Is a thread-safe queue a good approach? - c++

I am looking for a way to optimize the following code, for an open source project that I develop, or make it more performant by moving the heavy work to another thread.
void ProfilerCommunication::AddVisitPoint(ULONG uniqueId)
CScopedLock<CMutex> lock(m_mutexResults);
m_pVisitPoints->points[m_pVisitPoints->count].UniqueId = uniqueId;
if (++m_pVisitPoints->count == VP_BUFFER_SIZE)
The above code is used by the OpenCover profiler (an open source code coverage tool for .NET written in C++) when each visit point is called. The mutex is used to protect some shared memory (a 64K block shared between several processes 32/64 bit and C++/C#) when full it signals the host process. Obviously this is quite heavy for each instrumentation point and I'd like to make the impact lighter.
I am thinking of using a queue which is pushed to by the above method and a thread to pop the data and populate the shared memory.
Q. Is there a thread-safe queue in C++ (Windows STL) that I can use - or a lock-less queue as I wouldn't want to replace one issue with another? Do people consider my approach sensible?
EDIT 1: I have just found concurrent_queue.h in the include folder - could this be my answer...?

Okay I'll add my own answer - concurrent_queue works very well
using the details described in this MSDN article I implemented concurrent queue (and tasks and my first C++ lambda expression :) ) I didn't spend long thinking though as it is a spike.
inline void AddVisitPoint(ULONG uniqueId) { m_queue.push(uniqueId); }
// somewhere else in code[this]
while (!m_queue.try_pop(id))
if (id==0) break; // 0 is an unused number so is used to close the thread/task
CScopedLock<CMutex> lock(m_mutexResults);
m_pVisitPoints->points[m_pVisitPoints->count].UniqueId = id;
if (++m_pVisitPoints->count == VP_BUFFER_SIZE)
Application without instrumentation = 9.3
Application with old instrumentation handler = 38.6
Application with new instrumentation handler = 16.2

Here it mentions not all container operations are thread safe on Windows. Only a limited number of methods. And I don't believe C++ standards mention about threadsafe containers. I maybe wrong, but checked the standards nothing came up

Would it be possible to offload the client's communication into a separate thread? Then the inspection points can use thread local storage to record their hits and only need to communicate with a local thread to pass off a reference when full. The communication thread can then take its time to pass on the data to the actual collector since it's not on the hot path anymore.

You could use a lock free queue. Herb Sutter has some articles here.


