return 0;
const int sum = std::accumulate(_items.begin(), _items.end(), 0); // Error. std::queue doesn't have this methods
return sum / itemCount;
Any ideas?
I'm not sure about std::deque. Does it work effective and should I use it for this task or something different?
P.S.: ITEMS_LIMIT in my case about 100-500 items
The data structure you're looking for is a circular buffer. There is an implementation in the Boost library, however in this situation since it doesn't seem you need to remove items you can easily implement one using a std::vector or std::array.
You will need to keep track of the number of elements in the vector so far so that you can average correctly until you reach the element limit, and also the current insertion index which should just wrap when you reach that limit.
Using an array or vector will allow you to benefit from having a fixed element limit, as the elements will be stored in a single block of memory (good for fast memory access), and with both data structures you can make space for all elements you need on construction.
If you choose to use a std::vector, make sure to use the 'fill' constructor (, which will allow you to create the right number of elements from the beginning and avoid any extra allocations.

Own vector class for arduino (c++)

I added also void Clear()-method.
I'm asking about this Vector class.
void push_back(Data const &x) {
if (d_capacity == d_size) resize();
d_data[d_size++] = x;
}; // Adds new value. If needed, allocates more space
How to add "insert"-method to this Vector class (arduino use C++ but not have a standard vector methods)?
Vector<Sensor*> sensors;
I have a another class Sensor and I use vector like this.
push.back(new Sensor (1,1,"Sensor_1",2));
Is it possible to add values one by one to this vector class? And how to do it?
I like to ask also other question.
How can I call delete/call destructor for this Vector "sensors" so all pointers are deleted? Or sensors vector is deleted? I want to clear the data and then add data to it.
If you want to add an item to the end of the vector, use the push_back method you've quoted above. If you want to add an item somewhere else in the vector, you'll need to add your own method which re-sizes if necessary, shifts the elements above the insert location up one place and then copies the new element into the correct slot. Something like this (untested):
void insert_at(size_t idx, Data const &data) {
assert(idx < d_size);
if (d_capacity == d_size) {
for (size_t i = d_size; i > idx; --i) {
d_data[i] = std::move(d_data[i - 1]);
d_data[idx] = data;
As Nacho points out, you might be better off with a linked list if you're going to do a lot of these insert operations, especially if the data you're storing is large and/or has a complex move operator.

Multi-index on boost::ptr_vector

I have the following classes in a program.
class Class1 {
boost::ptr_vector<Class2> fields;
class Class2 {
std:string name;
unsigned int value;
I want to write a member function in Class1 that returns a reference or pointer to an element in fields based on Class2's name variable. I don't have to be concerned with the lifetime of the objects in the container.
Currently, I am returning an iterator to the element I want after the function searches from the start of the vector to the element.
boost::ptr_vector<Class2>::iterator getFieldByName(std::string name) {
boost::ptr_vector<Class2>::iterator field = fields.begin();
while (field != fields.end()) {
if (field-> == 0) {
return field;
return fields.end();
The problems that I'm facing are:
(1.) I need to have fast random access to the elements or the program sits in getFieldByName() too long (a boost::ptr_vector<> is too slow when starting at the beginning of the container)
(2.) I need to preserve the order of insertion of the fields (so I can't use a boost::ptr_map<> directly)
I have discovered Boost::MultiIndex and it seems like it could provide a solution to the problems, but I need to use a smart container so that destruction of the container will also destruct the objects owned by the container.
Is there anyway to achieve a smart container that has multiple methods of access?
You can use two containers. Have a boost::ptr_map<> that stores the actual data, and then have a std::vector<> that stores pointers to the nodes of the map.
boost::ptr_map<std::string, Class2> by_field;
std::vector<Class2 const*> by_order;
void insert(Class2* obj) {
if (by_field.insert(obj->name, obj).second) {
// on insertion success, also add to by_order
This will give you O(lg n) access in your getFieldByName() function (just look it up in by_field) while also preserving the order of insertion (just look it up in by_order).

C++ buffer pool?

