Efficient storing a big table in Django cache - django

I use Django with jqGrid and loading pages via AJAX. At times, queries are very complex, and page loading is ver slow, for far pages is much slower (which is to be expected, the results often exceed 100k objects). I thought that result caching will solve the problem, adding some time to the loading of the first page, but then strongly accelerating the loading of subsequent pages.
Instead, it made the loading of the first page incredibly slow and even subsequent pages take a lot of time (11s on a standard PC). I'm using locmem cache backend.
Any ideas? I tried, for a comparison, storing results in global dictionary and that was MUCH better (subsequent pages take only 1s), but I've heard that it's not a safe way.
Any ideas?

You could look at warming your cache. This could be done manually, or using a queuing framework like celery to have the caching of subsequent pages or querysets happen in the background after another page load.
Have a look at johnny-cache, which does transparent queryset caching. This may (I repeat, may) solve all of your problems.


Django Debug Toolbar Target?

I've got a web page loading pretty slowly, so I installed the Django Debug Toolbar. I'm pretty new at this, so I'm trying to figure out what I can do with it.
I can see the database did 264 queries in 205 ms. Looks kind of high. I'm pretty sure I can cut down on that by adding some indexes and just writing better queries. But my question is: What is a "good" number that should be trying to hit here? What is generally accepted as "fast enough" and further optimization isn't really worth it. 50ms? 20ms?
Also on this same page it's showing 2500ms in user CPU. That sounds terrible to me, and I'm surprised it's so much higher than the database, which I assumed was the bottleneck. Is this maybe an indication that I am trying to do too much in python code instead of at the database layer? Would reducing the number of SQL queries help with CPU? (Waiting between queries?). Again is there some well known target response time I should be aiming for.
I'm looking for a snappy response from my clients. Right now when I click around I can feel a "pregnant pause" before the pages load.
By default accessing related model fields results in one extra query per model per row. Look into select_related() and prefetch_related(), this usually cuts down number of queries and speeds things up by a lot. I think debug toolbar shows you the actual queries, if not, need to enable sql logs before doing any query optimizations. Once you cut down number of queries to a minimum (no extra queries per pow), look for the slowest query and use EXPLAIN sql syntax to see if indexes are being used, this is another area where it can get slow especially on big data.
Usually database is the bottleneck, unless you are doing some major looping in your code. If you believe python code is slow, then need to profile it, otherwise it's just guessing.

Django cache everything but a piece

I'm writing a blog application. All the pages (lists of posts, detail of the post) are really static, I can predict when the must be update (for example when I write a new post or a comment is added). I could use #cache_page to cache entire views.
The only problem is that in every page I have some data collected from Twitter that I want to update every 5 minutes.
Django offers template caching, per-view caching and the low level cache framework. With the low level framework I can avoid calculating most of what must be displayed on the page (like caching Post queries, comments, tags...).
What is the best approach to my problem? How to aggressively cache almost everything for a view / template but a few parts?
I want to avoid using iframes.
You can not exclude certain parts of a Django template for the cache not should this work in any other template engine I know of.
My advice would be to use JavaScript to asynchronously load you're ever changing content. It should be particularly easy with Twitter as the already offer a great API.
It that doesn't suit you, you can always use Django template caching, to cache only parts of your template.
One option might be to set up Varnish on the server. I'm not familiar with Varnish myself, but as I understand it you can use Edge Side Includes to cache only certain fragments of a page.
Obviously it may not suit your use case, but it sounds like a possibility.

