How actually MPI_Waitall works - c++

Does this example contradict the manual? The manual states that both the array of requests and the array of statuses must be of the same size. To be more precise, both arrays should be at least as long as it indicated by the count argument. Yet in the below example status array size is 2, not 4. Also, the example contradicts this statement from the manual
The error-free execution of MPI_Waitall(count, array_of_requests,
array_of_statuses) has the same effect as the execution of
MPI_Wait(&array_of_request[i], &array_of_statuses[i]), for
i=0,...,count-1, in some arbitrary order.
#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main(argc,argv)
int argc;
char *argv[]; {
int numtasks, rank, next, prev, buf[2], tag1=1, tag2=2;
MPI_Request reqs[4];
MPI_Status stats[2];
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numtasks);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
prev = rank-1;
next = rank+1;
if (rank == 0) prev = numtasks - 1;
if (rank == (numtasks - 1)) next = 0;
MPI_Irecv(&buf[0], 1, MPI_INT, prev, tag1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &reqs[0]);
MPI_Irecv(&buf[1], 1, MPI_INT, next, tag2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &reqs[1]);
MPI_Isend(&rank, 1, MPI_INT, prev, tag2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &reqs[2]);
MPI_Isend(&rank, 1, MPI_INT, next, tag1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &reqs[3]);
{ do some work }
MPI_Waitall(4, reqs, stats);
P.S. Definition of main looks strange. The return value is missing. Is it prehistoric C or typo?

Yes, this example contradicts the manual. If you compare the example with the Fortran version, you'll see that the Fortran version is correct in that the status array is large enough (strangely enough, it's a 2D array but thanks to implicit interfaces and storage association it can be seen as a 1D array of size MPI_STATUS_SIZE * 2 which is larger than 4 provided MPI_STATUS_SIZE is larger than 1 (on my system it's 5).
And yes, the missing return statement is an error; however some compilers resort to just emitting a warning for omitting the return statement in main(). Also, the prehistoricity of the code can be seen in the K&R style declaration of the arguments.


Dynamic load balancing master-worker

I have an array of index which I want each worker do something based on these indexes.
the size of the array might be more than the total number of ranks, so my first question is if there is another way except master-worker load balancing here? I want to have a balances system and also I want to assign each index to each ranks.
I was thinking about master-worker, and in this approach master rank (0) is giving each index to other ranks. but when I was running my code with 3 rank and 15 index my code is halting in while loop for sending the index 4. I was wondering If anybody can help me to find the problem
if(pCurrentID == 0) { // Master
MPI_Status status;
int nindices = 15;
int mesg[1] = {0};
int initial_id = 0;
int recv_mesg[1] = {0};
// -- send out initial ids to workers --//
while (initial_id < size - 1) {
if (initial_id < nindices) {
MPI_Send(mesg, 1, MPI_INT, initial_id + 1, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
mesg[0] += 1;
//-- hand out id to workers dynamically --//
while (mesg[0] != nindices) {
int isource = status.MPI_SOURCE;
MPI_Recv(recv_mesg, 1, MPI_INT, isource, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Send(mesg, 1, MPI_INT, isource, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
mesg[0] += 1;
//-- hand out ending signals once done --//
for (int rank = 1; rank < size; ++rank) {
mesg[0] = -1;
MPI_Send(mesg, 1, MPI_INT, rank, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
} else {
MPI_Status status;
int id[1] = {0};
// Get the surrounding fragment id
int itag = status.MPI_TAG;
MPI_Recv(id, 1, MPI_INT, 0, itag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
int jfrag = id[0];
if (jfrag < 0) break;
// do something
MPI_Send(id, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
I have an array of index which I want each worker do something based
on these indexes. the size of the array might be more than the total
number of ranks, so my first question is if there is another way
except master-worker load balancing here? I want to have a balances
system and also I want to assign each index to each ranks.
No, but if the work performed per array index takes roughly the same amount of time, you can simply scatter the array among the processes.
I was thinking about master-worker, and in this approach master rank
(0) is giving each index to other ranks. but when I was running my
code with 3 rank and 15 index my code is halting in while loop for
sending the index 4. I was wondering If anybody can help me to find
the problem
As already pointed out in the comments, the problem is that you are missing (in the workers side) the loop of querying the master for work.
The load-balancer can be implemented as follows:
The master initial sends an iteration to the other workers;
Each worker waits for a message from the master;
Afterwards the master calls MPI_Recv from MPI_ANY_SOURCE and waits for another worker to request work;
After the worker finished working on its first iteration it sends its rank to the master, signaling the master to send a new iteration;
The master reads the rank sent by the worker in step 4., checks the array for a new index, and if there is still a valid index, send it to the worker. Otherwise, sends a special message signaling the worker that there is no more work to be performed. That message can be for instance -1;
When the worker receive the special message it stops working;
The master stops working when all the workers have receive the special message.
An example of such approach:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <mpi.h>
int main(int argc,char *argv[]){
MPI_Init(NULL,NULL); // Initialize the MPI environment
int rank;
int size;
MPI_Status status;
int work_is_done = -1;
if(rank == 0){
int max_index = 10;
int index_simulator = 0;
// Send statically the first iterations
for(int i = 1; i < size; i++){
MPI_Send(&index_simulator, 1, MPI_INT, i, i, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
int processes_finishing_work = 0;
int process_that_wants_work = 0;
MPI_Recv(&process_that_wants_work, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
if(index_simulator < max_index){
MPI_Send(&index_simulator, 1, MPI_INT, process_that_wants_work, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
else{ // send special message
MPI_Send(&work_is_done, 1, MPI_INT, process_that_wants_work, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
} while(processes_finishing_work < size - 1);
int index_to_work = 0;
MPI_Recv(&index_to_work, 1, MPI_INT, 0, rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
// Work with the iterations index_to_work
MPI_Send(&rank, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Recv(&index_to_work, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
if(index_to_work != work_is_done)
// Work with the iterations index_to_work
}while(index_to_work != work_is_done);
printf("Process {%d} -> I AM OUT\n", rank);
return 0;
You can improve upon the aforementioned approach by reducing: 1) the number of messages sent and 2) the time waiting for them. For the former you can try to use a chunking strategy (i.e., sending more than one index per MPI communication). For the latter you can try to play around with nonblocking MPI communications or have two threads per process one to receive/send the work another to actually perform the work. This multithreading approach would also allow the master process to actually work with the array indices, but it significantly complicates the approach.

