When to use template vs inheritance - c++

I've been looking around for this one, and the common response to this seems to be along the lines of "they are unrelated, and one can't be substituted for the other". But say you're in an interview and get asked "When would you use a template instead of inheritance and vice versa?"

The way I see it is that templates and inheritance are literally orthogonal concepts: Inheritance is "vertical" and goes down, from the abstract to the more and more concrete. A shape, a triange, an equilateral triangle.
Templates on the other hand are "horizontal" and define parallel instances of code that knowns nothing of each other. Sorting integers is formally the same as sorting doubles and sorting strings, but those are three entirely different functions. They all "look" the same from afar, but they have nothing to do with each other.
Inheritance provides runtime abstraction. Templates are code generation tools.
Because the concepts are orthogonal, they may happily be used together to work towards a common goal. My favourite example of this is type erasure, in which the type-erasing container contains a virtual base pointer to an implementation class, but there are arbitrarily many concrete implementations that are generated by a template derived class. Template code generation serves to fill an inheritance hierarchy. Magic.

The "common response" is wrong. In "Effective C++," Scott Meyers says in Item 41:
Item 41: Understand implicit interfaces and compile-time polymorphism.
Meyers goes on to summarize:
Both classes and templates support interfaces and polymorphism.
For classes, interfaces are explicit and centered on function
signatures. Polymorphism occurs at runtime through virtual functions.
For template parameters, interfaces are implicit and based on valid
expressions. Polymorphism occurs during compilation through template
instantiation and function overloading resolution.

use a template in a base (or composition) when you want to retain type safety or would like to avoid virtual dispatch.

Templates are appropriate when defining an interface that works on multiple types of unrelated objects. Templates make perfect sense for container classes where its necessary generalize the objects in the container, yet retain type information.
In case of inheritance, all parameters must be of the defined parameter type, or extend from it. So when methods operate on object that correctly have a direct hierarchical relationship, inheritance is the best choice.
When inheritance is incorrectly applied, then it requires creating overly complex class hierarchies, of unrelated objects. The complexity of the code will increase for a small gain. If this is the case, then use templates.

Template describes an algorithm like decide the result of a comparison between the two objects of a class or sorting them. The type(class) of objects being operated on vary but the operation or logic or step etc is logically the same.
Inheritance on the other hand is used by the child class only to extend or make more specific the parents functionality.
Hope that makes sense


Class diagram for variable member with the type of `std::vector<T>`

class Foo{};
class Demo
std::vector<Foo> foo_vec;
How to draw the relationship between them?
How to tell the others that the foo_vec is vector in the class diagram(I found this)? And some posts tell me to add notation <:vector> on the line that represent composition.
If you want to disclose the details of the implementation, you could go for something as developed as:
The key of this design is to disclose that vector is a templated class, and that it is instantiated by binding the template parameter T to the class Foo. To put Foo in the picture, you could either just show it at the instantiation level, but I preferred to show some kind of relation with T. I used here a realization, since T implicitly defines in the C++ semantic an interface for the template parameter, and Foo is expected to implement this (implicit) interface. I also used composition, since C++ vectors are by value, and the vector owns the lifecycle of its elements.
Unfortunately, this makes the design look more complex than it is in reality. Moreover it doesn't show the full reality of a std::vector that has a second template parameter Allocator. Last but not least, to be fully transparent, you should use a qualified composition, with a std::vector::size_type qualifier (to document that there is an indexed access possible). You'd end-up with a very complex diagram.
I therefore recommend to consider a simplified approach. Since everybody knows what a std::vector is, you may use the more compact (and still legit) form of a direct binding, assuming that the template details are defined elsewhere:
This is very close to your implementation and stays very readable. However, you could simplify one step further: is vector a fundamental design choice? Or is it just one practical way to implement a one-to-many composition? If the real intent is just that Demo may be composed of several Foo you could be as simple as:
Here you would let to the implementer to chose the best way to implement the composition instead of graving the implementation choice in the marble of your model.

Does C++20 offer any new solutions to the problem of public member invisibility and source code bloat with inherited class templates?

