Advantage of wrapping classes in DLLs - c++

I've just finished a phase in my project where I wrote a small infrastructure to carry out a certain task, made of a core class with several auxiliary classes.
The C++'ness is quite basic - single inheritance, some STL containers, that's it.
No threads - client runs the show.
What I would like to do now is wrap it all up in a DLL, version it, and use
it as a standalone unit. I'd like that seperation in order to track changes and
development better, and perhaps for other projects as well.
As I don't have experience with classes in DLLs, I would like to hear yours:
What's your approach to this problem?
Is it worth the trouble?
Do you do that often or not at all?
What about compatibiliy issues (like clients compiled using a different compiler)?
I'm not really asking for a debate (though that's the probable outcome), but rather an advice from experience.
Thanks for your time.

I find it hard to see any benefit with this. I can see plenty of problems:
No type checking across a DLL boundary. Any version mismatches will result in runtime failures, harder to detect than compile time failures.
Extra deployment headaches. You may be tempted to update some but not all modules and so deal with complex dependencies.
All clients that want to use these DLLs must use the same compiler.
Only make this change if you can identify benefits that outweigh the negatives.

C++ code is not binary compatible between compilers, it's generally no use creating DLLs exposing C++ classes that aren't built as part of the project that uses them.
If you want to create a Windows DLL with a well-defined object-oriented interface that the rest of the world can use, make it a COM inproc server.


Portable MFC datatypes substitute library(ies)

We're currently considering making our windows application portable to other platforms, and one of the biggest challenges we're facing is removing the massive dependency on MFC we currently have.
We're planning on thinning down our UI layer as much as we can (as there we really need separate implementations depending on platform) but try to keep much of the core shared between platforms. One of our issues is usage of MFC throughout 'core' libraries (relying on MFC non-UI specific data types such as CString, CRect, CPoint, etc.), and we're trying to identify possible solutions.
The first thing that came to mind was writing our own data types to substitute MFC ones. While this is almost definitely the best approach, giving us flexibility in their implementation, this would add some considerable time to the endeavour.
The second option would be using an actually portable library (or a set of them) that gave us these substitute to plug-in. I'm investigating this route to figure out if we can find some reasonably lightweight option to save off significant time with the conversion. Optimally we would be able to make do with a pure datatype set of libraries to use, without the need for all the added UI complexity, and which would provide easy integration with the actual existing MFC UI code. STL works in part (strings, list and other collections..) but it's lacking some coverage.
Has anyone here been through a similar situation and has some experience to share?

Is it common practice to abstract library dependencies from implementation?

