Best way to write JUnit tests for SOAP service - unit-testing

What are the best Junit tests for soap services.
Would connecting to the web service fall under a unit test or an integration test?
I need to pick useful unit tests and was looking for ideas on tests that would be automatable and repeatable.

For unit tests, you should test an isolated behavior of a single class, and therefore use mocks/stubs/test doubles as much as possible. If you do not mock, then you are not testing an isolated part of your code. Hence isolating the error becomes more difficult and the test might also not be repeatable (e.g. strange network behavior might occur unrepeatably).
You should also try to automate your integration tests, where you replace your mocked objects with the real implementations.
At this infoq site you can find a short introduction about mocking web services, and several links to tutorials/tools/whitepapers.


Testing process in Laravel application development

I'm following TDD technique in my new Laravel project. Thus I have a set of tests which cover my controllers, model classes, services, etc. Most of these tests are HTTP tests, so I stored them in the /tests/Feature directory. Additionally I have few unit tests, which cover quite specific methods, which are not (easily) reachable from the HTTP tests.
If I understand correctly, each HTTP test is a functional tests, because it covers a lot of classes included Controller. Should I in that situation separately create unit tests for each method in my project even if it is already covered by HTTP tests? If yes, what benefit can I take from it.
Thank you in advance for explanations.
The philosophy of creating unit tests is to test a small piece of your code, for example, if you have an API, so it only returns the list of 10 recent posts then I guess it's no need to create a unit test for that and it can be covered with writing the functional or HTTP tests. But let's assume you have an endpoint that the user uses that endpoint to upgrade his account from regular type to golden type so he/she can access more posts or videos. There will be definitely a lot of things going on in that endpoint, so yeah you need to write Unit tests in addition to functional tests. Also, one more thing is that when you write functional tests you should see it from the QA perspective, I can categorize it like this
Functional/Http/Feature => [Validation Checks, Response Checks=>[The endpoint throw an error in different situations or return success if all goes well]]
Unit => [Write the test for the small functions that they get called by that endpoint Or write the test for that endpoint and mock everything so you can get what you expect]
Integration => [Write tests for the third party APIs or database persistence or caching persistence that you are using in your application]
So if you have an endpoint and you are writing tests for that endpoint and your functional tests has covered some part of that endpoint logic then I guess it's not necessary to write more unit tests for it.

Automated Unit Testing Oracle BPEL SOA projects

Is there an alternative to the Oracle SCA Unit tests provided with JDeveloper for testing SOA projects/BPEL?
The problem I have is with it is the amount of effort required to write the tests through the clunky UI and the smallest change will invalidate all tests currently built which makes them un-maintainable.
The other issue is due to the graphical interface the SOA composite must first be written before unit tests can be written meaning a test driven-development is not possible.
The final issue is the emulation functionality is incomplete with database partner links.
I use SOAP-UI to perform unit testing. I create separate test scripts with SOAP-UI which allow me to generate a number of different test case scenarios which can be targeted at individual services.
I then invoke these from a Jenkins/Hudson script to provide continuous integration testing.
In this way you can do your TDD without first creating the composite.
With your database partner links you can emulate them either with a stub composite or alternatively with SOAPUI. This depends on what your configuration is and exactly what you use the data for.

Mocking and Repository / Service layers in C#

I am trying to write some unit tests for testing my service layer which I am doing well I think, the service layer as a dependency on a repository so am mocking a repository using RhinoMocks, so I am testing the Service layer "WITHOUT" hitting the database which is great.
Now I need to test my repository layer, this has a direct connection to a database so I have to test it don't i? I have no other option but to test it?
If I test another implementation of the Repository that doesn't hit the database then this is no testing my implementation.
I have managed to mock out all lower layers so anything that depended on code that takes a while to run ie. The repository, then I mocked this out. The result is that all my tests for layers below the repository complete fast and do not hit the database.
The problem is what do I now do with the repository. I have to test it but it has a dependency on a SQL database.
Well, the general answer goes like this. I would write unit tests that verifies the logic of the repository layer and break out the sql dependency in a new class and mock it in the tests of the repo. If the repository layer contains only a sql connection and no logic there is nothing to unit test in my opinion. Then you are more suitable with integration tests with the database connected.
Thus mocking code you don't own is a bad practice, I think best option for you is to test repositories via acceptance/integration tests
You certainly can test your repository layer without talking to a database. Most classes are mockable, if you are careful about how you create them and you are careful to couple to interfaces instead of concretions. Unfortunately, was created before mocking was a very popular practice, and it is still a bit of a pain to do.
The real question in my mind is whether you should try to mock them. The benefits of mocking are twofold: they run faster, and they force you to encapsulate more details about your database (making it easier to switch out db technologies, if you ever want to do it). The benefits of functional tests are that they also test your database layer (stored procedures, etc), they are arguably easier to write, and they are easier to maintain in the sense that if a db change is made, integration tests notice automatically, instead of you hunting the mocked out tests down.
I would say the "best" approach would be to test them both with moqs and with the real database, since this gives you the best of both worlds. However, it is quite costly of course.