Django/Sqlite Improve Database performance

We are developing an online school diary application using django. The prototype is ready and the project will go live next year with about 500 students.
Initially we used sqlite and hoped that for the initial implementation this would perform well enough.
The data tables are such that to obtain details of a school day (periods, classes, teachers, classrooms, many tables are used and the database access takes 67ms on a reasonably fast PC.
Most of the data is static once the year starts with perhaps minor changes to classrooms. I thought of extracting the timetable for each student for each term day so no table joins would be needed. I put this data into a text file for one student, the file is 100K in size. The time taken to read this data and process it for a days timetable is about 8ms. If I pre-load the data on login and store it in sessions it takes 7ms at login and 2ms for each query.
With 500 students what would be the impact on the web server using this approach and what other options are there (putting the student text files into a sort of memory cache rather than session for example?)
There will not be a great deal of data entry, students adding notes, teachers likewise, so it will mostly be checking the timetable status and looking to see what events exist for that day or week.
What is your expected response time, and what is your expected number of requests per minute? One twentieth of a second for the database access (which is likely to be slow part) for a request doesn't sound like a problem to me. SQLite should perform fine in a read-mostly situation like this. So I'm not convinced you even have a performance problem.
If you want faster response you could consider:
First, ensuring that you have the best response time by checking your indexes and profiling individual retrievals to look for performance bottlenecks.
Pre-computing the static parts of the system and storing the HTML. You can put the HTML right back into the database or store it as disk files.
Using the database as a backing store only (to preserve state of the system when the server is down) and reading the entire thing into in-memory structures at system start-up. This eliminates disk access for the data, although it limits you to one physical server.
This sounds like premature optimization. 67ms is scarcely longer than the ~50ms where we humans can observe that there was a delay.
SQLite's representation of your data is going to be more efficient than a text format, and unlike a text file that you have to parse, the operating system can efficiently cache just the portions of your database that you're actually using in RAM.
You can lock down ~50MB of RAM to cache a parsed representation of the data for all the students, but you'll probably get better performance using that RAM for something else, like the OS disk cache.
I agree with some of other answers which suggest to use MySQL or PostgreSQL instead of SQLite. It is not designed to be used as production db. It is great for storing data for one-user applications such as mobile apps or even a desktop application, but it falls short very quickly in server applications. With Django it is trivial to switch to any other full-pledges database backend.
If you switch to one of those, you should not really have any performance issues, especially if you will do all the necessary joins using select_related and prefetch_related.
If you will still need more performance, considering that "most of the data is static", you actually might want to convert Django site a static site (a collection of html files) and then serve those using nginx or something similar to that. The simplest way I can think of doing that is to just write a cron-job which will loop over all needed url-configs, request the page from Django and then save that as an html file. If you want to go into that direction, you also might want to take a look at Python's static site generators: Hyde and Pelican.
This approach will certainly work much faster then any caching system however you will loose any dynamic components of the site. If you need them, then caching seems like the best and fastest solution.
You should use MySQL or PostgreSQL for your production database. sqlite3 isn't a good idea.
You should also avoid pre-loading data on login. Since your records can be inserted in advance, write django management commands and run the import to your chosen database before hand and design your models such that when a user logs in, the user would already be able to access and view/edit his or her related data (which are pre-inserted before the application even goes live). Hardcoding data operations when log in does not smell right at all from an application design point-of-view.
The benefit of designing your django models and using custom management commands to insert the records right way before your application goes live implies that you can use django orm to make the appropriate relationships between users and their records.
I suspect - based on your description of what you need above - that you need to re-look at the approach you are creating this application.
With 500 students, we shouldn't even be talking about caching. If you want response speed, you should deal with the following issues in priority:-
Use a production quality database
Design your application use case correctly and design your application model right
Pre-load any data you need to the production database
front end optimization comes first (css/js compression etc)
use django debug toolbar to figure out if any of your sql is slow and optimize specifically those
implement caching (memcached etc) as needed
As a general guideline.

