Redmine Changeset display in details of Issue - redmine

is there any plug in for redmine, to display linked changesets for a specific issue?
I specified Repository (Mercurial) and I would like to see changesets clicking to an Issue.

You don't need a plugin for this - it's built-in. All you need to do when committing to your repository is to enter the issue number preceded by a # in your message.
For an example, check out an issue on the redmine web site:
There's a column containing Associated revisions which contains source control changesets. They appear on this issue because they have #6317 in their message.
Depending on the configuration of redmine, a keyword before the issue number is needed in order to have the changeset linked to the issue. Those keywords can be modified in the settings of redmine:
Examples for the above settings:
refs #1234
references #1234, #1337
issue #1234 #1337 & #1001
If you'd like to omit keywords and simply link a changeset to all issue numbers found in the log message, enter a * into the Referencing keywords textbox.
Finally, in order to have redmine check for new changesets and parse the repository's log messages, you'll need to click on the Repository tab, or configure a rake task to do it regularly.


How to add issue ID from branch name to merge request description template?

By default GitLab adds issue ID from branch name to the merge request description, see Merge requests to close issues:
Merge requests to close issues
To create a merge request to close an issue when it’s merged, you can either:
Add a note in the MR description.
In the issue, select Create a merge request. Then, you can either:
Create a new branch and a draft merge request in one action. The branch is named issuenumber-title by default, but you can choose any name, and GitLab verifies that it’s not already in use. The merge request inherits the milestone and labels of the issue, and is set to automatically close the issue when it is merged.
Create a new branch only, with its name starting with the issue number.
But I want to use a custom merge request description template, see Create a merge request template:
Create a merge request template
Similarly to issue templates, create a new Markdown (.md) file inside the .gitlab/merge_request_templates/ directory in your repository. Commit and push to your default branch.
GitLab Flavored Markdown doesn't contain any markup for the issue ID from the branch name.
Markdown Style Guide for doesn't contain any markup for the issue ID from the branch name.
GitLab quick actions doesn't contain any action for the issue ID from the branch name.
How to add issue ID from branch name to the merge request description template?
I'm looking for a similar problem, i see that Push Options can be a solution for this:
for example:
merge_request.title="<title>" Set the title of the merge request.
merge_request.description="<description>" Set the description of the merge request.
It is true that this must be set up by the developer on the client side, but with git hooks and shell scripts, the content can be anything!

Add tag to bug when pull request finishes succesfully Devops

Anybody knows if it is possible to add a predefined tag to all bug work item types linked to a pull request, when the pull request is completed in devops?
No, by default. As workaround, if you have CI build, you can add a custom step with rest api (with PowerShell or something else):
Get last commit detail information: Commits - Get. Then you can find work items the workItems field.
Update each work item: Work Items - Update (Add a tag)

How can I set up Sitecore Commerce Demo Site (Sitecore.Demo.Retail) to exclude configuration errors?

When I set up the sitecore demo retail site (source -, I encountered with several problems related to Sitecore Commerce configurations and Sitecore Engine Configurations. I will divide this issues:
I got the following error while running the install-commerce-server.ps1 script on step 5 (Commerce Server Configuration)
I got error 'HTTP Error 502.5 - Process Failure' by URL -$metadata
On '' site I got error 'Could not find property 'shopName' on object of type: Sitecore.Commerce.Engine.Connect.CommerceEngineConfiguration', when I tried to go on any page with products
I encountered with some errors of Sitecore Commerce Applications (Merchandising Manager, Pricing & Promotions) in Sitecore Experience Platform
However, I have resolved this issues and I hope that this info will be useful for set up of Sitecore Demo Retail site (
I have repeated instuctions for install of Sitecore.Demo.Retail and fixed related issues:
This issue had discussed in You need to check file 'Server2012_FeaturesRequired.txt' like it stated in issued-81. Then you must check file csconfig.xml (path for me - 'c:\Projects\Sitecore.Demo.Retail\install'). I had bad SQL connection to MSSQL Server, which was default. Here example of working variant:
By another way you can run Commerce Server Configurator manually by 'CSConfig.exe /f' (path for me - 'c:\Program Files (x86)\Commerce Server 11\'). Then you can load xml-configuration and set and test SQL connection:
This issue appeared on my environment, because i had wrong SQL connections (by default) in Commerce Engine project in Sitecore.Demo.Retail solution. You must to change all connections in the following files Global.json, Habitat.CommerceAuthoring-1.0.0.json, Habitat.CommerceShops-1.0.0.json.
!!!Don't afraid to check appropriate configs in deployed solution
This error is appeared due the wrong tags (storefront) in 'commerceEngineConfiguration' tag. You need to remove this tags in Sitecore.Demo.Retail.config file. Working variant for example in showConfig.aspx:
You should to check connection strings in file Z.Sitecore.Commerce.UX.Shared.config (path for me - c:\websites\\Website\App_Config\Include). By default I had 'localhost:5000/...'

