Problem generating perlin noise using HLSL shader - c++

I'm relatively new to HLSL and shaders in general, I've been trying to get a perlin noise shader working and I think I'm almost there, however the rendered noise is covered in banding or seam artifacts and I can't figure out why. heres a picture of the problem
I'm using c++ and directx 9, I'm generating a noise permutation texture and a gradient texture as inputs to the shader on the CPU using the following code
IDirect3DTexture9 *ImprovedPerlinNoise::GeneratePermTexture(IDirect3DDevice9 *device)
IDirect3DTexture9 *tex;
D3DSURFACE_DESC surfaceDesc;
D3DLOCKED_RECT lockedRect;
DWORD *imageData = (DWORD*)lockedRect.pBits;
for (int y=0;y<surfaceDesc.Height;++y)
for (int x=0;x<surfaceDesc.Width;++x)
int A = Perm2d(x) + y;
int AA = Perm2d(A);
int AB = Perm2d(A + 1);
int B = Perm2d(x + 1) + y;
int BA = Perm2d(B);
int BB = Perm2d(B + 1);
int index =y*lockedRect.Pitch / 4 + x;
imageData[index] = D3DCOLOR_ARGB(BB,BA,AB,AA);
return tex;
IDirect3DTexture9 *ImprovedPerlinNoise::GenerateGradientTexture(IDirect3DDevice9 *device)
IDirect3DTexture9 *tex;
D3DSURFACE_DESC surfaceDesc;
D3DLOCKED_RECT lockedRect;
DWORD *imageData = (DWORD*)lockedRect.pBits;
for (int y=0;y<surfaceDesc.Height;++y)
for (int x=0;x<surfaceDesc.Width;++x)
int index =y*lockedRect.Pitch / 4 + x;
int q = _gradients[_permutation[x] % 16][0] * 127;
int w = _gradients[_permutation[x] % 16][1] * 127;
int v = _gradients[_permutation[x] % 16][2] * 127;
int u = 1 * 127;
imageData[index] = D3DCOLOR_ARGB(q,w,v,u);
return tex;
The actual shader code is as follows
float4x4 World;
float4x4 View;
float4x4 Projection;
struct VertexShaderInput
float4 Position : POSITION0;
float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0;
struct VertexShaderOutput
float4 Position : POSITION0;
float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0;
float4 wPosition: TEXCOORD1;
VertexShaderOutput VertexShaderFunction(VertexShaderInput input)
VertexShaderOutput output;
float4 worldPosition = mul(input.Position, World);
float4 viewPosition = mul(worldPosition, View);
output.Position = mul(viewPosition, Projection);
output.wPosition = mul(input.Position, World);
output.texCoord = input.texCoord;
return output;
texture permTexture2d;
texture permGradTexture;
sampler permSampler2d = sampler_state
texture = <permTexture2d>;
AddressU = Wrap;
AddressV = Wrap;
sampler permGradSampler = sampler_state
texture = <permGradTexture>;
AddressU = Wrap;
AddressV = Clamp;
float3 fade(float3 t)
return t * t * t * (t * (t * 6 - 15) + 10); // new curve
float4 perm2d(float2 p)
return tex2D(permSampler2d, p);
float gradperm(float x, float3 p)
float3 sample = tex1D(permGradSampler, x);
return dot(sample, p);
float inoise(float3 p)
float3 P = fmod(floor(p), 256.0); // FIND UNIT CUBE THAT CONTAINS POINT
float3 f = fade(p); // COMPUTE FADE CURVES FOR EACH OF X,Y,Z.
P = P / 256.0;
const float one = 1.0 / 256.0;
float4 AA = perm2d(P.xy) + P.z;
return lerp( lerp( lerp( gradperm(AA.x, p ),
gradperm(AA.z, p + float3(-1, 0, 0) ), f.x),
lerp( gradperm(AA.y, p + float3(0, -1, 0) ),
gradperm(AA.w, p + float3(-1, -1, 0) ), f.x), f.y),
lerp( lerp( gradperm(AA.x+one, p + float3(0, 0, -1) ),
gradperm(AA.z+one, p + float3(-1, 0, -1) ), f.x),
lerp( gradperm(AA.y+one, p + float3(0, -1, -1) ),
gradperm(AA.w+one, p + float3(-1, -1, -1) ), f.x), f.y), f.z);
float4 PixelShaderFunction(VertexShaderOutput input) : COLOR0
float3 p = input.wPosition;
float inz = inoise(p)*0.5+0.5;
return float4(inz,inz,inz,1);
technique PerlinNoise
pass Pass1
VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 VertexShaderFunction();
PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 PixelShaderFunction();
If anyone could point me in the right direction that would be fantastic, I really would like to be able to generate 3d noise in hlsl as its so much faster than doing it on the CPU (I have a working CPU implementation but it takes around 10 seconds to render a perlin cubemap for an object, the shader as I have it renders at 60FPS no problems at all)
Thanks in advance


DX12) Trying to Implement Volumetric Scattering for multiple Spot Light, but It's not going well

(This Image is What I want to implement)
I am attempting Post Processing using Compute Shader to implement Light Shaft for multiple Spot Lights in the DX12 framework.