Shared file logging between threads in C++ 11 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is cout synchronized/thread-safe?
(4 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Recently I started learning C++ 11. I only studied C/C++ for a brief period of time when I was in college.I come from another ecosystem (web development) so as you can imagine I'm relatively new into C++.
At the moment I'm studying threads and how could accomplish logging from multiple threads with a single writer (file handle). So I wrote the following code based on tutorials and reading various articles.
My First question and request would be to point out any bad practices / mistakes that I have overlooked (although the code works with VC 2015).
Secondly and this is what is my main concern is that I'm not closing the file handle, and I'm not sure If that causes any issues. If it does when and how would be the most appropriate way to close it?
Lastly and correct me if I'm wrong I don't want to "pause" a thread while another thread is writing. I'm writing line by line each time. Is there any case that the output messes up at some point?
Thank you very much for your time, bellow is the source (currently for learning purposes everything is inside main.cpp).
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <thread>
#include <string>
static const int THREADS_NUM = 8;
class Logger
Logger(const std::string &path) : filePath(path)
void write(const std::string &data)
this->logFile << data;
std::ofstream logFile;
std::string filePath;
void spawnThread(int tid, std::shared_ptr<Logger> &logger)
std::cout << "Thread " + std::to_string(tid) + " started" << std::endl;
logger->write("Thread " + std::to_string(tid) + " was here!\n");
int main()
std::cout << "Master started" << std::endl;
std::thread threadPool[THREADS_NUM];
auto logger = std::make_shared<Logger>("test.log");
for (int i = 0; i < THREADS_NUM; ++i)
threadPool[i] = std::thread(spawnThread, i, logger);
return 0;
PS1: In this scenario there will always be only 1 file handle open for threads to log data.
PS2: The file handle ideally should close right before the program exits... Should it be done in Logger destructor?
The current output with 1000 threads is the following:
Thread 0 was here!
Thread 1 was here!
Thread 2 was here!
Thread 3 was here!
Thread 995 was here!
Thread 996 was here!
Thread 997 was here!
Thread 998 was here!
Thread 999 was here!
I don't see any garbage so far...
My First question and request would be to point out any bad practices / mistakes that I have overlooked (although the code works with VC 2015).
Subjective, but the code looks fine to me. Although you are not synchronizing threads (some std::mutex in logger would do the trick).
Also note that this:
std::thread threadPool[THREADS_NUM];
auto logger = std::make_shared<Logger>("test.log");
for (int i = 0; i < THREADS_NUM; ++i)
threadPool[i] = std::thread(spawnThread, i, logger);
is pointless. You create a thread, join it and then create a new one. I think this is what you are looking for:
std::vector<std::thread> threadPool;
auto logger = std::make_shared<Logger>("test.log");
// create all threads
for (int i = 0; i < THREADS_NUM; ++i)
threadPool.emplace_back(spawnThread, i, logger);
// after all are created join them
for (auto& th: threadPool)
Now you create all threads and then wait for all of them. Not one by one.
Secondly and this is what is my main concern is that I'm not closing the file handle, and I'm not sure If that causes any issues. If it does when and how would be the most appropriate way to close it?
And when do you want to close it? After each write? That would be a redundant OS work with no real benefit. The file is supposed to be open through entire program's lifetime. Therefore there is no reason to close it manually at all. With graceful exit std::ofstream will call its destructor that closes the file. On non-graceful exit the os will close all remaining handles anyway.
Flushing a file's buffer (possibly after each write?) would be helpful though.
Lastly and correct me if I'm wrong I don't want to "pause" a thread while another thread is writing. I'm writing line by line each time. Is there any case that the output messes up at some point?
Yes, of course. You are not synchronizing writes to the file, the output might be garbage. You can actually easily check it yourself: spawn 10000 threads and run the code. It's very likely you will get a corrupted file.
There are many different synchronization mechanisms. But all of them are either lock-free or lock-based (or possibly a mix). Anyway a simple std::mutex (basic lock-based synchronization) in the logger class should be fine.
The first massive mistake is saying "it works with MSVC, I see no garbage", even moreso as it only works because your test code is broken (well it's not broken, but it's not concurrent, so of course it works fine).
But even if the code was concurrent, saying "I don't see anything wrong" is a terrible mistake. Multithreaded code is never correct unless you see something wrong, it is incorrect unless proven correct.
The goal of not blocking ("pausing") one thread while another is writing is unachieveable if you want correctness, at least if they concurrently write to the same descriptor. You must synchronize properly (call it any way you like, and use any method you like), or the behavior will be incorrect. Or worse, it will look correct for as long as you look at it, and it will behave wrong six months later when your most important customer uses it for a multi-million dollar project.
Under some operating systems, you can "cheat" and get away without synchronization as these offer syscalls that have atomicity guarantees (e.g. writev). That is however not what you may think, it is indeed heavyweight synchronization, only just you don't see it.
A better (more efficient) strategy than to use a mutex or use atomic writes might be to have a single consumer thread which writes to disk, and to push log tasks onto a concurrent queue from how many producer threads you like. This has minimum latency for threads that you don't want to block, and blocking where you don't care. Plus, you can coalesce several small writes into one.
Closing or not closing a file seems like a non-issue. After all, when the program exits, files are closed anyway. Well yes, except, there are three layers of caching (four actually if you count the physical disk's caches), two of them within your application and one within the operating system.
When data has made it at least into the OS buffers, all is good unless power fails unexpectedly. Not so for the other two levels of cache!
If your process dies unexpectedly, its memory will be released, which includes anything cached within iostream and anything cached within the CRT. So if you need any amount of reliability, you will either have to flush regularly (which is expensive), or use a different strategy. File mappying may be such a strategy because whatever you copy into the mapping is automatically (by definition) within the operating system's buffers, and unless power fails or the computer explodes, it will be written to disk.
That being said, there exist dozens of free and readily available logging libraries (such as e.g. spdlog) which do the job very well. There's really not much of a reason to reinvent this particular wheel.
Hello and welcome to the community!
A few comments on the code, and a few general tips on top of that.
Don't use native arrays if you do not absolutely have to.
Eliminating the native std::thread[] array and replacing it with an std::array would allow you to do a range based for loop which is the preferred way of iterating over things in C++. An std::vector would also work since you have to generate the thredas (which you can do with std::generate in combination with std::back_inserter)
Don't use smart pointers if you do not have specific memory management requirements, in this case a reference to a stack allocated logger would be fine (the logger would probably live for the duration of the program anyway, hence no need for explicit memory management). In C++ you try to use the stack as much as possible, dynamic memory allocation is slow in many ways and shared pointers introduce overhead (unique pointers are zero cost abstractions).
The join in the for loop is probably not what you want, it will wait for the previously spawned thread and spawn another one after it is finished. If you want parallelism you need another for loop for the joins, but the preferred way would be to use std::for_each(begin(pool), end(pool), [](auto& thread) { thread.join(); }) or something similar.
Use the C++ Core Guidelines and a recent C++ standard (C++17 is the current), C++11 is old and you probably want to learn the modern stuff instead of learning how to write legacy code.
C++ is not java, use the stack as much as possible - this is one of the biggest advantages to using C++. Make sure you understand how the stack, constructors and destructors work by heart.
The first question is subjective so someone else would want to give an advice, but I don't see anything awful.
Nothing in C++ standard library is thread-safe except for some rare cases. A good answer on using ofstream in a multithreaded environment is given here.
Not closing a file is indeed an issue. You have to get familiar with RAII as it is one of the first things to learn. The answer by Detonar is a good piece of advice.

