OLEDragDrop Event working with compiled exe but not when debugging - c++

We're using OLEDragDrop Event in one of our bigger products and have stumbled upon a strange issue. On my machine, if I build the application and run the exe-file, the application sees a drag-drop-event and I can drag a file from the desktop to the program and it saves it and does what it should do. However, when I go into debug-mode, this same function does not work. All I get is an icon-switch to the icon that indicates that I can't release the file "on top" of this program.
My co-worker has the same code, the exact same code from the same revision, and every other project-related setting is exactly the same. But he gets the expected behaviour from the application when debugging. The only reasonable guess we do have is that he hasn't applied the ~300mb security update for visual studio 2010 sp1. I'm right now setting up a virtual machine to check this out and will update when I know if it does indeed work without that update.
Has anyone else had a problem related to this one? Anything that could lead me on the right track I would be eternally grateful for.
Thanks for reading.

You won't be able to drag onto the application if Visual Studio is running as an administrator.


Debugger popup message "Getting DataTip text"

This Debugger message pops up randomly while i am attempting to examine a variable while a breakpoint has hit in Visual Studio 2017.
Shortly thereafter, a larger message box appears that shows the following: "Evaluating the function 'System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadForm' timed out."
After enabling option Tools / Options / Debugging / General / Only managed code, the second message box have disappeared. But first message is still showing.
The problem is that first popup window appears for a relatively long time, that makes debugging process very noncomfortable. What else Visual Studio debugger options could I set to disable this popup?
(1)Tools->Options, uncheck the setting Debugging / General / Enable property evaluation and other implicit function call, and enable the Use Managed Compatibility Mode.
(2)Deleted all the .suo/obj/Bin/.user files in your project, and then re-open your project, clean and build your solution, debug it again.
This solution works fine for me:
Uncheck the new langage JavasScript Language Service in Options -> Editor -> JavaScript -> Language Service.
Option capture
I'm having this same issue and there doesn't appear to be a solution. It's extremely frustrating because when the "Getting DataTip text..." does popup and eventually goes away, my breakpoints no longer work.
The solutions listed here have not solved the problem, I've tried them ALL ... even a wipe and re-install of OS and VS 2015.
Debugging without ability to do property evaluation and other implicit function calls is basically NOT debugging and defeats the purpose.
Microsoft seem to be aware of the problem but keep closing the tickets as "unable to replicate" ... yet, a simple Google Search will show many many thousands of hits of developers running into this problem. I keep opening tickets with Microsoft, but they just keep getting closed or merged with no solution.
Cheers, Rob.
The ONLY solution that worked for me:
CMD window (Run As Admin)
type SFC /SCANNOW and wait for it to complete and hopefully fix any errors
Bring up VS 2015 or 2017 without loading any project
In VS select Tools | Import and Export Settings | Reset all Setting ... now pick the template you use (i.e. VB, C, Web)
Exit VS
Load VS project and debug
Cheers, Rob.
Old post, but maybe it will help someone anyway ;)
In my case I got this every time I examined the first variable while debugging.
Annoying as hell as I due to the nature of the work restart the debugger often.
This was cause by that the location where my Visual Studio 2017 files were saved, was a cloud drive and it actually had to sync the files before showing the data.
The solution was to mark that whole folder "Always keep on this device".
​Here is one possible solution:
I had this error never seen - then my graphics card (Nvidia) was gone and I removed the graphics card and worked with the integrated Intel. Then I got this error in after 3-4 steps. I installed a Nvidia again and now the "getting data" text message was never shown again.
Btw: this was the fix for the error
"64 bit debugging operation is taking longer than expected"
I had the same issue when I wanted to evaluate variables while debugging in my Unit tests and couldn't find any solution.
This is the solution that helped me: Tools -> Options / Debugging / General. Uncheck "Call string-conversion function on objects in variables windows".
This might only work for some people.

Bizarre behavior with Visual Studio's debugger; "The network location cannot be reached" (ERROR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE)

