contents of config directory created by scaffold tool - yesod

Would someone please explain why directory "config" of the application created by the scaffold tool has favicon.ico file in it. it seems to me that .ico files belong to the "static" directory. why is it there?

We use SO for help questions. please bring these types of question to the yesod mail list.


Sveltekit deploy on a custom domain

I don't know which files or folders upload to my custom domain hosting
I tried upload the output folder, the client folder that sveltekit generates I only want to upload the app like the photo that is a simple website
And what I have...
Thanks a lot!
I think i figure out!
What i want is called static site, lol i know maybe si basic so researching i found this "adapter" that build sveltekit to a folder with files like a common website heres the link

"ENOENT: no such file or directory..." in ember.js

I really don't know why I get this errormessage if I want to start the emberjs server.
ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat
I didn't do anything.
I edit my app and it still works.
After one more edit my app doesn't work anymore.
I searched in github for this issue and in google but I can't find any solutions. Now I am here and I hope somebody can help me with this problem.
Thank you!

Templates Folder in Magnolia CMS 5

I am setting up a Magnolia-based website and trying to place a template script into the templates folder in the webapp. However, I cannot find that folder anywhere. All tutorials say that, if I go to this directory magnolia-5.0/apache-tomcat-7.0.40/webapps/magnoliaAuthor in my enviroment, I can get it, but I haven't managed it.
I attach an screenshot of my magnoliaAuthor folder in which every folder that is supposed to be there actually is, except for the only one that I need (templates).
Hope you can help me with this. Thanks!
What kind of template?
If it is jsp, you can just place it anywhere you want in that folder and reference it from the template definition.
If it is freemarker template, those are by default served from either the classpath or from repository, so for testing you can just upload it to the repo via templates app http://yourtomcat:port/magnoliaAuthor/.magnolia/admincentral#app:templatesApp:;
BTW if you install samples module (add magnolia-templating-samples.jar in your WEB-INF folder), it will create folder "templates" in your webapp and extract sample jsp templates in that folder.

where is the Yuidoc data.json address for ember?

I want to merge the ember.js documentation into my local yuidoc documentation for my project since many of my objects extend Ember Objects.
The Yuidoc Documentation says I can put a property "" in my yuidoc.json file with the address to an external data.json file. Is this file available? If not, can it be made available so those of us documenting our ember projects can auto-sync to ember's documentation?
I believe the file is generated when you run 'yuidoc .' and it is located in the same dir as the index.html file that is built for API documentation (the root of the api docs). There is a file in the git repo here that looks like it might've been generated by this data.json file but it obviously does not contain json format. It would be nice if this data.json file were made available at the root of the published api docs on the ember website
We don't currently commit this file. Can you open an issue on so we can address this?

Confused about the urls in app-engine-patch

In app-engine-patch ( ...
How on earth does the sample application know that the /person url maps to the myapp application?
I'm trying to understand the url structure to everything and
I've looked through the urls and I can't see it anywhere...
Source can be seen on mercurial here:
The application is running here:
If anyone could help me out on this one I'd really appreciate it, thank you.
So I figured it out for anyone that wants to know ...
The url mapping that sends /person to myapp is in the file under the myapp directory.
You can see it clearly here: