GlowCode vs. AQTime C++ profiling performance in the real world? - c++

I am a user of AQTime Pro and while the tool is pretty nice, it does have a horrible performance impact on the application under test if you're not careful. (Even if you are careful, the performance impact is often high for the app I'm mostly profiling.)
I've recently stumbled over GlowCode (found it in a few answers on SO) and while it'll be easy to just download the trial and see how it works on my App, I was wondering if other users could confirm their boasting wrt. profiling performance.
So, I'm looking for real world assessments of the performance impact of GlowCode (vs. AQTime) for native C++ of people who regularly use these products. (I only fire up the profiler every odd month, therefore any assessment on my part will be very limited.)

I have a GlowCode license and in my experience it has very minimal performance impact compared to the other profilers I've used (SciTech .NET Memory Profiler and Visual Studio Ultimate profiler). Though like you, I only fire it up when needed.
I will say that GlowCode's UI is abysmal IMO. Once you understand enough of it to discover the bottlenecks it's okay but getting there is a hurdle. I did exchange email with GC devs any they were grateful for the feedback and even changed one thing for me. They did mention that they are working on a UI revamp and maybe the latest version has that, I'm not sure (I have GC 7).
I have never used AQTime Pro so can't offer a comparison there.

You may try out MicroProfiler (there is a performance comparison): it's impact is 5-6 time less than AQTime's and it is OpenSource (free; source code here).
It is realtime as Glowcode and easily integrates with VisualStudio (2005-2014). But unlike Glowcode it is less fragile (for instance, I couldn't enable Glowcode to profile STL classes and algorithms - always have bad hook (instrumentation) status for them).
To enable profiling of a particular DLL/EXE just click 'Enable Profiling' in the project's context menu. Or, you may fine grain the area you need to profile, by manually setting '/Gh /GH' command line options to specific files.


C and C++ source code profiling tools [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What's your favorite profiling tool (for C++)
Are there any good tools to profile a source code which is mix of of C and C++. What are the pros and cons of any, and which ones have you used and would reccomend for usage. Please do not get me a list of tools from google. I can do that too, what i want is to leverage the personal experience of someone who has used these tools and knows the pros and cons about them.
Thanks in advance.
I've found gprof to be the best CPU hotspot profiler, and Google Performance Tools to be the best sampling profiler. Both work for C and C++.
In my opinion there are no good profiling tools on Windows.
GNU gprof pros and cons
GCC only
Works with C and C++
Only treats CPU time, and code inside the binary, you need everything you wish to profile statically linked in
Very accurate
Adds a small overhead to execution
Google Performance Tools pros and cons
I think it requires the GNU tool chain
Occasionally fails to identify symbols
Very customizable
Outputs to a huge variety of formats, including the Callgrind format, and automatically loads KCacheGrind for you
Has various memory profiling tools also
Is a sampling profiler, with minimal overhead
Related useful questions and answers
Alternative to -pg with Clang?
What's your favorite profiling tool (for C++)
Alternatives to gprof
C++ Code Profiler
Confusing gprof output
I would respectfully disagree with Matt.
The tool I use all the time on Windows is the random-pausing technique, and it works with all languages that the IDE supports.
As an example of using it to do performance tuning, this case shows how a speedup of 43 times was achieved through a series of steps.
Gprof has a lot of problems, listed here, and according to the google-perftools manual, some of the same issues are repeated there, such as reporting procedures, not lines, emphasizing self (local) time, emphasizing the graph, etc. (I can't tell from the doc if it samples while blocked.)
As software systems become ever larger, self time becomes less and less relevant. The program counter spends most of its time in library routines or blocked in the system.
Graphs become gigantic nests.
People ask "I know function X is costly, but where in function X is the problem?"
What's more, the "bottlenecks" get bigger and bigger, because the stack gets deeper on average, and every layer of the stack is a fresh opportunity to do more function calls than necessary.
An example of a stack-sampler that reports percent by line, and samples while blocked, and allows user control of sampling so as not to dilute the sample set during user input, is Zoom.
EDIT: Sorry, can't leave well enough alone. Here's a new explanation:
The way programs work, they trace out a call tree, which is a lot like the oak tree outside my window. It has a trunk (main) which sprouts branches (call sites) which sprout further branches for several levels out to leaves (instructions) and acorns (blocking calls).
When the tree surgeon comes to prune (optimize) it, does he look only where the leaves are (hotspots)? Does he ignore acorns (no samples during blocking)?
No, he looks for branches (call sites) that are both heavy (on the stack a lot) and unhealthy (unnecessary). Those are what he prunes.
That's what random-pausing and Zoom do, is help find those call sites.
You can use Callgrind to create profiling output. It is part of Valgrind.
Callgrind-output could be used with KCacheGrind, which is probably worth a look as long as you're using Linux.
AMD CodeAnalyst is pretty nice. It's also cross platform which is nice when one finds a platform specific bottleneck.

