variadic templates - compile error - c++

Could you help me in fixing the compile error in the following code:
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template<typename T, typename ...P>
class Mystrcat{
Mystrcat(T t, P... p){init(t,p...);}
ostringstream & get(){return o;}
ostringstream o;
void init(){}
void init(T t, P... p);
template<typename T, typename ...P>
void Mystrcat<T,P...>::init(T t, P ...p){
o << t;
if (sizeof...(p)) init(p...);
int main(){
Mystrcat<char*,char *> m("Amma","Namasivayah");
cout << m.get().str();
I get the error, no matching function for call to
‘Mystrcat<char*, char*>::init(char*&)’
note: candidates are:
void Mystrcat<T, P>::init() [with T = char*, P = char*]
void Mystrcat<T, P>::init(T, P ...) [with T = char*, P = char*]
gcc version 4.4.3 (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5)

You're getting this error because there isn't a way to unpack your p into either init function. In your instantiation Mystrcat<char*, char *>, unpacking a P... will yield a single thing in the type: char*, which doesn't have an init with that signature (the instantiated version will have a void init() and void init(char*, char*), whereas you are trying to call init(char*)).
In fact, your template is impossible to instantiate, since init will always take one more argument than you give it in void Mystrcat<T,P...>::init(T t, P ...p). If you change the definition to call what you have defined:
template<typename T, typename ...P>
void Mystrcat<T,P...>::init(T t, P ...p){
o << t;
if (sizeof...(p)) init(t, p...);
then this will work (at least in g++-4.5.2).
EDIT: I think this is what you're actually looking for:
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
class MyCollector
template <typename... T>
explicit MyCollector(const T&... args)
std::string str()
return _stream.str();
void init()
{ }
template <typename First, typename... Rest>
void init(const First& first, const Rest&... rest)
_stream << first;
std::ostringstream _stream;
int main()
MyCollector collector("Whatever ", "stuff like ", 2, " or ", 3.14, "\n");
std::cout << collector.str();
return 0;


Typesafe variadic function

I want to write a function that accepts a variable number of string literals. If I was writing in C, I would have to write something like:
void foo(const char *first, ...);
and then the call would look like:
foo( "hello", "world", (const char*)NULL );
It feels like it ought to be possible to do better in C++. The best I have come up with is:
template <typename... Args>
void foo(const char* first, Args... args) {
void foo(const char* first) { /* Do actual work */ }
Called as:
foo("hello", "world");
But I fear that the recursive nature, and the fact that we don't do any type checking until we get to a single argument, is going to make errors confusing if somebody calls foo("bad", "argument", "next", 42). What I want to write, is something like:
void foo(const char* args...) {
for (const char* arg : args) {
// Real work
Any suggestions?
Edit: There is also the option of void fn(std::initializer_list<const char *> args), but that makes the call be foo({"hello", "world"}); which I want to avoid.
I think you probably want something like this:
template<class... Args,
std::enable_if_t<(std::is_same_v<const char*, Args> && ...), int> = 0>
void foo(Args... args ){
for (const char* arg : {args...}) {
std::cout << arg << "\n";
int main() {
foo("hello", "world");
Note: it is not possible to match just string literals. The closest you can come is to match a const char array.
To do the type checking, use a function template which takes const char arrays.
To loop over them with range-based for, we need to convert it to an initializer_list<const char*>. We can do so directly with braces in the range-based for statement, because arrays will decay to pointers.
Here is what the function template looks like (note: this works on zero or more string literals. If you want one or more, change the function signature to take at least one parameter.):
template<size_t N>
using cstring_literal_type = const char (&)[N];
template<size_t... Ns>
void foo(cstring_literal_type<Ns>... args)
for (const char* arg : {args...})
// Real work
While all other answers solve the problem, you could also do the following:
namespace detail
void foo(std::initializer_list<const char*> strings);
template<typename... Types>
void foo(const Types... strings)
This approach seems (at least to me) to be more readable than using SFINAE and works with C++11. Moreover, it allows you to move implementation of foo to a cpp file, which might be useful too.