c++ sharing single class object between multiple processes

I have a relatively complex class in c++. It works perfectly when used within one process. However, now I want multiple processes to be able to share one object instance of this class. One process (Master) will access read and write functions of the object, while the other 2 processes (Slave) will only use the read functions. I want to modify the class as little as possible. So far I have considered singletons and shared memory, but neither seems ideal or straightforward. This is a research application that will only ever be used by me on Linux. What is the simplest possible solution?
Thanks so much!
Edit: To be absolutely clear, the asker is interested in sharing an object across multiple processes, not threads.
Inter-process communication is never simple. You may want to use a library for IPC/RPC and expose only the function the slaves use to read data, not the entire class.
I can't give you any good recommendations because I have never found a library that made it simple and I don't have much experience with it.
One idea might be to use socket or a socket library to share the data amongst the processes. A library which seems to be very handy for that might be ØMQ. You can also try to use Boost::Asio which is a bit more complex.
You can find a small example for ØMQ here.
I think the simplest coding solution would be a singleton with a global(or class instance) mutex, though the singleton part of that is optional. I personally think singletons to be an overused idiom. Up to you whether you think that is good design in this case or not. Really, adding the global mutex is all you need.
For the interprocess portion, I recommend boost.
One option is to have both the master and slave processes create instances of the same object. Because the master process will be the only one to modify this 'shared' object, it must only alert the slaves processes to any changes it makes to the 'shared' object. To do this, you could setup a messaging system which the master process will use to communicate changes to the shared object with the slave processes. The drawback here is that the slave processes may reference the shared object when it is out of sync with the master, but this is a common problem in replication. Also, you could use an RPC overlay to further make the master/slave applications easier to develop/maintain.
I'll try and provide a very high level example of this design below. Forgive me for utilizing real code and psuedo code side-by-side; I didn't want to fully code this, but also didn't want it to just be made up of comments :)
Here's our shared object that gets defined in both master/slave code
struct sharedobj {
int var1;
Here's an example of the master process updating the shared object and propagating changes
int counter = 0;
sharedobj mysharedobj;
//update the local version first
mysharedobj.var1 = counter++;
//then call some function to push these changes to the slaves
Here's the function that propagates the master's changes to the slaves;
updatedSharedObj(sharedobj obj){
//set up some sort of message that encompasses these changes
string msg = "var1:" + the string value of obj.var1;
//go through the set of slave processes
//if we've just done basic messaging, maybe we have a socket open for each process
while(socketit != socketlist.end()){
//send message to slave
send(*socketit, msg.c_str(),msg.length(),0);
And here's the slave code that receives these changes and updates its 'shared' object; most likely running in another thread so slave can run without having to stop and check for object updates.
//wait on the socket for updates
//parse the msgbuf
int newv1 = the int value of var1 from the msg;
//if we're in another thread we need to synchronize access to the object between
//update thread and slave
//update the value of var1
sharedobj.var1 = newv1;
//and release the lock
See "shared memory" in Boost Interprocess:

proper way to use lock file(s) as locks between multiple processes

I have a situation where 2 different processes(mine C++, other done by other people in JAVA) are a writer and a reader from some shared data file. So I was trying to avoid race condition by writing a class like this(EDIT:this code is broken, it was just an example)
class ReadStatus
bool canRead;
if (filesystem::exists(noReadFileName))
canRead = false;
ofstream noWriteFile; (noWriteFileName.c_str());
if ( ! noWriteFile.is_open())
canRead = false;
if (filesystem::exists(noReadFileName))
canRead= false;
canRead= true;
if (filesystem::exists(noWriteFileName))
inline bool OKToRead()
return canRead;
ReadStatus readStatus; //RAII FTW
if ( ! readStatus.OKToRead())
This is for one program ofc, other will have analogous class.
Idea is:
1. check if other program created his "I'm owner file", if it has break else go to 2.
2. create my "I'm the owner" file, check again if other program created his own, if it has delete my file and break else go to 3.
3. do my reading, then delete mine "I'm the owner file".
Please note that rare occurences when they both dont read or write are OK, but the problem is that I still see a small chance of race conditions because theoretically other program can check for the existence of my lock file, see that there isnt one, then I create mine, other program creates his own, but before FS creates his file I check again, and it isnt there, then disaster occurs. This is why I added the one sec delay, but as a CS nerd I find it unnerving to have code like that running.
Ofc I don't expect anybody here to write me a solution, but I would be happy if someone does know a link to a reliable code that I can use.
P.S. It has to be files, cuz I'm not writing entire project and that is how it is arranged to be done.
P.P.S.: access to data file isn't reader,writer,reader,writer.... it can be reader,reader,writer,writer,writer,reader,writer....
P.P.S: other process is not written in C++ :(, so boost is out of the question.
On Unices the traditional way of doing pure filesystem based locking is to use dedicated lockfiles with mkdir() and rmdir(), which can be created and removed atomically via single system calls. You avoid races by never explicitly testing for the existence of the lock --- instead you always try to take the lock. So:
while mkdir(lockfile) fails
I believe this even works over NFS (which usually sucks for this sort of thing).
However, you probably also want to look into proper file locking, which is loads better; I use F_SETLK/F_UNLCK fcntl locks for this on Linux (note that these are different from flock locks, despite the name of the structure). This allows you to properly block until the lock is released. These locks also get automatically released if the app dies, which is usually a good thing. Plus, these will let you lock your shared file directly without having to have a separate lockfile. This, too, work on NFS.
Windows has very similar file locking functions, and it also has easy to use global named semaphores that are very convenient for synchronisation between processes.
As far as I've seen it, you can't reliably use files as locks for multiple processes. The problem is, while you create the file in one thread, you might get an interrupt and the OS switches to another process because I/O is taking so long. The same holds true for deletion of the lock file.
If you can, take a look at Boost.Interprocess, under the synchronization mechanisms part.
While I'm generally against making API calls which can throw from a constructor/destructor (see docs on boost::filesystem::remove) or making throwing calls without a catch block in general that's not really what you were asking about.
You could check out the Overlapped IO library if this is for windows. Otherwise have you considered using shared memory between the processes instead?
Edit: Just saw the other process was Java. You may still be able to create a named mutex that can be shared between processes and used that to create locks around the file IO bits so they have to take turns writing. Sorry I don't know Java so no I idea if that's more feasible than shared memory.