Is it OK to have a single configuration, rather than separating Debug and Release (in our case)?

We develop a product for internal customers. We don't have a QA team, and don't use assertions. Performance is important, application size isn't.
Is it a good idea to have a single configuration (instead of separating Debug and Release), which will have the debug information (pdbs), and will also do the performance optimization?
Are there any cons to this approach?
Keep both. There is a reason for having two configurations! Use the Debug one for debugging and the Release one for every-day use.
THe cons of "merging" configurations are obvious - you wont get the best optimizations you could with clean Release configuration and debugging will be awkward. The few seconds (or minutes) needed to rebuild the project in a different configuration are worth it, trust me.
I would say that you should always keep debug and release versions separate. Release versions are for your customers, Debug versions are for your developers. You say that you don't use assertions: perhaps you should be? Even if you don't use assertions in your own code, you can still trigger assertions in the underlying library code, eg when using invalid iterators. These will give the developer a warning that something's wrong. What would the user do if they saw this message: panic, call tech support, do nothing?
The debug version is there to provide you with extra tools to fix problems before you ship the release version. You should use every tool available to you to increase the quality of your product.
The debug infos will be mostly worthless in an optimized build, because the optimizer will transform the program into something unrecognizable. Also, errors related to undefined behavior are easier to expose if you have a secondary configuration with other optimization flags.
Debugging and optimization tend to work against each other. The compiler's optimizations typically make debugging a pain (functions can be inlined, loops unrolled, etc), and the strictness that makes debug info worthwhile ties the compiler's hands so it can't optimize as well. Basically, if you combine the two, it's the worst of both worlds.
Performance of the finished product thus pretty much demands that it be a "release" version, not a debug version, and certainly not some odd mix of the two.
You should have at least two. One for release (performance) and one for debugging - or do you write perfect code, first time every time?
Is it OK to have a single
configuration, rather than separating
Debug and Release (in our case)?
It may be OK - it depends heavily on your case (but depending on your details I think it is very not OK).
We don't have a QA team, and don't use assertions.
Assertions are not the issue with a debug build. They are another tool you can use (or not).
Having a QA team or not should not influence (heavily) the decision between debug and release builds (but if you do have a QA team, sooner or later you will probably want to have a debug version of your product).
A QA team will affect the quality of your product heavily. Without dedicated QA (by someone other than the people who develop the application) you have no guarantee of the quality or stability of your product, you can provide no guarantee it does what it's supposed to do (or that it's fit for any purpose) and you cannot make meaningful measurements on your product in lots of areas).
It may be you actually don't need a QA team, but in most cases you're just depriving your development team and customers (internal or not) of a lot of necessary data.
A debug build should make it easier to - well - debug your product and track issue and fix them. If you are doing no organized QA, you may not even know what your main issues to fix are.
Methinks that you actually have a QA team, you just don't see it as such: your internal customers (that may even be you) are your QA team. It's a bad idea, to the degree your application's function is important.
Working with no QA team is like creating a car by yourself and taking it on the road for testing: you have no idea if the wheels are held together OK, or if the breaks work until you are in traffic. It may be you don't kill anyone, but I wouldn't put the critical data in your company in your untested application, unless it's not really critical.
Performance is important, application size isn't.
If performance is important, who measures it? Does the measurement code belong to your released application? Do you add it and remove it in the released code?
It sounds like you're doing ad-hoc development and with a performance-critical application with no QA team and no dedicated debugging I'd have lots of doubts your team can actually deliver.
I don't know your situation and there may be a lot I don't see in this so maybe it's OK.
Are there any cons to this approach?
Yes: you will either end up with diagnostics code in your release version, or have to remove the diagnostics code after fixing each problem and add it again when working on the next problem.
You should not remove the debug version only for optimization though. That's not a valid argument, since you can optimize your release version and leave the debug version as is.