Edit: at least with GCC 8.1, my approach seems to produce better error message when called with non const char* arguments:
foo("a", "b", 42, "c");
This implementation compiles with:
test.cpp: In instantiation of ‘void foo_1(const ArgTypes ...) [with ArgTypes = {const char*, int, const char*, const char*}]’:
test.cpp:17:29: required from here
test.cpp:12:16: error: invalid conversion from ‘int’ to ‘const char*’ [-fpermissive]
While SFINAE-based (liliscent's implementation) produces:
test2.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
test2.cpp:14:29: error: no matching function for call to ‘foo(const char [6], const char [6], int)’
foo("hello", "world", 42);
test2.cpp:7:6: note: candidate: ‘template<class ... Args, typename std::enable_if<(is_same_v<const char*, Args> && ...), int>::type <anonymous> > void foo(Args ...)’
void foo(Args... args ){
test2.cpp:7:6: note: template argument deduction/substitution failed:
test2.cpp:6:73: error: no type named ‘type’ in ‘struct std::enable_if<false, int>’
std::enable_if_t<(std::is_same_v<const char*, Args> && ...), int> = 0>
+1 for the C++17 liliscent's solution.
For a C++11 solution, a possible way is create a type traits to make an "and" of multiple values (something similar to std::conjunction that, unfortunately, is available only starting from C++17... when you can use folding and you don't need std::conjunction anymore (thanks liliscent)).
template <bool ... Bs>
struct multAnd;
template <>
struct multAnd<> : public std::true_type
{ };
template <bool ... Bs>
struct multAnd<true, Bs...> : public multAnd<Bs...>
{ };
template <bool ... Bs>
struct multAnd<false, Bs...> : public std::false_type
{ };
so foo() can be written as
template <typename ... Args>
typename std::enable_if<
multAnd<std::is_same<char const *, Args>::value ...>::value>::type
foo (Args ... args )
for (const char* arg : {args...}) {
std::cout << arg << "\n";
Using C++14, multAnd() can be written as a constexpr function
template <bool ... Bs>
constexpr bool multAnd ()
using unused = bool[];
bool ret { true };
(void)unused { true, ret &= Bs ... };
return ret;
so foo() become
template <typename ... Args>
std::enable_if_t<multAnd<std::is_same<char const *, Args>::value ...>()>
foo (Args ... args )
for (const char* arg : {args...}) {
std::cout << arg << "\n";
--- EDIT ---
Jarod42 (thanks!) suggest a far better way to develop a multAnd; something as
template <typename T, T ...>
struct int_sequence
{ };
template <bool ... Bs>
struct all_of : public std::is_same<int_sequence<bool, true, Bs...>,
int_sequence<bool, Bs..., true>>
{ };
Starting from C++14 can be used std::integer_sequence instead of it's imitation (int_sequence).
Using C++17 fold expressions on the comma operator, you can simply do the following:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
template<typename OneType>
void foo_(OneType&& one)
std::cout << one;
template<typename... ArgTypes>
void foo(ArgTypes&&... arguments)
(foo_(std::forward<ArgTypes>(arguments)), ...);
int main()
foo(42, 43., "Hello", std::string("Bla"));
Live demo here. Note I used foo_ inside the template, because I couldn't be bothered to write out 4 overloads.
If you really really really want to restrict this to string literals, change the function signature as Nevin's answer suggests:
#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
template<std::size_t N>
using string_literal = const char(&)[N];
template<std::size_t N>
void foo(string_literal<N> literal)
std::cout << literal;
template<std::size_t... Ns>
void foo(string_literal<Ns>... arguments)
(foo(arguments), ...);
int main()
foo("Hello", "Bla", "haha");
Live demo here.
Note this is extremely close to the C++11 syntax to achieve the exact same thing. See e.g. this question of mine.
Well, the nearest you can get to a function accepting any arbitrary number of const char* but nothing else uses a template-function and forwarding:
void foo_impl(std::initializer_list<const char*> args)
template <class... ARGS>
auto foo(ARGS&&... args)
-> foo_impl({std::forward<ARGS>(args)...})
The subtlety is in allowing the normal implicit conversions.
auto function = [](auto... cstrings) {
static_assert((std::is_same_v<decltype(cstrings), const char*> && ...));
for (const char* string: {cstrings...}) {
std::cout << string << std::endl;
int main(){
const char b[]= "b2";
const char* d = "d4";
function("a1", b, "c3", d);
//function(a, "b", "c",42); // ERROR
And now... for something completely different...
