The symbol you provided is not a function - coldfusion

Key points before reading further
All variables are properly var'ed (you'll have to trust me)
Scopes are not being reset while these long-running processes are happening
When dumping the metadata for the supposedly missing/invalid method, I get the right information
There are only two places where the name of this method are referenced in the application. Once where it's defined, and once were the method is called in the code below.
I have a very strange intermittent error that I can't seem to track down. Here's the background (these are severely trimmed down to simplify for posting).
<cfcomponent output="false" extends="FeedDAO">
<cffunction name="processXmlFile" access="public" output="false" returntype="struct">
<cfset Var local = StructNew() />
Lots of other stuff goes on in here to get the ultimate set of XML nodes to loop through
<cfloop from="1" to="#ArrayLen(local.arrChannels)#" index="local.currentChannelItem">
... Lots of XML parsing and stuff and things going on here ...
<cfset LOCAL.invCheck = checkCustomerListing(
Acct_ID = local.invStruct.AcctID
, CustomerListingID = local.invStruct.CustomerListingID
) />
... Lots more stuff going on here ...
<cfcomponent output="false">
<cffunction name="checkCustomerListing" access="public" output="false" returntype="numeric" hint="Returns the numeric inventory ID for an existing inventory listing, or 0 if the listing doesn't exist.">
<cfargument name="Acct_ID" type="numeric" required="true" hint="" />
<cfargument name="CustomerListingID" type="string" required="true" hint="" />
<cfset var rs = "">
<cfquery name="rs" datasource="#Variables.DSNs.Primary#">
Acct_ID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#Arguments.Acct_ID#" />
AND Customer_Listing_ID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#Arguments.CustomerListingID#" />
<cfif rs.RecordCount>
<cfreturn rs.Inv_ID />
<cfreturn 0 />
I'm calling the initial function like so:
<cfset processStruct = Server.FeedService.processXmlFile(filePath) />
So, when a feed gets submitted to the processXMLFile function, it looks through all of the items in the file. A feed file may have 10, 100, or even 1000 entries. I get occasional error messages like this while a file is getting processed:
Detail: The symbol you provided checkCustomerListing is not the name of a function.
Message: Entity has incorrect type for being called as a function.
StackTrace: coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage$UninvocableEntityException: Entity has incorrect type for being called as a function.
at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._invokeUDF(
at coldfusion.runtime.SuperScope.invoke(
at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._invoke(
More stack dump information
Type: Application
symbolName: checkCustomerListing
[object of coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage$UninvocableEntityException]
Class Name: coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage$UninvocableEntityException
java.lang.String symbolName: checkCustomerListing
Parent Class: [object of coldfusion.runtime.ApplicationException]
Class Name: coldfusion.runtime.ApplicationException
Parent Class: [object of coldfusion.runtime.NeoException]
Class Name: coldfusion.runtime.NeoException
findAdvancedCFTarget(coldfusion.runtime.AdvancedCFException, java.lang.String[]) returns int
findCustomTarget(coldfusion.runtime.CustomException, java.lang.String[]) returns int
findThrowableTarget(java.lang.Throwable, java.lang.String[]) returns int
getDetail() returns java.lang.String
getLocalizedMessage() returns java.lang.String
getMessage() returns java.lang.String
getRootCause() returns java.lang.Throwable
getString(java.lang.Throwable, java.lang.String, java.util.Locale) returns java.lang.String
getType() returns java.lang.String
setLocale(java.util.Locale) returns void
unwrap(java.lang.Throwable) returns java.lang.Throwable
Parent Class: [object of java.lang.RuntimeException]
Class Name: java.lang.RuntimeException
Parent Class: [object of java.lang.Exception]
Class Name: java.lang.Exception
Parent Class: [object of java.lang.Throwable]
Class Name: java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace() returns java.lang.Throwable
getCause() returns java.lang.Throwable
getLocalizedMessage() returns java.lang.String
getMessage() returns java.lang.String
getStackTrace() returns java.lang.StackTraceElement[]
initCause(java.lang.Throwable) returns java.lang.Throwable
printStackTrace( returns void
printStackTrace( returns void
printStackTrace() returns void
setStackTrace(java.lang.StackTraceElement[]) returns void
toString() returns java.lang.String
I may get one error in 1000 entries, or I may get a small batch of errors at one time, and the rest of the feed processes just fine (due to some try/catch logic to prevent the entire thing from crapping out). At one point, the checkCustomerListing was in a completely different Server scoped object, and I never had a problem. I moved it into the FeedDAO and started calling it via the Super scope, and that's when these intermittent errors began.
UPDATE: I have everything properly var'ed, I just chopped it all out for the sake of brevity.
UPDATE AGAIN: Changed code sample comments to make it clear that there is a lot of stuff going on before the first loop begins, including setting all LOCAL variables that will be used in the loop.
More Code Information:
I should note that there are only two places in our entire application (thousands upon thousands of lines of code) where the string 'checkCustomerListing' exists. One is where the function is called, and two is where the function is declared. There are no other instances of the string checkCustomerListing anywhere.
Update: 6 September, 2011
I added some additional error checking to see if I could find out what the app thought checkCustomerListing was (thanks Adam and Ryan). Here's my new try/catch statement:
<cfcatch type="any">
<cfset local.tmpError.cfcatch = cfcatch>
<cfif isDefined("checkCustomerListing")>
<cfset local.tmpError.customerListing = checkCustomerListing />
<cfset local.tmpError.customerListingMeta = getMetaData(checkCustomerListing) />
<cfset local.tmpError.customerListing = "Checkcustomerlisting is not defined" />
<cfset Server.Utilities.Errors.emailCaughtError(local.tmpError)>
So I got an error this morning, and in the email I received, there is no customerListing node in the dump, but there is a meta node:
ACCESS: public
HINT: Returns the numeric inventory ID for an existing inventory listing, or 0 if the listing doesn't exist.
NAME: checkCustomerListing
OUTPUT: false
1) [struct]
HINT: [empty string]
TYPE: numeric
2) [struct]
HINT: [empty string]
NAME: CustomerListingID
TYPE: string
All of that meta information is exactly correct... so if it can find the metadata for the function, why can't it find the function itself?