Are C++ static code analyis tools worth it?

Our management has recently been talking to some people selling C++ static analysis tools. Of course the sales people say they will find tons of bugs, but I'm skeptical.
How do such tools work in the real world? Do they find real bugs? Do they help more junior programmers learn?
Are they worth the trouble?
Static code analysis is almost always worth it. The issue with an existing code base is that it will probably report far too many errors to make it useful out of the box.
I once worked on a project that had 100,000+ warnings from the compiler... no point in running Lint tools on that code base.
Using Lint tools "right" means buying into a better process (which is a good thing). One of the best jobs I had was working at a research lab where we were not allowed to check in code with warnings.
So, yes the tools are worth it... in the long term. In the short term turn your compiler warnings up to the max and see what it reports. If the code is "clean" then the time to look at lint tools is now. If the code has many warnings... prioritize and fix them. Once the code has none (or at least very few) warnings then look at Lint tools.
So, Lint tools are not going to help a poor code base, but once you have a good codebase it can help you keep it good.
In the case of the 100,000+ warning product, it was broken down into about 60 Visual Studio projects. As each project had all of the warnings removed it was changed so that the warnings were errors, that prevented new warnings from being added to projects that had been cleaned up (or rather it let my co-worker righteously yell at any developer that checked in code without compiling it first :-)
In my experience with a couple of employers, Coverity Prevent for C/C++ was decidedly worth it, finding some bugs even in good developers’ code, and a lot of bugs in the worst developers’ code. Others have already covered technical aspects, so I’ll focus on the political difficulties.
First, the developers whose code need static analysis the most, are the least likely to use it voluntarily. So I’m afraid you’ll need strong management backing, in practice as well as in theory; otherwise it might end up as just a checklist item, to produce impressive metrics without actually getting bugs fixed. Any static analysis tool is going to produce false positives; you’re probably going to need to dedicate somebody to minimizing the annoyance from them, e.g., by triaging defects, prioritizing the checkers, and tweaking the settings. (A commercial tool should be extremely good at never showing a false positive more than once; that alone may be worth the price.) Even the genuine defects are likely to generate annoyance; my advice on this is not to worry about, e.g., check-in comments grumbling that obviously destructive bugs are “minor.”
My biggest piece of advice is a corollary to my first law, above: Take the cheap shots first, and look at the painfully obvious bugs from your worst developers. Some of these might even have been found by compiler warnings, but a lot of bugs can slip through those cracks, e.g., when they’re suppressed by command-line options. Really blatant bugs can be politically useful, e.g., with a Top Ten List of the funniest defects, which can concentrate minds wonderfully, if used carefully.
As a couple people remarked, if you run a static analysis tool full bore on most applications, you will get a lot of warnings, some of them may be false positives or may not lead to an exploitable defect. It is that experience that leads to a perception that these types of tools are noisy and perhaps a waste of time. However, there are warnings that will highlight a real and potentially dangerous defects that can lead to security, reliability, or correctness issues and for many teams, those issues are important to fix and may be nearly impossible to discover via testing.
That said, static analysis tools can be profoundly helpful, but applying them to an existing codebase requires a little strategy. Here are a couple of tips that might help you..
1) Don't turn everything on at once, decide on an initial set of defects, turn those analyses on and fix them across your code base.
2) When you are addressing a class of defects, help your entire development team to understand what the defect is, why it's important and how to code to defend against that defect.
3) Work to clear the codebase completely of that class of defects.
4) Once this class of issues have been fixed, introduce a mechanism to stay in that zero issue state. Luckily, it is much easier make sure you are not re-introducing an error if you are at a baseline has no errors.
It does help. I'd suggest taking a trial version and running it through a part of your codebase which you think is neglected. These tools generate a lot of false positives. Once you've waded through these, you're likely to find a buffer overrun or two that can save a lot of grief in near future. Also, try at least two/three varieties (and also some of the OpenSource stuff).
I've used them - PC-Lint, for example, and they did find some things. Typically they are configurable and you can tell them 'stop bothering me about xyz', if you determine that xyz really isn't an issue.
I don't know that they help junior programmers learn a lot, but they can be used as a mechanism to help tighten up the code.
I've found that a second set of (skeptical, probing for bugs) eyes and unit testing is typically where I've seen more bug catching take place.
Those tools do help. lint has been a great tool for C developers.
But one objection that I have is that they're batch processes that run after you've written a fair amount of code and potentially generate a lot of messages.
I think a better approach is to build such a thing into your IDE and have it point out the problem while you're writing it so you can correct it right away. Don't let those problems get into the code base in the first place.
That's the difference between the FindBugs static analysis tool for Java and IntelliJ's Inspector. I greatly prefer the latter.
You are probably going to have to deal with a good amount of false positives, particularly if your code base is large.
Most static analysis tools work using "intra-procedural analysis", which means that they consider each procedure in isolation, as opposed to "whole-program analysis" which considers the entire program.
They typically use "intra-procedural" analysis because "whole-program analysis" has to consider many paths through a program that won't actually ever happen in practice, and thus can often generate false positive results.
