Stroustrup's Simple_window.h - c++

I am trying to get the graphics examples to work from Stroustrup's Principles and Practices ...C++, to no avail (yet). I have installed the fltk stuff, and know that is working fine as I managed to get a window to display using with a program suggested in the appendix of his book:
#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Box.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Window.H>
int main(){
Fl_Window window(200,200, "title here");
Fl_Box box(0,0,200,200,"Hey, hello wrld");;
return Fl::run();
However, trying my own using his Simple_window.h (can be found on his site) gives "reference to ‘Window’ is ambiguous", since it's already at usr/include/X11/X.h . So I tried specifying the namespace to the relevant one:
struct Simple_window : Graph_lib::Window { //Changed Window to inc. namespace
Simple_window(Point xy, int w, int h, const string& title );
bool wait_for_button(); // simple event loop
But this gives me a bunch more errors I don't understand:
$ clear; g++ -Wno-deprecated window.cpp -o holz
/tmp/ccIFivNg.o: In function `main':
window.cpp:(.text+0x64): undefined reference to `Simple_window::Simple_window(Point, int, int, String const&)'
/tmp/ccIFivNg.o: In function `Graph_lib::Window::~Window()':
window.cpp:(.text._ZN9Graph_lib6WindowD2Ev[_ZN9Graph_lib6WindowD5Ev]+0x14): undefined reference to `vtable for Graph_lib::Window'
I feel mastering graphics is going to be a long and rocky road -_-

To anyone in the same predicament, I leave here what I did to finally be able to compile and get the window of the first program with FLTK on section 12.3 of Stroustrup's book "Programming: Principles and Practice using C++, 2nd Edition".
After installing FLTK on Kubuntu 14.04 with
$ sudo apt install libfltk1.3-dev
I could compile the example program on Appendix D with the use of
$ fltk-config --compile fltkTest.cpp
Thanks to this post, I could see how I could finally get it on track with the first example of chapter 12. Comparing the command of cwivagg and Nathan with the command generated with fltk-config, I ended with this command
$ clang++ -I/usr/include/cairo -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/pixman-1 -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/libpng12 -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/cairo -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/pixman-1 -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/libpng12 -g -O2 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_THREAD_SAFE -D_REENTRANT -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -lfltk_images -lfltk -lX11 -std=c++11 -o 's12_3_first' 's12_3_first.cpp' Simple_window.cpp Graph.cpp GUI.cpp Window.cpp
I had to add -lfltk_images and -std=c++11
However, now I had to deal with the errors that the compiler gave me. To get a working program, I had to do several changes to the sources that Stroustrup gave on
I uncommented std_lib_facilities.h on Graph.h
To resolve the ambiguity of Window, I needed to specify Graph_lib::Window on line 9 of Simple_window.h
std_lib_facilities.h on lines 107 and 113 uses a i<0 comparison when i is
unsigned (but these are just warnings).
Graph.h line 159 uses fl_color() but the compiler says it should be Fl_Color
I needed to uncomment the constructors for Point in Point.h
There are several redefinitions on Simple_window.cpp of Simple_window.h
On Simple_window.cpp I commented out the definitions for the constructor,
cb_next and wait_for_button (which is not the same as the one on
Simple_window.h). On Simple_window.h I commented out the definitions of
wait_for_button and next. By the way, wait_for_button does not work in
either form.
In GUI.cpp there is another redefinition for the constructor of Menu. I
commented it out.
I changed the last line of the example of section 12.3
which I took from the example on Appendix D, because otherwise the window does
not close with its close button.
With all these changes I finally have the window as it should be, and the window close either with the Next button or the close button of the said window (with wait_for_button I needed to end the program from Konsole with Ctrl-c after I tried to close it with the close button of the window).
I hope the next person do not have to spend all the time I had to.
Edit: Well, checking at my system and the compiling command, I realized that there are several carpets repeated... and that they actually don't exist in my Kubuntu system. So, I have to write down in my answer what I finally do to get the window working:
To get an object file:
$ clang++ -O2 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_THREAD_SAFE -D_REENTRANT -g -std=c++11 -c Simple_window.cpp
To get the first program that we wanted
% clang++ -O2 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_THREAD_SAFE -D_REENTRANT -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -lfltk_images -lfltk -lX11 -g -std=c++11 Simple_window.o Graph.o GUI.o Window.o -o z3 s12_3_first.cpp
These are a hell lot easier (I almost can write them every time I need them)

Well this doesn't really have anything to do with graphics as such. Problem seems to be that you've only included on your command line one of the source files you need to compile. Judging by his web site
g++ graph.cpp GUI.cpp Simple_window.cpp Window.cpp
seems to be more like it. But I have no actual experience of this.