The first thing I tried was the method at the following link:
It's a very complicated and hard-to-understand kind of shader, but it's basically built on the premise of using multiple lights, so it's a kind of example for the purpose.
However, since the game I'm making has 32 light source limitations, considering that excessive amount of Frame Drop will occur in the part of calculating Visibility by making Shadow Map for all light sources, I decided to implement Visibility as 1.0 Constant and did not get the desired result. (Of course it's a result.)
Down below is how I did this thing:
#include "lighting.hlsl"
Texture2D<float4> inputTexture : register(t0);
Texture2D<float> depthTexture : register(t1);
RWTexture2D<float4> outputTexture : register(u0);
#define PI 3.141592653589793238f
cbuffer VolumetricCB : register(b1)
float absorptionTau : packoffset(c0);
float3 absorptionColor : packoffset(c0.y);
int scatteringSamples : packoffset(c1.x);
float scatteringTau : packoffset(c1.y);
float scatteringZFar : packoffset(c1.z);
float3 scatteringColor : packoffset(c2);
matrix gInvProj : packoffset(c3);
matrix gInvView : packoffset(c7);
float3 gCameraPos : packoffset(c11);
Light gLights[NUM_LIGHTS] : packoffset(c12);
float random(float2 co)
return frac(sin(dot(co.xy, float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453123);
float3 PixelWorldPos(float depthValue, int2 pixel)
uint width, height;
inputTexture.GetDimensions(width, height);
float2 fPixel = float2(pixel.x, pixel.y);
float x = (fPixel.x / width * 2) - 1;
float y = (fPixel.y / height * (-2)) + 1;
float z = depthValue;
float4 ndcCoords = float4(x, y, z, 1.0f);
float4 p = mul(ndcCoords, gInvProj);
p /= p.w;
float4 worldCoords = mul(p, gInvView);
float3 absorptionTransmittance(float dist)
return absorptionColor * exp(-dist * (absorptionTau + scatteringTau));
float phaseFunction(float3 inDir, float3 outDir)
float cosAngle = dot(inDir, outDir) / (length(inDir) * length(outDir));
float x = (1.0 + cosAngle) / 2.0;
float x2 = x * x;
float x4 = x2 * x2;
float x8 = x4 * x4;
float x16 = x8 * x8;
float x32 = x16 * x16;
float nom = 0.5 + 16.5 * x32;
float factor = 1.0 / (4.0 * PI);
return nom * factor;
float3 volumetricScattering(float3 worldPosition, Light light)
float3 result = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
float3 camToFrag = worldPosition - gCameraPos;
if (length(camToFrag) > scatteringZFar)
camToFrag = normalize(camToFrag) * scatteringZFar;
float3 deltaStep = camToFrag / (scatteringSamples + 1);
float3 fragToCamNorm = normalize(gCameraPos - worldPosition);
float3 x = gCameraPos;
float rand = random(worldPosition.xy + worldPosition.z);
x += (deltaStep * rand);
for (int i = 0; i < scatteringSamples; ++i)
float visibility = 1.0;
float3 lightToX = x - light.Position;
float lightDist = length(lightToX);
float omega = 4 * PI * lightDist * lightDist;
float3 Lin = absorptionTransmittance(lightDist) * visibility * light.Diffuse * light.SpotPower / omega;
float3 Li = Lin * scatteringTau * scatteringColor * phaseFunction(normalize(lightToX), fragToCamNorm);
result += Li * absorptionTransmittance(distance(x, gCameraPos)) * length(deltaStep);
x += deltaStep;
return result;
[numthreads(32, 32, 1)]
void CS(uint3 dispatchID : SV_DispatchThreadID)
int2 pixel = int2(dispatchID.x, dispatchID.y);
float4 volumetricColor = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
float depthValue = depthTexture[pixel].r;
float3 worldPosition = PixelWorldPos(depthValue, pixel);
float fragCamDist = distance(worldPosition, gCameraPos);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LIGHTS; ++i)
if (gLights[i].Type == SPOT_LIGHT && gLights[i].FalloffEnd > length(gLights[i].Position - worldPosition))
volumetricColor += float4(volumetricScattering(worldPosition, gLights[i]), 0.0);
outputTexture[pixel] = volumetricColor + inputTexture[pixel];
(AbsorptionTau = -0.061f, ScatteringTau = 0.059f)
All these Codes for that Tiny Spot...
The second method was shown in Chapter 13 of GPU GEM3.
It was a method of drawing only Light Source on a separate Render Target, processing the Render Target using Post Processing Shder to create light scattering, and then merging it with a back buffer. (At least that's how I understand it.)
However, this method was designed only for one very strong light, and to fix it, I modified the code as below, but it didn't work well.