How do I rebuild a custom Lucene index on a Sitecore content delivery server?

The custom Lucene index on my Sitecore 6.2 Content Delivery server seems to be not right. So I think I need to rebuild all 3 of my custom indexes. How do I do that? Do I just have to use the shared source Index Viewer module? Right now I have that installed on my CD server, however for some reason it is not working. When I select my custom index in Index Viewer - nothing happens. So I can't rebuild the index that way. Can I just delete the index files from the hard drive? If so, how quickly will Lucene rebuild them?
As noted above, earlier versions of Sitecore 6.x required custom indexes to be rebuild using either IndexViewer or with some custom code. I believe in a revision of 6.5 the Control Panel > Database > Rebuild Search Indexes began including custom indexes so IndexViewer is no longer necessary (but should still work).
To your specific question though, on my CD servers I have a rebuild script that can be called directly to rebuild search indexes. I forget where I found this script (believe it was something published by Alex Shyba at Sitecore). You can find the details of this script at
However, I believe you have a different issue that needs to be addressed. If your CD servers aren't detecting changes and therefore not updating you have a configuration issue. I would start with this article when troubleshooting index issues:
I ended up contacting Sitecore support and they pointed me to the shared source module called Sitecore Support Toolbox - Once I installed that I was able to easily rebuild my indexes.
Since Sitecore 6.6 update 3 or 4 (don't remember which one was it) you can rebuild your custom indexes from the Sitecore Control Panel.
In all previous versions you need to rebuild it from code or using custom modules for Sitecore. Deleting index files won't work.
The simplest code for rebuilding custom Sitecore Lucene Index is:
The blog post "Troubleshooting Sitecore Lucene search and indexing" can help you if rebuilding the index won't solve your problem.
I have come across the same requirement in one of my projects. Here was my solution:
Create a configuration content item with a template that has only one field, say "Rebuild Index", default value is "1", example of the item path could be: "/sitecore/content/mysite/config/index rebuild flag"
Create an IndexRebuilder class that has a Run method. Within the Run method, check the "index rebuild flag" item (from the Context database) and rebuild the index on the server if the "Rebuild Index" field value equals to "1". After rebuilt successfully, update the item field value to "0".
Set up, a scheduled agent that points to the IndexRebuilder class. For examples,
<agent type="MyAssembly.IndexRebuilder, MyAssembly" method="Run" interval="00:00:00"/>
Notice that the interval is "00:00:00" by default, to turn off the agent on content management server. Your build and deployment process should turn this value to say "00:05:00", which allow the agent to run on every 5 minutes.
From there, to rebuild index on content delivery server, just publish the "index rebuild flag" item from master database to the content delivery database (web) and the index on your content delivery server should start rebuilding in 5 minutes.
Clicking Index Viewer with nothing happening, is usually an indication of certain files of the Index Viewer package having not been deployed to your CD server. Easiest fix for this - if you do have /sitecore running on the CD server - is to just re-install the package directly on the CD server. After this, IndexViewer will work.
If you don't have a /sitecore on your CD server (Sitecore recommends removing this, or at least blocking access to it) - it becomes more problematic. I would recommend setting a page/webservice or similar, executing the code Maras suggests above - that way you can always trigger an index rebuild when you need it.

Sharepoint 2013 workflow not firing when document checked in but works if checked out

We have a document library that has both Document sets and Documents. We also have a Workflow that is manually started by the user on any item in this library. The problem we are having is that the workflow doesn't start if the document is checked in and . If the document is checked out, it works fine. The workflow runs fine on a Document Set.
Looking into the log files, I see the following messages:
Skip lookup field SortBehavior as it's not dependent lookup, but it has PrimaryFieldId ID 46fff461-81e3-b73a-9fba-f4f1e8088cbe
Skip lookup field CheckedOutUserId as it's not dependent lookup, but it has PrimaryFieldId ID 46fff461-81e3-b73a-9fba-f4f1e8088cbe
Skip lookup field SyncClientId as it's not dependent lookup, but it has PrimaryFieldId ID 46fff461-81e3-b73a-9fba-f4f1e8088cbe
The target list of field Taxonomy Catch All Column, TaxCatchAll, does not exists in the current web or the current user does not have permissioin to see it. Skip it. 46fff461-81e3-b73a-9fba-f4f1e8088cbe
Immediately below these lines, I see the following message:
The file "" is not checked out. You must first check out this document before making changes......
The workflow is very simple and only logs a test message. I am not sure why SharePoint is trying to check-out the document but I have a feeling that it has something to do with the above messages.
Anyone has any idea why this is happening?
We were able to fix the issue after getting some support on Microsoft TechNet forum.
Assuming the workflow is a SharePoint Designer Workflow, Open SharePoint Designer and Connect to your site. Click on Workflows from the left navigation, and click on your workflow. Workflow information page will open. In the "Settings" area in the right pane, uncheck the "Automatically update the workflow status to the current stage name". This will fix the problem.