Reading image byte array with OpenGL - c++

I have a bitmap image that is currently represented as a byte array (could be YCrCb or RGB). Is there a function build in to OpenGL that will allow me to looks at individual pixels from this byte array?
I know that there is the function glReadPixels but I don't need to be reading from the frame buffer if I've already got the data.
If not, is there an alternative way to do this in C++?

OpenGL is a drawing API, not some kind of all purpose graphics library – The 'L' in OpenGL means should be read as Layer, not library.
That being said: If you know the dimensions of the byte array, and the data layout, then it is trivial to fetch individual pixels.
pixel_at(x,y) = data_byte_array[row_stride * y + pixel_stride * x]
in a tightly packed format
pixel_stride = bytes_per_pixel
row_stride = width * pixel_stride


Transfer of pixel data: 24BPP images and GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT set to 4

In my OpenGL program, I'm loading a 24BPP image with the width of 501. The GL_UNPACK_ALINGMENT parameter is set to 4. They write it shouldn't work because the size of each of the rows which are being uploaded (501*3 = 1503) cannot be divided by 4. However, I can see a normal texture without artifacs when displaying it.
So my code works. I'm considering why to understand this fully and prevent the whole project from getting bugged.
Maybe (?) it works because I'm not just calling glTexImage2D. Instead, at first I'm creating a proper (with dimensions which are powers of two) blank texture, then uploading pixels with glTexSubImage2D.
But do you think it does a sense to write some code like that?
// w - the width of the image
// depth - the depth of the image
bool change_alignment = false;
if (depth != 4 && !is_divisible(w*depth)) // *
change_alignment = true;
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
// ... now use glTexImage2D
if (change_alingment) glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4); // set to default
// * - of course we don't even need such a function
// but I wanted to make the code as clear as possible
Hope it should prevent the application from crashing or malfunction?
It depends on where your image data is coming from.
The Windows BMP format, for example, enforces a 4-byte row alignment. Indeed, formats like this are exactly why OpenGL has a row-alignment field: because some image formats enforce a row alignment.
So how correct it is to use a 4-byte row alignment on your data depends entirely on how your data is aligned in memory. Some image loaders will automatically align to 4 bytes. And some will not.

how go get RGB values of ROI selected in depth stream

I wrote an simple kinect application where I'm accessing the depth values to detect some objects. I use the following code to get the depth value
depth = NuiDepthPixelToDepth(pBufferRun);
this will give me the depth value for each pixel. Now I want to subselect a region of the image, and get the RGB camera values of this corresponding region.
What I'm not sure about:
do I need to open a color image stream?
or is it enough to just convert the depth into color?
how do I use NuiImageGetColorPixelCoordinateFrameFromDepthPixelFrameAtResolution?
I'm fine with the simplest solution where I have a depth frame and a color frame, so that I can select a ROI with opencv and then crop the color frame accordingly.
do I need to open a color image stream?
Yes. You can get the coordinates in the colour frame without opening the stream, but you won't be able to do anything useful with them because you'll have no colour data to index into!
or is it enough to just convert the depth into color?
There's no meaningful conversion of distance into colour. You need two image streams, and a co-ordinate conversion function.
how do I use NuiImageGetColorPixelCoordinateFrameFromDepthPixelFrameAtResolution?
That's a terribly documented function. Go take a look at NuiImageGetColorPixelCoordinatesFromDepthPixelAtResolution instead, because the function arguments and documentation actually make sense! Depth value and depth (x,y) coordinate in, RGB (x,y) coordinate out. Simple.
To get the RGB data at some given coordinates, you must first grab an RGB frame using NuiImageStreamGetNextFrame to get an INuiFrameTexture instance. Call LockRect on this to get a NUI_LOCKED_RECT. The pBits property of this object is a pointer to the first pixel of the raw XRGB image. This image is stored row wise, in top-to-bottom left-to-right order, with each pixel being represented by 4 sequential bytes representing a padding byte then R, G and B follwing it.
The pixel at position (100, 200) is therefore at
lockedRect->pBits[ ((200 * width * 4) + (100 * 4) ];
and the byte representing the red channel should be at
lockedRect->pBits[ ((200 * width * 4) + (100 * 4) + 1 ];
This is a standard 32bit RGB image format, and the buffer can be freely passed to your image manipulation library of choice... GDI, WIC, OpenCV, IPL, whatever.
(caveat... I'm not totally certain I have the pixel byte ordering correct. I think it is XRGB, but it could be XBGR or BGRX, for example. Testing for which one is actually being returned should be trivial)

openGL Creating texture atlas at run time?