Intra-procedural analysis eliminates those problems by just focusing on a single procedure. In order to work, however, they usually need to introduce an "annotation language" that you use to describe meta-data for procedure arguments, return types, and object fields. For C++ those things are usually implemented via macros that you decorate things with. The annotations then describe things like "this field is never null", "this string buffer is guarded by this integer value", "this field can only be accessed by the thread labeled 'background'", etc.
The analysis tool will then take the annotations you supply and verify that the code you wrote actually conforms to the annotations. For example, if you could potentially pass a null off to something that is marked as not null, it will flag an error.
In the absence of annotations, the tool needs to assume the worst, and so will report a lot of errors that aren't really errors.
Since it appears you are not using such a tool already, you should assume you are going to have to spend a considerably amount of time annotating your code to get rid of all the false positives that will initially be reported. I would run the tool initially, and count the number of errors. That should give you an estimate of how much time you will need to adopt it in your code base.
Wether or not the tool is worth it depends on your organization. What are the kinds of bugs you are bit by the most? Are they buffer overrun bugs? Are they null-dereference or memory-leak bugs? Are they threading issues? Are they "oops we didn't consider that scenario", or "we didn't test a Chineese version of our product running on a Lithuanian version of Windows 98?".
Once you figure out what the issues are, then you should know if it's worth the effort.
The tool will probably help with buffer overflow, null dereference, and memory leak bugs. There's a chance that it may help with threading bugs if it has support for "thread coloring", "effects", or "permissions" analysis. However, those types of analysis are pretty cutting-edge, and have HUGE notational burdens, so they do come with some expense. The tool probably won't help with any other type of bugs.
So, it really depends on what kind of software you write, and what kind of bugs you run into most frequently.
I think static code analysis is well worth, if you are using the right tool. Recently, we tried the Coverity Tool ( bit expensive). Its awesome, it brought out many critical defects,which were not detected by lint or purify.
Also we found that, we could have avoided 35% of the customer Field defects, if we had used coverity earlier.
Now, Coverity is rolled out in my company and when ever we get a customer TR in old software version, we are running coverity against it to bring out the possible canditates for the fault before we start the analysis in a susbsytem.
Paying for most static analysis tools is probably unnecessary when there's some very good-quality free ones (unless you need some very special or specific feature provided by a commercial version). For example, see this answer I gave on another question about cppcheck.
I guess it depends quite a bit on your programming style. If you are mostly writing C code (with the occasional C++ feature) then these tools will likely be able to help (e.g. memory management, buffer overruns, ...). But if you are using more sophisticated C++ features, then the tools might get confused when trying to parse your source code (or just won't find many issues because C++ facilities are usually safer to use).
As with everything the answer depends ... if you are the sole developer working on a knitting-pattern-pretty-printer for you grandma you'll probably do not want to buy any static analysis tools. If you are having a medium sized project for software that will go into something important and maybe on top of that you have a tight schedule, you might want to invest a little bit now that saves you much more later on.
I recently wrote a general rant on this:
I should write part 2 as soon as time permits, but in general do some rough calculations whether it is worth it for you:
how much time spent on debugging?
how many resources bound?
what percentage could have been found by static analysis?
costs for tool setup?
purchase price?
peace of mind? :-)
My personal take is also:
get static analysis in early
early in the project
early in the development cycle
early as in really early (before nightly build and subsequent testing)
provide the developer with the ability to use static analysis himself
nobody likes to be told by test engineers or some anonymous tool
what they did wrong yesterday
less debugging makes a developer happy :-)
provides a good way of learning about (subtle) pitfalls without embarrassment
This rather amazing result was accomplished using Elsa and Oink.
"Large-Scale Analysis of Format String Vulnerabilities in Debian Linux"
by Karl Chen, David Wagner,
UC Berkeley,
{quarl, daw}
Format-string bugs are a relatively common security vulnerability, and can lead to arbitrary code execution. In collaboration with others, we designed and implemented a system to eliminate format string vulnerabilities from an entire Linux distribution, using typequalifier inference, a static analysis technique that can find taint violations. We successfully analyze 66% of C/C++ source packages in the Debian 3.1 Linux distribution. Our system finds 1,533 format string taint warnings. We estimate that 85% of these are true positives, i.e., real bugs; ignoring duplicates from libraries, about 75% are real bugs. We suggest that the technology exists to render format string vulnerabilities extinct in the near future.
Categories and Subject Descriptors D.4.6 [Operating Systems]: Security and Protection—Invasive Software;
General Terms: Security, Languages;
Keywords: Format string vulnerability, Large-scale analysis, Typequalifier inference
Static analysis that finds real bugs is worth it regardless of whether it's C++ or not. Some tend to be quite noisy, but if they can catch subtle bugs like signed/unsigned comparisons causing optimizations that break your code or out of bounds array accesses, they are definitely worth the effort.
At a former employer we had Insure++.
It helped to pinpoint random behaviour (use of uninitialized stuff) which Valgrind could not find. But most important: it helpd to remove mistakes which were not known as errors yet.
Insure++ is good, but pricey, that's why we bought one user license only.