You can write a type wrapper struct as follows
template <typename, typename T>
struct wrp
{ using type = T; };
template <typename U, typename T>
using wrp_t = typename wrp<U, T>::type;
and a foo() function receiving a variadic list of char const * simply become
template <typename ... Args>
void foo (wrp_t<Args, char const *> ... args)
for ( char const * arg : {args...} )
std::cout << "- " << arg << std::endl;
The problem is that you can't call it as you want
foo("hello", "world");
because the compiler isn't able to deduce the Args... types.
Obviously you can explicit a list of dummy types
foo<void, void>("hello", "world");
but I understand that is a horrible solution.
Anyway, if you accept to pass through a trivial template function
template <typename ... Args>
void bar (Args ... args)
{ foo<Args...>(args...); }
you can call
bar("hello", "world");
The following is a full C++11 working example
#include <iostream>
template <typename, typename T>
struct wrp
{ using type = T; };
template <typename U, typename T>
using wrp_t = typename wrp<U, T>::type;
template <typename ... Args>
void foo (wrp_t<Args, char const *> ... args)
for ( char const * arg : {args...} )
std::cout << "- " << arg << std::endl;
template <typename ... Args>
void bar (Args ... args)
{ foo<Args...>(args...); }
int main ()
bar("hello", "world"); // compile
// bar("hello", "world", 0); // compilation error
Of course it is possible, this compiles and runs what you want (pay attention)
template<class... Char>
// hehe, here is the secret
auto foo(const Char*... args ) ->decltype((char const*)(*std::begin({args...})), (char const*)(*std::end({args...})), void(0))
for (const char* arg : {args...}) {
std::cout << arg << "\n";
int main() {
foo("no", "sense","of","humor");
This is #liliscent solution but with more sugar and, to please #rubenvb, without enable_if.
If you think the extra code as a comment (which is not), note that you'll see exactly the syntax you are looking for.
Note that you can only feed an homogeneous list of things that is convertible to char const*, which was one of your goals it seems.

Is there a way to partially match a variadic template parameter pack?

I currently have a system to "connect" signals to functions. This signal is a variadic template that has as template parameters the arguments of the functions it can connect to.
In the current implementation, I obviously cannot connect to functions whose arguments aren't exactly the same (or those that can be converted to) as the signal's parameters. Now, as I'm trying to mimic Qt's signal/slot/connect, I'd also like to connect a signal of N parameters to a slot of M<N parameters, which is perfectly well-defined (i.e. ignore the >M parameters of the signal and just pass the first M to the connected function). For an example of the code I have in its most simplistic form, see Coliru.
So the question is two-fold:
How do I make the connect call work for a function void g(int);?
How do I make the emit call work for a function void g(int);?
I'm guessing I'll have to make some "magic" parameter pack reducer for both the slot and its call function, but I can't see how it all should fit together so it's quite hard to actually start trying to code a solution. I'm OK with a C++17-only solution, if at least Clang/GCC and Visual Studio 2015 can compile it.