[numthreads(32, 32, 1)]
void CS(uint3 dispatchID : SV_DispatchThreadID)
uint2 pixel = dispatchID.xy;
uint width, height;
inputTexture.GetDimensions(width, height);
float4 result = inputTexture[pixel];
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LIGHTS; ++i)
if(gLights[i].Type == SPOT_LIGHT)
float2 texCoord = float2(pixel.x / width, pixel.y / height);
float2 deltaTexCoord = (texCoord - mul(mul(float4(gLights[i].Position, 1.0f), gView), gProj).xy);
deltaTexCoord *= 1.0f / NUM_SAMPLES * Density;
float3 color = inputTexture[pixel].rgb;
float illuminationDecay = 1.0f;
for (int j = 0; j < NUM_SAMPLES; j++)
texCoord -= deltaTexCoord;
uint2 modifiedPixel = uint2(texCoord.x * width, texCoord.y * height);
float3 sample = inputTexture[modifiedPixel].rgb;
sample *= illuminationDecay * Weight;
color += sample;
illuminationDecay *= Decay;
result += float4(color * Exposure, 1);
outputTexture[pixel] = result;
this just 'Blur' these light source map, and surely it's not what I wanted.
Is there a similar kind of example to the implementation that I want, or is there a simpler way to do this? I've spent a week on this issue, but I haven't achieved much.
edit :
I did it! but there's some error about direction of light volume.
[numthreads(32, 32, 1)]
void CS(uint3 dispatchID : SV_DispatchThreadID)
float4 result = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
uint2 pixel = dispatchID.xy;
uint width, height;
inputTexture.GetDimensions(width, height);
float2 texCoord = (float2(pixel) + 0.5f) / float2(width, height);
float depth = depthTexture[pixel].r;
float3 screenPos = GetPositionVS(texCoord, depth);
float3 rayEnd = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
const uint sampleCount = 16;
const float stepSize = length(screenPos - rayEnd) / sampleCount;
// Perform ray marching to integrate light volume along view ray:
for (uint i = 0; i < NUM_LIGHTS; ++i)
if (gLights[i].Type == SPOT_LIGHT)
float3 V = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) - screenPos;
float cameraDistance = length(V);
V /= cameraDistance;
float marchedDistance = 0;
float accumulation = 0;
float3 P = screenPos + V * stepSize * dither(pixel.xy);
for (uint j = 0; j < sampleCount; ++j)
float3 L = mul(float4(gLights[i].Position, 1.0f), gView).xyz - P;
const float dist2 = dot(L, L);
const float dist = sqrt(dist2);
L /= dist;
//float3 viewDir = mul(float4(gLights[i].Direction, 1.0f), gView).xyz;
float3 viewDir = gLights[i].Direction;
float SpotFactor = dot(L, normalize(-viewDir));
float spotCutOff = gLights[i].outerCosine;
if (SpotFactor > spotCutOff)
float attenuation = DoAttenuation(dist, gLights[i].Range);
float conAtt = saturate((SpotFactor - gLights[i].outerCosine) / (gLights[i].innerCosine - gLights[i].outerCosine));
conAtt *= conAtt;
attenuation *= conAtt;
attenuation *= ExponentialFog(cameraDistance - marchedDistance);
accumulation += attenuation;
marchedDistance += stepSize;
P = P + V * stepSize;
accumulation /= sampleCount;
result += max(0, float4(accumulation * gLights[i].Color * gLights[i].VolumetricStrength, 1));
outputTexture[pixel] = inputTexture[pixel] + result;
this is my compute shader, but when I doesn't multiply view matrix to direction, it goes wrong like this :
as you can see, street lamp's volume direction is good, but vehicle's headlight's volume direction is different from it's spot light direction.
and when I multiply view matrix to direction :
head lights gone wrong AND street lamp goes wrong too.
I still finding where's wrong in my cpu codes, but I haven't find anything.
this might be helpful. here's my shader code about spot lighting.
float CalcAttenuation(float d, float falloffStart, float falloffEnd)
return saturate((falloffEnd - d) / (falloffEnd - falloffStart));
float3 BlinnPhongModelLighting(float3 lightDiff, float3 lightVec, float3 normal, float3 view, Material mat)
const float m = mat.Exponent;
const float f = ((mat.IOR - 1) * (mat.IOR - 1)) / ((mat.IOR + 1) * (mat.IOR + 1));
const float3 fresnel0 = float3(f, f, f);
float3 halfVec = normalize(view + lightVec);
float roughness = (m + 8.0f) * pow(saturate(dot(halfVec, normal)), m) / 8.0f;
float3 fresnel = CalcReflectPercent(fresnel0, halfVec, lightVec);
float3 specular = fresnel * roughness;
specular = specular / (specular + 1.0f);
return (mat.Diffuse.rgb + specular * mat.Specular) * lightDiff;
float3 ComputeSpotLight(Light light, Material mat, float3 pos, float3 normal, float3 view)
float3 result = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
bool bCompute = true;
float3 lightVec = light.Position - pos;
float d = length(lightVec);
if (d > light.FalloffEnd)
bCompute = false;
if (bCompute)
lightVec /= d;
float ndotl = max(dot(lightVec, normal), 0.0f);
float3 lightDiffuse = light.Diffuse * ndotl;
float att = CalcAttenuation(d, light.FalloffStart, light.FalloffEnd);
lightDiffuse *= att;
float spotFactor = pow(max(dot(-lightVec, light.Direction), 0.0f), light.SpotPower);
lightDiffuse *= spotFactor;
result = BlinnPhongModelLighting(lightDiffuse, lightVec, normal, view, mat);
return result;

C++ and DirectX: Calculate tangent to mesh with arbitrary normals

I have a mesh with arbitrary normals and I have calculated them using standard method
Method to calculate the tangents..
