Can't initialize struct with nested pointers to other structs - c++

I'm using a third party library which defines this struct:
typedef struct
unsigned short nbDetectors;
//! structure of detector status
struct DetectorStatus
unsigned int lastError; //< last detector internal error
float temperature; //< detector temperature
detector_state state; //< detector state
unsigned short mode; //< detector mode
struct EnergyStatus
power_source powerSource; //< front-end power source
frontend_position frontendPosition; //< front-end position relative to the docking station
struct BatteryStatus
bool present; //< battery present or not in the detector
unsigned short charge; //< charge level of the battery (in %)
float voltageLevel; //< battery voltage level
float temperature; //< temperature of the battery
unsigned short chargeCycles; //< number of charge/discharge cycles
unsigned short accuracy; //< Expected accuracy for charge level (in %)
bool needCalibration;
} batteryStatus;
} * energyStatus;
struct GridStatus
detector_grid grid;
} * gridStatus;
} * detectorStatus;
} HardwareStatus;
This struct is used by the library as data passed by one of its callbacks. So it's the library which fills it up, I just read it. So far, so good.
But now I'm writing an emulator for the device handled by this library, so now I have to fill up one of these structs and I can't get it right.
I tried this:
HardwareStatus status;
status.detectorStatus->temperature = 20 + rand() % 10; = &status;
m_pContext->EventCallback( EVT_HARDWARE_STATUS, &e );
When I compiled, I got:
warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'status' used
Then I realized... The pointers inside the struct are pointing to garbage, nice catch Visual Studio! So then I tried to start by declaring an instance of the innermost struct (BatteryStatus), but that wouldn't compile... because it's not typedef'd (it says the BatteryStatus type is not defined)? So I got stumped... How do I fill the struct up?

if you want to have everything on the stack this should do it:
// Getting structs on the stack initialized to zero
HardwareStatus status = { 0 };
HardwareStatus::DetectorStatus detectorStatus = { 0 };
HardwareStatus::DetectorStatus::EnergyStatus energyStatus = { 0 };
HardwareStatus::DetectorStatus::GridStatus gridStatus = { 0 };
// "Linking" structs
detectorStatus.energyStatus = &energyStatus;
detectorStatus.gridStatus = &gridStatus;
status.detectorStatus = &detectorStatus;
// Now you can fill and use them
status.detectorStatus->temperature = 20 + 3 % 10;

You could value-iniitialize it:
HardwareStatus status = {};
If you want to instantiate a BatteryStatus, you can do that by fully qualifying the name:
HardwareStatus::DetectorStatus::EnergyStatus::BatteryStatus bs;

did you try memset'ing the struct to 0 ?


Creating an Array C++

I have two int values:
That I would like to convert to a size 2 char array then write to my serial port.
I currently have this code that isn't working:
void Array2 (char charArray[], int sizeOfArray);
char one[] = { 'v_x', 'v_y' };
Array2(one, 2);
Serial::WriteData(one, 2);
I currently get two errors:
a nonstatic member reference must be relative to a specific object
'Serial::WriteData':illegal call of non-static member function.
Any help, hint or idea on what I'm doing wrong would be great!
Edit: I'm using this code to communicate with my serialport CODE
// data.h or similar, you need this for both the arduino and desktop machine
struct Data {
double v_x;
double v_y;
On your arduino: To write
Data data = {
.v_x = 1.0, // Example put your values here
.v_y = 2.0,
// This should write from your Arduino to the computer
Serial::WriteData((const char*)data, sizeof(data));
On your computer
Data data;
// This reads from the serial port, and put the data in the struct
auto len = SP->ReadData((const char*)data, sizeof(data));
// check that data is the right size
// use the data from data.v_x and data.v_y
auto v_x = data.v_x;
auto v_y = data.v_y; // etc