Does C++20 offer any new solutions to the problem of public member invisibility and source code bloat/repetition with inherited class templates described in this question over 2 years ago ?
The "Problem"
The alleged "problem" is that, in a template, an unqualified name used in a way which isn't dependent on the specialization is truly independent of the specialization and refers to the entity with that name found at that point. The alleged source code "bloat" is using this-> to explicitly make the name dependent or qualifying the name. This is still the situation in C++20.
Just to be clear, the set of entities is not known at the point we refer to them. In the linked question, the base class depends on the template parameter, and we have only seen the primary base class template. The base class template may be specialized later and may have completely different member functions than the ones we've seen. So, any "solution" requires that a name without any obvious contextual dependence on the specialization find entities not yet declared which may be surprising.
Why It's Impossible
Any naive changes in this direction are either pretty big or have severe downsides, or both.
You could postpone all name lookup until instantiation time, discarding two phase lookup. That invites ODR violations which is silent UB, which is a huge downside.
You could restrict specialization so that you cannot specialize the base class later such that a different entity is found. That is difficult to diagnose, so it would likely be a new rule introducing silent UB.
You could opt in with a using declaration: using X::* as you propose or using class X as someone else suggested in a different context. This has the benefit of explicitness. It moves the problem a level up: if X is not dependent, presumably it should be found now, but if it is dependent, what happens? We can't instantiate it prior to instantiating the template we're in now. Thus, we can't interpret any names we see until instantiation. It has similar downsides to discarding two phase lookup.
Any of these changes would add complexity to an already complex area and would also pose significant backwards compatibility hurdles. None of them is a clear win.
Note: In C++20 they did make the rules more uniform by allowing ADL to find function templates with specified parameters to be found: f<int>(1).
Why It's Not a Problem
I doubt there would be consensus that this really is a problem. The linked question makes a poor argument. The derived class adds member function behavior to a certain base class, but a free function works better. These behaviors did not need member access, they aren't required by the language to be members, they can be found as non-members with ADL, and by using a free function they apply even when the static type you have is the base type. So, using inheritance for this is unnecessary coupling, and is a worse option.
Searching for 100s of places to add this-> and adding these 6 characters 100s of times strikes me as Code Bloat and Repetition when I have to templatize a base class
"Searching": The compiler will tell you when a name can't be found, which is better than silent bad behavior, such as making ODR violations easier to hit.
"templatize a base": Templatizing the base class doesn't trigger this. Templatizing the derived class and making the base dependent does. Yes, when templatizing the derived class, specifying that a bare name used in a way that is independent of the template parameter is in fact dependent may seem like boilerplate to some, but others might argue being explicit is clearer.
"100s of times": Seems hyperbolic.
These code patterns are used all the time in real world. Just look at CRTP. (comment on linked question)
Again, this only applies if the derived class is templated. I would dispute the commonality, but these idioms do exist and have a place.
Most importantly, though, is that CRTP is not a goal. CRTP is a hack. It's a C++ idiom because C++ lacks better facilities. CRTP allows a class to opt into certain behaviors that would otherwise be bothersome to write. Relevant C++ proposals do exist, but by and large, they have focused on making extension easier or removing boilerplate, and not on making CRTP, the hack, easier.
These are some that come to mind:
C++20: Comparisons
A very common use of CRTP is for things that require a lot of extra boilerplate. C++ required you to define operator== and operator!=, for instance. By opting into a CRTP base class, one could define only the primitive operation and have the other one generated.
C++20 fixed the underlying problem with comparisons. The typical member-wise comparison can be defaulted, and comparisons can be re-written so that != can invoke ==.
The problem is solved at the root, removing CRTP, not enhancing it.
C++20: Iterators to Ranges
Another common use of CRTP in the same vein as above is iterators. Writing custom iterators requires only a few fundamental operations: advance and dereference for forward iterators. But then there's a lot of extra seemingly unnecessary ceremony: pre-increment, post-increment, const iterators, typedefs, etc.
C++20 took a large step forward by introducing range concepts and the range library. The result is that it should be much less necessary to write a custom iterator. Ranges become a capable concept on their own, and there's a good suite of range combinators.
C++20: Concepts
C++ essentially has two systems for specifying an interface: virtual functions and concepts. They have trade-offs. Virtual functions are intrusive. But prior to C++20, concepts were implicit and emulated. One reason to use CRTP or inheritance generally would be to inject virtual functions. But in C++20, concepts are a language feature removing one big negative.
Future C++: Metaclasses
One value of CRTP in addition to the boilerplate reduction is satisfying an entire collection of multiple type requirements. A comparable class defines all the comparison operators. An clonable base defines a virtual destructor and clone.
This is the topic of metaclasses, which is not yet in C++.
See Also
See also the work on customization points which seems very interesting. And see the debates on unified function call syntax, which seems like we'll never get.
There's a very good question hiding in here about how C++20 makes it easier to reduce boilerplate, remove hacks like CRTP, and write better and clearer code. C++20 takes several steps in this regard, but they made the expression of intent easier, not a particular idiom.