Tomolak, when you said this 'made progress', it pleased me greatly. Don't know if you were being sarcastic, but whatever.
I have solved this problem (or at least I have managed to get a window to appear with a triangle in it). However, this was only after commenting out and editing large portions of Stroustrup's code. I do not feel his book is very suitable for a beginner. I would also not recommend trying to compile any of his examples using Linux.
To anyone googling these issues, my final solution was this command:
$ g++ -Wno-deprecated -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include/freetype2 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_THREAD_SAFE -D_REENTRANT -o 'windows_working' win_test.cpp Graph.cpp GUI.cpp Simple_window.cpp Window.cpp /usr/local/lib/libfltk.a -lXext -lXft -lfontconfig -lXinerama -lpthread -ldl -lm -lX11
This includes everything that is required with respect to the fltk stuff and Stroustrup stuff. Here, my program is win_test.cpp and the output is windows_working. I obtained this looking through the shell script provided with the fltk files and put in /usr/inc/bin. It is called fltk-config.
Also, helpful hints are: download the fltk source from their site, not just the FL one from Stroustrup's site. Then read the readme and follow the instructions exactly before trying the test program in appendix D of the book. Then try his example code repeatedly fixing the errors you find until it works.
If you think I could help or want to know how I got my solution, email me (but I am a newb and so am unlikely to be of use).

Your answer was immensely helpful to me in my own struggle to implement Stroustrup's simple triangle program. I would like to post my own solution based on yours. With one change to Stroustrup's code and a greatly expanded compile script, I got the triangle to appear.
g++ -I/usr/localinclude -I/usr/local/include/FL/images -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_THREAD_SAFE -D_REENTRANT -o 'myimplementationofstroustrup.o' 'myimplementationofstroustrup.cpp' 'Simple_window.cpp' 'Graph.cpp' 'GUI.cpp' 'Window.cpp' /usr/local/lib/libfltk.a -lpthread -ldl -lm -lX11 -L/usr/local/lib -lfltk_images -lfltk_png -lfltk_z -lfltk_jpeg -lfltk
The differences with yours are as follows:
1) I had to add quotes to all my .cpp files... system difference, perhaps?
2) I had to add six flags at the end that you didn't use, or else I got more "undefined reference" errors.
3) I had to specify "Graph_lib::Window" on Line 17 of Simple_window.h because of an ambiguous reference error. This was the only change I had to make to Stroustrup's code.

This summary of issues and fixes is also very helpful in getting it to work on the different platforms. Actual corrected code is available for download:
FLTK issue compiling - PPP2ndEd

There is a very detailed walkthrough of how to fix this in a thread at the book's forum:!msg/ppp-public/BtlzdWGuQpQ/KuDN4u-SPKgJ
Based on that I made a github repository that has implemented all those changes and more, and includes details on how to build the project:
I have spent about two weeks on this dang problem, and my knowledge (which is largely gained from others) is really embodied in that code frankly and will be updated constantly. But this is stack overflow, so in terms of changes I had to make to the code, most are found at that forum but since it isn't nice to give link answers, here they are:
Resolve namespace clash Change struct Simple_window : Window { to
struct Simple_window : Graph_lib::Window {
Simple_window() converted to declaration (remove definition).
Convert wait_for_button() from definition to declaration (comment out entire def in while loop) and change from void to bool to be consistent with definition in Simple_window.cpp.
Turned cb_next(...) to declaration
Turn void next() to declaration
1. Uncomment #include "std_lib_facilities.h"
2. Change fl_color to Fl_Color (~ line 159)
1. Replace can_open with:
bool can_open(const string& s)
// check if a file named s exists and can be opened for reading
ifstream ff(s);
return ff.is_open();
1. Uncomment constructors
Point(int xx, int yy) : x(xx), y(yy) { }
Point() :x(0), y(0) { }
1. In Menu : Widget, change Menu(Point xy ...) to declaration rather than def, comment out Widget def stuff.
Once you've done the above, it should compile if you run the following command at your terminal:
g++ -w -Wall -std=c++11 Graph.cpp Window.cpp GUI.cpp Simple_window.cpp main.cpp `fltk-config --ldflags --use-images` -o hello_fltk
If you installed fltk using cmake, then you can also build the example using cmake/make: there is a CMakeLists.txt file at the repository.


Can't work with String library on g++ 12.2.0 but working just fine on OnlineGDB [duplicate]

I'm trying to use the JsonCpp library. I'm on Windows, using MinGW and CodeBlocks.
When I include anything from the json headers, my linker implodes and gives out this two errors. I've started to look around and I found these two other questions which basically describe my problem:
problem with g++ and "undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'"
What is __gxx_personality_v0 for?
And if I declare the two missing variables as void pointers, like below, the problem goes away:
void * __gxx_personality_v0=0;
void * _Unwind_Resume =0;
However, I don't understand why this error happens. CodeBlocks is set up so that it uses migw32-g++ for cpp files, and also adding the -lstdc++ option does not fix the problem. Neither does the option -fno-exception ( I want exceptions, mind you, I was just trying ).
I'm also including a boost library in the same file and that does not cause any problems.
The error output is exactly what I said in my title: I get a total of 22 undefined references to _Unwind_Resume and __gxx_personality_v0 during the linking. My code is:
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <include/json/value.h>
//void * __gxx_personality_v0=0;
//void * _Unwind_Resume =0;
int main () {
std::string str1("Hello world!");
Json::Value k;
return 0;
The error is there only when I include/use the JsonCPP library. Uncommenting the commented lines fixes the problem.
The command line output is this:
mingw32-g++.exe -Wall -fexceptions -g -DSFML_DYNAMIC -IC:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\boost_1_49 -IC:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\jsoncpp-src-0.5.0 -IC:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\SFML-1.6\include -IC:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\hge181\include -c C:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\test\main.cpp -o obj\Debug\main.o
mingw32-g++.exe -LC:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\jsoncpp-src-0.5.0 -LC:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\SFML-1.6\lib -LC:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\hge181\lib -o bin\Debug\test.exe obj\Debug\main.o -fno-exceptions -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-window -lsfml-system C:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\jsoncpp-src-0.5.0\libs\mingw\libjson_mingw_libmt.a C:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\hge181\lib\gcc\libhge.a C:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\hge181\lib\gcc\libhelp.a
Output size is 1.22 MB
Process terminated with status 0 (0 minutes, 3 seconds)
0 errors, 0 warnings
I'm adding the command lines I use to compile the library:
g++ -o buildscons\mingw\src\lib_json\json_reader.o -c -DWIN32 -DNDEBUG -D_MT -Iinclude src\lib_json\json_reader.cpp
g++ -o buildscons\mingw\src\lib_json\json_value.o -c -DWIN32 -DNDEBUG -D_MT -Iinclude src\lib_json\json_value.cpp
g++ -o buildscons\mingw\src\lib_json\json_writer.o -c -DWIN32 -DNDEBUG -D_MT -Iinclude src\lib_json\json_writer.cpp
ar rc buildscons\mingw\src\lib_json\libjson_mingw_libmt.a buildscons\mingw\src\lib_json\json_reader.o buildscons\mingw\src\lib_json\json_value.o buildscons\mingw\src\lib_json\json_writer.o
ranlib buildscons\mingw\src\lib_json\libjson_mingw_libmt.a
For those coming to this from google (like i did), the real cause of the undefined references to _Unwind_Resume and __gxx_personality_v0 is "using a gcc that uses a different stack unwinding method than dwarf2" [1]
In my case it was attempting to link code compiled with GCC 4.9 upwards with a library compiled with GCC 4.8 or below. The solution is to recompile the library with the same compiler you're building with.
I encountered that same problem attempting to use g++ -g -std=c++17 ... . I removed that option and, once I had removed use of a C++17 feature, it compiled, linked and ran.
I finally fixed this by importing into Code::Blocks the source code of JsonCpp and creating the library myself. I am still baffled though as to why the library created with Scons didn't work, since it was using the same compiler that Code::Blocks uses, but at the same time it was not ( or the error wouldn't have been there ).