void calcTangent(uint32_t idx1, uint32_t idx2, uint32_t idx3)
vertex v1 = _vertex[idx1];
vertex v2 = _vertex[idx2];
vertex v3 = _vertex[idx3];
float du1 = v3.Text.x - v1.Text.x;
float dv1 = v3.Text.y - v1.Text.y;
float du2 = v2.Text.x - v1.Text.x;
float dv2 = v2.Text.y - v1.Text.y;
float tx1 = v3.Pos.x - v1.Pos.x;
float ty1 = v3.Pos.y - v1.Pos.z;
float tz1 = v3.Pos.z - v1.Pos.z;
float tx2 = v2.Pos.x - v1.Pos.x;
float ty2 = v2.Pos.y - v1.Pos.z;
float tz2 = v2.Pos.z - v1.Pos.z;
float r = 1.0f / (du1 * dv2 - dv1 * du2);
float e1x = (dv2 * tx1 - dv1 * tx2) * r;
float e1y = (dv2 * ty1 - dv1 * ty2) * r;
float e1z = (dv2 * tz1 - dv1 * tz2) * r;
float e2x = (du1 * tx2 - du2 * tx1) * r;
float e2y = (du1 * ty2 - du2 * ty1) * r;
float e2z = (du1 * tz2 - du2 * tz1) * r;
XMFLOAT3 ot1 = Math::gramSchmidthF({ v1.Norm.x, v1.Norm.y, v1.Norm.z }, { e1x, e1y, e1z });
XMFLOAT3 ot2 = Math::gramSchmidthF({ v2.Norm.x, v2.Norm.y, v2.Norm.z }, { e1x, e1y, e1z });
XMFLOAT3 ot3 = Math::gramSchmidthF({ v3.Norm.x, v3.Norm.y, v3.Norm.z }, { e1x, e1y, e1z });
_vertex[idx1].Tangent = ot1;
_vertex[idx2].Tangent = ot2;
_vertex[idx3].Tangent = ot3;
the bitangent will not be passed to the shader, and will be calculated in PS..
vertex shader and pixel shaders..
struct VS_INPUT
float4 Position : POSITION;
float3 Normal : NORMAL;
float2 Texture : TEXCOORD;
float3 Tangent : TANGENT;
struct PS_INPUT
float4 Position : SV_POSITION;
float3 Normal : NORMAL;
float3 Tangent : TANGENT;
float3 Binormal : BINORMAL;
float2 Texture : TEXCOORD0;
float3 ViewDirection : TEXCOORD1;
PS_INPUT vertex_shader(VS_INPUT input)
PS_INPUT output = (PS_INPUT)0;
input.Position.w = 1.0f;
output.Position = mul(input.Position, World);
output.Position = mul(output.Position, View);
output.Position = mul(output.Position, Projection);
output.Normal = normalize(mul(float4(input.Normal, 0), World).xyz);
output.Texture = input.Texture;
float3 worldPosition = mul(input.Position, World).xyz;
output.ViewDirection = normalize(CAMERA_POSITION - worldPosition);
//add the tangent and binormal
output.Tangent = normalize(mul(float4(input.Tangent, 0), World).xyz);
output.Binormal = normalize(cross(output.Normal, output.Tangent));
return output;
float4 ps(PS_INPUT input) : SV_Target
float4 OUT = (float4)0;
//texture normal
float3 sampledNormal = (2 * normalMapTexture.Sample(normalMapSampler, input.Texture).xyz) - 1.0; // Map normal from [0..1] to [-1..1]
//creating matrix
// Tangent
// Binormal
// Normal
float3x3 tbn = float3x3(input.Tangent, input.Binormal, input.Normal);
//convert tangent space to world space
sampledNormal = mul(sampledNormal, tbn); // Transform normal from normal map to world space
float3 viewDirection = normalize(input.ViewDirection);
//texture color
float4 color = colorTexture.Sample(samLinear, input.Texture); //getting the color from texture without normals..
//ambient color
float3 ambient = getVectorColorContribution(AMBIENT_COLOR, color.rgb); //mult AMBIENT_COLOR(.rgb) * AMBIENT_COLOR Intensity (.a) * color
float3 diffuse = (float3)0;
float3 specular = (float3)0;
float3 lightDirection = normalize(;
float n_dot_l = dot(sampledNormal, lightDirection);
//calculating the diffuse value
diffuse = saturate(n_dot_l) * LIGHT_COLOR.rgb * LIGHT_COLOR.a;
//changing the return types will change the result to basic or specular..