The code linked above for completeness:
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
template<typename... ArgTypes>
struct slot
virtual ~slot() = default;
virtual void call(ArgTypes...) const = 0;
template<typename Callable, typename... ArgTypes>
struct callable_slot : slot<ArgTypes...>
callable_slot(Callable callable) : callable(callable) {}
void call(ArgTypes... args) const override { callable(args...); }
Callable callable;
template<typename... ArgTypes>
struct signal
template<typename Callable>
void connect(Callable callable)
slots.emplace_back(std::make_unique<callable_slot<Callable, ArgTypes...>>(callable));
void emit(ArgTypes... args)
for(const auto& slot : slots)
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<slot<ArgTypes...>>> slots;
void f(int, char) {}
int main()
signal<int, char> s;
s.emit(42, 'c');
template<class...> struct voider { using type = void; };
template<class... Ts> using voidify = typename voider<Ts...>::type;
template<class C, class...Args>
using const_lvalue_call_t = decltype(std::declval<const C&>()(std::declval<Args>()...));
template<class T, std::size_t...Is>
auto pick_from_tuple_impl(T &&, std::index_sequence<Is...>)
-> std::tuple<std::tuple_element_t<Is, T>...>;
template<class Tuple, class = std::enable_if_t<(std::tuple_size<Tuple>::value > 0)>>
using drop_last = decltype(pick_from_tuple_impl(std::declval<Tuple>(),
std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size<Tuple>::value - 1>()));
template<class C, class ArgsTuple, class = void>
struct try_call
: try_call<C, drop_last<ArgsTuple>> {};
template<class C, class...Args>
struct try_call<C, std::tuple<Args...>, voidify<const_lvalue_call_t<C, Args...>>> {
template<class... Ts>
static void call(const C& c, Args&&... args, Ts&&... /* ignored */) {
Then in callable_slot:
void call(ArgTypes... args) const override {
using caller = try_call<Callable, std::tuple<ArgTypes...>>;
caller::call(callable, std::forward<ArgTypes>(args)...);
For member pointer support (this requires SFINAE-friendly std::result_of), change const_lvalue_call_t to
template<class C, class...Args>
using const_lvalue_call_t = std::result_of_t<const C&(Args&&...)>;
then change the actual call in try_call::call to
This is poor man's std::invoke for lvalue callables. If you have C++17, just use std::invoke directly (and use std::void_t instead of voidify, though I like the sound of the latter).
Not sure to understand what do you exactly want but... with std::tuple and std::make_index_sequence ...
First of all you need a type traits that give you the number of arguments of a function (or std::function)
template <typename>
struct numArgs;
template <typename R, typename ... Args>
struct numArgs<R(*)(Args...)>
: std::integral_constant<std::size_t, sizeof...(Args)>
{ };
template <typename R, typename ... Args>
struct numArgs<std::function<R(Args...)>>
: std::integral_constant<std::size_t, sizeof...(Args)>
{ };
Next you have to add a constexpr value in callable_slot to memorize the number of arguments in the Callable function
static constexpr std::size_t numA { numArgs<Callable>::value };
Then you have to modify the call() method to pack the arguments in a std::tuple<ArgTypes...> and call another method passing the tuple and an index sequence from 0 to numA
void call(ArgTypes... args) const override
{ callI(std::make_tuple(args...), std::make_index_sequence<numA>{}); }
Last you have to call, in CallI(), the callable() function with only the first numA elements of the tuple of arguments
template <std::size_t ... Is>
void callI (std::tuple<ArgTypes...> const & t,
std::index_sequence<Is...> const &) const
{ callable(std::get<Is>(t)...); }
The following is a full working example
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
template <typename>
struct numArgs;
template <typename R, typename ... Args>
struct numArgs<R(*)(Args...)>
: std::integral_constant<std::size_t, sizeof...(Args)>
{ };
template <typename R, typename ... Args>
struct numArgs<std::function<R(Args...)>>
: std::integral_constant<std::size_t, sizeof...(Args)>
{ };
template <typename ... ArgTypes>
struct slot
virtual ~slot() = default;
virtual void call(ArgTypes...) const = 0;
template <typename Callable, typename ... ArgTypes>
struct callable_slot : slot<ArgTypes...>
static constexpr std::size_t numA { numArgs<Callable>::value };
callable_slot(Callable callable) : callable(callable)
{ }
template <std::size_t ... Is>
void callI (std::tuple<ArgTypes...> const & t,
std::index_sequence<Is...> const &) const
{ callable(std::get<Is>(t)...); }
void call(ArgTypes... args) const override
{ callI(std::make_tuple(args...), std::make_index_sequence<numA>{}); }
Callable callable;
template <typename ... ArgTypes>
struct signal
template <typename Callable>
void connect(Callable callable)
std::make_unique<callable_slot<Callable, ArgTypes...>>(callable));
void emit(ArgTypes... args)
{ for(const auto& slot : slots) slot->call(args...); }
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<slot<ArgTypes...>>> slots;
void f (int i, char c)
{ std::cout << "--- f(" << i << ", " << c << ")" << std::endl; }
void g (int i)
{ std::cout << "--- g(" << i << ")" << std::endl; }
struct foo
static void j (int i, char c)
{ std::cout << "--- j(" << i << ", " << c << ")" << std::endl; }
void k (int i)
{ std::cout << "--- k(" << i << ")" << std::endl; }
int main ()
std::function<void(int, char)> h { [](int i, char c)
{ std::cout << "--- h(" << i << ", " << c << ")" << std::endl; }
std::function<void(int)> i { [](int i)
{ std::cout << "--- i(" << i << ")" << std::endl; }
using std::placeholders::_1;
foo foo_obj{};
std::function<void(int)> k { std::bind(&foo::k, foo_obj, _1) };
signal<int, char> s;
s.emit(42, 'c');
This example need C++14 because use std::make_index_sequence and std::index_sequence.