gperftools and pprof do not print my function names. Need advice on how to fix this

I'm currently writing a game in C++ using SDL on Ubuntu. I recently multithreaded my engine, so I switched from profiling with valgrind/callgrind to gperftools. I have gotten it to work, but it will not print my own function names. Oddly enough, it recognizes SDL function names (I've seen the reverse happening on a few threads online; shared library functions not having their names found).
kcachegrind Output
I run my program, and the execute the following two commands in order to get this:
pprof --callgrind /bin/ls > ls.callgrind
kcachegrind ls.callgrind
I know there are several ways to use gperftools; I have done it by including "gperftools/profiler.h" and using the ProfilerStart("") and ProfilerStop() functions.
For reference, here is part of my Makefile in case that is relevant:
OBJS = background.o gameObject.o uGrid.o main.o Timer.o sdlHandlers.o player.o handleEvents.o handleAllStateChanges.o enactAllStateChanges.o cleanLoop.o renderAll.o loadAllFiles.o loop.o inputHandler.o loopWrite.o loopDebug.o loopDebugSingleStep.o loopDebug_SDLDecoupled.o
CC = g++
CFLAGS = -std=c++11 -Wall -O3 -c -g
Aegis: $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(OBJS) -I/sdlLib -lSDL2 -I/sdlLib -lSDL2_image -I/sdlLib -lSDL2_mixer -lX11 -pthread -lprofiler -o Aegis
I removed all references to object files and the like; this is not the entire file. Upon request, I can post the entire Makefile.
Also, because people have gotten confused in the past, I AM using a copy of the SDl2 libraries in my project's folder. That is not a typo.
If anything is unclear, I am happy to answer or provide more source code if needed. Anything to get this problem fixed
You seem to be linking your program without debug symbols. Add -g (or I tend to add -ggdb3) to flags.

Undefined reference to _unwind_resume when using Google test [duplicate]

I'm trying to use the JsonCpp library. I'm on Windows, using MinGW and CodeBlocks.
When I include anything from the json headers, my linker implodes and gives out this two errors. I've started to look around and I found these two other questions which basically describe my problem:
problem with g++ and "undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'"
What is __gxx_personality_v0 for?
And if I declare the two missing variables as void pointers, like below, the problem goes away:
void * __gxx_personality_v0=0;
void * _Unwind_Resume =0;
However, I don't understand why this error happens. CodeBlocks is set up so that it uses migw32-g++ for cpp files, and also adding the -lstdc++ option does not fix the problem. Neither does the option -fno-exception ( I want exceptions, mind you, I was just trying ).
I'm also including a boost library in the same file and that does not cause any problems.
The error output is exactly what I said in my title: I get a total of 22 undefined references to _Unwind_Resume and __gxx_personality_v0 during the linking. My code is:
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <include/json/value.h>
//void * __gxx_personality_v0=0;
//void * _Unwind_Resume =0;
int main () {
std::string str1("Hello world!");
Json::Value k;
return 0;
The error is there only when I include/use the JsonCPP library. Uncommenting the commented lines fixes the problem.
The command line output is this:
mingw32-g++.exe -Wall -fexceptions -g -DSFML_DYNAMIC -IC:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\boost_1_49 -IC:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\jsoncpp-src-0.5.0 -IC:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\SFML-1.6\include -IC:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\hge181\include -c C:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\test\main.cpp -o obj\Debug\main.o
mingw32-g++.exe -LC:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\jsoncpp-src-0.5.0 -LC:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\SFML-1.6\lib -LC:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\hge181\lib -o bin\Debug\test.exe obj\Debug\main.o -fno-exceptions -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-window -lsfml-system C:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\jsoncpp-src-0.5.0\libs\mingw\libjson_mingw_libmt.a C:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\hge181\lib\gcc\libhge.a C:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\hge181\lib\gcc\libhelp.a
Output size is 1.22 MB
Process terminated with status 0 (0 minutes, 3 seconds)
0 errors, 0 warnings
I'm adding the command lines I use to compile the library:
g++ -o buildscons\mingw\src\lib_json\json_reader.o -c -DWIN32 -DNDEBUG -D_MT -Iinclude src\lib_json\json_reader.cpp
g++ -o buildscons\mingw\src\lib_json\json_value.o -c -DWIN32 -DNDEBUG -D_MT -Iinclude src\lib_json\json_value.cpp
g++ -o buildscons\mingw\src\lib_json\json_writer.o -c -DWIN32 -DNDEBUG -D_MT -Iinclude src\lib_json\json_writer.cpp
ar rc buildscons\mingw\src\lib_json\libjson_mingw_libmt.a buildscons\mingw\src\lib_json\json_reader.o buildscons\mingw\src\lib_json\json_value.o buildscons\mingw\src\lib_json\json_writer.o
ranlib buildscons\mingw\src\lib_json\libjson_mingw_libmt.a
For those coming to this from google (like i did), the real cause of the undefined references to _Unwind_Resume and __gxx_personality_v0 is "using a gcc that uses a different stack unwinding method than dwarf2" [1]
In my case it was attempting to link code compiled with GCC 4.9 upwards with a library compiled with GCC 4.8 or below. The solution is to recompile the library with the same compiler you're building with.
I encountered that same problem attempting to use g++ -g -std=c++17 ... . I removed that option and, once I had removed use of a C++17 feature, it compiled, linked and ran.
I finally fixed this by importing into Code::Blocks the source code of JsonCpp and creating the library myself. I am still baffled though as to why the library created with Scons didn't work, since it was using the same compiler that Code::Blocks uses, but at the same time it was not ( or the error wouldn't have been there ).