C++ code performance

When is about writing code into C++ using VS2005, how can you measure the performance of your code?
Is any default tool in VS for that? Can I know which function or class slow down my application?
Are other external tools which can be integrated into VS in order to measure the gaps in my code?
If you have the Team System edition of Visual Studio 2005, you can use the built-in profiler.
AMD CodeAnalyst is available for free for both Windows and Linux and works on most x86 or x64 CPUs (including Intel's).
It has extra features available when you have an AMD processor, of course. It also integrates into Visual Studio.
I've had pretty good luck with it.
Note that there are generally at least two common forms of profiler:
instrumenting: alters your build to record information at the beginning and end of certain areas (usually per function)
sampling: periodically looks at what code is running to record information
The types of information recorded can include (but are not limited to): elapsed time, # of CPU cycles, cache hits/misses, etc.
Instrumenting can be specific to certain areas of the code (just certain files or just code you compile, not libraries you link to). The overhead is much higher (you're adding code to the project, which takes time to execute, so you're altering timing; you may change program behavior for e.g. interrupt handlers or other timing-dependent code). You're guaranteed that you will get information about the functions/areas you instrument, though.
Sampling can miss very small or very sporadic functions, but modern machines have hardware help to allow you to sample much more thoroughly. Note that some sampling systems may still inject timing differences, although they generally will be much much smaller.
Some profiling tools support a mixture of the above, depending on how you use them.
You could also use Intel VTune.
You want a tool called a profiler. For a free one that covers most simple cases, I recommend Very Sleepy. It works by sampling the application's current call stack at regular intervals.
You can always measure the time and performance of you code yourself. Consult MSDN about the the following functions QueryPerformanceCounter() and QueryPerformanceFrequency().
For more in depth analysis of memory allocation and execution times we use Memory Validator and Performance Validator from Software Verify. They have support for several languages other than C++.
I think measuring performance, and locating code to optimize, are different problems, and require different methods.
To locate code to optimize, I swear by this simple method, which is orthogonal to accepted wisdom about profiling, and does not require you to buy or install any tools.
To measure performance, I'm content with the simple process of running the subject code in a loop and timing it.
EDIT: BTW, I just looked at Very Sleepy, and it appears to be on the right track. It samples the entire call stack, and retains each stack. What I can't tell is if it gives you, for each call instruction or regular instruction, the fraction of stack samples containing that instruction. In my opinion, that is the most valuable statistic, and it does not need to be very precise.
dotTrace, on the other hand, also looks like maybe it retains stack samples, but its UI presentation of call-stack info seems to be a call-tree. What I would look for is something that shows the stack-residence percentage of individual instructions (or statements), because they could be in different branches of the call-tree, and thus the call-tree could miss their importance.
For intrusive measurement, use the performance counters. Since you're using C++, you should use a facade over this slightly painful API. STLSoft has a family of such things, with different pros and cons. I suggest winstl::performance_counter for highest resolution, or winstl::threadtimes_counter if you want to monitor the performance of a particular thread regardless of other activity in your process(es). There was an article about this in Dr Dobb's several years ago, in which the design rationale behind the facades was described in detail.
For non-intrusive measurement, you can't go past VTune.
We use Rational quantify which comes as a part of Rational PurifyPlus set of tools.
Its an excellent tool for profiling application performance.
I've recently tried JetBrains dotTrace profiler and it looks very good. It helped me locate a number "black holes" in existing C++ code quite easily.
It works fine in Visual Studio 2005 Professional in a solution which mixes C# and C++ - it uses the right function names for both pieces of code and does an integrated analysis. You can trace for time or memory.
It will be a pity when the evaluation period expires :)
We've had good results from AQTime. It's not free but is cheaper than Visual Studio ;-)