I've experienced this with every version of Visual Studio starting from 2012 (2012, 2013, 2015 Preview), on multiple computers and multiple projects, but I haven't figured out how to fix it:
Whenever I'm debugging a 64-bit(?) C++ console program, after a few minutes and seemingly completely randomly (when I'm not clicking or typing anything), the console window for the program spontaneously closes and I can no longer debug or step through the program with Visual Studio. When I press Stop and attempt to restart debugging, I usually get ERROR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE:
// MessageText:
// The network location cannot be reached. For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help.
If I try to attach to the process manually I get the error:
Unable to attach to the process.
The only fix I've found for this is to restart Visual Studio. I can't find any other way to fix it, and I've tried running Process Monitor but haven't found anything.
What causes this problem and how can I fix it?
(?) Upon further checking it seems that this only happens in 64-bit mode, but I'm not 100% sure.
Ok, this is just so wrong
I also have issues with this bug, and in my case it occurred every other debug session. Which meant debug -> stop -> debug -> bug -> restart visual studio -> go to start (repeat every minute during the whole day).
Needless to say I was driven to find a solution. So yesterday I tried procmon, spend hours looking at API monitor differences, looked at plugins, netstat, etc, etc, etc. And found nothing. I gave up.
Until today.
To track down a stupid bug in my program today, I launched appverifier. For my application, I ran the 'basics' tests and clicked save. After a few hours this led me to the bug in my program, which was something like this (extremely simplified version):
void* dst = _aligned_malloc(4096, 32);
memcpy(dst, src, 8192);
Obviously this is a bug and obviously it needed fixing. I noticed the error after putting a breakpoint on the memcpy line, which was not executed.
After a stop and 'debug' again I was surprised to find that I could actually debug the program for the second time. And now, several hours later, this annoying bug here hasn't re-emerged.
So what appears to be going on
So... apparently data from my program is bleeding through into the data or execution space of the debugger, which in turn appears to generate the bug.
I see you thinking: No, this shouldn't happen... you're right; but apparently it does.
So how to fix it? Basically fixing your program (more particular: heap corruption issues) seems to make the VS debugger bug go away. Using appverifier.exe (It's in Debugging tools for Windows) will give you a head start.
Why this works
Since VS2012, VC++ uses a different way to manage the heap. Hans Passant explains it here: Does msvcrt uses a different heap for allocations since (vs2012/2010/2013) .
What basically happens is that heap corruption will break your debugger. The AppVerifier basic settings will ensure that a breakpoint is triggered just before the application does something to corrupt the heap.
So, what happens now is that before the process will break the heap, a breakpoint will trigger instead, which usually means you will terminate the process. The net effect is that the heap will still be in-tact before you terminate your program, which means that your debugger will still function.
Before using appverifier -- bug triggered every 2 minutes
While using appverifier -- VS debugger has been stable for 5 days (and counting)
This is an environmental problem of course. Always hard to troubleshoot, SysInternals' utilities like Process Monitor and Process Explorer are your primary weapons of choice. Some non-intuitive ways that a network error can be generated while debugging:
Starting with VS2012, the C runtime library had a pretty drastic modification that can cause very hard to diagnose mis-behavior if your program corrupts the heap. Much like #atlaste describes. Since time memorial, the CRT always created its own heap, underlying call was HeapCreate(). No more, it now uses GetProcessHeap(). This is very convenient, much easier now to deal with DLLs that were built with /MT. But with a pretty sharp edge, you can now easily corrupt the memory owned by Microsoft code. Not strongly indicated if you can't reattach a 64-bit program, you'd have to kill msvsmon.exe to clear up the corruption.
The Microsoft Symbol Server supplies PDBs for Microsoft executables. They normally have their source+line-number info stripped, but not all of them. Notably not for the CRT for example. Those PDBs were built on a build server owned by DevDiv in Redmond that had the source code on the F: drive. A few around that were built from the E: drive, Patterns+Practices uses that (unlikely in a C++ program). Your debugger will go look there to try to find source code. That usually ends well, it gives up quickly, but not if your machine uses those drive letters as well. Diagnose by clearing the symbol cache and disabling the symbol server with Tools + Options, Debugging, Symbols.
The winapi suffers from two nasty viral infections it inherited from another OS that add global state to any process. The PATH environmental variable and the default working directory. Use Control Panel + System + Advanced + Environment to have a look at PATH, copy/paste the content of the intentionally small textboxes into a text editor. Make sure it is squeaky clean, some paralysis at the usual mess is normal btw. Take no prisoners. Having trouble with the default directory is much harder to troubleshoot. Both should pop out when you use Process Monitor.
No slamdunk explanations, it is a tough problem, but dark corners you can look in.
I have the same problem. Thought it was related to 64 bit console apps, where it is very easily triggered with almost any debug session. But, it also happens on 64 bit windows apps too. Now I am seeing it on 32 bit windows apps. I am running Windows 8.1 pro on a single desktop with the latest version of vs 2013 and no remote debugging. My (added) extensions are Visual Assist, Advanced Installer, ClangFormat, Code Alignment, Code Compare, Duplicate Selection, Productivity Power Tools 2013, and Visual SVN.
I discovered that the "Visual Studio 2013\Settings\CurrentSettings.vssettings" file gets corrupted. You can delete this file and recreate it by restarting VS or you can try to edit the XML. I then keep a copy of a good settings file that I use to replace when it gets corrupted again.
In my case, the corrupted line begins with
</ToolsOptionsSubCategory><ToolsOptionsSubCategory name="XAML" RegisteredName="XAML"
... and it is extremely long (I think this is why it is prone to corruption).
I just disabled in the Menu
Tools > Options
Debugging > Edit and Continue
Native-only options > Enable native Edit and Continue
and now it does not give the that stupid error which was preventing the starting of the debuggee application.
I also had the same problem with VS2015. It was so frustrating that a simple Hello World program gave this error when I ran debugger for the second time. Tried uninstall and reinstall and didn't work.
Finally, the solution mentioned in https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/8dce0952-234f-4c18-a71a-1d614b44f256/visual-studios-2012-cannot-findlaunch-project-exe?forum=vsdebug
worked. Reset all visual studio settings using Tools->Import and Export settings. Now the issue is not occurring.