My answer to this question would be "no." But my coworkers disagree.
We're rebuilding our product and have a lot of critical decisions to make in the near-term.
While doing some of my own work I noticed that we've got some in-house C++ classes to abstract some of the POSIX API (threads, mutexes, semaphores, and rw locks) and other utility classes. Note that these classes are basic, and haven't been ported from Linux (portability is a factor in the rebuild.) We are also using POCO C++ libraries.
I brought this to the attention of my coworkers and suggested that we ditch our in-house classes in favour of their POCO equivalents. I want to take full advantage of the library we're already using. They suggested that we should implement our in-house classes using POCO, and further abstract additional POCO classes as necessary, so as not to depend on any specific C++ library (citing future unknowns - what if we want to use a different lib/framework like QT or boost, what if the one we choose turns out to be no good or development becomes inactive, etc.)
They also don't want to refactor legacy code, and by abstracting parts of POCO with our own classes, we can implement additional functionality (classic OOP.) Both of these arguments I can appreciate. However, I argue that if we're doing a recode we should go big, or go home. Now would be the time to refactor and it really shouldn't be that bad especially given the similarity between our classes and those in POCO (threads, etc.) I don't know what to say regarding the second point - should we only use extended classes where the functionality is necessary?
My coworkers also don't want to litter the POCO namespace all over the place. I argue that we should pick a library/framework/toolkit, and stick with it. Take full advantage of its features. Is this not typical practice? The only project I've seen that abstracts an entire framework is Freeswitch (that provides its own interface to APR.)
One suggestion is that the API we expose to each other, and potential customers, should be free of POCO, but it would be present in the implementation (which makes sense.)
None of us really have experience in these kinds of design decisions, and it shows in the current product. Having been at this since I was young, I've got some intuition that has brought me here, but no practical experience either. I really want to avoid poor solutions to problems that are already solved.
I think my question boils down to this: When building a product, should we a) choose a dominant framework on which to base most of our code, and b) expect that framework to be tightly coupled with the product? Isn't that the point of a framework? (Is framework or library more appropriate for POCO?)
First, the API that you expose should definitely be free of POCO, boost, qt, or any other type that is not part of the standard C++ library. This is because the base libraries have their own release cycle, distinct from the release cycle of your library. If the users of your library also use boost, but a different, incompatible, version, they would need to spend time to resolve the incompatibility. The only exception to this rule is when you design a library to be released as part of a wider framework - say, an addition to the POCO toolkit. In this case the release of your library is tied to the release of the entire toolkit.
Internally, however, you should avoid using your own wrappers, unless the library that you are abstracting out is a true "commodity library"1. The reason for this is that when you hide an external library behind your classes, most of the time you mimic the level of abstraction of the library that you are hiding. The code that uses your wrapper will program to the level of abstraction dictated by the external library. When you swap the implementation behind your wrapper for a different framework, it is very likely that you would either (1) adapt the new framework to fit the level of abstraction of the old framework, or (2) will need to change the way in which you use your wrapper. Both cases are highly suspect: if you do (1), perhaps you shouldn't switch in the first place, and if you do (2), then your wrappers prove to be useless.
1 By "commodity library" I mean a library that provides a level of abstraction commonly found in other libraries that serve a similar purpose.
There are two situations where I think it's worth having your own wrappers:
1) You've looked at several different mutex implementations on different systems/libraries, you've established a common set of requirements that they can all satisfy and that are sufficient for your software. Then you define that abstraction and implement it one or more times, knowing that you've planned ahead for flexibility. The rest of your code is written to rely only on your abstraction, not on any incidental properties of the current implementation(s). I have done this in the past, although not in code I can show you.
A classic example of this "least common interface" would be to change rename in the filesystem abstraction, on the basis that Windows cannot implement an atomic rename-over-an-existing-file. So your code must not rely on atomic rename-replacement if you might in future swap out your current *nix implementation for one that can't do that. You have to restrict the interface from the start.
When done right, this kind of interface can considerably ease any kind of future porting, either to a new system or because you want to change your third-party library dependencies. However, an entire framework is probably too big to successfully do this with -- essentially you'd be inventing and writing your own framework, which is not a trivial task and conceivably is a larger task than writing your actual software.
2) You want to be able to mock/stub/sham/spoof/plagiarize/whatever the next clever technique is, the mutex in tests, and decide that you will find this easier if you have your own wrapper thrown over it than if you're trying to mess with symbols from third-party libraries, or that are built-in.
Note that defining your own functions called wrap_pthread_mutex_init, wrap_pthread_mutex_lock etc, that precisely mimic pthread_* functions, and take exactly the same parameters, might satisfy (2) but doesn't satisfy (1). And anyway, doing (2) properly probably requires more than just wrappers, you usually also want to inject the dependencies into your code.
Doing extra work under the heading of flexibility, without actually providing for flexibility, is pretty much a waste of time. It can be very difficult or even provably impossible to implement one threading environment in terms of another one. If you decide in future to switch from pthreads to std::thread in C++, then having used an abstraction that looks exactly like the pthreads API under different names is (approximately) no help whatsoever.
For another possible change you might make, implementing the full pthreads API on Windows is sort of possible, but probably more difficult than only implementing what you actually need. So if you port to Windows, all your abstraction saves you is the time to search and replace all calls in the rest of your software. You're still going to have to (a) plug in a complete Posix implementation for Windows, or (b) do the work to figure out what you actually need, and only implement that. Your wrapper won't help with the real work.