Windows Phone 7 - Best Practices for Speeding up Data Fetch

I have a Windows Phone 7 app that (currently) calls an OData service to get data, and throws the data into a listbox. It is horribly slow right now. The first thing I can think of is because OData returns way more data than I actually need.
What are some suggestions/best practices for speeding up the fetching of data in a Windows Phone 7 app? Anything I could be doing in the app to speed up the retrieval of data and putting into in front of the user faster?
Sounds like you've already got some clues about what to chase.
Some basic things I'd try are:
Make your HTTP requests as small as possible - if possible, only fetch the entities and fields you absolutely need.
Consider using multiple HTTP requests to fetch the data incrementally instead of fetching everything in one go (this can, of course, actually make the app slower, but generally makes the app feel faster)
For large text transfers, make sure that the content is being zipped for transfer (this should happen at the HTTP level)
Be careful that the XAML rendering the data isn't too bloated - large XAML structure repeated in a list can cause slowness.
When optimising, never assume you know where the speed problem is - always measure first!
Be careful when inserting images into a list - the MS MarketPlace app often seems to stutter on my phone - and I think this is caused by the image fetch and render process.
In addition to Stuart's great list, also consider the format of the data that's sent.
Check out this blog post by Rob Tiffany. It discusses performance based on data formats. It was written specifically with WCF in mind but the points still apply.
As an extension to the Stuart's list:
In fact there are 3 areas - communication, parsing, UI. Measure them separately:
Do just the communication with the processing switched off.
Measure parsing of fixed ODATA-formatted string.
Whether you believe or not it can be also the UI.
For example a bad usage of ProgressBar can result in dramatical decrease of the processing speed. (In general you should not use any UI animations as explained here.)
Also, make sure that the UI processing does not block the data communication.

how to perform profiling for a website?

I currently have a django site, and it's kind of slow, so I want to understand what's going on. How can I profile it so to differentiate between:
effect of the network
effect of the hosting I'm using
effect of the javascript
effect of the server side execution (python code) and sql access.
any other effect I am not considering due to the massive headache I happen to have tonight.
Of course, for some of them I can use firebug, but some effects are correlated (e.g. javascript could appear slow because it's doing slow network access)
client side:
check with firebug if/which page components take long to load, and how long the browser needs to render the page after loading is completed. If everything is fast but rendering takes its time, then probably your html/css/js is the problem, otherwise it's server side.
server side (i assume you sit on some unix-alike server):
check the web server with a small static content (a small gif or a little html page), using apache bench (ab, part of the apache webserver package) or httperf, the server should be able to answerat least 100 requests per second (of course this depends heavily on the size of your test content, webserver type, hardware and other stuff, so dont take that 100 to seriously). if that looks good,
test django with ab or httperf on a "static view" (one that doesnt use a database object), if thats slow it's a hint that you need more cpu power. check cpu utilization on the server with top. if thats ok, the problem might be in the way the web server executes the python code
if serving semi-static content is ok, your problem might be the database or IO-bound. Database problems are a wide field, here is some general advice:
check i/o throughput with iostat. if you see lot's of writes then you have get a better disc subsystem, faster raid, SSD hard drives .. or optimize your application to write less.
if its lots of reads, the host might not have enough ram dedicated as file system buffer, or your database queries might not be optimized
if i/o looks ok, then the database might be not be suited for your workload or not correctly configured. logging slow queries and monitoring database activity, locks etc might give you some idea
if you let us know what hardware/software you use i might be able to give more detailed advice
edit/PS: forgot one thing: of course your app might have a bad design and does lots of unnecessary/inefficient things ...
Take a look at the Django debug toolbar - that'll help you with the server side code (e.g. what database queries ran and how long they took); and is generally a great resource for Django development.
The other non-Django specific bits you could profile with yslow.
There are various tools, but problems like this are not hard to find because they are big.
You have a problem, and when you remove it, you will experience a speedup. Suppose that speedup is some factor, like 2x. That means the program is spending 50% of its time waiting for the slow part. What I do is just stop it a few times and see what it's waiting for. In this case, I would see the problem 50% of the times I stop it.
First I would do this on the client side. If I see that the 50% is spent waiting for the server, then I would try stopping it on the server side. Then if I see it is waiting for SQL queries, I could look at those.
What I'm almost certain to find out is that more work is being requested than is actually needed. It is not usually something esoteric like a "hotspot" or an "algorithm". It is usually something dumb, like doing multiple queries when one would have been sufficient, so as to avoid having to write the code to save the result from the first query.
Here's an example.
First things first; make sure you know which pages are slow. You might be surprised. I recommend django_dumpslow.