C++ thread safety - exchange data between worker and controller

I still feel a bit unsafe about the topic and hope you folks can help me -
For passing data (configuration or results) between a worker thread polling something and a controlling thread interested in the most recent data, I've ended up using more or less the following pattern repeatedly:
Mutex m;
tData * stage; // temporary, accessed concurrently
// send data, gives up ownership, receives old stage if any
tData * Send(tData * newData)
ScopedLock lock(m);
swap(newData, stage);
return newData;
// receiving thread fetches latest data here
tData * Fetch(tData * prev)
ScopedLock lock(m);
if (stage != 0)
// ... release prev
prev = stage;
stage = 0;
return prev; // now current
Note: This is not supposed to be a full producer-consumer queue, only the msot recent data is relevant. Also, I've skimmed ressource management somewhat here.
When necessary I'm using two such stages: one to send config changes to the worker, and for sending back results.
Now, my questions
assuming that ScopedLock implements a full memory barrier:
do stage and/or workerData need to be volatile?
is volatile necessary for tData members?
can I use smart pointers instead of the raw pointers - say boost::shared_ptr?
Anything else that can go wrong?
I am basically trying to avoid "volatile infection" spreading into tData, and minimize lock contention (a lock free implementation seems possible, too). However, I'm not sure if this is the easiest solution.
ScopedLock acts as a full memory barrier. Since all this is more or less platform dependent, let's say Visual C++ x86 or x64, though differences/notes for other platforms are welcome, too.
(a prelimenary "thanks but" for recommending libraries such as Intel TBB - I am trying to understand the platform issues here)
You don't need volatile here. Use volatile only if the value can change due to something outside of your program, such as if the variable represents a memory-mapped hardware register. The values here are only modified inside your program, so you can trust the compiler to know when it can and can't cache the values.
If you need to make sure the worker and controller aren't accessing the shared data at the same time, I would recommend that you use a mutex instead. In both your Send and Fetch functions, simply lock the mutex, manipulate stage, and release the mutex. I don't know what system libraries you have available, but there's a good description of POSIX mutexes (from pthreads) here. The Win32 version (albeit with less explanation) is available here. Other libraries will use different names, but the concept is the same.
Well here's one problem:
Your send function needs to pass in newData by reference (or pointer to pointer). Otherwise the result of the swap never makes it back to the caller.
You won't need volatile just means that the data is always read from memory everytime it's accessed. Since your program is always changing the value of stage, the compiler will know whats going on and everything will be fine. You only use volatile if you have something outside of your program changing the value. E.g, you have a serial port that is sending data to a place in memory and you have your program polling that memory for updates. Every time you poll that memory, you have to check the memory, not the cache, and that's where you'd use volatile.

what is the best way to synchronize container access between multiple threads in real-time application

