Django returns blank pages - django

Suddenly I started getting HTTP 200 with zero byte content for every request handled by Django.
This problem has appeared in past, too, and seemed to randomly disappear.
I see a debug view when I make syntax errors, but if the code executes fine, I get a blank page.
I tried resetting Apache, moving project directory, removing .pyc's—what next?

This mistake scores highest on stupidness * impact measure among all I've ever made.
I upload changes to our server via SFTP, and I got a short connection outage during last round of changes. Apparently, it happened exactly the moment I was uploading base.html, the base template for them all. The file was overwritten as zero byte empty file, and Django was correctly serving it.
Two things I've learned:
to never trust SFTP clients;
to inspect diff with HEAD when a problem occurs.

This just happened to me again. (I guess I'm lucky!)
I haven't found the cause but was able to recover by stopping and then starting Apache:
sudo apache2ctl stop
sudo apache2ctl start
Apparently, this isn't the same as restarting (sudo apache2ctl start) which didn't help at all.


npm:youtube-dl and Lamda HTTP Error 429: Too Many Requests

I am running an npm package: youtube-dl through a Lambda function as I want to create an online convertor.
I have suddenly started to run into the following error message:
"errorMessage": "Command failed: /var/task/node_modules/youtube-dl/bin/youtube-dl --dump-json --format=best[ext=mp4]\nERROR: Unable to download webpage: HTTP Error 429: Too Many Requests (caused by HTTPError()); please report this issue on . Make sure you are using the latest version; type youtube-dl -U to update. Be sure to call youtube-dl with the --verbose flag and include its complete output.\n",
"errorType": "Error",
"stackTrace": ["ERROR: Unable to download webpage: HTTP Error 429: Too Many Requests (caused by HTTPError()); please report this issue on . Make sure you are using the latest version; type youtube-dl -U to update. Be sure to call youtube-dl with the --verbose flag and include its complete output.", "", "ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:275:12)", "emitTwo (events.js:126:13)", "ChildProcess.emit (events.js:214:7)", "maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:925:16)", "Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:209:5)"]
Edit: I have run this a few times when I was testing the other day, but today I only ran it once.
I think that the IP address used by my Lambda function has now been blacklisted. I'm unsure how to proceed as I am a junior and very new to all this.
Is there a way to resolve this? Can I get a new IP address? Is this going to be super costly?
youtube-dl lack of delay (limit of request per time) option.
(see suggestion it the bottom of my post).
NEVER download more than one video with youtube-dl.
You can search youtube-dl author contact (e-mail etc) and write them directly, also as open issue on github page regarding it. as more request they have as fast they be pleased to fix it.
Currenty they have planty same request on this issue in gitlab but they hardly to block discussions and close tickets by this problem.
This is some sort of misbehaviour I believe.
I also found that developer suggest to use proxy instead of introducing delay option in his code - extremely funny.
OK, re to use proxy - but this actually does not solve the problem since it is lack of program design and no matter you use proxy or not YouTube limits is still here.
Please note:
This cause not only subj error but blocking your IP by YouTube.
Once you hit this situation YouTube will block your IP as a suspicious again and again even with a small requests amount. this cause tremendous problems since IP marked as suspicious.
Without limiting request per time option (with safe value by default) I consider youtube-dl as a dangerous software should cause problems and I stopped using it until this option will be introduced.
Use Ctrl+S (suspend) , Ctrl+Q (resume) when youtube-dl collecting digest for many videos (when you already donloaded many videos of channel but new one still there). I suspend it for a few minutes after eatch 10.
And use --limit-rate 150K (or as low as it sane), this may help you to not hit the limit since whole transmission is shaped.
Ok, so I found this response:
I am wondering if it's possible that our because our volume is low we just always end up using the same container hence the same IP address?
Yes, that is exactly the reason. A container is only spawned if no containers are already available. After a few minutes of no further demand, excess/unneeded containers are destroyed.
If so is there any way to prevent this?
No, this behavior is by design.
I logged out for 20 minutes and went back to the function and ran it again. It worked
Not my solution, it took me a while to understand what he ment (reading is an art). It worked for me.
You have to use the option --cookies in combination with a current/correct cookie file.
Here the steps I followed
1. if you use Firefox, install addon cookies.txt, enable the addon
2. clear your browser cache, clear you browser cookies (privacy reasons)
3. go to, and log in with your google account
4. go to
5. click on the cookies.txt addon, and export the cookies, save it as cookies.txt (in the same directory from where you are going to run youtube-dl)
6. this worked for me ... youtube-dl --cookies cookies.txt
Hope it helps.
use --force-ipv4 option in command.
youTube-dl --force-ipv4 ...
What you should do is handle that error by retrying the requests that are throttled.

Scheduled Task Never Runs unless I browse the URL manually

I have a particular scheduled task that CF claims runs every 2 minutes. However, it either doesn't run or complete since the database changes the task is supposed to perform do not occur after each run. However if I copy the exact same URL into a browser and run the script, it works 100% of the time.
I have no clue where to start debugging. There is no IP restriction on the page.
I can see in the CF Admin that it was last run at 2:06 for example and the next run will be at 2:08. I can also see it in the scheduler.log file.
We had updated our certs in IIS but didn't update our cacerts file. Once we did everything was great.
It was clear the process wasn't running when I added a line or two to email myself at the start of the task. The emails never came when the server ran the task but they did when I pinged the page. I changed the task to save the output to a log file and when I opened that up it just said "Connection Failure". This led me to some googling and some talk about certificates which made me remember that we just updated ours recently. Looking back at my emails with IT it did indeed happen on the same day that the last emails in the mailsent.log were sent from these scheduled tasks.

