Cast a base class issues - c++

class YourInterface {
virtual ~YourInterface(){
virtual void saveData(Data data) = 0; //Pure virtual = Childs are forced to implement those functions to become non abstract
virtual Data loadData() = 0;
//One implementation to load and save data to/from a xml file
class XmlImplementation : public YourInterface {
virtual ~XmlImplementation(){
//Overriding functions:
void saveData(Data data){
//Save data to a xml file here
Data loadData(){
//Load data from a xml file here
void main(){
YourInterface* p;
p = (YourInterface*) new XmlImplementation();
p->loadData(); //We just want to get our Data here, we dont care whether its from a xml or binary file etc.
Please take that as an example, I know it is not good but I can't write any better than that.
I'd like to know better why the cast in main refuses to work properly ? and it has been suggested as an errorful cast.

Nothing wrong with the code, except that the cast is actually unnecessary. The code would compile and work fine without it.

There's no need for the (C-style or otherwise) cast here. Your main() function (which should always return int) should look like this:
int main()
YourInterface* p = new XmlImplementation();
If you're getting an error, it's not because of the cast.
N.B: In C++, it's customary to use static_cast when typecasting from a pointer to a derived class to a pointer to a base class.


Should I use 'memcpy' on class that contains a virtual method?If not, how to replace it?

Here is my simplified code,
class ParentDict {
virtual some_func();
virtual reorganize() = 0;
int _ssize;
int _lsize;
class ChildDict : public ParentDict {
virtual some_func();
virtual reorganize(); // deserialize _arrays here;
int _array_num;
char* _arrays;
ChildDict* deserialize(void* pool, uint64_t offset) {
void *ptr = (void *)((uint64_t)pool + offset);
ChirdDict dict = *((ChildDict *) ptr);
// HERE is the problem code
memcpy((void *)ptr, &dict, sizeof(ptr));
((ChildDict *) ptr)->reorganize();
return (ChildDict *)ptr;
This code is trying to deserialize some class from file, and it works well. But the CPP-rules-checking-system keeps complaining about Using 'memcpy' on class that contains a virtual method.
I wonder what does memcpy has done here. Maybe it is not safe to use memcpy on virtual class, but why the code works here? Can I replace it with better solutions?
To actually give an answer: To avoid memcopy, you have two major options:
Create custom serialize and deserialize functions that form or interpret a byte array "manually". Or if data size is not mattering too much, turn the data into a string with some delimiter between the variables.
Put all members that require serialization in a simple struct without virtual functions and make such a struct, a member of your classes.

Modifying class behavior depending on property using if() is code smell or not?

I have a class representing some parameter. The parameter can be number, array, enum or bitfield - this is the param type. The behavior is slightly different between these types, so they are subclasses of paramBase class. The parameter can be stored in RAM or be static (i.e. hardcoded in some way, currently saved in a file).
void read() implemented in paramBase and uses template method pattern to implement reading for any param type, but this works only for RAM storage. If parameter is static then read() must be completely different (i.e. read from file).
A straightforward solution can be further subclassing like paramArrayStatic, paramNumberStatic, etc. (it will be 8 subclasses).
The difference between paramArray and paramArrayStatic is basically only in the read() method, so a straightforward solution will lead to code duplication.
Also I can add if( m_storage==static ) to read() method and modify behavior, but this is also code smell(AFIK).
class paramBase
virtual paramType_t type() = 0;
paramStorage_t storage();
virtual someDefaultImplementedMethod()
//default implementation
void read()
//template method pattern
m_prop1 = blablabla;
paramStorage_t m_storage;
int m_prop1;
int m_prop2;
class paramArray: public paramBase
virtual paramType_t type()
return PT_ARRAY;
virtual someDefaultImplementedMethod()
//overriding default implementation of base
//i.e. modify templated read() method behavior
int m_additional_prop1;
int m_additional_prop2;
In the end, I have 4 subclasses of base and I need to modify behavior of read() by static/non_static modificator.
How do I solve this without code duplication and code smell? Is the condition if( m_storage==static ) in read() is code smell or not?
You never have to duplicate code: just only re-implement that single method read. If you need to use it from pointers to the base class, virtual does just that. If you have common code between that 8 read method (or just between some of them), put it in a common middle layer.
If you want to make it clear that the class might not use the method at the base level, you can make it abstract, the add a ninth subclass for the RAM case.
Having a huge switch calling 9 different read methods in the same class seems far worse to me.
Straightforward solution can be furhter subclassing like paramArrayStatic, paramNumberStatic..etc. i.e. totally it will be 8 subclasses. Difference between paramArray and paramArrayStatic is basically only in read() method, so straightforward solution will lead to code duplication.
I agree. Creating a class that overrides the behaviour in such a significant way would be in violation of the SOLID principles (specifically the LSP part).
Also i can add if( m_storage==static ) to read() method and modify behavior, but this is also code smell(AFIK).
Who decides that this is code smell? It seems most expressive, and sensible to me.
Stop worrying so much about code smells, and start questioning the expressiveness of your options...
For your simple example I would not worry about the control coupling in the read method. It is often better to have clear and maintainable code versus code that is strictly decoupled.
The general idea of your questions seems to be about decoupling the source of a value from the business logic for that value. Oftentimes, a good strategy is creating an interface as an ABC and then taking an instance on the the ctor. Here is a very simple example.
class ReadValue
virtual int32_t readValue(std::string & value) = 0;
class DatabaseReadValue::public ReadValue
virtual int32_t readValue(std:string & value) override; // read from the database
class XMLReadValue::public ReadValue
virtual int32_t readValue(std::string & value) override; // read from XML file
class Parameter
Parameter(ReadValue & readValueObj): readValueObj_(readValueObj) {}
int32_t read() { return(readValueObj_.readValue(value_)); }
ReadValue & readValueObj_;
std::string value_;
Oftentimes, the idea will be used in a template class rather than using inheritance. The gist is the same however.
The idea is related several Design Patterns depending on the details. Bridge, Adapter, Factory, Abstract Factory, PIMPL.
My problem is solved in this way:
//public interface and basic functionality
class base
virtual void arraySize() //part of interface
printf("base arraySize()\n");
//template method read
int read()
virtual void readImpl() = 0;
//only base functionality of array is here. no read implementation!
class array : public base
virtual void arraySize()
printf("array arraySize()\n");
//implement static read for array
class stat_array : public array
void readImpl()
printf("stat_array read() \n");
//implement non static read for array
class nostat_array : public array
void readImpl()
printf("nostat_array read() \n");
stat_array statAr;
nostat_array nonstatAr;
base *statArPtr = &statAr;
base *nonstatArPtr = &nonstatAr;
void main()

