SlickGrid Column Groups - grouping

Is there a way to add a column groupings? For example:
Unit 1 | Unit 2 |
Pre Mid Post | Pre Mid Post |
--- --- ---- | --- --- ---- |
2 4 5 | 3 4 4 |
1 2 4 | 3 4 5 |
Basically, I need a header row for Unit that has three subcolumns in the Unit group; Pre, Mid, and Post.
This concept can also be seen in following pictures:

Yes, There is no columns grouping available in slickgrid but i created a plugin for one level column group.Take a look

Unfortunately grouping columns is a low priority for the creator of slickgrid as you can see in the issue post here
Although that issue was written 2 years ago, it was asked again 5 months ago and there was no reply to that post.
Apart from that by looking at his updates in the git history there is no indication it is implemented in any way.
My only suggestion is to try and move to another component.
You could maybe see if this could fit your needs: jQuery EasyUI
I actually saw a demo there that has groupings like you wanted: demo

You can now do this in the active SlickGrid repo:
Here's an example:


combining multiple items to create one dummy variable

I have 7 items/variables in Stata that address the same survey question. These 7 items are each different weight control behaviors (diet, exercise, pills, etc.). I am trying to combine these variables to create a single weight control behavior dummy variable that is coded as yes (did engage in weight control) and no (did not engage in weight control).
The response options for each variable look something like this for a given weight control behavior
11438 0 not marked
2771 1 marked
16 6 refused
6508 7 legitimate skip
13 8 don’t know
Here is my code. I re-coded 6,7,8 for all 7 vars as missing:
tab1 h1gh30a-h1gh30g,m`
foreach X of varlist h1gh30a-h1gh30g {
replace `X'=. if `X' > 1
egen wgt_control= rowmax(h1gh30a-h1gh30g)
ta wgt_control
gen wgt_control_new=wgt_control
replace wgt_control_new = 1 if wgt_control>0 & wgt_control!=.
replace wgt_control_new= 0 if wgt_control <1
ta wgt_control_new
I used rowmax() to combine all 7 items but my issue is that the response option 0 or No doesn't appear when I tabulate it. I only get those who responded yes=1.
Here is a suggestion with a reproducible example for what I think is the cleanest approach. I also included some unsolicited advice about survey data best practices
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input double(h1gh30a h1gh30b h1gh30c)
1 1 1
1 0 1
6 1 8
0 0 0
7 6 8
* Explicit coding is better, so if possible, which it is with 7 vars,
* create a local with the vars are explicitly listed
local wgt_controls h1gh30a h1gh30b h1gh30c
* Recode is a better command to use here. And do not destroy information,
* there is a survey data quality assurance difference between respondent
* refusing to answer, not knowing or question skipped. You can replace this
* survey codes with these extended missing values that behaves like missing values
* but retain the differences in the survey codes
recode `wgt_controls' (6=.a) (7=.b) (8=.c)
* While rowmax() could be used, I think it seems like anymatch() fits
* what you are trying to do better
egen wgt_control = anymatch(`wgt_controls'), values(1)
There is no minimal reproducible example here, so we can't reproduce the problem independently.
From your code, it seems that h1gh30a-h1gh30g are recoded so that all are 0, 1 or missing, so their maximum takes one of the same values.
gen wgt_control_new = wgt_control
replace wgt_control_new = 1 if wgt_control>0 & wgt_control!=.
replace wgt_control_new= 0 if wgt_control <1
seems to boil down to cloning the variable:
gen wgt_control_new = wgt_control
In short, I can't see a reason in your code why you should never see 0 as a possible result.
A minimal check on whether there are zeros that aren't showing up as they should might be
egen max = rowmax(h1gh30a-h1gh30g)
list high30a-high30g if max == 0

Strange output with Python Lists

I have a dataframe: Outlet_results
it goes something like this
index Calendar year/Week Material Sellthru Qty
0 37.2013 ABC 2
1 38.2913 ABC 7
2 37.2913 BCG 22
3 39.2013 XYZ 5
Now, I wanted a separate list for the Materials and week for further coding.
I used this code for the material list
mat_outlet = list(set(outlet_result['Material']))
It works perfectly and gives me 3 values (ABC, BCG, XYZ)
However, the week list shows a faulty output even though the code is same.
week_outlet_list = list(set(outlet_result['Calendar Year/Week']))
I am getting a list with 4 values
['38.2013', '37.2013', 'Calendar Year/Week', '39.2013']
Why is the string (header) included in the list? Please help me understand this concept.
I am using Python 2.7.... has it got something to do with it?

