Like button on online advertisements - facebook-like

Whenever I go to create the code for the like box/button to place on our website/advertisements I get an error message. Is this a fb issue or operator error issue?

I was able to generate a like button just fine and it functioned perfectly. Make sure you're using their social plugin service at:
Also if your website doesn't have XFBML enabled make sure you un-check the Send Button option.

A Like plugin should be able to be used with any valid URL.
It may be misconfigured if it's not working for you.
However, regardless of any technical issues you're having, this is expressly against Facebook policy (see )
IV.4.a Your advertisements must not include or be paired with any Platform
integrations, including social plugins such as the Like button,
without our written permission.
IV.4.e Ad networks, ad exchanges, and data brokers must not use Facebook’s Platform,
logos, and trademarks (including, but not limited to, Platform APIs, social
plugins, the Share button, and the F logo).


Why browser calling is not working anymore?

We're integrating RingCentral for Salesforce on another Dev Org and we used to be able to make calls using a browser but this time it's prompting this error:
"Your extension is not allowed to make outbound calls with browser currently, please contact your account representative for an upgrade."
This error occurs when changing settings via the RingCentral Utility Bar. Currently, there are 4 items we can choose from (Browser, RingCentral App, RingCentral Phone, & RingOut). The browser should be the default one but like I said there's an error so we can't make calls. Do we need a specific browser extension to make it work or did we miss anything on the setup manual?
We're on Office Premium but I'm not sure if that's an issue.
You need to add free digital line(phone) to your extension to make calls. Without digital line your extension cannot make any outbound call.
To add digital line, you need to add it from your online portal account
Check the following reference:

Google OAuth2.0 allows users NOT in list of test users

I'm developing a webapp which allows users to log in with their Google accounts, using OAuth2.0.
I've created an OAuth2.0 client ID, configured the OAuth consent screen with the Publishing status set to 'Testing', and added a test user.
The frontend of my app is built with React, and I'm using a package (react-google-login) to handle the flow. I can successfully sign in with the Google account I added as a test user, and retrieve the basic profile information needed.
The problem is I can also sign in with other Google accounts, which have not been added to the list of test users. I imagine that Google should simply not issue access tokens for accounts which are not in the list of test users.
I feel like I've misunderstood something about the OAuth process, or I have configured something incorrectly. I would appreciate if anyone had any pointers?
It is indeed bugged.
I was in the same spot as you, assuming I had misunderstood something. After reviewing my code over and over with no luck, I made a Stack Overflow post, in which I was advised to post to Google's bug tracking system. After doing some troubleshooting with Google they confirmed the bug, and they are now working to fix it (for a little while already).
I included this thread as an example when talking to Google. I meant to post an update here after getting in touch with them, but I forgot, sorry!
The buganizer thread with more details:
Is it possible you're only asking for the email scope?
It appears the test user filter and possibly the whole concept of the 'app' being in test mode exists only inside the consent screen feature.
For some reason, Google doesn't show the consent screen if you only ask for email.
So... maybe that means you don't need a consent screen, and therefore don't need to care what that feature thinks about your app (that your app is in test mode and needs to be verified before going into production).
Or maybe it's a bug? Or maybe just because you can do this doesn't mean it's allowed by Google's terms. Maybe they just haven't implemented preventing that use case.
Anyway, it may help you to know that if you add a more significant scope like the Calendar API then the following things will change:
Non-test users will get a message like "The developer hasn’t given you access to this app." and won't be able to complete oauth
Test users will get a message like "Google hasn't verified this app"
Test users will see a consent screen
Basically, everything starts working as expected.
By the way, just putting "email" or "profile" for scope seems to be an old way of doing things, and all the newer scopes want you to use a full URL for the scope (despite google themselves not using the full URL when you're configuring your scopes).
For example, if you want the email and calendar scopes, you can put this value for your scope field:
Or you can use this equivalent value:
Not suggesting you add a scope like email for the sake of it, just that it sheds light on what's happening, and if there's a scope like that that you need anyway, adding it will solve your problem.

Facebook graph API cannot retrieve data such as statuses of a non-friend profile (no mutual friends)

first time on stackoverflow. Was wondering about this problem I am having as mentioned in the title, my application cannot retrieve any data via the API for any profiles that are non-related in anyway (no mutual friends either). Is this a known thing due to privacy settings or permissions?
This is the rules you have to know, for example 100007110730790 is a non-friend id:
Rule 1. If the user turn platform Off:
Facebook API wouldn't work at all:
Rule 2. If the platform is ON and user 100007110730790 does not provide user_status permission for your app, you can get the feed with have tagged with you:
if you are using your apps(not graph API explorer default app, this app wouldn't include activity feed!), you can also get public activity feed(add life event, change language, so on, even though he/she doesn't use the app at all!):
Update 10 jan 2014:
shared_story is included on this rule.
Rule 3. If the platform is ON and user 100007110730790 does provide user_status permission for your app, you can get the status feed even though non-friend!:
And using FQL:
So, for albums/photos is the same, the non friend need to grant user_photos permission to the same APP.
Yes, I guess. In any ways you shouldn't be able to retrieve something that is not normally visible to you. Looking aroudn Stackoverflow there are multiple threads with similar queries, so it seems like a known limitation.

Offline testing of OpenGraph / 'Like'

How can I test the 'Like' button functionality and OpenGraph data embedded in my pages while my site is not publicly accessible?
I have an internal test environment where my site is being built and tested. The environment is locked down by IP to a certain set of machines. I want to be able to verify the end-to-end scenario of performing a 'Like' and seeing the parsed OpenGraph data on a user's Timeline without having to open up my site to public access.
I know there's a user agent for the Facebook crawler, but allowing by user agent is risky as anyone can send any user agent string. Ideally, I'd like to lock it down to Facebook's crawler's IP range without having to parse logs to find what one or two of those IPs might be (I assume there's quite a few machines crawling the web for data).
My problem today is that I can click 'Like' and have it show up with a plain URL back to my site, but the crawler can't reach me since the page effectively doesn't exist for it when it hits my server.
How can I test the 'Like' button functionality and OpenGraph data
embedded in my pages while my site is not publicly accessible?
You really cannot do that. It has to be lint-able by Facebook. See: Be sure your page is publically avaible and able to be linted by the facebook linter tool.
This works fine with four social network previews:
It doesn't support the like button, just the preview.
From my "proof of solution"

Facebook integration... Where to start?

I recently put a django project of mine into its beta stages and would really like to integrate more with social media, particularly facebook.
Now there are so many facebook integrations out there... I don't know where to start but, I'll tell you what I am after.
My sites publishes content with photos and also user related data (which site doesn't)
on each individual page I already have a facebook like button that basically has the absolute url of that page
so for instance:
When a user likes this particular url I would like them to become a Fan on my facebook site/page as well.
I also added the FB opengraph tool which is a bit more informative once a user likes it. But it still does not publish any statistics to my page.
Can someone give me a bit of an understanding on what the best option is for this type of integration?
As a security option for the user, Facebook has never allowed third party access to "become a fan."
If you want to record locally when someone presses the "Like" button, you'll have to implement it locally (copy the presentation, and query Facebook yourself), so you can intercept the event. I've done that; it's not too hard.
I suggest you review the Connect Terms of Service to see what it is you're allowed to do: