Cocoa: get path to Contents/Resources folder in cocoa bundle - c++

I am aware of how to get a specific file from the Resources folder in cocoa, i.e. :
NSBundle* myBundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
NSString* myImage = [myBundle pathForResource:#"Seagull" ofType:#"jpg"];
anyways, I'd like to have a simple function that gives me the path to the Resources folder so I can use it in c++ like this.
String getResourcePath()
return the correct path here
std::ofstream theFile;"test.txt");
I guess I could manually combine the main bundle name with Contents/Resources, anyways I'd like to know if there is a more robust solution!

If you ever wonder if an Apple-provided class has a certain method, do look up Apple's own documentation before asking the question here at SO.
In this case, the answer is this method. But let me reiterate:
If you ever wonder if an Apple-provided class has a certain method, do look up Apple's own documentation before asking the question here at SO.
And, when you do so, go over all the methods in the documentation. That way, you'll learn what kind of methods are available.


Load a dynamic shared library (DLL) on Mac in C++ using CFBundleCreate

How do I implement a function to load a dll(aka framework) on Mac OS using C++?
void LoadFramework(const char* frameworkPath)
//frameworkPath is the absolute path of the framework
When I google searched for this problem, I mostly ended up with dlopen solution to load the framework. What I am instead looking for is to use CFBundleCreate to load the framework. It seems to me that there are a bunch of methods needed to be called to construct an URL from const char * path. I found the needed code in pieces, and could not write one comprehensive solution.
It typically is just a few lines of straightforward code to open a framework in Mac, something along the lines of :
bundleURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault,
kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, true);
bundle = CFBundleCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, bundleURL);
assert(bundle != NULL);
and pretty much everything in that snippet is well documented. I would suggest adding more detail in the question, as to the specifics of what exactly is not working for you.
Why not do this?
using DLL_Namespace;
This should give you access to the DLL.

Integrating SDelete into C++ Program

I am trying to securely clear out a directory using SDelete. I know that this is used from the Command line, but how I would I go about automatically clearing the directory from my C++ code, also using Qt if this has a built any built in functions. I could not find anything with searching and this is my first time doing something like this. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
It is good that you're not trying to re-create the functionality of SDelete. It would be a LOT of work to do as good as a job as what SDelete does. Invoking the existing application is a wise choice.
Now, on to your question... If you want to use QT, then what you need is something like this:
QString path = QString("sdelete", QStringList() << "Bogus.txt");
QProcess sdelete;
sdelete.start( path );
That will start the process sdelete with the parameter Bogus.txt and then wait until the application is finished.
More Info:
Edit from OP : I found that using the following worked for me with the argument being passed in being a QString.
QProcess::execute("sdelete -s path");

In Clang, can I access the SourceManager when writing a custom ASTMatcher?

I'm trying to upgrade my AutoFFI project by making it more elegant and use Clang's ASTMatchers more extensively. I'd like to create a matcher that filters on the file path that was specified. Is it possible to do such a thing, or do I need to add custom logic outside of the matcher for this to work? As far as I can see, there's no way to get the SourceManager and use it to create a FullSourceLoc, but maybe I'm missing something.
Some relevant links:
If someone could tell me whether this is a limitation to Clang's ASTMatcher API or not I'd be very grateful!
Never mind, I've found the answer by looking at the source of isExpansionInMainFile:
auto &SourceManager = Finder->getASTContext().getSourceManager();
return SourceManager.isInMainFile(
Turns out I missed the getASTContext in MatchFinder, which holds on to the source manager.

QT: Creating extension methods

EDIT: not currently possible, but being talked about in the C++ community.
*** I am new QT(C++) but have a C# background. Please forgive me, if this is not something done in QT.
I wanted to know if there is a way to create extension methods with QT(C++), much similar to what you can do C#?
My objective is to reduce the nested function calls as they are. This is to avoid going to the trouble of creating a FilePath class, where the the QString method is overloaded to hide the formatting.
Here is an example of what I want to do.
I have a string that contains a system path. I use the QDir::fromNativeSeparatorsto escape the string for usage in the QFILE object.
Is there a way to create a static utilities class that would allow for the following?
QString Src = "E:/dfdf/dfdf/";
QFile file(Src.NativeSep());

Joomla: Plugins for a plugin - how to 'advertise' capabilities?

I am working on a plugin which will have its own plugins to handle various events.
Now I'm thinking of enabling this plugins to add their own "commands". But I wonder how to treat that most efficiently. I have a list of my own commands which I search in the article anyway. Should I then just trigger a DoWhatYouWant($article)-event - or, since I do the searching (and parsing of params) anyway, perhaps I could build a global command-list and then trigger an "ExecuteCommand($article,$cmd,$params)"-event? Sounds nicer, but then (I think) I'd have to build this command-list (so that my program know what to look for), so every plugin would have to somehow 'advertise' what it could do, i.e. the names of commands it could handle - and I have no idea how that could be done.
Or is there a better (more standardized?) approach?
If you import your plugins trough the plugin helper
then you can get all available commands which are supported by your sub plugins like
$cmds = JDispatcher::getInstance()->trigger('onMyAwesomeCmds');
With the $cmds variable you know now which commands are supported by the sub plugins and you can parse the article for them. Then you can do
foreach ($cmds as $cmd) {
preg_match_all("{".$cmd."*}", $article->text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
if (!empty($matches)) {
JDispatcher::getInstance()->trigger('onMyAwesome'.ucfirst($cmd), array($article, $params));
To eliminate more repeating tasks I suggest that the additional plugins will extend a base class from your plugins folder.