C++ 2a - polymorphic range

I am writing a C++ library and have had this amazing idea of using as much C++2a/C++20 as possible. Thus, I am using the standard library concepts and creating my own. However, the idea of a function returning a std::vector<X> seemed non-C++20 enough to me, so I declared in my concept a return type matching std::ranges::view<X>. I've then implemented some classes that fulfill this concept.
However, the problem appeared when I wanted to devise a polymorphic wrapper class. So, let's say the concept is C and I have three implementing classes C1, C2 and C3 (but allow for more). Now I want to create a class C_virtual and a template C_virtual_impl<C c> deriving from it, which will allow me to refer to all classes fulfilling C polymorphically. However, for that to work I need a polymorphic std::ranges::view wrapper, similar in spirit to C_virtual.
I have not seen any such class in the headers and in C++ reference. Moreover, when I started implementing it myself, I quickly found myself unable to due to some requirements on iterators, in particular default constructibility, swappability and similar.
Is there a nonobvious solution in the standard library or an idiom? If not, how do I deal with the problem? Possibly a change of design will work. I certainly do not want to return a std::vector<X> or to return a V<X> where V would be a type parameter of C. How do I do this?
Range views, and many other template techniques, are not meant to be used with inheritance-based polymorphism. This is much like how vector<BaseClass> is not especially useful.
If you need runtime polymorphism, then the tool you want is not inheritance (directly); it's type erasure. That is, you have some view wrapper which uses type erasure to forward the various view operations to the erased type. This would also need to be paired with type-erased iterators that wrap the iterators of the given view.
Now of course, this means that the characteristics of the view have to be defined by the type erased wrapper. The wrapper could implement the input_range concept, but it could never fulfill more than input_range itself. Even if you put a contiguous_range type in the wrapper, the wrapper will limit the interface to that of an input_range.
As such, it's best to just avoid this case and rely on static polymorphism via templates whenever possible.

compile time polymorphism and runtime polymorphism

I noticed that somewhere polymorphism just refer to virtual function. However, somewhere they include the function overloading and template. Later, I found there are two terms, compile time polymorphism and run-time polymorphism. Is that true?
My question is when we talked about polymorphism generally, what's the widely accepted meaning?
Yes, you're right, in C++ there are two recognized "types" of polymorphism. And they mean pretty much what you think they mean
Dynamic polymorphism
is what C#/Java/OOP people typically refer to simply as "polymorphism". It is essentially subclassing, either deriving from a base class and overriding one or more virtual functions, or implementing an interface. (which in C++ is done by overriding the virtual functions belonging to the abstract base class)
Static polymorphism
takes place at compile-time, and could be considered a variation of ducktyping. The idea here is simply that different types can be used in a function to represent the same concept, despite being completely unrelated. For a very simple example, consider this
template <typename T>
T add(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return lhs + rhs; }
If this had been dynamic polymorphism, then we would define the add function to take some kind of "IAddable" object as its arguments. Any object that implement that interface (or derive from that base class) can be used despite their different implementations, which gives us the polymorphic behavior. We don't care which type is passed to us, as long as it implements some kind of "can be added together" interface.
However, the compiler doesn't actually know which type is passed to the function. The exact type is only known at runtime, hence this is dynamic polymorphism.
Here, though, we don't require you to derive from anything, the type T just has to define the + operator. It is then inserted statically. So at compile-time, we can switch between any valid type as long as they behave the same (meaning that they define the members we need)
This is another form of polymorphism. In principle, the effect is the same: The function works with any implementation of the concept we're interested in. We don't care if the object we work on is a string, an int, a float or a complex number, as long as it implements the "can be added together" concept.
Since the type used is known statically (at compile-time), this is known as static polymorphism. And the way static polymorphism is achieved is through templates and function overloading.
However, when a C++ programmer just say polymorphism, they generally refer to dynamic/runtime polymorphism.
(Note that this isn't necessarily true for all languages. A functional programmer will typically mean something like static polymorphism when he uses the term -- the ability to define generic functions using some kind of parametrized types, similar to templates)
"Polymorphism" literally means "many forms". The term is unfortunately a bit overloaded in computer science (excuse the pun).
According to FOLDOC, polymorphism is "a concept first identified by Christopher Strachey (1967) and developed by Hindley and Milner, allowing types such as list of anything."
In general, it's "a programming language feature that allows values of different data types to be handled using a uniform interface", to quote Wikipedia, which goes on to describe two main types of polymorphism:
Parametric polymorphism is when the same code can be applied to multiple data types. Most people in the object-oriented programming community refer to this as "generic programming" rather than polymorphism. Generics (and to some extent templates) fit into this category.
Ad-hoc polymorphism is when different code is used for different data-types. Overloading falls into this category, as does overriding. This is what people in the object-oriented community are generally referring to when they say "polymorphism". (and in fact, many mean overriding, not overloading, when they use the term "polymorphism")
For ad-hoc polymorphism there's also the question of whether the resolution of implementation code happens at run-time (dynamic) or compile-time (static). Method overloading is generally static, and method overriding is dynamic. This is where the terms static/compile-time polymorphism and dynamic/run-time polymorphism come from.
Usually people are referring to run-time polymorpism in my experience ...
When a C++ programmer says "polymorphism" he most likely means subtype polymorphism, which means "late binding" or "dynamic binding" with virtual functions. Function overloading and generic programming are both instances of polymorphism and they do involve static binding at compile time, so they can be referred to collectively as compile-time polymorphism. Subtype polymorphism is almost always referred to as just polymorphism, but the term could also refer to all of the above.
In its most succinct form, polymorphism means the ability of one type to appear as if it is another type.
There are two main types of polymorphism.
Subtype polymorphism: if D derives from B then D is a B.
Interface polymorphism: if C implements an interface I.
The first is what you are thinking of as runtime polymorphism. The second does not really apply to C++ and is a really a concept that applies to Java and C#.
Some people do think of overloading in the special case of operators (+, -, /, *) as a type of polymorphism because it allows you to think of types that have overloaded these operators as replaceable for each other (i.e., + for string and + for int). This concept of polymorphism most often applies to dynamic languages. I consider this an abuse of the terminology.
As for template programming, you will see some use the term "polymorphism" but this is really a very different thing than what we usually mean by polymorphism. A better name for this concept is "generic programming" or "genericity."
Various types of Function overloading (compile time polymorphism ...
9 Jun 2011 ... Polymorphism means same entity behaving differently at different times. Compile time polymorphism is also called as static binding.
A simple explanation on compile time polymorphism and run time polymorphism from :
Compile time Polymorphism:
C++ support polymorphism. One function multiple purpose, or in short many functions having same name but with different function body.
For every function call compiler binds the call to one function definition at compile time. This decision of binding among several functions is taken by considering formal arguments of the function, their data type and their sequence.
Run time polymorphism:
C++ allows binding to be delayed till run time. When you have a function with same name, equal number of arguments and same data type in same sequence in base class as well derived class and a function call of form: base_class_type_ptr->member_function(args); will always call base class member function. The keyword virtual on a member function in base class indicates to the compiler to delay the binding till run time.
Every class with atleast one virtual function has a vtable that helps in binding at run time. Looking at the content of base class type pointer it will correctly call the member function of one of possible derived / base class member function.
Yes, you are basically right. Compile-time polymorphism is the use of templates (instances of which's types vary, but are fixed at compile time) whereas run-time polymorphism refers to the use of inheritance and virtual functions (instances of which's types vary and are fixed at run time).