DPDK 17.11.1 - drops seen when doing destination based rate limiting

Editing the problem statement to highlight more on the core logic
We are seeing performance issues when doing destination based rate limiting.
We maintain state for every {destination-src} pair (max of 100 destinations and 2^16 sources). We have an array of 100 nodes and at each node we have a rte_hash*. This hash table is going to maintain the state of every source ip seen by that destination. We have a mapping for every destination seen (0 to 100) and this is used to index into the array. If a particular source exceeds a threshold defined for this destination in a second, we block the source, else we allow the source. At runtime, when we see only traffic for 2 or 3 destinations, there are no issues, but when we go beyond 5, we are seeing lot of drops. Our function has to do a lookup and identify the flow matching the dest_ip and src_ip. Process the flow and decide whether it needs dropping. If the flow is not found, add it to the hash.
struct flow_state {
struct rte_hash* hash;
struct flow_state flow_state_arr[100];
// am going to create these hash tables using rte_hash_create at pipeline_init and free them during pipeline_free.
Am outlining what we do in pseudocode.
1) do rx
2) from the pkt, get index into the flow_state_arr and retrieve the rte_hash* handle
3) rte_hash_lookup_data(hash, src_ip,flow_data)
4) if entry found, take decision on the flow (the decision is simply say rate limiting the flow)
5) else rte_hash_add_data(hash,src_ip,new_flow_data) to add the flow to table and forward
Please guide if we can have these multiple hash table objects in data path or whats the best way if we need to handle states for every destination separately.
Thanks for answering. I will be glad to share the code snippets and our gathered results. I don't have comparison results for other DPDK versions, but below are some of the results for our tests using 17.11.1.
Test Setup
Am using IXIA traffic gen (using two 10G links to generate 12Mpps) for 3 destinations 14.143.156.x (in this case - 101,102,103). Each destination's traffic comes from 2^16 different sources. This is the traffic gen setup.
Code Snippet
struct flow_state_t {
struct rte_hash* hash;
uint32_t size;
uint64_t threshold;
struct flow_data_t {
uint8_t curr_state; // 0 if blocked, 1 if allowed
uint64_t pps_count;
uint64_t src_first_seen;
struct pipeline_ratelimit {
struct pipeline p;
struct pipeline_ratelimit_params params;
rte_table_hash_op_hash f_hash;
uint32_t swap_field0_offset[SWAP_DIM];
uint32_t swap_field1_offset[SWAP_DIM];
uint64_t swap_field_mask[SWAP_DIM];
uint32_t swap_n_fields;
pipeline_msg_req_handler custom_handlers[2]; // handlers for add and del
struct flow_state_t flow_state_arr[100];
struct flow_data_t flows[100][65536];
} __rte_cache_aligned;
add_handler(pipeline,msg) -- msg includes index and threshold
In the add handler
a rule/ threshold is added for a destination
rte_hash_create and store rte_hash* in flow_state_arr[index]
max of 100 destinations or rules are allowed
previous pipelines add the ID (index) to the packet to look in to the
flow_state_arr for the rule
del_handler(pipeline,msg) -- msg includes index
In the del handler
a rule/ threshold #index is deleted
the associated rte_hash* is also freed
the slot is made free
#define ALLOWED 1
#define BLOCKED 0
#define TABLE_MAX_CAPACITY 65536
int do_rate_limit(struct pipeline_ratelimit* ps, uint32_t id, unsigned char* pkt)
uint64_t curr_time_stamp = rte_get_timer_cycles();
struct iphdr* iph = (struct iphdr*)pkt;
uint32_t src_ip = rte_be_to_cpu_32(iph->saddr);
struct flow_state_t* node = &ps->flow_state_arr[id];
struct flow_data_t* flow = NULL
rte_hash_lookup_data(node->hash, &src_ip, (void**)&flow);
if (flow != NULL)
if (flow->curr_state == ALLOWED)
if (flow->pps_count++ > node->threshold)
uint64_t seconds_elapsed = (curr_time_stamp - flow->src_first_seen) / CYCLES_IN_1SEC;