OUT.rgb = diffuse * color;
OUT.a = 1.0f;
return OUT;
Here it is the result, only using diffuse, to avoid specular errors..
please anyone knows why is this?
After a lot of digging, in DirectXMesh there is a function to calculate tangents right(ComputeTangentFrame) it saves the result in XMFLOAT4 tangent[3]array , works perfectly, so my problem was calculating tangents. Hope it helps anyone else..
Little Example using it:
uint32_t idx[3];
idx[0] = 0;
idx[1] = 1;
idx[2] = 2;
XMFLOAT3 pos[3];
pos[0] = Pos1;
pos[1] = Pos2;
pos[2] = Pos3;
XMFLOAT3 normals[3];
normals[0] = Normal1;
normals[1] = Normal2;
normals[2] = Normal3;
XMFLOAT2 t[3];
t[0] = TextureCoord1;
t[1] = TextureCoord2;
t[2] = TextureCoord3;
XMFLOAT4 tangent[3];
ComputeTangentFrame(idx,1, pos, normals,t,3, tangent);

Upgraded MonoGame and now I can't get my shader to compile

I upgraded my monogame to the latest version. When building the shader in the pipeline tool at first I got the error Vertex shader 'SpriteVertexShader' must be SM 4.0 level 9.1 or higher! So I changed ps_2_0 to ps_4_0_level_9_1 but now I'm getting the error:
error X3004: undeclared identifier 'SecondPassTextureSampler'
Anybody have an idea on how to fix this issue?
#include "Macros.fxh"
texture Bitmap;
sampler2D FirstPassTexture = sampler_state{
Texture = (Bitmap);
MagFilter = Linear;
MinFilter = Linear;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;
sampler2D SecondPassTexture = sampler_state{
Texture = (Bitmap);
MagFilter = Linear;
MinFilter = Linear;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;
// Uniforms
float kernel[KERNEL_WIDTH];
float2 offsets[KERNEL_WIDTH];
float4x4 MatrixTransform _vs(c0) _cb(c0);
struct VSOutput
float4 position : SV_Position;
float4 color : COLOR0;
float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0;
VSOutput SpriteVertexShader( float4 position : SV_Position,
float4 color : COLOR0,
float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0)
VSOutput output;
output.position = mul(position, MatrixTransform);
output.color = color;
output.texCoord = texCoord;
return output;
float4 gaussH(VSOutput input): SV_Target0
float4 color = float4(0,0,0,0);
for(int i = 0; i < KERNEL_WIDTH; ++i)
color += SAMPLE_TEXTURE(SecondPassTexture, (input.texCoord + float2(offsets[i].x, 0.0) )) * kernel[i];
return color * input.color;
float4 gaussV(VSOutput input): SV_Target0
float4 color = float4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0);
for(int i = 0; i < KERNEL_WIDTH; ++i)
color += SAMPLE_TEXTURE(SecondPassTexture, (input.texCoord + float2(0.0, offsets[i].y) )) * kernel[i];
return color * input.color;
float4 gaussVGlow(VSOutput input): SV_Target0
float4 color = float4(1.0,1.0,1.0,0);
for(int i = 0; i < KERNEL_WIDTH; ++i)
float alpha = SAMPLE_TEXTURE(SecondPassTexture, (input.texCoord + float2(0.0, offsets[i].y) )).a * kernel[i];
color.a += alpha;
// This will make stripes on top of the glow
float m = smoothstep(0.45, 0.55, 0.5*cos(25.0*atan2(input.texCoord.y-0.5, input.texCoord.x-0.5))+0.5) * 0.5 + 0.5;
color.a *= m;
color.a = pow(color.a, 0.5);
color.rgb *= color.a; // Yeah, you have to pre multiply your alpha -- either that or render with premultiply option
return color * input.color;
technique Blur {
pass p0 {
VertexShader = compile vs_4_0_level_9_1 SpriteVertexShader();
PixelShader = compile ps_4_0_level_9_1 gaussH();
pass p1 {
VertexShader = compile vs_4_0_level_9_1 SpriteVertexShader();
PixelShader = compile ps_4_0_level_9_1 gaussV();
pass p1Glow {
VertexShader = compile vs_4_0_level_9_1 SpriteVertexShader();
PixelShader = compile ps_4_0_level_9_1 gaussVGlow();
Macros.fxh is:
From the Monogame Forum:
You get an error because you use the macro SAMPLE_TEXTURE for sampling, but do not use the macro DECLARE_TEXTURE for declaring the texture.
If you want to use the macros in Macros.fxh then the texture needs to be named SecondPassTexture and the sampler needs to be named SecondPassTextureSampler. (Do not change the line where SAMPLE_TEXTURE is called.)