Google Sheets Formula to Extract and Convert Currency from € or £ to USD

I'm trying to do the following:
Check the cell for N/A or No; if it has either of these then it should output N/A or No
Check the cell for either £ or € or Yes; If it has one of these then it would continue to step 3. If it has $ then it should repeat the same input as the output.
Extract currency from cell using: REGEXEXTRACT(A1, "\$\d+") or REGEXEXTRACT(A1, "\£\d+") (I assume that's the best way)
Convert it to $ USD using GoogleFinance("CURRENCY:EURUSD") or GoogleFinance("CURRENCY:GBPUSD")
Output the original cell but replacing the extracted currency from step 3 with the output from step 4.
Examples: (Original --> Output)
N/A --> N/A
No --> No
Alt --> Alt
Yes --> Yes
Yes £10 --> Yes $12.19
Yes £10 per week --> Yes $12.19 per week
Yes €5 (Next) --> Yes $5.49 (Next)
Yes $5 22 EA --> Yes $5 22 EA
Yes £5 - £10 --> Yes $5.49 - $12.19
I am unable to get a working IF statement working, I could do this in normal code but can't work it out for spreadsheet formulas.
I've tried modifying #Rubén's answer lots of times to including the N/A as it's not the Sheets error, I also tried the same for making any USD inputs come out as USD (no changes) but I really can't get the hang of IF/OR/AND in Excel/Google Sheets.
OR(IF(A1="No","No",REGEXEXTRACT(A1, "[\£|\€]\d+")),IF(A1="N/A","N/A",REGEXEXTRACT(A1, "[\£|\€]\d+"))),
REGEXEXTRACT(A1, "[\£|\€](\d+)")*
"€"=REGEXEXTRACT(A1, "([\£|\€])\d+"),
The above, I tried to add an OR() before the first IF statement to try and include N/A as an option, in the below I tried it as you can see below in various different ways (replace line 4 with this)
REGEXEXTRACT(A1, "[\£|\€]\d+");
REGEXEXTRACT(A1, "[\£|\€]\d+")
But that doesn't work either. I thought using ; was a way to separate the OR expressions but apparently not.
Re: Rubén's latest code 16/10/2016
I've modified it to =ArrayFormula(
REGEXEXTRACT(A2, "[\£|\€]\d+"),
REGEXEXTRACT(A2, "[\£|\€](\d+)")
REGEXEXTRACT(A2, "([\£|\€])\d+"),
This fixes:
Blank cells no longer throw #N/A
Yes only cells no longer throw #N/A
Added another text value Alt
Changes the format of the currency to 0 decimal places rather than my original request of 2 decimal places.
As you can see in the image below the two red cells aren't quite correct as I never thought of this scenario, the second of the two values is staying in it's input form and not being converted to USD.
Direct answer
REGEXEXTRACT(A1:A6, "[\£|\€]\d+"),
REGEXEXTRACT(A1:A6, "[\£|\€](\d+)")
REGEXEXTRACT(A1:A6, "([\£|\€])\d+"),
| | A | B |
| 1 | N/A | N/A |
| 2 | No | No |
| 3 | Yes £10 | Yes $12.19 |
| 4 | Yes £10 per week | Yes $12.19 per week |
| 5 | Yes €5 (Next) | Yes $5.49 (Next) |
OR function
Instead or using OR function, the above formula use nested IF functions.
Instead of using a REGEXEXTRACT function for each currency symbol, a regex OR operator was used. Example
REGEXEXTRACT(A1:A6, "[\£|\€]\d+")
Three regular expressions were used,
get currency symbol and the amount [\£|\€]\d+
get the amount [\£|\€](\d+)
get the currency symbol [(\£|\€])\d+
Currency conversion
Instead of using nested IF to handle currency conversion rates, VLOOKUP and array is used. This could be make easier to maintain the formula assuming that more currencies could be added in the future.

Replace certain records in a column with given condition in kdb

I have a table below:
a source
1-01 a
2 a
3-01 b
4 b
5-01 a
6 b
I would like to change the 1-01 and 5-01 back to 1 but not for 3-01 depending on the source. I wrote the code below:
`$({ssr[string x;"-01";""]}each tab[`a])
by doing this I can put this back to a column, but this is not what I want. I also did the following:
`$({ssr[string x;"-01";""]}each tab[`a] where source=`a)
but after doing this I do not know how to put it back to the table. Then I thought of using execution control: but not sure how i should code it. I have it half way done and it does not really work:
?[tab[`source] = `a;`$({ssr[string tab[`a];"-01";""]});tab[`a]]
An "update" seems to be what you need:
q)update `$ssr[;"-01";""] each string a from tab where source=`a
a source
1 a
2 a
3-01 b
4 b
5 a
6 b

Regex to match last sentence of a line

Got some text:
[23/07 | DEV | FARO | QC Billable | #2032] Unable to Load label
[30/07 | QC | ROLAWN ] Selling products as a bundle
[11/08 | EST | QC BILLABLE | #2015 ISUOG ] On Demand website looping
[05/08 | EST | ROLAWN | Problems with 'find a stockist'
[29/07 | DEV | QUBA] Blog comments loading to error
[24/07 | FROG | EST| QC BILLABLE #2033] Carousel banner not working correctly
I'm trying to match the last sentence at the end of each line so the matches are as follows:
Unable to Load label
Selling products as a bundle
On Demand website looping
Problems with 'find a stockist'
Blog comments loading to error
Carousel banner not working correctly
Unfortunately, I can't depend on the structure of the line to conform, but the information I'm trying to extract should always be the last sentence. I've tried quite a few different things, but I'm struggling here.
If there is also some kind on no-word character before last sentence, try with:
Edit: The answer above by m.cekiera [\w\s']+$ is better.
Here's a pretty naive solution:
If you give more details about the actual structure it could be refined.