if (seconds_elapsed)
flow->src_first_seen += seconds_elapsed * CYCLES_IN_1_SEC;
flow->pps_count = 1;
return ALLOWED;
flow->pps_count = 0;
flow->curr_state = BLOCKED;
return BLOCKED;
return ALLOWED;
uint64_t seconds_elapsed = (curr_time_stamp - flow->src_first_seen) / CYCLES_IN_1SEC;
if (seconds_elapsed > 120)
flow->curr_state = ALLOWED;
flow->pps_count = 0;
flow->src_first_seen += seconds_elapsed * CYCLES_IN_1_SEC;
return ALLOWED;
return BLOCKED;
int index = node->size;
// If entry not found and we have reached capacity
// Remove the rear element and mark it as the index for the new node
if (node->size == TABLE_MAX_CAPACITY)
index = node->size = 0;
// Add new element #packet_flows[mit_id][index]
struct flow_data_t* flow_data = &ps->flows[id][index];
*flow_data = { ALLOWED, 1, curr_time_stamp };
// Add the new key to hash
rte_hash_add_key_data(node->hash, (void*)&src_ip, (void*)flow_data);
return ALLOWED;
static int pipeline_ratelimit_run(void* pipeline)
struct pipeline_ratelimit* ps = (struct pipeline_ratelimit*)pipeline;
struct rte_port_in* port_in = p->port_in_next;
struct rte_port_out* port_out = &p->ports_out[0];
struct rte_port_out* port_drop = &p->ports_out[2];
uint8_t valid_pkt_cnt = 0, invalid_pkt_cnt = 0;
struct rte_mbuf* valid_pkts[RTE_PORT_IN_BURST_SIZE_MAX];
struct rte_mbuf* invalid_pkts[RTE_PORT_IN_BURST_SIZE_MAX];
memset(valid_pkts, 0, sizeof(valid_pkts));
memset(invalid_pkts, 0, sizeof(invalid_pkts));
uint64_t n_pkts;
if (unlikely(port_in == NULL)) {
return 0;
/* Input port RX */
n_pkts = port_in->ops.f_rx(port_in->h_port, p->pkts,
if (n_pkts == 0)
p->port_in_next = port_in->next;
return 0;
uint32_t rc = 0;
char* rx_pkt = NULL;
for (j = 0; j < n_pkts; j++) {
struct rte_mbuf* m = p->pkts[j];
rx_pkt = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m, char*);
uint32_t id = rte_be_to_cpu_32(*(uint32_t*)(rx_pkt - sizeof(uint32_t)));
unsigned short packet_len = rte_be_to_cpu_16(*((unsigned short*)(rx_pkt + 16)));
struct flow_state_t* node = &(ps->flow_state_arr[id]);
if (node->hash && node->threshold != 0)
// Decide whether to allow of drop the packet
// returns allow - 1, drop - 0
if (do_rate_limit(ps, id, (unsigned char*)(rx_pkt + 14)))
valid_pkts[valid_pkt_count++] = m;
invalid_pkts[invalid_pkt_count++] = m;
valid_pkts[valid_pkt_count++] = m;
if (invalid_pkt_cnt) {
p->pkts_mask = 0;
rte_memcpy(p->pkts, invalid_pkts, sizeof(invalid_pkts));
p->pkts_mask = RTE_LEN2MASK(invalid_pkt_cnt, uint64_t);
rte_pipeline_action_handler_port_bulk_mod(p, p->pkts_mask, port_drop);
p->pkts_mask = 0;
memset(p->pkts, 0, sizeof(p->pkts));
if (valid_pkt_cnt != 0)
rte_memcpy(p->pkts, valid_pkts, sizeof(valid_pkts));
p->pkts_mask = RTE_LEN2MASK(valid_pkt_cnt, uint64_t);
rte_pipeline_action_handler_port_bulk_mod(p, p->pkts_mask, port_out);
/* Pick candidate for next port IN to serve */
p->port_in_next = port_in->next;
return (int)n_pkts;
When generated traffic for only one destination from 60000 sources with threshold of 14Mpps, there were no drops. We were able to send 12Mpps from IXIA and recv 12Mpps
Drops were observed after adding 3 or more destinations (each configured to recv traffic from 60000 sources). The throughput was only 8-9 Mpps. When sent for 100 destinations (60000 src each), only 6.4Mpps were handled. 50% drop was seen.
On running it through vtune-profiler, it reported rte_hash_lookup_data as the hotspot and mostly memory bound (DRAM bound). I will attach the vtune report soon.
Based on the update from internal testing, rte_hash library is not causing performance drops. Hence as suggested in comment is more likely due to current pattern and algorithm design which might be leading cache misses and lesser Instruction per Cycle.
To identify whether it is frontend stall or backend pipeline stall or memory stall please either use perf or vtune. Also try to minimize branching and use more likely and prefetch too.