If you look at the macro (_Macro.fxh, line 31), the code
SAMPLE_TEXTURE(SecondPassTexture, (input.texCoord + float2(0.0, offsets[i].y) ))
expands to
SecondPassTexture.Sample(SecondPassTextureSampler, (input.texCoord + float2(0.0, offsets[i].y) ))
But in your case (original post) it should be
Bitmap.Sample(SecondPassTexture, (input.texCoord + float2(0.0, offsets[i].y) ))
Here is a simpler solution, you can try:
Just replace all SAMPLE_TEXTURE with tex2D. (Leave the samplers as in the original post.)

c++ DirectX lighting in pixel shader issue

I have a problem that I cant manage to figure out. I just added a point light to my project and it makes the textures go completely black. I have no idea why.
I think that it might be either the normal that is not updating correctly or it might be calculation of s.x, s.y and s.z.
I would be very happy if someone had time to take a look at it and help me. Thanks.
So. Here is my pixel shader :
Texture2D txDiffuse : register(t0);
SamplerState sampState;
cbuffer PointLight : register(b0)
float3 Pos;
float diff;
float amb;
float spec;
float range;
float intensity;
struct VS_IN
float4 Pos : SV_POSITION;
float2 Tex : TEXCOORD;
float4 Norm : NORMAL;
float4 Pos2 : POSITION;
float4 PS_main(VS_IN input) : SV_Target
float3 s = txDiffuse.Sample(sampState, input.Tex).xyz;
float3 lightPos = Pos;
float3 lightVector = lightPos - input.Pos2;
lightVector = normalize(lightVector);
float nDotL = dot(lightVector, input.Norm);
float diff1 = 0.8;
float amb1 = 0.1;
s.x = (s.x * diff * nDotL + s.x * amb);
s.y = (s.y * diff * nDotL + s.y * amb);
s.z = (s.z * diff * nDotL + s.z * amb);
return float4(s, 0.0);
Geometry shader :
cbuffer worldMatrix : register(b0)
matrix world;
cbuffer viewMatrix : register(b1)
matrix view;
cbuffer projectionMatrix : register(b2)
matrix projection;
struct VS_IN
float4 Pos : SV_POSITION;
float2 Tex : TEXCOORD;
struct VS_OUT
float4 Pos : SV_POSITION;
float2 Tex : TEXCOORD;
float4 Norm : NORMAL;
float4 Pos2 : POSITION;
void main(triangle VS_IN input[3] : SV_POSITION, inout TriangleStream< VS_OUT > output2)
matrix wvp = mul(projection, mul(world, view));
matrix worldView = mul(world, view);
float4 normal = float4(cross(input[1].Pos - input[0].Pos, input[2].Pos - input[0].Pos), 0.0f);
normal = normalize(normal);
float4 rotNorm = mul(worldView, normal);
rotNorm = normalize(rotNorm);
VS_OUT output[3];
for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++)
output[i].Pos = input[i].Pos;
output[i].Pos = mul(wvp, input[i].Pos);
output[i].Tex = input[i].Tex;
output[i].Norm = rotNorm;
output[i].Pos2 = mul(worldView, output[i].Pos);
VS_OUT outputcopy[3];
for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++)
outputcopy[i].Pos = input[i].Pos + (normal);
outputcopy[i].Pos = mul(wvp, outputcopy[i].Pos);
outputcopy[i].Tex = input[i].Tex;
outputcopy[i].Norm = rotNorm;
outputcopy[i].Pos2 = mul(worldView, outputcopy[i].Pos);
Code to initializing the point light:
struct PointLight
Vector3 Pos;
float diff;
float amb;
float spec;
float range;
float intensity;
PointLight* pointLight = nullptr;
PointLight PL =
Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -3.0f),
pointLight = &PL;
D3D11_BUFFER_DESC lightBufferDesc;
memset(&lightBufferDesc, 0, sizeof(lightBufferDesc));
lightBufferDesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_CONSTANT_BUFFER;
lightBufferDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
lightBufferDesc.StructureByteStride = 0;
lightBufferDesc.MiscFlags = 0;
lightBufferDesc.ByteWidth = sizeof(PointLight);
D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA pointLightData;
memset(&pointLightData, 0, sizeof(pointLightData));
pointLightData.pSysMem = &PL;
gDevice->CreateBuffer(&lightBufferDesc, &pointLightData, &lightBuffer);
and in render() i run
gDeviceContext->PSSetConstantBuffers(0, 1, &lightBuffer);
Texture will be black if s.x, s.y, s.z equal to zero.
s.x = (s.x * diff * nDotL + s.x * amb);
s.y = (s.y * diff * nDotL + s.y * amb);
s.z = (s.z * diff * nDotL + s.z * amb);
Try to change diff and amb with a non-zero constant so that you can be sure that you set contant buffer correctly or not. If after you change them, it's still black then it must be nDotL and/or sampled texture that is zero. Then try with non-zero constant for texture sample. If they're still causing texture to look black then your light vector calculation is the culprit.