What is profiling?

I am new to this and is trying to learn.
What is profiling?
What are various free tools for profiling .NET, Java EE?
Can Javascript be profiled?
If so, by which tool?
And lastly, how do these profilers work?
Profiling measures how long various parts of the code take to run. Javascript can be profiled with firebug:
profiling is measuring the execution times and correlating it with various classes/methods/functions. (see the link I gave to the wikipedia page for some commentary on how profilers can work)
Think of profilers as debuggers for execution duration bugs.
Profilers are implemented a lot like debuggers too, except that rather than allowing you to stop the program and poke around, they simply let it run and keep track of how much time gets spent in every part of the program. This is particularly useful if you have some code that is running slower than you need it to run, as you can figure out exactly where all the time is going, and concentrate your efforts on fixing just that bottleneck.
Many developers believe you should never hand-optimize code without using a profiler.
The way you would usually use your profiler is as follows:
Start the profiler, fire up your application using the profiler.
Use your application for some time or just the features in your application that you have identified as bottlenecks and would like to optimize.
Once your application is closed (or sometimes even before that), the profiler can present you a breakdown of execution times per function. Some will also allow you to get a breakdown of execution times per line or function within one of these functions so you can see where cpu most time was used up using a top-down approach.
Usually some functions in your application will take an unusually long time to execute. After looking at your profiling results, you should be able to identify them and eliminate performance problems.
Here are some .NET profilers for you to try (free):
CLR Profiler
I am not a big fan of these. I would recommend one of the commercial products to get the best results:
Other than that take a look at Brad Adams blog posts Profilers for the CLR and .NET Application Profiler.
I personally like dotTrace.
Profiling is a technique for measuring execution times and numbers of invocations of procedures.
It is not however the only or even necessarily the best way to locate things that cause time to be wasted in your code. Look here.
For a different Wikipedia article, try
For a simple how-to, try
Wikipedia says:
In software engineering, performance analysis, more commonly today known as profiling, is the investigation of a program's behavior using information gathered as the program executes
Continue reading here
So, about javascript tool Firebug( is an excelent option.
Profiling is a measure of execution time at method level (functional statistics) as well as run-time level information collection such as consumption of memory, processor, threads and number of classes (non-functional statistics) loaded over a period of time the application is running. It falls under performance analysis (functional and non-functional statistics collection) of the application in question as run by one user. JConsole is one of the built-in tools to profile Java applications.
Profiling or programming profiles is the technique of dynamic analysis of programs, which uses resources such as memory space or the temporal complexity of a program, the use of particular instructions or the frequency, as well as the duration of function calls , to mention a few cases. Typically, profiling information is used to aid program optimization and, more specifically, performance engineering. Profiling is accomplished by instrumenting the program's source code. Profilers employ different methods such as event-based, statistical, instrumented, and simulation methods