Substitute both of they and prepare a C++11 compliant solution isn't really difficult.

boost bind variadics overload resolution

#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
struct CLASS{
template<typename T, typename ... Args>
void enqueue(T const & t, Args const & ... args){
this->concatenate(t,args ...);
template<typename T, typename ... Args>
void concatenate(T t, Args ... args){
boost::function<void()> f
= boost::bind(&CLASS::push_,this,
boost::bind(&CLASS::stringer<T const &,
Args const & ...>,
template<typename T, typename ... Args>
std::string stringer(T const & t, Args const & ... args){
return stringer(t) + stringer(args...);
template <typename T>
std::string stringer(T const & t){
return boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(t);
void push_(std::string const & s){
int main(){
// below commented enqueue fails to compile
//c.enqueue("abc", 100," for ", 42000,"sadada ", 4.3, "zzzzz\n",42,42);
return 0;
In the main function above, the commented line fails to compile, although the uncommented enqueue does work. I have a feeling the problem is to do with the unwinding of the variadics by the stringer function and boost::bind failing to figure out overloads or something.
How do I solve this problem, so that enqueue works for any combination of inputs?
under c++11,we cannot bind a overload function.
but there is solution under C++14:
struct ulong_ip_tag{};
struct string_ip_tag{};
struct resolved_ip_tag{};
struct invalid_ip_tag{};
template<typename _Type, typename _Handler>
void handler(_Handler, _Type)
std::cout << "other type" << std::endl;
template<typename _Handler>
void handler(_Handler, resolved_ip_tag)
std::cout << typeid(resolved_ip_tag).name() << std::endl;
template<typename _Handler>
void handler(_Handler, string_ip_tag)
std::cout << typeid(string_ip_tag).name() << std::endl;
template<typename _Handler>
void handler(_Handler, ulong_ip_tag)
std::cout << typeid(ulong_ip_tag).name() << std::endl;
void test(){}
int main()
//auto--- under c++14
auto b = [](auto arg1,auto arg2){handler(arg1,arg2)};

Is it possible to use parameter pack to allow template function to accept equivalent types?

This question is related to one on SO a couple of years ago by Georg Fritzsche about transforming a parameter pack (Is it possible to transform the types in a parameter pack?). In the end, the individual types in the parameter pack can be transformed, e.g. by converting to corresponding pointer types.
I am wondering if it is possible to use this technique to write one standard function/functor and a set of wrapper functions (out of one template), so that the wrappers can take parameters of equivalent types and then call the standard function to do actual work.
Using the answer by Johannes Schaub - litb the original example below. Is it possible to write one template f, which can take any combinations of int/int*,char/char* and call a common function f_std(int*,char*) to do the work. (The number of parameters is not pre-specified.)
--- Update ---
For example, given int i; char c;, is it possible to write a caller using pack transformation such that the following works
What I've tried so far is listed below (updated to clarify.). Basically, I tried to accept an list of not necessarily pointer types and convert them to pointer types, before making call to a std::function that takes pointer types. But the code does not compile. I don't know how to write a helper function to accept one function with a standard signature, but accept a parameter pack of something else.