This usually crops up as a result of lack of VARing as others have alluded to. Quite often people have a private function called "getStuff" and within that they have a query called "getStuff". If the variable isn't VARed, then the getStuff query result goes into the CFC's variables scope, which will overwrite the function getStuff because that also resides in the variables scope.
So check your usage of checkCustomerListing for any same-named variables that aren't VARed (or in the local scope).
(and note that the checkCustomerListing variables don't need to be within the same method for this to happen... it could be anywhere in the CFC or any extending or super CFCs...)

Why are you doing super.checkCustomerListing? You would only do that if you overrode the function in your service and wanted to run the 'parent'. Just call checkCustomerListing().

It may be in your abridged code but are you validating that local.invStruct.AcctID and local.invStruct.CustomerListingID both exist and are of the proper types? Sometimes in Java "function doesn't exist" means "method signature doesn't exist". I am not sure when CF validates datatypes but if you are looping over the same two variables if might be shortcutting and not validating the types in later loops.
Might also toss a val() on the return value just in case.

i've seen this before when you have an object cached in a scope that is taking a while to run and you either overwrite or remove the object in the cache. my guess is this is what is happening, another application is doing something to the object in the cache and it's casuing the other applications to trip over each other.
a good way to test this is to duplicate the object cached in the server scope to a local variable and then use that local variable to run your process:
<cfset _feedservice = duplicate(Server.FeedService)>
<cfset processStruct = _feedservice.processXmlFile(filePath) />
now even if the object in the server scope gets overwritten or removed, you still have a copy of the original object that your process will use. it also won't be a bad idea to use locks around the above code:
<cflock scope="server" timeout="5" type="readonly">
<cfset _feedservice = duplicate(Server.FeedService)>
<cfset processStruct = _feedservice.processXmlFile(filePath) />
now personally an even better practice (in my opinion) would be to add something to your onApplicationOnStart() event that will copy all the objects that you are caching to the server scope into the application scope. the only reason i can see anyone ever using the server scope is because you want all the applications on the server sharing the same objects. doing this will still allow your applications to share the same code, but will prevent other applications from accidentally tripping over each other


Return this in cfc component, cfdumpinitiated false

I've never seen this before I have a component in a cfc file and I use
<cfset request = CreateObject("component","path/to/component") />
When I set request to the above or:
<cfset request = CreateObject("component","path/to/component").init() /> or
<cfset request = CreateObject("component","path/to/component").from_request() />
etc I always get a struct with a single item that is the equivilant of
{cfdumpinited = false}
I've never see this before. The from_request method reuturns init and init returns this.
When I <cfdump this> right before the <cfreturn this> I get the full object output on the screen. But when I <cfdump request> I get the struct stated above. Anyone know what causes Coldfusion to return this type of struct. I can post the entire cfc but I don't think that will help as I stated, right before the return I can output this and it is the entire object/component.
request is a scope in ColdFusion, therefore you should use another variable name.