MPI - How to create partial arrays for workers when array initialization value must be constant?

I don't have much experience with C++ or MPI currently, so I assume this will be an easy question to answer.
I want to be able to change the number of processes that can work on my array sort for experimentation purposes, but when I try to declare a partial array for my worker to work on, I receive an error stating that the array size variable, PART, needs to be constant.
Is this from how I calculated or parsed it, or from an MPI mechanic?
const int arraySize = 10000
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
int rank;
int size;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
const int PART = floor(arraySize / size);
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); //start timer
//================================ WORKER PROCESSES ===============================
if (rank != 0)
int tmpArray[PART]; //HERE IS MY PROBLEM
MPI_Recv(&tmpArray, PART, MPI_INT, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); //recieve data into local initalized array
qsort(&tmpArray[0], PART, sizeof(int), compare); // quick sort
MPI_Send(&tmpArray, PART, MPI_INT, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); //send sorted array back to rank 0
auto tmpArray = std::make_unique<int[]>(PART);
If the size of an array is determined at runtime, as in your case, this would give a variable length array, which is supported in C, but not in standard C++.
So in C++, the size of an array needs to be a (compile time) constant.
To overcome this, you'll have to use dynamic memory allocation. This can be achieved either through "classic C" functions malloc and free (which are rarely used in C++), through their C++-pendants new and delete (or new[] and delete[]), or - the preferred way - through the use of container objects like, for example, std::vector<int> that encapsulate this memory allocation issues for you.