Using Wire.onRequest by passing a class method?

I have an Arduino sketch that will be working on an Arduino UNO and I am trying to get uno to communicate over the i2c connection with a raspberry pi.
Problem is using wire.h library where method Wire.onRequest is working just fine when I use it like this.
#include <Wire.h>
#define COMM_DELAY 50
#define SLAVE_ADDRESS 0x04
int current_rule = 0;
void initI2c() {
// initialize i2c as slave
// define callbacks for i2c communication
// callback for received data
void receiveData(int byteCount) {
while (Wire.available()) {
current_rule =;
but when I try to make this exact result with a class method, I get an error :
invalid use of non-static member function
(with Wire.onRequest(this->receiveData) line gets to be marked red)
Just like this:
void (*funptr)();
typedef void (*Callback)(byte);
class Comm{
int callback_list_size = 0;
bool option_debug;
byte option_address;
int option_comm_delay;
byte *rules;
// function for receiving data. raspberry -> arduino
// Whenever the master sends new data, this method will call the appropriate callback.
void receiveData()
byte data;
Serial.println("[INFO] Received new data from master");
while (Wire.available())
data =;
for (int i = 0; i < callback_list_size; i++)
if (rules[i] == data){
funptr = callback_list[i];
// function for sending data. Called when raspberry request data. arduino -> raspberry
// Whenever the master requests data, this method will be called. For now we don't need this but anyway.
void sendData(int s)
if (option_debug)
Serial.println("[INFO] Master requests data!");
/* Constructor that takes 3 parameters at max. Only the adress is mandatory others are optional and will be filled with default values
:address - adress of slave(arduino) - Example 0x04
:delay - a delay is needed because I2C clock is quite slow compared to the CPU clock - 50
:debug - for debug purposes if true debug info will be sent to Serial interface - true/false
Comm(byte address, int delay = 50, bool debug = false)
option_address = address;
option_comm_delay = delay;
option_debug = debug;
if (debug)
Serial.println("[INFO] Comm Object Created!");
// Function needs to be called to initialize the communication channel.
void initI2c()
if (option_debug)
Serial.println("[INFO] I2C channel initialized");
// Function to add new callback for a rule.
// This function returns id of passed callback
int addCallback(Callback func, byte rule)
// Enlarge rules array to keep 1 more byte
byte *temp = new byte[callback_list_size]; // create new bigger array.
for (int i = 0; i + 1 < callback_list_size; i++) // reason fo i+1 is if callback_list_size is 1 than this is the first initializition so we don't need any copying.
temp[i] = rules[i]; // copy rules to newer array.
delete[] rules; // free old array memory.
rules = temp; // now rules points to new array.
callback_list[callback_list_size - 1] = &func;
rules[callback_list_size - 1] = rule;
return callback_list_size;
Comm *i2c_comm;
void loop()
void setup()
void initI2C()
i2c_comm = new Comm(0x04, 50, true);
//Callback Definitions
i2c_comm->addCallback(&rule_1, 0x01);
i2c_comm->addCallback(&rule_2, 0x02);
i2c_comm->addCallback(&rule_3, 0x03);
i2c_comm->addCallback(&rule_4, 0x04);
I also tried to make the receiveData method to be static.
But in this case I have an error like this:
invalid use of member Com::callback_list_size in static member function
which makes sense to me as static method won't know which callback_list_size I am talking about.
so I am quite confused about how I can handle such a problem?
You're almost there. Generally speaking in C++ you need to pass a static class method for callback functions.
The error you received after changing your method to static is expected as you're trying to access a member of an instance of the class Comm which cannot be done in a static method in which there is no 'this'.
Here's one of many techniques to consider, but please read over the SO post Using a C++ class member function as a C callback function.
Anyway the approach here is to leverage a static pointer to an instance.
class Comm {
static Comm* pSingletonInstance;
static void OnReceiveHandler() {
if (pSingletonInstance)
static void OnSendHandler(int s) {
if (pSingletonInstance)
void initI2c() {
Comm::pSingletonInstance = this; // Assign the static singleton used in the static handlers.
// static initializer for the static member.
Comm* Comm::pSingletonInstance = 0;
Again there are many ways to get around this issue but above is an easy one and likely suitable for your project. If you need to manage multiple instances of Comm, you'll have to do something quite different.
Good luck!