I have std::list<Info> infoList in my application that is shared between two threads. These 2 threads are accessing this list as follows:
Thread 1: uses push_back(), pop_front() or clear() on the list (Depending on the situation)
Thread 2: uses an iterator to iterate through the items in the list and do some actions.
Thread 2 is iterating the list like the following:
for(std::list<Info>::iterator i = infoList.begin(); i != infoList.end(); ++i)
The code is compiled using GCC 4.4.2.
Sometimes ++i causes a segfault and crashes the application. The error is caused in std_list.h line 143 at the following line:
_M_node = _M_node->_M_next;
I guess this is a racing condition. The list might have changed or even cleared by thread 1 while thread 2 was iterating it.
I used Mutex to synchronize access to this list and all went ok during my initial test. But the system just freezes under stress test making this solution totally unacceptable. This application is a real-time application and i need to find a solution so both threads can run as fast as possible without hurting the total applications throughput.
My question is this:
Thread 1 and Thread 2 need to execute as fast as possible since this is a real-time application. what can i do to prevent this problem and still maintain the application performance? Are there any lock-free algorithms available for such a problem?
Its ok if i miss some newly added Info objects in thread 2's iteration but what can i do to prevent the iterator from becoming a dangling pointer?
Your for() loop can potentially keep a lock for a relatively long time, depending on how many elements it iterates. You can get in real trouble if it "polls" the queue, constantly checking if a new element became available. That makes the thread own the mutex for an unreasonably long time, giving few opportunities to the producer thread to break in and add an element. And burning lots of unnecessary CPU cycles in the process.
You need a "bounded blocking queue". Don't write it yourself, the lock design is not trivial. Hard to find good examples, most of it is .NET code. This article looks promising.
In general it is not safe to use STL containers this way. You will have to implement specific method to make your code thread safe. The solution you chose depends on your needs. I would probably solve this by maintaining two lists, one in each thread. And communicating the changes through a lock free queue (mentioned in the comments to this question). You could also limit the lifetime of your Info objects by wrapping them in boost::shared_ptr e.g.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Info> InfoReference;
typedef std::list<InfoReference> InfoList;
enum CommandValue
struct Command
CommandValue operation;
InfoReference reference;
typedef LockFreeQueue<Command> CommandQueue;
class Thread1
Thread1(CommandQueue queue) : m_commands(queue) {}
void run()
while (!finished)
//Process Items and use
// deleteInfo() or addInfo()
void deleteInfo(InfoReference reference)
Command command;
command.operation = Delete;
command.reference = reference;
void addInfo(InfoReference reference)
Command command;
command.operation = Insert;
command.reference = reference;
CommandQueue& m_commands;
InfoList m_infoList;
class Thread2
Thread2(CommandQueue queue) : m_commands(queue) {}
void run()
void processQueue()
Command command;
while (m_commands.consume(command))
case Insert:
case Delete:
void processList()
// Iterate over m_infoList
CommandQueue& m_commands;
InfoList m_infoList;
void main()
CommandQueue commands;
Thread1 thread1(commands);
Thread2 thread2(commands);
This has not been compiled. You still need to make sure that access to your Info objects is thread safe.
I would like to know what is the purpose of this list, it would be easier to answer the question then.
As Hoare said, it is generally a bad idea to try to share data to communicate between two threads, rather you should communicate to share data: ie messaging.
If this list is modelling a queue, for example, you might simply use one of the various ways to communicate (such as sockets) between the two threads. Consumer / Producer is a standard and well-known problem.
If your items are expensive, then only pass the pointers around during communication, you'll avoid copying the items themselves.
In general, it's exquisitely difficult to share data, although it is unfortunately the only way of programming we hear of in school. Normally only low-level implementation of "channels" of communication should ever worry about synchronization and you should learn to use the channels to communicate instead of trying to emulate them.
To prevent your iterator from being invalidated you have to lock the whole for loop. Now I guess the first thread may have difficulties updating the list. I would try to give it a chance to do its job on each (or every Nth iteration).
In pseudo-code that would look like:
thread_yield(); // give first thread a chance
if(iterator_invalidated_flag) // set by first thread
You have to decide which thread is the more important. If it is the update thread, then it must signal the iterator thread to stop, wait and start again. If it is the iterator thread, it can simply lock the list until iteration is done.
The best way to do this is to use a container that is internally synchronized. TBB and Microsoft's concurrent_queue do this. Anthony Williams also has a good implementation on his blog here
Others have already suggested lock-free alternatives, so I'll answer as if you were stuck using locks...
When you modify a list, existing iterators can become invalidated because they no longer point to valid memory (the list automagically reallocates more memory when it needs to grow). To prevent invalidated iterators, you could make the producer block on a mutex while your consumer traverses the list, but that would be needless waiting for the producer.
Life would be easier if you used a queue instead of a list, and have your consumer use a synchronized queue<Info>::pop_front() call instead of iterators that can be invalidated behind your back. If your consumer really needs to gobble chunks of Info at a time, then use a condition variable that'll make your consumer block until queue.size() >= minimum.
The Boost library has a nice portable implementation of condition variables (that even works with older versions of Windows), as well as the usual threading library stuff.
For a producer-consumer queue that uses (old-fashioned) locking, check out the BlockingQueue template class of the ZThreads library. I have not used ZThreads myself, being worried about lack of recent updates, and because it didn't seem to be widely used. However, I have used it as inspiration for rolling my own thread-safe producer-consumer queue (before I learned about lock-free queues and TBB).