Thanks in advance
#include <type_traits>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
template<class... Args> struct X {};
template<class T> struct make_pointer { typedef T* type; };
template<class T> struct make_pointer<T*> { typedef T* type; };
template<template<typename...> class List,
template<typename> class Mod,
typename ...Args>
struct magic {
typedef List<typename Mod<Args>::type...> type;
// trying to convert parameter pack to pointers
template<class T> T* make_ptr(T x) { return &x; }
template<class T> T* make_ptr(T* x) { return x; }
template <typename Value, typename ...Args>
class ByPtrFunc
typedef typename magic<X, make_pointer, Args...>::type PArgs;
Value operator()(Args... args) { return f(make_ptr(args)...); }
std::function<Value (PArgs...)> _ptr_func;
}; //ByPtrFunc
//helper function to make call
template<typename A, typename ...Args>
static A call_ptr(std::function<A (Args...)> f, Args... args) {
return ByPtrFunc<A, Args...>{f}(args ...);
int main() {
typedef magic<X, make_pointer, int*, char>::type A;
typedef X<int*, char*> B;
static_assert(is_same<A, B>::value, ":(");
int i=0; char c='c';
function<int (int* pa,char* pb)> f_std = [](int* pa,char* pb)->int {return *pa + * pb;};
//Is the following possible.
return 0;
This answers your question syntax-wise, if I've understood it correctly: yes, it's possible.
// given int or char lvalue, returns its address
template<class T>
T* transform(T& t) {
return &t;
// given int* or char*, simply returns the value itself
template<class T>
T* transform(T* t) {
return t;
// prints out the address corresponding to each of its arguments
void f_std() {
template<class Arg, class... Args>
void f_std(Arg arg, Args... args) {
std::cout << (void*)arg << std::endl;
// converts int to int*, char to char*, then calls f_std
template<class... Args>
void f(Args... args) {
Unfortunately, calling f will pass int and char arguments by value, and hence copy them. To fix this, use perfect forwarding in the definition of f:
template<class... Args>
void f(Args&&... args) {
int main() {
int x = 1;
char c = 'a';
cout << (void*)&x << endl;
cout << (void*)&c << endl;
f(x, &x, c, &c);
Output (example; ran it on my machine just now):
Following may help:
template <typename T> T* make_pointer(T& t) { return &t; }
template <typename T> T* make_pointer(T* t) { return t; }
template <typename Ret, typename... Args, typename ...Ts>
Ret call_ptr(std::function<Ret (Args*...)> f, Ts&&...args)
static_assert(sizeof...(Args) == sizeof...(Ts), "Bad parameters");
Now, use it:
void f_std(int*, char*) { /* Your code */ }
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i;
char c;
std::function<void (int*, char*)> f1 = f_std;
call_ptr(f1, i, c);
call_ptr(f1, i, &c);
call_ptr(f1, &i, c);
call_ptr(f1, &i, &c);
return 0;
For reference, below is what worked for me, based on the accepted answer #Jarod42 and the type transformation "magic". slightly more general and with added type checking. Turns out type-transformation is simply a pattern expansion.
#include <type_traits>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// convert parameter pack to pointers
template<class T> struct make_ptr_t { typedef T* type; };
template<class T> struct make_ptr_t<T*> { typedef T* type; };
template<class T> T* make_ptr(T& x) { return &x; }
template<class T> T* make_ptr(T* x) { return x; }
// (optional) only for type checking
template<class... Args> struct X {};
template<template<typename...> class List,
template<typename> class Mod,
typename ...Args>
struct magic {
typedef List<typename Mod<Args>::type...> type;
//helper function to make call
template<typename A, typename ...PArgs, typename ...Args>
static A call_ptr(std::function<A (PArgs...)> f, Args... args) {
static_assert(is_same<X<PArgs...>,typename magic<X, make_ptr_t, Args...>::type>::value, "Bad parameters for f in call_ptr()"); //type checking
return f(make_ptr(args)...);
int main() {
int i=0; char c='c'; string s="c";
function<int (int* pa,char* pb)> f_std = [](int* pa,char* pb)->int {return *pa + * pb;};
cout << call_ptr(f_std,i,c) << endl;
cout << call_ptr(f_std,&i,c) << endl;
cout << call_ptr(f_std,i,&c) << endl;
//cout << call_ptr(f_std,i,s) << endl; //complains about bad parameters.
return 0;

What is a good way to register functions for dynamic invocation in C++?