How to smooth the painting of a custom QML element?

I try now to create custom QML element, derived from QQuickItem. So I overrided QQuickItem::updatePaintNode and want now do draw a line. My code:
QSGNode *StrikeLine::updatePaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, QQuickItem::UpdatePaintNodeData *)
QSGGeometryNode *node = 0;
QSGGeometry *geometry;
QSGFlatColorMaterial *material;
node = static_cast<QSGGeometryNode *>(oldNode);
if(!node) {
node = new QSGGeometryNode;
geometry = new QSGGeometry(QSGGeometry::defaultAttributes_Point2D(), 2);
material = new QSGFlatColorMaterial;
material->setColor(QColor(255, 0, 0));
} else {
geometry = node->geometry();
material = static_cast<QSGFlatColorMaterial *>(node->material());
geometry->vertexDataAsPoint2D()[0].set(p_startPoint.x(), p_startPoint.y());
geometry->vertexDataAsPoint2D()[1].set(p_endPoint.x(), p_endPoint.y());
return node;
But my line looks so ugly. The edges are rough and it looks like DOS graphics at all. So my question - how can I apply smooth painting? I now it may be some shader or something but I cannot find any documentation.
The scene graph supports two types of antialiasing. Primitives such as rectangles and images will be antialiased by adding more vertices along the edge of the primitives so that the edges fade to transparent. This method called vertex antialiasing. If you requests a multisampled OpenGL context, the scene graph will prefer multisample based antialiasing (MSAA).
Vertex antialiasing can produce seams between edges of adjacent primitives, even when the two edges are mathmatically the same. Multisample antialiasing does not.
Multisample Antialiasing
Multisample antialiasing is a hardware feature where the hardware calculates a coverage value per pixel in the primitive. Some hardware can multisample at a very low cost, while other hardware may need both more memory and more GPU cycles to render a frame.
To enable multisample antialiasing you should set QSurfaceFormat with samples greater than 0 using QQuickWindow::setFormat()
QQuickView view;
QSurfaceFormat format = view.format();
Vertex Antialiasing
Vertex antialiasing can be enabled and disabled on a per-item basis using the Item::antialiasing property. It will work regardless of what the underlying hardware supports and produces higher quality antialiasing, both for normally rendered primitives and also for primitives captured into framebuffer objects.
The downside to using vertex antialiasing is that each primitive with antialiasing enabled will have to be blended. In terms of batching, this means that the renderer needs to do more work to figure out if the primitive can be batched or not and due to overlaps with other elements in the scene, it may also result in less batching, which could impact performance.
To apply vertex antialiasing to custom QML element, derived from QQuickItem, follow next steps:
1) Create custom material and OpenGL shader program.
#include <QSGMaterial>
#include <QSGMaterialShader>
class QSGSmoothColorMaterial : public QSGMaterial
int compare(const QSGMaterial *other) const;
virtual QSGMaterialType *type() const;
virtual QSGMaterialShader *createShader() const;
class QSGSmoothColorMaterialShader : public QSGMaterialShader
virtual void updateState(const RenderState &state, QSGMaterial *newEffect, QSGMaterial *oldEffect);
virtual char const *const *attributeNames() const;
void initialize();
int m_matrixLoc;
int m_opacityLoc;
int m_pixelSizeLoc;
setFlag(RequiresFullMatrixExceptTranslate, true);
setFlag(Blending, true);
int QSGSmoothColorMaterial::compare(const QSGMaterial *other) const
return 0;
QSGMaterialType *QSGSmoothColorMaterial::type() const
static QSGMaterialType type;
return &type;
QSGMaterialShader *QSGSmoothColorMaterial::createShader() const
return new QSGSmoothColorMaterialShader();
: QSGMaterialShader()
setShaderSourceFile(QOpenGLShader::Vertex, QStringLiteral(":/shaders/smoothcolor.vert"));
setShaderSourceFile(QOpenGLShader::Fragment, QStringLiteral(":/shaders/smoothcolor.frag"));
void QSGSmoothColorMaterialShader::updateState(const QSGMaterialShader::RenderState &state, QSGMaterial *newEffect, QSGMaterial *oldEffect)
if (state.isOpacityDirty())
program()->setUniformValue(m_opacityLoc, state.opacity());
if (state.isMatrixDirty())
program()->setUniformValue(m_matrixLoc, state.combinedMatrix());
if (oldEffect == 0) {
// The viewport is constant, so set the pixel size uniform only once.
