Backbone, selectively render parts in template - templates

I am listing products as table rows, each row contains input fields for specifying the quantity of products.
I made a Fiddle for it here,
As you can see, after the input in the Qty field have been made, the whole row render again. And because of that the focus of the input field will be lost, which is not good if you want to input more than just one digit, or tab between input fields.
What would be the most elegant way to solve this?

I would handle this by setting model.set({qty: _qty}, {silent: true}) and then updating the non-input fields with this.$.
As an alternative to the silent treatment: rather than listening for change events, listen for change:qty and change:sellPrice and have a method that updates just the HTML that needs updating within this.$, rather than re-rendering the DOM object and breaking your focus.
Either way, your comment about "selective updating" on the fiddle is certainly the right way to go.
(this.$ is a backbone hack to jQuery that restricts all selectors to search only within the DOM of the View's element. The element doesn't even need an ID or class; it just needs to exist and the View maintains a handle to it. It's incredibly useful.)

i built a plugin for backbone called Backbone.ModelBinding that may be able to help in this situation. my plugin allows you to update portions of a view with data from a model, when the model changes.
i've forked / updated your fiddle to show it in action:
i removed the binding to the model change. i've also added id attributes to the inputs of the form to facilitate the plugin (the attribute that the plugin uses is configurable, though). and lastly, i've added a data-bind attribute to the sell price total td.
you can get the plugin here:
hope that helps
FWIW: my plugin is an automated version of what Elf is suggesting. I've written code exactly like he is describing, numerous times, which is where the plugin came from. I just got tired of writing that code by hand :)


testing a component with complex angular components nested inside using PageObjects

Our Application has components which consume components with consume components of varying complexity. So i just want the input on the page, to validate when an object is set that the text is correct. The issue is that it is one of these subcomponents.
My colleague told me that there is 2 ways to do this, The first is to use Page Objects, and Chaining annotation to find it on my page, and then find the next id etc until my input is found. It requires me to look through another teams' Component Markup to narrow it down to the input i want to leverage. I dont believe I should have to go into another component definition, or a definition of a definition to get the appropriate chain to get this arbitrary input. It starts to create issues where if a lateral team creates changes unbeknownst to me, my PO will be broken.
The other option my friend asked was to use fixture.query to find the component. This would be as simple as:
fixture.query((el)=> el.attribute["id"] == "description",
expect(comp.value, value);
Using Query looks at the markup but then will automatically componentize it as the appropriate SubComponent. In this case, comp.value is the value stored in the HTML. So, if i did something like:
fixture.update((MainComponent comp) {
comp.myinput.value = new Foo();
Then I am setting and getting this programmatically, so i am a bit unsure if it properly would reflect what is on the screen.
Whats the best course of action? It seems PO would be better, but im not sure if there is a way around having to deep query for input boxes outside of the component i am testing.
I don't think I have a definitive answer for you but I can tell you how we do it at Google. For pretty much any component we provide the page object alongside the component. This is twofold it is for testing that widget, and also so we can have this as a shareable resource for other tests.
For leaf widgets the page objects are a little less fleshed out and are really just there for the local test. For components that are shared heavily the page object is a bit more flushed out for reusability. Without this much of the API for the widget (html, css, etc) we would need to consider public and changes to them would be very hard (person responsible for making the public breaking change needs to fix all associated code.) With it we can have a contract to only support the page object API and html structure changes are not considered breaking changes. At times we have even gone so far as to have two page objects for a widget. One for the local test, and one to share. Sometimes the API you want to expose for a local test is much more than you want people to use themselves.
We can then compose these page objects into higher level page objects that represent the widget. Good page objects support a higher level of abstraction for that widget. For example a calendar widget would let you go to the next/previous month, get the current selected date, etc. rather than directly exposing the buttons/inputs that accomplish those actions.
We plan to expose these page objects for angular_components eventually, but we are currently working on how to expose these. Our internal package structure is different than what we have externally. We have many packages per individual widget (page_objects, examples, widget itself) and we need to reconcile this externally before we expose them.
Here is an example:
import 'package:pageloader/objects.dart';
import 'material_button_po.dart';
/// Webdriver page object for `material-yes-no-buttons` component.
class MaterialYesNoButtonsPO {
MaterialButtonPO yesButton;
MaterialButtonPO noButton;

Netsuite Customization of Prospect Form

I need to customize the Prospect Form in such way that the fields from subtabs like (Relationship-Contact are sitting on the main tab). We need to use this form and add fields in a sequential order. Also I need some of those fields to fill in customer form once prospect is converted. I have been using Netsuite only a few weeks but have used other systems where I could customize fields from related tables with a drag and drop functionality.Is there such a thing in Netsuite?
Thank you
Prospects and Customers are just stages of the same underlying record. Information you fill in for a prospect will still be there if the prospect converts to a customer.
As far as entry forms go the Netsuite help is not bad in this area. See for how to start to customize your entry forms. In particular check the section called "Moving Fields and Lists between Subtabs"
You can't control sequential data entry without a client script or possibly a workflow but the help link above will get you started on putting the fields in the logical entry order.
While in your prospect form that you want to update select 'Customize' from the top right. Then 'Customize Form'.
You'll see a button at the top called "Move elements between subtabs". Use this to move items around. After you move them you may want to go to the "Screen Fields" sub tab under the "Main" section and adjust the positioning of all the fields on your main form because when you move items between tabs they don't necessarily fall where you want them to.
As far as your fields flowing to the Customer, they will flow just fine because as someone else mentioned, a prospect record is an entity record (like customer and lead) so the record is promoted from lead to prospect then finally customer.
I agree with the other answer, get used to NetSuite help. I make a shortcut to Suite Answers, Schema Browser, SuiteScript API and SuiteScript Examples for quick reference. The NetSuite videos aren't too bad either worth looking at.
To move standard 'Lists' like Relationships, Contacts, Transactions etc this is also on the Move Entry Form Elements, look for the Lists subtab, next to Fields.