So I've set up my framework in a neat little system to wrap SDL, openGL and box2D all together for a 2D game.
Now how it works is that I create an object of "GameObject" class, specify a "source PNG", and then it automatically creates an openGL texture and a box2d body of the same dimensions.
Now I am worried about if I start needing to render many different textures on screen.
Is it possible to load in all my sprite sheets at run time, and then group them all together into one texture? If so, how? And what would be a good way to implement it (so that I wouldn't have to manually be specifying any parameters or anything).
The reason I want to do it at run time and not pre-done is so that I can easily load together all (or most) of the tiles, enemies etc.. of a certain level into this one texture, because every level won't have the same enemies. It'd also make the whole creating art process easier.
There are likely some libraries that already exist for creating texture atlases (optimal packing is a nontrivial problem) and converting old texture coordinates to the new ones.
However, if you want to do it yourself, you probably would do something like this:
Load all textures from disk (your "source PNG") and retrieve the raw pixel data buffer,
If necessary, convert all source textures into the same pixel format,
Create a new texture big enough to hold all the existing textures, along with a corresponding buffer to hold the pixel data
"Blit" the pixel data from the source images into the new buffer at a given offset (see below)
Create a texture as normal using the new buffer's data.
While doing this, determine the mapping from "old" texture coordinates into the "new" texture coordinates (should be a simple matter of recording the offsets for each element of the texture atlas and doing a quick transform). It would probably also be pretty easy to do it inside a pixel shader, but some profiling would be required to see if the overhead of passing the extra parameters is worth it.
Obviously you also want to check to make sure you are not doing something silly like loading the same texture into the atlas twice, but that's a concern that's outside this procedure.
To "blit" (copy) from the source image to the target image you'd do something like this (assuming you're copying a 128x128 texture into a 512x512 atlas texture, starting at (128, 0) on the target):
unsigned char* source = new unsigned char[ 128 * 128 * 4 ]; // in reality, comes from your texture loader
unsigned char* target = new unsigned char[ 512 * 512 * 4 ];
int targetX = 128;
int targetY = 0;
for(int sourceY = 0; sourceY < 128; ++sourceY) {
for(int sourceX = 0; sourceX < 128; ++sourceX) {
int from = (sourceY * 128 * 4) + (sourceX * 4); // 4 bytes per pixel (assuming RGBA)
int to = ((targetY + sourceY) * 512 * 4) + ((targetX + sourceX) * 4); // same format as source
for(int channel = 0; channel < 4; ++channel) {
target[to + channel] = source[from + channel];
This is a very simple brute force implementation: there are much faster, more succinct and more clever ways to copy an array, but the idea is that you are basically copying the contents of the source texture into the target texture at a given X and Y offset. In the end, you will have created a new texture which contains the old textures in it.
If the indexing math doesn't make sense to you, think about how a 2D array is actually indexed inside a 1D space (such as computer memory).
Please forgive any bugs. This isn't production code but instead something I wrote without checking if it compiles or runs.
Since you're using SDL, I should mention that it has a nice function that might be able to help you: SDL_BlitSurface. You can create an SDL_Surface entirely within SDL and simply use SDL_BlitSurface to copy your source surfaces into it, then convert the atlas surface into a GL texture.
It will take care of all the math, and can also do a format conversion for you on the fly.

scanline function in qimage class

I'm developing application for editing raster graphic. In this application I have to create scanline function which will do same thing as scanline function in QImage class.
But I'm little confused with the way that scanline function works and with scanline generally.
For example, when I call bytesPerLine() for image which height is 177px I was expecting that value will be 531 (3 bytes for each pixel) but this function is returning 520?
Also, when I use
uchar data = image->scanLine(y)[x]
for R=249 G=249 B=249 value in variable data is 255.
I really don't understand this value.
Thanks in advance :)
For reliable behavior you should check the return value of QImage::format() to see what underlying format is used before accessing the raw image data.
Qt seems to prefer RGB32/ARGB32 format for true-colors, where each pixel takes 4 bytes, whether an alpha channel exists or not (for RGB32 format it's simply filled with 0xff). If you load a true-color image, it's probably in one of these two formats.
Besides, the byte order can be different across platforms, use QRgb to access 32-bit pixels whenever possible.
BTW, shouldn't a scanline be horizontal? I think you should use width() instead of height() to calculate the length of a scanline.

How to read direct3d texture pixels

So I have a x8r8g8b8 formatted IDirect3DSurface9 that contains the contents of the back buffer. When I call LockRect on it I get access to a struct containing pBits, a pointer to the pixels I assume, and and integer Pitch (which I am very unclear about its purpose).
How to read the individual pixels?
Visual Studio 2008 C++
The locked area is stored in a D3DLOCKED_RECT. I haven't ever used this but the documentation says it is the "Number of bytes in one row of the surface". Actually people would normally call this "stride" (some terms explained in the MSDN).
For example, if one pixel has 4 bytes (8 bits for each component of XRGB), and the texture width is 7, the image is usually stored as 8*4 bytes instead of 7*4 bytes because the memory can be accessed faster if the data is DWORD-aligned.
So, in order to read pixel [x, y] you would have to read
uint8_t *pixels = rect.pBits;
uint32_t *mypixel = (uint32_t*)&pixels[rect.Pitch*y + 4*x];
where 4 is the size of a pixel. *myPixel would be the content of the pixel in my example.
Yep, you would access the individual RGB components of the pixel like that.
The first byte of the pixel is not used, but it is more efficient to use 4 Bytes per pixel, so that each pixel is aligned on a 32Bit boundary (that's also, why there's the pitch).
In your example, the x is not used, but note that there are lso other pixel formats, for example ARGB, which stores the alpha value (transparency) in the first byte. Sometimes the colors are also reversed (BGR instead of RGB). If you're unsure what byte corresponds to what color, a good trick is to create a texture which is entirely red, green or blue and then check which of the 4 bytes has the value 255.