C++ / mysql Connector - undefined reference to get_driver_instance - already tried the easy stuff

Yes this question has been asked before ... I've tried everything mentioned in the previous answers. My setup is really straightforward so this shouldn't be so hard.
I just want to program against mysql using C++. My source code is taken verbatem from the 'hello world' type example here:
I am on Ubuntu 12.10. I am trying:
g++ -Wall -o firsttry_prog -I/usr/include/mysqlcppconn -I/usr/local/boost_1_53_0 -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -L/usr/lib/mysqlcppconn -lmysqlcppconn firsttry.cpp
It compiles (if I use -c option) but won't build, giving me the infamous:
/tmp/ccn768hj.o: In function `main':
firsttry.cpp:(.text+0x3a): undefined reference to `get_driver_instance'
A few details:
'firsttry.cpp' is just what I named the source code file, again taken verbatem from the official example
As you can see I AM linking in the mysqlclient library and the mysqlcppconn library. Many times when this question has been asked previously, the answer was to link those.
Some other historical answers suggest the sample source code is wrong and that the function in question needs to be in the sql::mysql namespace etc. I am pretty sure the source code is fine. Again, it compiles, and changing the namespaces in the source code just seems to make it worse.
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.
So I have now had this problem for a week now and I became very frustrated with it as well. I just now was able to finally build a program that does nothing except login to mysql and I literally squealed with joy. Here is what I have and I hope it helps.
I first compiled the c++ connector library from source but after a while I thought maybe I did something wrong so I then just used apt to get it with:
sudo apt-get install libmysqlcppconn-dev
And here is my simple tester source file "tester.cpp"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <mysql_connection.h>
#include <driver.h>
#include <exception.h>
#include <resultset.h>
#include <statement.h>
using namespace sql;
int main(void){
sql::Driver *driver;
sql::Connection *con;
driver = get_driver_instance();
con = driver->connect("tcp://","root","YOURPASSWORD");
return 0;
And finally g++ compile command:
g++ -Wall -I/usr/include/cppconn -o testapp tester.cpp -L/usr/lib -lmysqlcppconn
This worked for me and I hope it helps you solve your problem!
For me simply swapping the order of the last two arguments fixed this problem. I don't know why but the linker is able to find the function get_driver_instance if I specify the -lmysqlcppconn option at the end after the source file.
g++ -Wall -o firsttry_prog -I/usr/include/mysqlcppconn -L/usr/lib/mysqlcppconn firsttry.cpp -lmysqlcppconn
Also note that I took out the following options as I think they are redundant
-I/usr/local/boost_1_53_0 -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
In case you are as forgetful as me and didn't link the library in CMakeLists.txt:
target_link_libraries(<target> mysqlcppconn)
If all the paths are included throw param -I. You would see whether there is a problem if you compile like this:
g++ -g -o0 -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/boost/include -c main.cpp -o main.o
g++ -g -o0 -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -lmysqlcppconn main.o -o test
the problem will appear:
main.o: In function `main':
/home/huangxw/workspace/public/soal/test/main.cpp:165: undefined reference to `get_driver_instance'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Now you must adjust the order of -lmysqlcppconn and main.o:
g++ -g -o0 -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/boost/include -c main.cpp -o main.o
g++ -g -o0 -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/mysql/lib main.o -o test -lmysqlcppconn
That is all!!
The reason is simple. You can find out using the web or ask me to elaborate.