Visual C++ can't write into exe

after I compiled my project in C++ (VisualStudio) around 3-4 times, I can do it anymore due to LNK1168 that stands for "VisualStudio can't write into the exe". I've looked up in my TaskManager, the exe is NOT running. Normally I have to wait for like 5 minutes but that isn't a real solution. Any ideas?
ProcessExplorer just tells me, that the handle is invalid and though can't be closed. It remains open all the time...
First thing that comes to mind is to use ProcessExplorer to figure out what process is keeping the file open. Download and start up the tool en select Find from the menu. Enter the (partial) file name and it should show up in the search results. Double click to jump to the process and file handle in the main application window.
I'm guessing Visual Studio is the culprit.
Fortunately, you can also use Process Explorer to close the handle. Right-click and choose Close Handle.
Note that it's not a good idea to go around closing file handles on a regular basis. However, whenever you're in a pickle it can really help solve annoying problems.
If I recall correctly, a similar problem existed way back in VS 6. It had to do with incremental compilation. For a more structural solution, try doing a full rebuild from time to time or disabling incremental compilation all together.
I have been experiencing exactly the same problem (For C# and C++). I have just discovered that having the Application Experience Service disabled seems to cause EXPLORER.EXE To keep .exe files hanging around (locked by the SYSTEM) for several minutes after running that executable.
The solution to this problem, for me at least, was to re-enable the Application Experience service. (I had originally disabled it since it seemed unnecessary - Apparently I was wrong!)
Your exe might still be running. Stop it before recompiling it.

VC++ hangs and freezes computer upon completion of compilation

When the compiling of a project is complete (or at least when it says it does), I receive no window, no error message, or anything; VC++ freezes up and my computer basically stops responding altogether.
After about five minutes, Task Manager finally pops up and I'm able to close the program. Upon doing that, I see this:
I'm going to take a wild guess here and say something is wrong with the image above. On a side note, the process' (MSBuild.exe) don't (seem) to open all at once, but that may only seem that way because the computer becomes frozen multiple times until I shutdown vc++.
Is this a known issue and if so what should I do so I can compile programs without this issue once again?
Additional Information:
Windows 7
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 xpress
Project Type(s): I've tried on "Windows Form Application" project and "Win32 Project", both produce the same results.
Compiling projects in VB works as it should. (in case this helps at all)
As suggested by Hans Passant, disabling avast! solved the problem.
Did any error pop up during installation?
The standard thing to do (that almost always helps) is rebooting, reinstalling, (rebooting,) and trying again. Chances are absolutely nobody knows what's going wrong (even MS).

Why does a MFC application behaves mysteriously in encrypted hard drive environment

I'm working on a bug where I have an MFC application that does weird things when installed in when Sophos Safeguard hard drive encryption is installed. I'm sorry to be so vague here, but I'm writing this away from the office so this is all from my (poor) memory.
Three things I've noticed:
AfxGetResourceHandle() doesn't return a consistent resource handle. There is a single case where we try to load a string resource, and for some reason, the resource handle that we get from this method is different to all the other stings.
Can't construct a CDocumentTemplate. There is a trace error which I cant seem to recall. Will edit and post when I'm in tomorrow.
This behaviour appears to manifest in a Visual Studio 2005 version of the project, but not a Visual Studio 2008 version. Unfortunately moving to the 2008 version is not an option.
The bug is not always reproducable if I step through with a debugger. Also, bringing up debug message boxes changes the behaviuor, which leads me to think that either there is some kind of race condition going on with the way MFC events are being handled, but I'm not sure how I'll ever know for sure, or even what I can do about it if I did.
I think there's some underlying reason that the app is behaving weirdly, but what I've posted are more symptoms. Can anyone think of what I should check for?
I've run Windows update on the test environment to ensure everything was up to date, and I've examined the process in procmon to see if the disk encryption stuff was getting in the way and conflicting with files - it didn't appear to be, but it does appear to be involved in some way as our app accesses Sophos related paths in the temp directory.
If your code is multithreaded (which I assume it is, since you mentioned the possibility of a race condition), then the likelihood is that the decryption delays are exposing concurrency flaws. You might want to try running the application off of a network share or similar slow access device to see if it manifests similar problems.
Turned out that the antivirus software was injecting itself in a way where the antivirus' software's resource handles were overridng the app's resource handles. Yuck!