Are there alternatives to polymorphism in C++?

The CRTP is suggested in this question about dynamic polymorphism. However, this pattern is allegedly only useful for static polymorphism. The design I am looking at seems to be hampered speedwise by virtual function calls, as hinted at here. A speedup of even 2.5x would be fantastic.
The classes in question are simple and can be coded completely inline, however it is not known until runtime which classes will be used. Furthermore, they may be chained, in any order, heaping performance insult onto injury.
Any suggestions (including how the CRTP can be used in this case) welcome.
Edit: Googling turns up a mention of function templates. These look promising.
Polymorphism literally means multiple (poly) forms (morphs). In statically typed languages (such as C++) there are three types of polymorphism.
Adhoc polymorphism: This is best seen in C++ as function and method overloading. The same function name will bind to different methods based on matching the compile time type of the parameters of the call to the function or method signature.
Parametric polymorphism: In C++ this is templates and all the fun things you can do with it such as CRTP, specialization, partial specialization, meta-programming etc. Again this sort of polymorphism where the same template name can do different things based on the template parameters is a compile time polymorphism.
Subtype Polymorphism: Finally this is what we think of when we hear the word polymorphism in C++. This is where derived classes override virtual functions to specialize behavior. The same type of pointer to a base class can have different behavior based on the concrete derived type it is pointing to. This is the way to get run time polymorphism in C++.
If it is not known until runtime which classes will be used, you must use Subtype Polymorphism which will involve virtual function calls.
Virtual method calls have a very small performance overhead over statically bound calls. I'd urge you to look at the answers to this SO question.
I agree with m-sharp that you're not going to avoid runtime polymorphism.
If you value optimisation over elegance, try replacing say
void invoke_trivial_on_all(const std::vector<Base*>& v)
for (int i=0;i<v.size();i++)
with something like
void invoke_trivial_on_all(const std::vector<Base*>& v)
for (int i=0;i<v.size();i++)
if (v[i]->tag==FooTag)
else if (v[i]->tag==BarTag)
it's not pretty, certainly not OOP (more a reversion to what you might do in good old 'C') but if the virtual methods are trivial enough you should get a function with no calls (subject to good enough compiler & optimisation options). A variant using dynamic_cast or typeid might be slightly more elegant/safe but beware that those features have their own overhead which is probably comparable to a virtual call anyway.
Where you'll most likely see an improvement from the above is if some classes methods are no-ops, and it saved you from calling them, or if the functions contain common loop-invariant code and the optimiser manages to hoist it out of the loop.
You can go the Ole C Route and use unions. Although that too can be messy.