What to use for initial values? Struct, enum or class, #defines c++

It's kind of a shame to ask this question and probably will fit better in the Code Review site, so sorry in advance.
My question is the following (can be extensible for other languages since is more OOP):
I have a class:
class Unit
Type type;
int weaponry;
int shielding;
int hull;
int rapid_fire;
with an enum to differenciate between different types of units.
enum Type{
All the units will be initialize with a default value (plus a factor, depending in external variable).
Unit::Unit(Type type)
this->type = type;
int weaponry, shielding, hull,rapid_fire;
case Cruiser:
weaponry = 2700;
shielding = 50;
hull = 400;
rapid_fire = 5;
case Missile:
weaponry = 200;
shielding = 20;
hull = 80;
rapid_fire = 0;
this->weaponry = weaponry ; //+ whatever
this->shielding = shielding; //+ whatever
this->hull = hull; //+ whatever
this->rapid_fire = rapid_fire;
I will also have a method that will change the values of the object, such as the typical
setHull(int newHull){this->hull = newHull}
In one of these methods, i want to revert one of the private variables to its default value, in the example case, if is Cruiser this->shielding = 50, if its a missile = 20.
My questions are the following.
Am i doing something wrong?
I have several options to keep the defaults values, either with (the one I would "noobly" will choose)
#define initial_cruiser_shielding 50
either with enum:
enum shielding_init{
cruiser_i = 50,
missile_i = 20
to have default instances of the basic objects, and then just copy them and create as many new objects I need.
Thanks in advance!
My recommendation will be to create private static member functions that can return default values.
class Unit
Type type;
int set_default_weaponry()
weaponry = get_default_weaponry();
int set_default_shielding()
shielding = get_default_shielding();
int set_default_hull()
hull = get_default_hull();
int set_default_rapid_fire()
rapid_fire = get_default_rapid_fire();
int weaponry;
int shielding;
int hull;
int rapid_fire;
static int get_default_weaponry();
static int get_default_shielding();
static int get_default_hull();
static int get_default_rapid_fire();

C++ Minecraft2D Block Type?

I was working on a Minecraft2D kind of game in Java and I decided to create the same game in C++ to enhance my C++ abilities. But I have a problem. I had a BlockType enum in Java which contained that BlockType's image location and hardness (how long it takes to mine it). I figured out that in C++ enums are different than the ones in Java. How can I implement this in C++?
public enum BlockType {
COAL("res/blocks/coal.png", 2),
public final String location;
public final int hardness;
BlockType(String location, int hardness){
this.location = location;
this.hardness = hardness;
I'll go with something similar to SingerOfTheFall answer:
enum blocks
struct BlockType {
BlockType(std::string loc, int h): location(loc), hardness(h) {}
std::string location;
int hardness;
BlockType blockTypes[] = {
BlockType("res/blocks/stone.png", 3), // STONE
BlockType("res/blocks/coal.png", 2), // COAL
BlockType("res/blocks/gold.png", 5) // GOLD
// use:
cout << "Location: " << blockTypes[STONE].location << endl;
std::map is a good container, but it uses binary search every time you need to get the value. Indices will be from 0 to n so you can use array instead.
A possibility would be use a std::map, keyed by an enum value and with a value of std::pair<sd::string, int>:
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
enum BlockType
std::map<BlockType, std::pair<std::string, int>> BlockTypes;
BlockTypes[STONE] = std::make_pair(std::string("res/blocks/stone.png"), 3);
BlockTypes[COAL] = std::make_pair(std::string("res/blocks/coal.png"), 2);
BlockTypes[GOLD] = std::make_pair(std::string("res/blocks/gold.png"), 5);
C++ enums work another way indeed.
enum eMyEnum
ONE = 15,
TWO = 22
is about all you can get from them, basically they just allow you to create 'names' for INT values.
For your case, I would make an enum for the block names:
enum blocks
and then make a map:
< blocks, pair< string, int > >
^ ^ ^ ^
| | | |
| | | hardness
| | path to picture
| |
| the block's attributes: the picture path and hardness
the block type from the enum (e.g. SAND)
Or just make a structure to hold three values:
struct block
string type;//or int, or your enum type, depending on how do you want to store it.
string picture;
int hardness;
I would combine both the answers here and make a mapping of enum to block struct
struct Block
block(path, str) : strength(str), path(path) {}
int str;
std::string path;
enum BlockType
std::map<BlockType, Block> blocks;
blocks[STONE] = Block("c:/block/bla.png", 1);
blocks[STONE].str; // 1
blocks[STONE].path; // "c:/block/bla.png"
Why use and std::map whan an array will do? (Which can be initialized at compile time)
using namespace std;
struct BlockType {
enum {
STONE = 0,
BlockType(string location, int hardness) : location(location), hardness(hardness) {}
const string location;
const int hardness;
static const BlockType Blocks[LAST];
const BlockType BlockType::Blocks[] = {
BlockType("res/blocks/stone.png", 3),
BlockType("res/blocks/coal.png", 2)
int main() {
cout << BlockType::Blocks[BlockType::STONE].location << `\n`;
return 0;