I have a strong use case for pre-allocating all the memory I need upfront and releasing it upon completion.
I have came out with this real simple buffer pool C++ implementation which I have to test but I am not sure that the pointer arithmetic I am trying to use will allow me to do that. Basically the bit where I do next and release. I would prefer some trick around this idea and not relying on any sort of memory handler which just makes the client code more convoluted.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <queue>
#include "utils_mem.h"
using namespace std;
template <class T>
class tbufferpool {
const int m_initial;
const int m_size;
const int m_total;
T* m_buffer;
vector<T*> m_queue;
// constructor
tbufferpool(int initial, int size) : m_initial(initial), m_size(size), m_total(initial*size*sizeof(T)) {
m_buffer = (T*) malloc(m_total);
T* next_buffer = m_buffer;
for (int i=0; i < initial; ++i, next_buffer += i*size) {
// get next buffer element from the pool
T* next() {
// check for pool overflow
if (m_queue.empty()) {
printf("Illegal bufferpool state, our bufferpool has %d buffers only.", m_initial);
T* next_buffer = m_queue.back();
return next_buffer;
// release element, make it available back in the pool
void release(T* buffer) {
assert(m_buffer <= buffer && buffer < (buffer + m_total/sizeof(T)));
void ensure_size(int size) {
if (size >= m_size) {
printf("Illegal bufferpool state, maximum buffer size is %d.", m_size);
// destructor
virtual ~tbufferpool() {
First, when you increase a pointer to T, it will point the next element of T in the memory.
m_queue.push(m_buffer + (i*size*sizeof(T)));
This should be like
m_buffer = (T*) malloc(m_total);
T* next = m_buffer;
for (int i=0; i < initial; ++i) {
assert(m_buffer <= buffer && buffer < m_total);
It should be like
assert(m_buffer <= buffer && buffer <= m_buffer + m_total/sizeof(T));
Hope it helps!
I don't understand why you're "wrapping" the STL queue<> container. Just put your "buffers" in the queue, and pull the addresses as you need them. When you're done with a "segment" in the buffer, just pop it off of the queue and it's released automatically. So instead of pointers to buffers, you just have the actual buffer classes.
It just strikes me as re-inventing the wheel. Now since you need the whole thing allocated at once, I'd use vector not queue, because the vector<> type can be allocated all at once on construction, and the push_back() method doesn't re-allocate unless it needs to, the same with pop_back(). See here for the methods used.
Basically, though, here's my back-of-the-envelope idea:
#include <myType.h> // Defines BufferType
const int NUMBUFFERS = 30;
int main()
vector<BufferType> myBuffers(NUMBUFFERS);
BufferType* segment = &(myBuffers[0]); // Gets first segment
myBuffers.pop_back(); // Reduces size by one
return 0;
I hope that gives you the general idea. You can just use the buffers in the vector that way, and there's only one allocation or de-allocation, and you can use stack-like logic if you wish. The dequeue type may also be worth looking at, or other standard containers, but if it's just "I only want one alloc or de-alloc" I'd just use vector, or even a smart pointer to an array possibly.
Some stuff I've found out using object pools:
I'm not sure about allocating all the objects at once. I like to descend all my pooled objects from a 'pooledObject' class that contains a private reference to its own pool, so allowing a simple, parameterless 'release' method and I'm always absolutely sure that an object is always released back to its own pool. I'm not sure how to load up every instance with the pool reference with a static array ctor - I've always constructed the objects one-by-one in a loop.
Another useful private member is an 'allocated' boolean, set when an object is depooled and cleared when released. This allows the pool class to detect and except immediately if an object is released twice. 'Released twice' errors can be insanely nasty if not immediately detected - weird behaviour or a crash happens minutes later and, often, in another thread in another module. Best to detect double-releases ASAP!
I find it useful and reassuring to dump the level of my pools to a status bar on a 1s timer. If a leak occurs, I can see it happening and, often, get an idea of where the leak is by the activity I'm on when a number drops alarmingly. Who needs Valgrind:)
On the subject of threads, if you have to make your pools thread-safe, it helps to use a blocking queue. If the pool runs out, threads trying to get objects can wait until they are released and the app just slows down instead of crashing/deadlocking. Also, be careful re. false sharing. You may have to use a 'filler' array data member to ensure that no two objects share a cache line.