MPI Programming in C - MPI_Send() and MPI_Recv() Address Trouble

I'm currently working on a C program using MPI, and I've run into a roadblock regarding the MPI_Send() and MPI_Recv() functions, that I hope you all can help me out with. My goal is to send (with MPI_Send()), and receive (with MPI_Recv()), the address of "a[0][0]" (Defined Below), and then display the CONTENTS of that address after I've received it from MPI_Recv(), in order to confirm my send and receive is working. I've outlined my problem below:
I have a 2-d array, "a", that works like this:
a[0][0] Contains my target ADDRESS
*a[0][0] Contains my target VALUE
i.e. printf("a[0][0] Value = %3.2f, a[0][0] Address = %p\n", *a[0][0], a[0][0]);
So, I run my program and memory is allocated for a. Debug confirms that a[0][0] contains the address 0x83d6260, and the value stored at address 0x83d6260, is 0.58. In other words, "a[0][0] = 0x83d6260", and "*a[0][0] = 0.58".
So, I pass the address, "a[0][0]", as the first parameter of MPI_Send():
-> MPI_Send(a[0][0], 1, MPI_FLOAT, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// I put 1 as the second parameter becasue I only want to receive this one address
MPI_Send() executes and returns 0, which is MPI_SUCCESS, which means that it succeeded, and my Debug confirms that "0x83d6260" is the address passed.
However, when I attempt to receive the address by using MPI_Recv(), I get Segmentation fault:
MPI_Recv(a[0][0], 1, MPI_FLOAT, iNumProcs-1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
The address 0x83d6260 was sent successfully using MPI_Send(), but I can't receive the same address with MPI_Recv(). My question is - Why does MPI_Recv() cause a segment fault? I want to simply print the value contained in a[0][0] immediately after the MPI_Recv() call, but the program crashes.
MPI_Send(a[0][0], 1, MPI_FLOAT ...) will send memory with size sizeof(float) starting at a[0][0]
So basicaly the value sent is *(reinterpret_cast<float*>(a[0][0]))
Therefore if a[0][0] is 0x0x83d6260 and *a[0][0] is 0.58f then MPI_Recv(&buff, 1, MPI_FLOAT...) will set buffer (of type float, which need to be allocated) to 0.58
On important thing is that different MPI programm should NEVER share pointers (even if they run on the same node). They do not share virtual memory pagination and event if you where able to acces the adress from one on the rank, the other ones should give you a segfault if you try to access the same adress in their context
This code works for me :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mpi.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int size, rank;
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
case 0:
float*** a;
a = malloc(sizeof(float**));
a[0] = malloc(sizeof(float* ));
a[0][0] = malloc(sizeof(float ));
*a[0][0] = 0.58;
MPI_Send(a[0][0], 1, MPI_FLOAT, 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
printf("rank 0 send done\n");
free(a[0] );
free(a );
case 1:
float buffer;
printf("rank 1 recv done : %f\n", buffer);
return 0;
results are :
mpicc mpi.c && mpirun ./a.out -n 2
> rank 0 send done
> rank 1 recv done : 0.580000
I think the problem is that you're trying to put the value into the array of pointers (which is probably causing the segfault). Try making a new buffer to receive the value:
MPI_Send(a[0][0], 1, MPI_FLOAT, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
double buff;
MPI_Recv(&buff, 1, MPI_FLOAT, iNumProcs-1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
If I remember correctly the MPI_Send/Recv will dereference the pointer giving you the value, not the address.
You also haven't given us enough information to tell if your source/destination values are correct.

MPI_send MPI_recv failed while increase the arry size

I am trying to write a 3D parallel computing Poisson solver using OpenMPI ver 1.6.4.
The following parts are my code for parallel computing using blocking send receive.
The following variable is declared in another file.
int px = lx*meshx; //which is meshing point in x axis.
int py = ly*meshy;
int pz = lz*meshz;
int L = px * py * pz
The following code works well while
meshx=meshy=2, meshz=any int number.
The send recv parts failed while meshx and meshy are larger than 4.
The program hanging there waiting for sending or receiving data.
But it works if I only send data from one processor to another, not exchange the data.
(ie : send from rank 0 to 1, but dont send from 1 to 0)
I can't understand how this code works while meshx and meshy is small but failed while mesh number x y in large.
Does blocking send receive process will interrupt itself or I confuse the processor in my code?Does it matter with my array size?
#include "MPI-practice.h"
# include <iostream>
# include <math.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <time.h>
# include <sstream>
# include <string>
# include "mpi.h"
using namespace std;
extern int px,py,pz;
extern int L;
extern double simTOL_phi;
extern vector<double> phi;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
int numtasks, taskid, offset_A, offset_B, DD_loop,s,e;
double errPhi(0),errPhi_sum(0);
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numtasks);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &taskid);
MPI_Status status;
//cerr << "can not properly divide meshing points."<<endl;
int pz_offset_A=(pz-1)/numtasks;
int pz_offset_B=(pz-1)/numtasks+1;
stringstream name1;
string name2;
if (taskid==0){
//master processor
ofstream output;"time", fstream::out | fstream::app);
clock_t start,end;
//Right exchange
MPI_Send(&phi[e-px*py], px*py, MPI_DOUBLE, taskid+1, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Recv(&phi[e], px*py, MPI_DOUBLE, taskid+1, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Allreduce ( &errPhi, &errPhi_sum, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
output << "task "<< 0 <<" = "<< (end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC <<endl<<endl;
//recv from slave
for (int i=1;i<numtasks;i++){
MPI_Recv(&phi[offset_A*i], offset_B, MPI_DOUBLE, i, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
//slave processor
//Left exchange
MPI_Send(&phi[s+px*py], px*py, MPI_DOUBLE, taskid-1, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Recv(&phi[s], px*py, MPI_DOUBLE, taskid-1, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
//Right exchange
MPI_Send(&phi[e-px*py], px*py, MPI_DOUBLE, taskid+1, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Recv(&phi[e], px*py, MPI_DOUBLE, taskid+1, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Allreduce ( &errPhi, &errPhi_sum, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
//send back master
MPI_Send(&phi[s], offset_B, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
Replace all coupled MPI_Send/MPI_Recv calls with a calls to MPI_Sendrecv. For example, this
MPI_Send(&phi[e-px*py], px*py, MPI_DOUBLE, taskid+1, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Recv(&phi[e], px*py, MPI_DOUBLE, taskid+1, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Sendrecv(&phi[e-px*py], px*py, MPI_DOUBLE, taskid+1, 1,
&phi[e], px*px, MPI_DOUBLE, taskid+1, 1,
MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Sendrecv uses non-blocking operations internally and thus it does not deadlock, even if two ranks are sending to each other at the same time. The only requirement (as usual) is that each send is matched by a receive.
The problem is in your inner most loop. Both tasks do a blocking send at the same time, which then hangs. It doesn't hang with smaller data sets, as the MPI library has a big enough buffer to hold the data. But once you increase that beyond the buffer size, the send blocks both processes. Since neither process are trying to receive, neither buffer can empty and the program deadlocks.
To fix it, have the slave first receive from the master, then send data back. If your send/receive don't conflict, you can switch the order of the functions. Otherwise you need to create a temporary buffer to hold it.