Reorganize Classes into Static Libraries

I am about to attempt reorganizing the way my group builds a set of large applications that share about 90% of their source files. Right now, these applications are built without any libraries whatsoever involved except for externally linked ones that are not under our control. The applications use the same common source files (we are not maintaining 5 versions of the same .h/.cpp files), but these are not built into any common library. So, at the moment, we are paying the price of building the same code over-and-over per application, each time we intend to release a version. To me, this sounds like a prime candidate for using libraries to capture the shared code and reduce build times. I do not have the option of using DLL's, so the approach is to use static libraries.
I would like to know what tips you would have for how to approach this task. I have limited experience with creating/organizing static libraries, so even the basic suggestions towards organization/gotchas are welcome. Maybe even a good book recommendation?
I have done a brief exercise by finding the entire subset of files that each application share in common. As a proof of concept, I took these files and placed them in a single "Common Monster" static library. Building the full application using this single static library certainly improves the build time for all of the applications, but should I leave it at this? The purpose of the library in this form is not very focused and seems like a lazy attempt at modularity. There is ongoing development with these applications, and I'm afraid this setup will cause problems further down the line.
It's very hard to give general guidelines in this area - how you structure libraries depends very much on how you use them. Perhaps if I describe my own code libraries this may help:
One general purpose library containing code that I expect all applications will have at least a 50/50 chance of needing to use. This includes string utilities, regexes, expression evaluation, XML parsing and ODBC support. Conceivably this should be split up a bit, but it makes distributing my code in FOSS projects easier to keep it monolithic.
A library supporting multi-threading, providing wrappers around threads, mutexes, semaphores etc.
One supporting SQLite via its native interface, rather than via ODBC.
A C++ web server wrapper round the Mongoose C web server.
The general purpose library is used in all the stuff I write, the others in more specialised circumstances. Headers for each library are held in separate directories, as are the library binaries themselves (though they should probably be in a single lib directory).
Make sure that the dependencies of your libraries form acyclic directed graph (a tree). While this is not necessarily a problem for static libs (I'm not sure in fact), it will be a problem if you ever decide to switch to dlls. Depending on your situation, this may require some redesign of interfaces.
Another thing I noticed (for sure on MSVC), which you may consider if build speed is an important concern: DLLs link much faster than static libraries. I assume this is because they don't have to be copied into the new executable and there's no need to search an eliminate unused code. Even if it's no option for production, you may use this trick while developing.
I also have the habit to create my solution files with CMake, because it is easier to overview the entire build process than clicking through an endless list of options in a GUI. It's up to you to decide if you want to walk that path.

Best practices for creating an application which will be upgraded frequently - C++