User data is getting mixed up some of the time

I am building a website where I have followed MVC to manage my code without using any frameworks. I have put all of my queries inside cfcs and am initializing them inside my Application.cfm, storing them in application variables like below:
<cfset aplication.customerProfileObject=
To perform any query operations, I have made a function and then call it anywhere like this:
<cfset selectedCustomerOb =
I don't know what is causing the issue, but sometimes a user accesses another user's data. How is that possible? Is it assessing another user's session data or have I initialized the cfc wrong?
Application settings are below:
<cfapplication name="MyDataSourceName"
sessiontimeout="#CreateTimeSpan(0, 2,0,0)#">
<cffunction name="init">
<cfreturn this>
<cffunction name="getContactCustomerProfileDetail" returntype="query"
description="Returns customer contact details by contactid"
<cfargument name="ccId" type="numeric" required="yes">
<cfquery name="getContactCustomerProfileDetail"
<!-------My query here--->
<cfreturn getContactCustomerProfileDetail>
As Adam says you need to do this:-
<cffunction name="getContactCustomerProfileDetail" returntype="query"
description="Returns customer contact details by contactid"
<cfargument name="ccId" type="numeric" required="yes">
<cfset var getContactCustomerProfileDetail = false>
<cfquery name="getContactCustomerProfileDetail"
<!-------My query here--->
<cfreturn getContactCustomerProfileDetail>
The reason you are getting the problem is because your CFC instance is in a shared scope (application) and you have not var'd the query variable. This means that it is getting set into the variables scope of the CFC instance. Which means that multiple threads can overwrite this value. By just varring the variable as I have shown you make the variable local to the function and so each call to that function creates a localised and thus thread-safe variable.
Basically you should var all local variables in functions as a matter of habit. This code would never pass code review anywhere I have worked.
You're not actually including the relevant bit of the code to answer this... which would be the code within getCustomerProfileDetail().
However I would assume you don't have all your variables VARed in it, which means they go in the CFC's variables scope, which is shared with every user in the application.
But, as I say, you're not giving us the correct info to really answer this accurately. I suggest updating your question to include the relevant code.

Get names of functions injected into CFC?

I am using the technique detailed in this answer to manage a library of small utility functions. (Essentially, each function is loaded as a "mix-in" using cfinclude.)
I have need, however, to know the names of the functions that the object has (once instantiated). A cfdump on the object only shows the init function which is written directly in the CFC.
Some more detail:
I am creating the object in the application scope in OnApplicationStart().
<cfset application.udfs=createObject("component","extensions.udfs").init()>
However, to save the developers from having to constantly write, I thought I'd grab all of the functions and drop them in to the variables scope in OnRequestStart(), so that these hypothetical developers could just write foo().
Obviously, though, this needs to be dynamic and to happen for each of the functions in the object, no matter how many there are. If I repeat this line for every function I've lost whatever I'd gained by having a library that is dynamically generated.
I thought perhaps I could use a collection loop, but that was invalid. I am fairly certain there's a way to get the list of methods in an object, but I have not yet been able to find it.
Any clues?
By the by, my fallback is going to be to copy the application.udfs object to a local object with a nice short name (like "u") so that the developers can simply type, so no need to suggest that if what I want to do can't be done.
This should allow you to import all your udfs into the global variables scope:
StructAppend(variables, application.udfs);
I think GetMetaData should help you.
Here another interesting option suggested by Ben Nadel:
Check out the detail in his blog entry:
hint="I define user defined functions.">
hint="I return a test message.">
<cfreturn "I am defined in the UDF component" />
<!--- Define the application. --->
<cfset = hash( getCurrentTemplatePath() ) />
<cfset this.applicationTimeout = createTimeSpan( 0, 0, 5, 0 ) />
Add all of our "global" methods to the URL scope. Since
ColdFusion will automatically seach the URL scope for
non-scoped variables, it will find our non-scoped method
<cfset structAppend(
createObject( "component", "UDF" )
) />

Requesting an Application.cfc Element of 'THIS'