QRect r = state.viewportRect();
program()->setUniformValue(m_pixelSizeLoc, 2.0f / r.width(), 2.0f / r.height());
const char * const *QSGSmoothColorMaterialShader::attributeNames() const
static char const *const attributes[] = {
return attributes;
void QSGSmoothColorMaterialShader::initialize()
m_matrixLoc = program()->uniformLocation("matrix");
m_opacityLoc = program()->uniformLocation("opacity");
m_pixelSizeLoc = program()->uniformLocation("pixelSize");
Fragment Shader
varying lowp vec4 color;
void main()
gl_FragColor = color;
Vertex Shader
uniform highp vec2 pixelSize;
uniform highp mat4 matrix;
uniform lowp float opacity;
attribute highp vec4 vertex;
attribute lowp vec4 vertexColor;
attribute highp vec2 vertexOffset;
varying lowp vec4 color;
void main()
highp vec4 pos = matrix * vertex;
gl_Position = pos;
if (vertexOffset.x != 0.) {
highp vec4 delta = matrix[0] * vertexOffset.x;
highp vec2 dir = delta.xy * pos.w - pos.xy * delta.w;
highp vec2 ndir = .5 * pixelSize * normalize(dir / pixelSize);
dir -= ndir * delta.w * pos.w;
highp float numerator = dot(dir, ndir * pos.w * pos.w);
highp float scale = 0.0;
if (numerator < 0.0)
scale = 1.0;
scale = min(1.0, numerator / dot(dir, dir));
gl_Position += scale * delta;
if (vertexOffset.y != 0.) {
highp vec4 delta = matrix[1] * vertexOffset.y;
highp vec2 dir = delta.xy * pos.w - pos.xy * delta.w;
highp vec2 ndir = .5 * pixelSize * normalize(dir / pixelSize);
dir -= ndir * delta.w * pos.w;
highp float numerator = dot(dir, ndir * pos.w * pos.w);
highp float scale = 0.0;
if (numerator < 0.0)
scale = 1.0;
scale = min(1.0, numerator / dot(dir, dir));
gl_Position += scale * delta;
color = vertexColor * opacity;
2) Create custom AttributeSet for QSGGeometry.
struct Color4ub
unsigned char r, g, b, a;
inline Color4ub colorToColor4ub(const QColor &c)
Color4ub color = { uchar(c.redF() * c.alphaF() * 255),
uchar(c.greenF() * c.alphaF() * 255),
uchar(c.blueF() * c.alphaF() * 255),
uchar(c.alphaF() * 255)
return color;
struct SmoothVertex
float x, y;
Color4ub color;
float dx, dy;
void set(float nx, float ny, Color4ub ncolor, float ndx, float ndy)
x = nx; y = ny; color = ncolor;
dx = ndx; dy = ndy;
const QSGGeometry::AttributeSet &smoothAttributeSet()
static QSGGeometry::Attribute data[] = {
QSGGeometry::Attribute::create(0, 2, GL_FLOAT, true),
QSGGeometry::Attribute::create(1, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, false),
QSGGeometry::Attribute::create(2, 2, GL_FLOAT, false)
static QSGGeometry::AttributeSet attrs = { 3, sizeof(SmoothVertex), data };
return attrs;
3) Apply custom material and custom geometry to QSGGeometryNode.
QSGNode *MyQuickItem::updatePaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, QQuickItem::UpdatePaintNodeData *data)
QSGGeometryNode *node = 0;
QSGGeometry *geometry;
QSGSmoothColorMaterial *material;
node = static_cast<QSGGeometryNode *>(oldNode);
if(!node) {
node = new QSGGeometryNode;
geometry = new QSGGeometry(smoothAttributeSet(), 0);
material = new QSGSmoothColorMaterial();
} else {
geometry = node->geometry();
material = static_cast<QSGSmoothColorMaterial *>(node->material());
4) Get pointer to vertex data.
int vertexStride = geometry->sizeOfVertex();
int vertexCount = 8;
geometry->allocate(vertexCount, 0);
SmoothVertex *smoothVertices = reinterpret_cast<SmoothVertex *>(geometry->vertexData());
memset(smoothVertices, 0, vertexCount * vertexStride);
5) Set vertex data.
You need 4 points.
float lineWidth = 4;
float tlX = 0; float tlY = 0; //top-left
float blX = 0; float blY = 0 + lineWidth; //bottom-left
float trX = 500; float trY = 100; //top-right
float brX = 500; float brY = 100 + lineWidth; //bottom-right
float delta = lineWidth * 0.5f;
Color4ub fillColor = colorToColor4ub(QColor(255,0,0,255));
Color4ub transparent = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
To draw antialiased line you should set 8 vertices to draw 6 triangles(2 for line, 4 for antialiasing). Vertices 0 and 2, 1 and 3, 4 and 6, 5 and 7 have the same coordinates, but different color and opposite vertex offset.
smoothVertices[0].set(trX, trY, transparent, delta, -delta);
smoothVertices[1].set(tlX, tlY, transparent, -delta, -delta);
smoothVertices[2].set(trX, trY, fillColor, -delta, delta);
smoothVertices[3].set(tlX, tlY, fillColor, delta, delta);
smoothVertices[4].set(brX, brY, fillColor, -delta, -delta);
smoothVertices[5].set(blX, blY, fillColor, delta, -delta);
smoothVertices[6].set(brX, brY, transparent, delta, delta);
smoothVertices[7].set(blX, blY, transparent, -delta, delta);
return node;