In my current setup, I have a
typedef std::function<void (MyClass&, std::vector<std::string>) MyFunction;
std::map<std::string, MyFunction> dispatch_map;
And I register my functions in it with a macro. However, I have a problem with this: the parameters are passed as a vector of strings, which I have to convert inside the functions. I would rather do this conversion outside the functions, at the dispatcher level. Is this possible? The function signatures are known at compile time, and never change at run time.
You can get pretty far with variadic templates and some template/virtual techniques. With the following codes, you'll be able to do something like:
std::string select_string (bool cond, std::string a, std::string b) {
return cond ? a : b;
int main () {
Registry reg;
reg.set ("select_it", select_string);
reg.invoke ("select_it", "1 John Wayne"));
reg.invoke ("select_it", "0 John Wayne"));
Full implementation:
These codes are exemplary. You should optimize it to provide perfect forwarding less redundancy in parameter list expansion.
Headers and a test-function
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <istream>
#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
std::string select_string (bool cond, std::string a, std::string b) {
return cond ? a : b;
This helps us parsing a string and putting results into a tuple:
template <typename Tuple, int Curr, int Max> struct init_args_helper;
template <typename Tuple, int Max>
struct init_args_helper<Tuple, Max, Max> {
void operator() (Tuple &, std::istream &) {}
template <typename Tuple, int Curr, int Max>
struct init_args_helper {
void operator() (Tuple &tup, std::istream &is) {
is >> std::get<Curr>(tup);
return init_args_helper<Tuple, Curr+1, Max>() (tup, is);
template <int Max, typename Tuple>
void init_args (Tuple &tup, std::istream &ss)
init_args_helper<Tuple, 0, Max>() (tup, ss);
This unfolds a function pointer and a tuple into a function call (by function-pointer):
template <int ParamIndex, int Max, typename Ret, typename ...Args>
struct unfold_helper;
template <int Max, typename Ret, typename ...Args>
struct unfold_helper<Max, Max, Ret, Args...> {
template <typename Tuple, typename ...Params>
Ret unfold (Ret (*fun) (Args...), Tuple tup, Params ...params)
return fun (params...);
template <int ParamIndex, int Max, typename Ret, typename ...Args>
struct unfold_helper {
template <typename Tuple, typename ...Params>
Ret unfold (Ret (*fun) (Args...), Tuple tup, Params ...params)
return unfold_helper<ParamIndex+1, Max, Ret, Args...> ().
unfold(fun, tup, params..., std::get<ParamIndex>(tup));
template <typename Ret, typename ...Args>
Ret unfold (Ret (*fun) (Args...), std::tuple<Args...> tup) {
return unfold_helper<0, sizeof...(Args), Ret, Args...> ().unfold(fun, tup);
This function puts it together:
template <typename Ret, typename ...Args>
Ret foo (Ret (*fun) (Args...), std::string mayhem) {
// Use a stringstream for trivial parsing.
std::istringstream ss;
ss.str (mayhem);
// Use a tuple to store our parameters somewhere.
// We could later get some more performance by combining the parsing
// and the calling.
std::tuple<Args...> params;
init_args<sizeof...(Args)> (params, ss);
// This demondstrates expanding the tuple to full parameter lists.
return unfold<Ret> (fun, params);
Here's our test:
int main () {
std::cout << foo (select_string, "0 John Wayne") << '\n';
std::cout << foo (select_string, "1 John Wayne") << '\n';
Warning: Code needs more verification upon parsing and should use std::function<> instead of naked function pointer
Based on above code, it is simple to write a function-registry:
class FunMeta {
virtual ~FunMeta () {}
virtual boost::any call (std::string args) const = 0;
template <typename Ret, typename ...Args>
class ConcreteFunMeta : public FunMeta {
ConcreteFunMeta (Ret (*fun) (Args...)) : fun(fun) {}
boost::any call (std::string args) const {
// Use a stringstream for trivial parsing.
std::istringstream ss;
ss.str (args);
// Use a tuple to store our parameters somewhere.
// We could later get some more performance by combining the parsing
// and the calling.
std::tuple<Args...> params;
init_args<sizeof...(Args)> (params, ss);
// This demondstrates expanding the tuple to full parameter lists.
return unfold<Ret> (fun, params);
Ret (*fun) (Args...);
class Registry {
template <typename Ret, typename ...Args>
void set (std::string name, Ret (*fun) (Args...)) {
funs[name].reset (new ConcreteFunMeta<Ret, Args...> (fun));
boost::any invoke (std::string name, std::string args) const {
const auto it = funs.find (name);
if (it == funs.end())
throw std::runtime_error ("meh");
return it->second->call (args);
// You could use a multimap to support function overloading.