Sending and receiving 2D array over MPI

The issue I am trying to resolve is the following:
The C++ serial code I have computes across a large 2D matrix. To optimize this process, I wish to split this large 2D matrix and run on 4 nodes (say) using MPI. The only communication that occurs between nodes is the sharing of edge values at the end of each time step. Every node shares the edge array data, A[i][j], with its neighbor.
Based on reading about MPI, I have the following scheme to be implemented.
if (myrank == 0)
for (i= 0 to x)
for (y= 0 to y)
MPI_SEND(A[x][0], A[x][1], A[x][2], Destination= 1.....)
MPI_RECEIVE(B[0][0], B[0][1]......Sender = 1.....)
if (myrank == 1)
for (i = x+1 to xx)
for (y = 0 to y)
MPI_SEND(B[x][0], B[x][1], B[x][2], Destination= 0.....)
MPI_RECEIVE(A[0][0], A[0][1]......Sender = 1.....)
I wanted to know if my approach is correct and also would appreciate any guidance on other MPI functions too look into for implementation.
Just to amplify Joel's points a bit:
This goes much easier if you allocate your arrays so that they're contiguous (something C's "multidimensional arrays" don't give you automatically:)
int **alloc_2d_int(int rows, int cols) {
int *data = (int *)malloc(rows*cols*sizeof(int));
int **array= (int **)malloc(rows*sizeof(int*));
for (int i=0; i<rows; i++)
array[i] = &(data[cols*i]);
return array;
int **A;
A = alloc_2d_init(N,M);
Then, you can do sends and recieves of the entire NxM array with
MPI_Send(&(A[0][0]), N*M, MPI_INT, destination, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
and when you're done, free the memory with
Also, MPI_Recv is a blocking recieve, and MPI_Send can be a blocking send. One thing that means, as per Joel's point, is that you definately don't need Barriers. Further, it means that if you have a send/recieve pattern as above, you can get yourself into a deadlock situation -- everyone is sending, no one is recieving. Safer is:
if (myrank == 0) {
MPI_Send(&(A[0][0]), N*M, MPI_INT, 1, tagA, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Recv(&(B[0][0]), N*M, MPI_INT, 1, tagB, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
} else if (myrank == 1) {
MPI_Recv(&(A[0][0]), N*M, MPI_INT, 0, tagA, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Send(&(B[0][0]), N*M, MPI_INT, 0, tagB, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
Another, more general, approach is to use MPI_Sendrecv:
int *sendptr, *recvptr;
int neigh = MPI_PROC_NULL;
if (myrank == 0) {
sendptr = &(A[0][0]);
recvptr = &(B[0][0]);
neigh = 1;
} else {
sendptr = &(B[0][0]);
recvptr = &(A[0][0]);
neigh = 0;
MPI_Sendrecv(sendptr, N*M, MPI_INT, neigh, tagA, recvptr, N*M, MPI_INT, neigh, tagB, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
or nonblocking sends and/or recieves.
First you don't need that much barrier
Second, you should really send your data as a single block as multiple send/receive blocking their way will result in poor performances.
This question has already been answered quite thoroughly by Jonathan Dursi; however, as Jonathan Leffler has pointed out in his comment to Jonathan Dursi's answer, C's multi-dimensional arrays are a contiguous block of memory. Therefore, I would like to point out that for a not-too-large 2d array, a 2d array could simply be created on the stack:
int A[N][M];
Since, the memory is contiguous, the array can be sent as it is:
On the receiving side, the array can be received into a 1d array of size N*M (which can then be copied into a 2d array if necessary):
int A_1d[N*M];
MPI_Recv(A_1d, N*M, MPI_INT,0,tagA, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status);
//copying the array to a 2d-array
int A_2d[N][M];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < M; j++){
A_2d[i][j] = A_1d[(i*M)+j]
Copying the array does cause twice the memory to be used, so it would be better to simply use A_1d by accessing its elements through A_1d[(i*M)+j].