I am developing a portable C++ application and looking for some best practices in doing that. This application will have frequent updates and I need to build it in such a way that parts of program can be updated easily.
For a frequently updating program, creating the program parts into libraries is the best practice? If program parts are in separate libraries, users can just replace the library when something changes.
If answer for point 1 is "yes", what type of library I have to use? In LINUX, I know I can create a "shared library", but I am not sure how portable is that to windows. What type of library I have to use? I am aware about the DLL hell issues in windows as well.
Any help would be great!
Yes, using libraries is good, but the idea of "simply" replacing a library with a new one may be unrealistic, as library APIs tend to change and apps often need to be updated to take advantage of, or even be compatible with, different versions of a library. With a good amount of integration testing though, you'll be able to 'support' a range of different versions of the library. Or, if you control the library code yourself, you can make sure that changes to the library code never breaks the application.
In Windows DLLs are the direct equivalent to shared libraries (so) in Linux, and if you compile both in a common environment (either cross-compiling or using MingW in Windows) then the linker will just do it the same way. Presuming, of course, that all the rest of your code is cross-platform and configures itself correctly for the target platform.
IMO, DLL hell was really more of a problem in the old days when applications all installed their DLLs into a common directory like C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM, which people don't really do anymore simply because it creates DLL hell. You can place your shared libraries in a more appropriate place where it won't interfere with other non-aware apps, or - the simplest possible - just have them in the same directory as the executable that needs them.
I'm not entirely convinced that separating out the executable portions of your program in any way simplifies upgrades. It might, maybe, in some rare cases, make the update installer smaller, but the effort will be substantial, and certainly not worth it the one time you get it wrong. Replace all executable code as one in most cases.
On the other hand, you want to be very careful about messing with anything your users might have changed. Draw a bright line between the part of the application that is just code and the part that is user data. Handle the user data with care.
If it is an application my first choice would be to ship a statically-linked single executable. I had the opportunity to work on a product that was shipped to 5 platforms (Win2K,WinXp, Linux, Solaris, Tru64-Unix), and believe me maintaining shared libraries or DLLs with large codebase is a hell of a task.
Suppose this is a non-trivial application which involves use of 3rd Party GUI, Threads etc. Using C++, there is no real one way of doing it on all platforms. This means you will have to maintain different codebases for different platforms anyway. Then there are some wierd behaviours (bugs) of 3rd Party libraries on different platforms. All this will create a burden if application is shipped using different library versions i.e. different versions are to be attached to different platforms. I have seen people shipping libraries to all platforms when the fix is only for a particular platform just to avoid the versioning confusion. But it is not that simple, customer often has a different angle to how he/she wants to upgrade/patch which is also to be considered.
Ofcourse if the binary you are building is huge, then one can consider DLLs/shared-libraries. Even if that is the case, what i would suggest is to build your application in the form of layers like:-
So here some libraries can have common-code for all platforms. Only specific libraries like 'Platform' can be updated for specific behaviours. This will make you life a lot easier.
IMHO a DLL/shared-library option is viable when you are building a product that acts as a complete solution rather than just an application. In such a case different subsystems use common logic simultaneously within your product framework whose logic can then be shared in memory using DLLs/shared-libraries.
As soon as you're trying to deal with both Windows and a UNIX system like Linux, life gets more complicated.
What are the service requirements you have to satisfy? Can you control when client systems get upgraded? How many systems will you need to support? How much of a backward-compatibility requirement do you have.
To answer your question with a question, why are you making the application native if being portable is one of the key goals?
You could consider moving to a a virtual platform like Java or .Net/Mono. You can still write C++ libraries (shared libraries on linux, DLL's on windows) for anything that would be better as native code, but the bulk of your application will be genuinely portable.

Splitting up a utility DLL into smaller components in C++

We have a core library in the form of a DLL that is used by more than one client application. It has gotten somewhat bloated and some applications need only a tiny fraction of the functionality that this DLL provides. So now we're looking at dividing this behemoth into smaller components.
My question is this: Can anyone recommend a path to take to divide this bloated DLL into a set of modules that have some interdepencies but do not necessarily require all other modules?
Here are the options as I see them but I'm hoping someone can offer other possibilities:
Create a "core" dll and several "satellite" dlls which use the core and possibly other satellite DLLs.
Subdivide the contents of the bloated DLL into static libraries that the main DLL uses (to maintain the same functionality) but apps that don't want to use the bloated version can assemble the static libraries they need into their own dll or into the app itself.
I was hesitant to mention this but I think it may be important to note that the app uses MFC.
Thanks for your thoughts.
Somewhat related to your question is this question, about splitting up a very large C module into smaller ones.
How do you introduce unit testing into a large, legacy (C/C++) codebase?
It seems your question has to do with the larger question of breaking some large blob of code into a more modular system. The link above is definitely recommended reading.
Without having all the details it is a little hard to help but here is what I would do in your situation
provide both static and dll versions of whate3ver you release - for MT and single threaded.
try to glean from the disparate clients which items should be grouped together to provide reasonable segmentation - without having layers of dependencies.
having a "core" module sounds like a good idea - and make sure you don't have too many levels of dependencies - you might want to keep it simple.
You may find after the exercise that one big dll is actually reasonable.
Another consideration is that maintaining multiple DLLs and both static libs and DLLs will hugely increase the complexity of maintenance.
Are you going to be releasing them all at once every time, or are they going to be mix and match? Be careful here - and know that you could create testing issues
If no one is complaining about the size of the DLL then you might want to consider leaving it as is.