Undefined reference to _Unwind_Resume and __gxx_personality_v0

I'm trying to use the JsonCpp library. I'm on Windows, using MinGW and CodeBlocks.
When I include anything from the json headers, my linker implodes and gives out this two errors. I've started to look around and I found these two other questions which basically describe my problem:
problem with g++ and "undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'"
What is __gxx_personality_v0 for?
And if I declare the two missing variables as void pointers, like below, the problem goes away:
void * __gxx_personality_v0=0;
void * _Unwind_Resume =0;
However, I don't understand why this error happens. CodeBlocks is set up so that it uses migw32-g++ for cpp files, and also adding the -lstdc++ option does not fix the problem. Neither does the option -fno-exception ( I want exceptions, mind you, I was just trying ).
I'm also including a boost library in the same file and that does not cause any problems.
The error output is exactly what I said in my title: I get a total of 22 undefined references to _Unwind_Resume and __gxx_personality_v0 during the linking. My code is:
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <include/json/value.h>
//void * __gxx_personality_v0=0;
//void * _Unwind_Resume =0;
int main () {
std::string str1("Hello world!");
Json::Value k;
return 0;
The error is there only when I include/use the JsonCPP library. Uncommenting the commented lines fixes the problem.
The command line output is this:
mingw32-g++.exe -Wall -fexceptions -g -DSFML_DYNAMIC -IC:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\boost_1_49 -IC:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\jsoncpp-src-0.5.0 -IC:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\SFML-1.6\include -IC:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\hge181\include -c C:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\test\main.cpp -o obj\Debug\main.o
mingw32-g++.exe -LC:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\jsoncpp-src-0.5.0 -LC:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\SFML-1.6\lib -LC:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\hge181\lib -o bin\Debug\test.exe obj\Debug\main.o -fno-exceptions -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-window -lsfml-system C:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\jsoncpp-src-0.5.0\libs\mingw\libjson_mingw_libmt.a C:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\hge181\lib\gcc\libhge.a C:\Users\Svalorzen\Documents\Projects\hge181\lib\gcc\libhelp.a
Output size is 1.22 MB
Process terminated with status 0 (0 minutes, 3 seconds)
0 errors, 0 warnings
I'm adding the command lines I use to compile the library:
g++ -o buildscons\mingw\src\lib_json\json_reader.o -c -DWIN32 -DNDEBUG -D_MT -Iinclude src\lib_json\json_reader.cpp
g++ -o buildscons\mingw\src\lib_json\json_value.o -c -DWIN32 -DNDEBUG -D_MT -Iinclude src\lib_json\json_value.cpp
g++ -o buildscons\mingw\src\lib_json\json_writer.o -c -DWIN32 -DNDEBUG -D_MT -Iinclude src\lib_json\json_writer.cpp
ar rc buildscons\mingw\src\lib_json\libjson_mingw_libmt.a buildscons\mingw\src\lib_json\json_reader.o buildscons\mingw\src\lib_json\json_value.o buildscons\mingw\src\lib_json\json_writer.o
ranlib buildscons\mingw\src\lib_json\libjson_mingw_libmt.a
For those coming to this from google (like i did), the real cause of the undefined references to _Unwind_Resume and __gxx_personality_v0 is "using a gcc that uses a different stack unwinding method than dwarf2" [1]
In my case it was attempting to link code compiled with GCC 4.9 upwards with a library compiled with GCC 4.8 or below. The solution is to recompile the library with the same compiler you're building with.
I encountered that same problem attempting to use g++ -g -std=c++17 ... . I removed that option and, once I had removed use of a C++17 feature, it compiled, linked and ran.
I finally fixed this by importing into Code::Blocks the source code of JsonCpp and creating the library myself. I am still baffled though as to why the library created with Scons didn't work, since it was using the same compiler that Code::Blocks uses, but at the same time it was not ( or the error wouldn't have been there ).