Coldfusion scheduled task not working in CF10-AWS [duplicate]

I have a series of scheduled tasks that all run at various times of the day. Since the migration from Coldfusion version 7 to 10, these tasks have stopped running.
When I check the box, that outputs the results to a file, I get a text file that says nothing more than "Connection Failure". I have tried everything imaginable regarding the username and password for the task. It makes no difference. When I run the CFM page in my browser, the
page works correctly and generates an email just like it should. I just
can't make it run as a scheduled event.
Is the scheduled task folder has any check for the session or anything? I mean is the scheduled task folder is accessible without login? Please try with removing all the redirect rules for the application. That might work.
For me the requests were timing out. I increased the timeout in the administrator and that solved it. Doing a cfhttp in a test file and dumping the results helped me troubleshoot it.

Why does RabbitMQ keep breaking from a corrupt persister log file?

I'm running Celery in a Django app with RabbitMQ as the message broker. However, RabbitMQ keeps breaking down like so. First is the error I get from Django. The trace is mostly unimportant, because I know what is causing the error, as you will see.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/amqplib/client_0_8/", line 85, in __init__
raise socket.error, msg
error: [Errno 111] Connection refused
I know that this is due to a corrupt rabbit_persister.log file. This is because after I kill all processes tied to RabbitMQ, I run "sudo rabbitmq-server start" to get the following crash:
starting queue recovery ...done
starting persister ...BOOT ERROR: FAILED
Reason: {{badmatch,{error,{{{badmatch,eof},
Erlang has closed
My current fix: Every time this happens, I rename the corresponding rabbit_persister.log file to something else (rabbit_persister.log.bak) and am able to restart RabbitMQ with success. But the problem keeps occurring, and I can't tell why. Any ideas?
Also, as a disclaimer, I have no experience with Erlang; I'm only using RabbitMQ because it's the broker favored by Celery.
Thanks in advance, this problem is really annoying me because I keep doing the same fix over and over.
The persister is RabbitMQ's internal message database. That "log" is presumably like a database log and deleting it will cause you to lose messages. I guess it's getting corrupted by unclean broker shutdowns, but that's a bit beside the point.
It's interesting that you're getting an error in the rabbit_persister module. The last version of RabbitMQ that has that file is 2.2.0, so I'd strongly advise you to upgrade. The best version is always the latest, which you can get by using the RabbitMQ APT repository. In particular, the persister has seen a fairly large amount of fixes in the versions after 2.2.0, so there's a big chance your problem has already been resolved.
If you still see the problem after upgrading, you should report it on the RabbitMQ Discuss mailing list. The developers (of both Celery and RabbitMQ) make a point of fixing any problems reported there.
A. Because you are running an old version of RabbitMQ earlier than 2.7.1
B. Because RabbitMQ doesn't have enough RAM. You need to run RabbitMQ on a server all by itself and give that server enough RAM so that the RAM is 2.5 times the largest possible size of your persisted message log.
You might be able to fix this without any software changes just by adding more RAM and killing other services on the box.
Another approach to this is to build your own RabbitMQ from source and include the toke extension that persists messages using Tokyo Cabinet. Make sure you are using local hard drive and not NFS partitions because Tokyo Cabinet has corruption issues with NFS. And, of course, use version 2.7.1 for this. Depending on your message content, you might also benefit from Tokyo Cabinets compression settings to reduce the read/write activity of persisted messages.

Django/Postgres performance worsening after repeatedly processing the same query

I am running Django on Apache. I have several client computers which should call urllib2.urlopen() and send over some data which my server will process and immediately send back a reply. However, when I am testing this I found a very tricky issue. I have one client repeatedly send the same data to be processed. The first time, it takes around ~20 seconds, second time, it takes about 40 seconds, third time I get a 504 (gateway timeout) error. If I try to send data some more 504 errors randomly pop up. I am pretty sure this is an issue with Postgres as the function that processes the information makes many database calls, however, I do not know why the performance of Postgres would decline so much. I have tried several database optimization tricks, including this one: (, to no avail.
Thanks in advance.
Edit: The requests are not coming concurrently. They are coming in back to back and each query involves a lot of SELECTs and JOINs, and there are a few INSERTs and UPDATEs as well. The apache error logs show that it is just a simple timeout, where the function to process the client posted data takes over 90 seconds.
If it's really Postgres, then you should turn on the logging of slow statements in the Postgres configuration to find out which statement exactly is taking so much time.
This can be done by setting the configuration property log_min_duration.
Details are in the manual:
You say the function makes "many database calls" so I'd start with a very low number, or even 0 to log the duration of all statements, then you might be able to identify the slow ones.
It could also be a locking issued. Maybe the first call does not end its transaction properly and subsequent calls run into a timeout when waiting for a resource.
You can verify this by checking the system view pg_locks after the first call.
Have you checked the Apache error_logs? Have you set django DEBUG = True or ADMINS = ('',) so you can get a detailed error report about what the actual cause of the issue is? If so, how about pasting some information here.
Why are you certain that it's postgres? Have you done diagnostics to come to that conclusion? If so, please let us know.
Are you running apache with mod_wsgi? How many processes and threads have you allocated to your django application?
Also, 20 seconds to process the first transaction is a huge amount of time. Perhaps you could show us the view code that is causing the time out. We may be able to help there.
I sincerely doubt that it's going to be postgres alone that is causing the issue. It probably has something to do with application code, or server configuration.