I have so far used Periodic build in Hudson where the schedule * * * * * builds the project every minute and 5 * * * * builds the project every x:05, x+1:05 etc.
But what is the way to build the project every 5 mins??? (Or any given time period)
*/5 * * * *
Will do the build every 5 minutes.
I'm using AWS's Cron validator in EventBridge. I want to run a schedule starting at 8:55 that runs every 5 minutes until 5 P.M. Why is AWS telling me this cron schedule runs every hour starting on the 55-minute?
55/5 13-22 ? * MON-FRI *
Yes, 55/5 13-22 ? * MON-FRI * this means start at 55-minute then continue with 5 min until 59. That means it will run once in a hour.
*/5 14-21 ? * MON-FRI you can use this with 55 13 ? * MON-FRI to handle 8:55.
I've seen several examples and all of them just trigger one job at a specific time, I have right now:
0 */5 * ? * *
and it triggers at mins 0,5,10, and on.
But, I need the trigger to run at +5 of the moment that the trigger was enabled.
So, if service becomes enable at 12:07 pm I need it to run then at 12:12 pm and on.
Is there a way to accomplish this?
Like you mentioned offsets are part of the solution to your problem.
0 */5+your_offset * ? * *
Now coming to what could be your offset:
Let's say cloudwatch-event bridge is enabled at some 12:07, (You can get that info from event details timestamp.)
your_offset = 7 + 5
// so your cron becomes : 0 */5+12 * ? * *
Or in general your
offset = the minute part of timestamp + 5
// for your to schedule 5 mins after service is enabled
Solution is simple:
Before create the rule check the minute time at that moment
time_minutes_now */5 * ? * *
I have a django crontab sceduled to run every 12 hours, meaning it should run twice per day however, it is running more than that.
Can anyone tell me what's wront with it ?
('* */12 * * *', 'some_method','>>'+os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'log/mail.log'))
Also what changes I need to make if I need it to run every 24 hours?
After every 12 hours you want to run job any particular minute from 0 to 59, not every other minute. So it should be (assuming 0th minute):
('0 */12 * * *', 'some_method','>>'+os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'log/mail.log'))
For once in a day or every 24 hours (You can decide any specific hour from 0 to 23, assuming at midnight):
('0 0 * * *', 'some_method','>>'+os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'log/mail.log'))
I am using the django-background-tasks 1.2.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 and Im running it with a cronjob. Is it possible that my cronjob somehow starts the tasks right before it is refreshed and then it gets stuck ?
It could be one or many stuck tasks at the same moment, depending on how many pending there are.
* * * * * /project/manage.py process_tasks --duration=59 --sleep=2
After six months of extensive testing the only way I don't get any stuck tasks is by running two parallel cron jobs that overlap each other and at the moment of refresh there is always one running. I ve tried with 1 running for longer period (3600 seconds) but i got to the same problem.
1 * * * * /project/manage.py process_tasks --duration=3600 --sleep=2
24 * * * * /project/manage.py process_tasks --duration=3600 --sleep=2
I hope it ll help you guys as well.
Is there an equivalent to: Microseconds() we can find in the Carbon framework?
** Microseconds()
* Summary:
* Determines the number of microseconds that have elapsed since
* system startup time.
* Discussion:
* Return a value representing the number of microseconds since some
* point in time, usually since the system was booted. One
* microsecond is 1 * 10^-6 seconds, and so there are one million (
* 1,000,000 ) microseconds per second. For reference, in one
* microsecond light can travel about 850 feet in a vacuum.
* Microseconds() doesn't necessarily advance while the computer is
* asleep, so it should not be used for long duration timings.
* Parameters:
* microTickCount:
* The number of microseconds elapsed since system startup.
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later*
Microseconds is a Core Service, and it is always accessible from Carbon. (Carbon sits on top of Core Services).
It originates from classic Mac OS as well.