how do you use TDD for developing webservices using Oracle Service Bus

Does anyone have any opinions on how TDD and UNIT testing would would when developing web services using Oracle Service Bus? All I can think of is stubbing out the back ends then running tests through the service bus, but that's really just integration testing. How would I apply TDD principles in this instance?
Is your question actually how best to conduct unit tests on Oracle Service Bus components? I have the same issue but have come to the view that now your unit of code is not a Java method or a class but a whole proxy.
It does however limit you to being only able, at best, to conduct component integration testing as you have described: Stubbing out the other systems and running what you'd traditionally call Integration tests through the Service Bus.
Scale up your unit of work.
If there is a better way to automate and test these code artifacts then I want to hear about it.

Should we unit test web service?

Should we unit test web service or really be looking to unit test the code that the web service is invoking for us and leave the web service alone or at least until integration testing, etc.... ?
EDIT: Further clarification / thought
My thought is that testing the web service is really integration testing not unit testing?? I ask because our web service at this point (under development) is coded in such a way there is no way to unit test the code it is invoking. So I am wondering if it is worth while / smart to refactor it now in order to be able to unit test the code free of the web service? I would like to know the general consensus on if it's that important to separate the two or if it's really OK to unit test the web service and call it good/wise.
If I separate them I would look to test both but I am just not sure if separation is worth it. My hunch is that I should.
Unit testing the code that the web service is invoking is definitely a good idea since it ensures the "inside" of your code is stable (and well designed). However, it's also a good idea to test the web service calls, especially if a few of them are called in succession to accomplish a certain task. This will ensure that the web services that you've provided are usable, as well as, work properly when called along with other web service calls.
(Not sure if you're writing these tests before or after writing your code, but you should really consider writing your web service tests before implementing the actual calls so that you ensure that they are usable in advance of writing the code behind them.)
Why not do both? You can unit test the web service code, as well as unit test it from the point of view of a client of the web service.
Under my concept, the WS is just a mere encapsulation of a Method of a Central Business Layer Object, in other words, the Web Method is just a "gate" to access methods deeper in the model.
With the former said, i do both operations:
Inside the Server, I create a Winform App who do Load Testing on the Business Layer Method.
Outside the Server (namely a Machine out of the LAN where the Web App "lives"), I create a Tester (Winform or Web) that consumes the WS, doing that way the Load Testing.
That Way I can evaluate the performance of my solution considering and discarding the "Web Effect" (i.e. The time for the data to travel and reach the WS, the WS object creation, etc).
All the above said is of course IMHO. At least that worked a lot for me!
We do both.
We unit test the various code elements.
Plus, we use the unit test framework to execute tests against the web service as a whole. This is rather complex because we have to create (and load) a database, start a server, and then execute requests against that server.
Testing the web service API is easy (it's got an API) and valuable. It's not a unit test, though - it's an "integration", "sub-system", or "system" test (depends on who you ask).
There's no need to delay the testing until some magical period called "integration testing" though, just get some simple tests now and reap the benefit early.
I like the idea of writing unit tests which call your web service through one of its public interfaces. For instance, a given WCF web service may expose HTTP, TCP, and "web" bindings. Such a unit tests proves that the web service can be called through a binding.
Integration testing would involve testing all of the bindings of the service, testing with particular client scenarios, and with particular client tools. For instance, it would be important to show that a Java client can be created with IBM's Rational Web Developer that can access the service when using WS-Security.
If you can, try consuming your web service using some of the development tools your customers will use (Delphi, C#, VB.Net, ColdFusion, hand crafted XML, etc...). Within reason, of course.
1) Different tools may have problems consuming your web service. Better for you to run in to this before your customers do.
2) If a customer runs in to a problem, you can easily prove that your web service is working as expected. In the past year or so, this has stopped finger pointing in its tracks at least a dozen times.
The worst was the developer in a different time zone who was hand crafting the XML for SOAP calls and parsing the responses. Every time he ran in to a problem, he would insist that it was on our end and demand (seriously) that we prove otherwise. I made a dead simple Delphi app to consume the web service, demonstrate that the methods worked as expected and even displayed the XML for each request and response.
re your updated question.
The integration testing and unit testing are only superficially similar, so yes, they should be done and thought of separately.
Refactoring existing code to make it testable can be risky. It's up to you to decide if the benefits outweigh the time and effort it will take. In my case, I'd certainly try, even if you do it a little bit at a time.
On the bright side, a web service has a defined interface, so you don't really have to change anything to add integration testing. Go crazy. If you can, try to do this before you roll the web service out to customers. There's a good chance that using the web service lead to changes in the interface, and you don't want this to mess up customers too much.