A lock-free queue/stack library seems to be in the Boost review queue. Let's hope we see a new Boost.Lockfree in the near future! :)
If there's interest, I can write up an example of a blocking queue that uses std::queue and Boost thread locking.
The blog referenced by Rick's answer already has a blocking queue example that uses std::queue and Boost condvars. If your consumer needs to gobble chunks, you can extend the example as follows:
void wait_for_data(size_t how_many)
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(the_mutex);
while(the_queue.size() < how_many)
You may also want to tweak it to allow time-outs and cancellations.
You mentioned that speed was a concern. If your Infos are heavyweight, you should consider passing them around by shared_ptr. You can also try making your Infos fixed size and use a memory pool (which can be much faster than the heap).
As you mentioned that you don't care if your iterating consumer misses some newly-added entries, you could use a copy-on-write list underneath. That allows the iterating consumer to operate on a consistent snapshot of the list as of when it first started, while, in other threads, updates to the list yield fresh but consistent copies, without perturbing any of the extant snapshots.
The trade here is that each update to the list requires locking for exclusive access long enough to copy the entire list. This technique is biased toward having many concurrent readers and less frequent updates.
Trying to add intrinsic locking to the container first requires you to think about which operations need to behave in atomic groups. For instance, checking if the list is empty before trying to pop off the first element requires an atomic pop-if-not-empty operation; otherwise, the answer to the list being empty can change in between when the caller receives the answer and attempts to act upon it.
It's not clear in your example above what guarantees the iteration must obey. Must every element in the list eventually be visited by the iterating thread? Does it make multiple passes? What does it mean for one thread to remove an element from the list while another thread is running DoAction() against it? I suspect that working through these questions will lead to significant design changes.
You're working in C++, and you mentioned needing a queue with a pop-if-not-empty operation. I wrote a two-lock queue many years ago using the ACE Library's concurrency primitives, as the Boost thread library was not yet ready for production use, and the chance for the C++ Standard Library including such facilities was a distant dream. Porting it to something more modern would be easy.
This queue of mine -- called concurrent::two_lock_queue -- allows access to the head of the queue only via RAII. This ensures that acquiring the lock to read the head will always be mated with a release of the lock. A consumer constructs a const_front (const access to head element), a front (non-const access to head element), or a renewable_front (non-const access to head and successor elements) object to represent the exclusive right to access the head element of the queue. Such "front" objects can't be copied.
Class two_lock_queue also offers a pop_front() function that waits until at least one element is available to be removed, but, in keeping with std::queue's and std::stack's style of not mixing container mutation and value copying, pop_front() returns void.
In a companion file, there's a type called concurrent::unconditional_pop, which allows one to ensure through RAII that the head element of the queue will be popped upon exit from the current scope.
The companion file error.hh defines the exceptions that arise from use of the function two_lock_queue::interrupt(), used to unblock threads waiting for access to the head of the queue.
Take a look at the code and let me know if you need more explanation as to how to use it.
If you're using C++0x you could internally synchronize list iteration this way:
Assuming the class has a templated list named objects_, and a boost::mutex named mutex_
The toAll method is a member method of the list wrapper
void toAll(std::function<void (T*)> lambda)
for(auto it = this->objects_.begin(); it != this->objects_.end(); it++)
T* object = it->second;
if(object != nullptr)
[&](T* object)->void // Or the class that your list holds
for(auto it = this->knownEntities->begin(); it != this->knownEntities->end(); it++)
// Do something
You must be using some threading library. If you are using Intel TBB, you can use concurrent_vector or concurrent_queue. See this.
If you want to continue using std::list in a multi-threaded environment, I would recommend wrapping it in a class with a mutex that provides locked access to it. Depending on the exact usage, it might make sense to switch to a event-driven queue model where messages are passed on a queue that multiple worker threads are consuming (hint: producer-consumer).
I would seriously take Matthieu's thought into consideration. Many problems that are being solved using multi-threaded programming are better solved using message-passing between threads or processes. If you need high throughput and do not absolutely require that the processing share the same memory space, consider using something like the Message-Passing Interface (MPI) instead of rolling your own multi-threaded solution. There are a bunch of C++ implementations available - OpenMPI, Boost.MPI, Microsoft MPI, etc. etc.
I don't think you can get away without any synchronisation at all in this case as certain operation will invalidate the iterators you are using. With a list, this is fairly limited (basically, if both threads are trying to manipulate iterators to the same element at the same time) but there is still a danger that you'll be removing an element at the same time you're trying to append one to it.
Are you by any chance holding the lock across DoAction(i)? You obviously only want to hold the lock for the absolute minimum of time that you can get away with in order to maximise the performance. From the code above I think you'll want to decompose the loop somewhat in order to speed up both sides of the operation.
Something along the lines of:
while (processItems) {
Info item;
if (!infoList.empty()) {
item = infoList.front();
And the insert function would still have to look like this:
Unless the queue is likely to be massive, I'd be tempted to use something like a std::vector<Info> or even a std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Info> > to minimize the copying of the Info objects (assuming that these are somewhat more expensive to copy compared to a boost::shared_ptr. Generally, operations on a vector tend to be a little faster than on a list, especially if the objects stored in the vector are small and cheap to copy.