If this has been asked before I apologize but I wasn't able to get a solid enough understanding without some assistance ....
I have a Local ColdFusion9 App that I use for development and testing running on WinXP SP3 with Apache 2 ...
What I'm having a problem understanding how to call request elements passed from the Application's 'THIS' scope to the onRequestStart() method.
For instance, My Application.cfc has the following in 'THIS' ...
<!--- MY 'THIS' Statements in Application.cfc --->
/* define custom coldfusion mappings. Keys are mapping names, values are full paths */
this.mappings = structNew();
this.mappings['/tags'] = ExpandPath('/cfdev/tags');
Further into my Application.cfc I have the following in the onRequestStart() function ...
<!--- Run before the request is processed --->
<cffunction name="onRequestStart" returnType="boolean" output="false">
<cfargument name="thePage" type="string" required="true">
<cfinclude template="#arguments.thePage#">
<!--- Lot's of onRequest statements and then ... --->
<cfset request.mappings = #THIS.mappings#>
<cfreturn true>
Now ... Supposing I have a page where I call <cfdump var="#request.mappings#"> ...
I get an error stating 'Element MAPPINGS is undefined in REQUEST.' ...
However, (here's where my confusion begins) ... If I call <cfdump var="#request#"> Two structures are returned ... The first containing a key for "cfdumpinited" with a value of 'False' and the second with the structKey 'mappings' which contains another struct with a key of '/tags' and a value of 'C:\vir_dir\CFDEV\tags' as one would expect ...
If someone could please explain why it is that request succeeds yet request.mappings fails as I'm a bit in the woods here ... ;-)
Follow the logic through:
a request is made
onRequestStart runs
you explicitly include the template requested
youTHEN set request.mappings = this.mappings
onrequeststart finishes
the template requested executes
So if you have this in your requested template:
<cfdump var="#request.mappings#>
Then when you include that file at step 3... request.mappings doesn't exist yet (as they are created in step 4).
However when you change it to:
<cfdump var="#request#>
Then there's no error condition, so your CFINCLUDE runs fine, but DOESN'T OUTPUT ANYTHING (because you have output="false" on the function definition.
The dump you are seeing is the one coming from CF executing the requested template (step 6), by which time request.mappings exists.
I think you are confusing onRequestStart() with onRequest(), to be honest. It's in onRequest() that one might explicitly include the requested template, because onRequest() runs INSTEAD of CF running the requested template automatically. One would not generally include the requested template in onRequestStart() because it'll end up running twice.
Make sense?
I'm late to the party here, and may be missing a key element, but why not do this:
application.mappings = structNew()
instead of
this.mappings = structNew()
that way, you only set them once (on application start), you have access to them across your whole application, and you don't have the extra overhead of setting the request scope on every page hit.

Is onApplicationStart is good Idea in ColdFusion?

I have to use a Variable(Query Resultset) in ColdFusion, which will get the results from Other Application DB, and stores in Coldfusion Application.
The main idea is that I need to call the other Application DB only at Server startup time and cache the results in local. And I need to read the variable in other pages in my Application. I won't overwrite that variable in any page.
On googling I found that 'onApplicationStart' is useful to assign the variables at Application Startup time.
Is using the onApplicationStart fine or is there any other way? We can assign a variable at startup time(one time).
If onApplicationStart is fine: how to use? Maybe any link where it is explained clearly is helpful.
Well, it depends. How often will this query data be updated? If it really is unchanging, then onApplicationStart() is a fine place to put it. However, if it will change every so often, you can just tell Coldfusion to cache the query for a certain period of time, then you don't need to mess with onApplicationStart(), but rather when you call the query it will return the cached result automatically (within your specified time period).
Regardless, I would write a custom function to retrieve the data. Then it will be trivial to call it from onApplicationStart() or elsewhere.
Startup.cfc: (Named whatever you like)
<!--- Replace the datasource name with your db name --->
<cffunction name="getStartupQuery" hint="Returns a query recordset for startup">
<cfargument name="datasource" required="no" type="string" default="OtherAppDB">
<!--- Init the query variable --->
<cfset var result = queryNew("id")>
<!-- Get the query dataset --->
<cfquery name="result" datasource="#arguments.datasource#">
<cfreturn result>
Application.cfc: (Just the important parts)
<cffunction name="onApplicationStart">
<!--- init the startup.cfc, then retrieve the data
and save it to the application scope. Remember the component name must match
your component above --->
<cfset var startup = createObject("component", "startup")>
<cfset application.varFromOtherDB = startup.getStartupQuery()>
<cfreturn true>
Now, you should be able to access this variable from any CFM or CFC in your application using:
<cfset myNewVar = application.varFromOtherDB>
IF you use the onApplicationStart() method, I highly recommend implementing a method to reinit the application. For an example, see this other discussion.