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<FunMeta>> funs;
One could even think of supporting function overloading with this, using a multimap and dispatching decisions based on what content is on the passed arguments.
Here's how to use it:
int main () {
Registry reg;
reg.set ("select_it", select_string);
std::cout << boost::any_cast<std::string> (reg.invoke ("select_it", "0 John Wayne")) << '\n'
<< boost::any_cast<std::string> (reg.invoke ("select_it", "1 John Wayne")) << '\n';
If you can use boost, then here's an example of what I think you're trying to do ( although might work with std as well, I stick with boost personally ):
typedef boost::function<void ( MyClass&, const std::vector<std::string>& ) MyFunction;
std::map<std::string, MyFunction> dispatch_map;
namespace phx = boost::phoenix;
namespace an = boost::phoenix::arg_names;
dispatch_map.insert( std::make_pair( "someKey", phx::bind( &MyClass::CallBack, an::_1, phx::bind( &boost::lexical_cast< int, std::string >, phx::at( an::_2, 0 ) ) ) ) );
dispatch_map["someKey"]( someClass, std::vector< std::string >() );
However, as this sort of nesting quickly becomes fairly unreadable, it's usually best to either create a helper ( free function, or better yet a lazy function ) that does the conversion.
If I understand you correctly, you want to register void MyClass::Foo(int) and void MyClass::Bar(float), accepting that there will be a cast from std::string to int or float as appropriate.
To do this, you need a helper class:
class Argument {
std::string s;
Argument(std::string const& s) : s(s) { }
template<typename T> operator T { return boost::lexical_cast<T>(s); }
This makes it possible to wrap both void MyClass::Foo(int) and void MyClass::Bar(float) in a std::function<void(MyClass, Argument))>.
Interesting problme. This is indeen not trivial in C++, I wrote a self-contained implementation in C++11. It is possible to do the same in C++03 but the code would be (even) less readable.
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
// string to target type conversion. Can replace with boost::lexical_cast.
template<class T> T fromString(const string& str)
{ stringstream s(str); T r; s >> r; return r; }
// recursive construction of function call with converted arguments
template<class... Types> struct Rec;
template<> struct Rec<> { // no parameters
template<class F> static void call
(const F& f, const vector<string>&, int) { f(); }
template<class Type> struct Rec< Type > { // one parameter
template<class F> static void call
(const F& f, const vector<string>& arg, int index) {
template<class FirstType, class... NextTypes>
struct Rec< FirstType, NextTypes... > { // many parameters
template<class F> static void call
(const F& f, const vector<string>& arg, int index) {
bind1st(f, fromString<FirstType>(arg[index])), // convert 1st param
index + 1
template<class... Types> void call // std::function call with strings
(const function<void(Types...)>& f, const vector<string>& args) {
assert(args.size() == sizeof...(Types));
Rec<Types...>::call(f, args, 0);
template<class... Types> void call // c function call with strings
(void (*f)(Types...), const vector<string>& args) {
call(function<void(Types...)>(f), args);
// transformas arbitrary function to take strings parameters
template<class F> function<void(const vector<string>&)> wrap(const F& f) {
return [&] (const vector<string>& args) -> void { call(f, args); };
// the dynamic dispatch table and registration routines
map<string, function<void(const vector<string>&)> > table;
template<class F> void registerFunc(const string& name, const F& f) {
table.insert(make_pair(name, wrap(f)));
#define smartRegister(F) registerFunc(#F, F)
// some dummy functions
void f(int x, float y) { cout << "f: " << x << ", " << y << endl; }
void g(float x) { cout << "g: " << x << endl; }
// demo to show it all works;)
int main() {
table["f"]({"1", "2.0"});
return 0;
Also, for performances, it's better to use unordered_map instead of map, and maybe avoid std::function overhead if you only have regular C functions. Of course this is only meaningful if dispatch time is significant compared to functions run-times.
No, C++ provides no facility for this to occur.