Sitecore Conditional Showing of Fields

So I am rather new to sitecore, and it's a topic that wasn't covered during my training. My questions is just to help point me to the correct term, or documentation on a method to do the following.
I have a definition item, with a ton of field groups, what I want to do is something like:
if Value of Field X is "yes" then collapse/hide Field X or Field Group X.
Does that make sense? Is it a validation rule? or some other kind of rules, is it a workflow I need to attach? Do you place it on just the field I want to hide, or the field that triggers the action?
I appreciate any guidance.
There is nothing out-of-the-box in Sitecore to achieve what you want but there is no reason you cannot create a composite custom field type to do this. The following articles will help you achieve this:
Creating a custom Sitecore Field
Getting to Know Sitecore: Custom Fields, Part 1
Create a new control, inheriting either from Droplist (if the comparison of the value is to be text based) or Droplink (for comparison of ID). You could add a parameter in the Source field of the control to specify what the values that trigger the hide should be.
The underlying control in the Content Editor is just a standard HTML select element. Add onchange events to the control and add your Javascript handler to hide the other controls. Since I could not find a way of adding additional custom css classes to the Sitecore controls, it would be best/easiest to hide all other controls in the same collapsible group after you control. This would mean you would need to group your controls better (or logically at least).
The Javascript will be something like this (the Content Editor uses the Prototype JS framework):
if ($(this).getValue() == 'no') {
// find the parent container of this control and then hide all the next siblings in the same group
You can test this by running the above in the console, change out the keyword this with the id of your field, e.g. $('FIELD2292054').
What I am not sure about is how to trigger the hide on initial load, i.e. when someone returns to an existing item, it may be possible by adding to one of the pipelines, but would be better using a JS solution if possible. I'll have a think about this and get a proper code sample up over the next few days.
EDIT: You can add an event handler to sc:contenteditorupdated to handle the content editor being rel-oaded.
document.observe("sc:contenteditorupdated", myFunction);
I wrote up a blog post and put the code on GitHub if you are interested.
Not sure if you have come across Andy Uzick's this blog post.
He wisely talks about hiding fields in the Content Editor and has also created a Sitecore Module called Hide Field Template Extension which is hosted on the Sitecore Marketplace with the full source code to extend.
After reading through and trying the extension, I do feel that it will not completely resolve your issue (how you have described it in the question).
But it will give you:
A mid-term solution to hide a few unnecessary field that some content editors would not like to view.
Fields that are only required by administrators for admin purpose - to de-clutter these fields could be hidden.
Just one thing to bear in mind that it mentions in the requirements Sitecore 6.5 & 6.6. I have not tested it in Sitecore 7. If you are using Sitecore 7, which I think you are, one could modify the source code and make it work for Sitecore 7.
Have a look and share your findings.
Happy Sitecoring!

Update/Remove items in Ember Array

I'm doing prototype small app on emberjs for my project.
It's here - jsbin
I have a list of transactions, which are displayed to the user. User may update or delete some of it.
For example, after update - transaction general status must be change on "Done" if both user status is "Done" (see properties of App.Transaction model).
After "Remove" user action is simply remove from array :)
How it is correctly implemented in ember.js methodology with Ember Arrays?
P.S. Pay no attention to that transaction list is static, in the future I would use ajax-request on load of app for fill transaction list. Currently, statics is made for simplicity.
Here is your working jsbin.
I've changed a few things, instead of passing the id when updating a transaction we pass now the transaction itself, so you can call setProperties on it and set the general_status to Done. I've also changed this behavior when deleting a transaction. And when adding a transaction you where using always the same id which is not optimal, I've used Ember.uuid to get always on creation a new id for your new record.
Have a look at the changed code to see the changes.
As a side note I should mention that you overall approach is not quite following ember's conventions, but ember is flexible enough to make it work anyway :)
Let me know if this is what you where looking for.

Sitecore - What are the pitfalls of storing content in the renderings field

I'd like to know if anyone has had experience of using rendering parameter fields in Sitecore to store content. If so, what drawbacks are there?
In some respects, this seems like an attractive idea as you can add a sublayout to a page numerous times without needing to create child items and setting each sublayout's datasource to one of these child items.... however putting content into renderings fields has a few disadvantages:
This solution is not localizable since the renderings field is shared, so no good for multi-language sites.
To edit the content (if using the content editor) you need to switch to the presentation tab, click details, select the sublayout then edit the rendering parameters which is all a bit cumbersome.
Are there any more serious consequences of adopting this approach?
There is no way to apply workflow to the fields.
There is no way to enable the fields for the page editor.
You can accomplish this just as easily by using the Page Editor and setting a Datasource Template and Datasource Location on your sublayout.
I'll reiterate something you already pointed out -- it's a shared field, so the content can't be localized.
There's no way to reuse the content stored in parameter fields.
Even if you DID do it, its hard to get the data from the parameters because they are XML-based (hint: add an Image to rendering parameters and look at what value you get back)
Overall, you are breaking the separation of content and presentation that the layout field is intended to provide. Please don't do this, one day a developer following in your footsteps will come across it and then spend all day on