Make POD from class with virtual members

I have two classes: Parent and Derived. I want to achieve ability to save and read them from/to binary file, or transfer them. Please help with idea or code snippets how do it.
class Parent {
virtual int func1(){ return 1; }
virtual unsigned func2() = 0;
std::string asd;
class Derived : public Parent {
unsigned func2(){ return 2; }
bool boo;
Save to binary file
Parent *obj = new Derived;
write_to_file( obj, sizeof(*obj) );
Then read from file
read_from_file( obj, sizeof(*obj) );
But this method will overwrite pointers to virtual functions. So I need to create POD class without virtuals to save it and to read from file. Right? Create reflected POD class for every Derived seems not good idea.
There is no direct answer to this question. You should use serialization. C++ has no native serializers, as Java or C#. But there are a lot of open-source serializers over the internet. For example boost::serialization, s11n, and many others.

return a Type, or how to preserve a type of an object pointer?

I have a very complicated code structure, but the important bits are:
typical setup: I have a base class and two classes that derive from this base class and each has own members, and which don't have a standard constructor
class BaseSolver{
class SolverA : BaseSolver{
std::string a;
SolverA(TypeA objectA);
class SolverB : BaseSolver{
int b;
SolverB(TypeB objectB);
Now I have a config xml file from which I read whether I have to use SolverA or SolverB. Therefore I have an IOService:
template<class T>
class IOService
BaseSolver* getSolver()
std::string variableThatIReadFromXML;
/* here I have to perform many actions before I can create a solver object
* to retrieve the data needed for the constructors */
TypeA variableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML;
TypeB anotherVariableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML;
if (variableThatIReadFromXML == "a")
return new SolverA(variableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML); // I know that this can leak memory
else if (variableThatIReadFromXML == "b")
return new SolverB(anotherVariableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML);
And somewhere in my application (for simplicity let's say it's the main.cpp):
int main(){
IOService ioService;
BaseSolver* mySolver = ioService.getSolver();
That is absolutely fine.
But now, in the main I have to access the members of the derived classes a and b respectively.
How can I do this?
I thought of retreving only the type of the Solver from the IOService:
class IOService
decltype getSolverType()
std::string variableThatIReadFromXML;
/* here I have to perform many actions before I can create a solver object
* to retrieve the data needed for the constructors */
TypeA variableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML;
TypeB anotherVariableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML;
if (variableThatIReadFromXML == "a")
return new SolverA(variableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML); // I know that this can leak memory
else if (variableThatIReadFromXML == "b")
return new SolverB(anotherVariableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML);
TypeA getConstructorDataForSolverA()
/* here I have to perform many actions before I can create a solver object
* to retrieve the data needed for the constructors */
return variableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML;
TypeB getConstructorDataForSolverB()
/* here I have to perform many actions before I can create a solver object
* to retrieve the data needed for the constructors */
return anotherVariableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML;
But of course I can't specify decltype as return value.
I'm really helpless. I would appreciate any hint into the right direction, or even a solution for this problem.
[Edit]: The derived solver classes need more than only the information from the xml file to work properly. That means, that I have to set some more properties which come from a mesh file. So I could give the meshfile to the IOService, so that the IOService could set the appropriate members this way:
class IOService
BaseSolver* getSolver(MeshType myMesh)
std::string variableThatIReadFromXML;
/* here I have to perform many actions before I can create a solver object
* to retrieve the data needed for the constructors */
TypeA variableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML;
TypeB anotherVariableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML;
if (variableThatIReadFromXML == "a")
auto solverA = new SolverA(variableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML); // I know that this can leak memory
solverA.a = mesh.a;
else if (variableThatIReadFromXML == "b")
auto solverB = new SolverB(anotherVariableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML);
solverB.b = mesh.b;
But then the IOService needs to know the class MeshType, what I want to avoid, because I think that it breaks encapsulation.
So I wanted to set the member a and b, respectively, in another part of my program (here for simplicity in the main).
Taking this into account, only the answer from Daniel Daranas seems like a solution for me. But I wanted to avoid dynamic casts.
So a reformulated question could be: How should I change my design to ensure encapsulation and avoid dynamic casts? [/Edit]
I am using clang 3.4 ob ubuntu 12.04 lts.
Use dynamic_cast to try to cast a pointer-to-base-class to pointer-to-derived-class. It will return NULL if the pointed-to object of the base class does not exist (NULL value of the base pointer), or is not actually a derived class object. If the result, instead, is not NULL, you have a valid pointer-to-derived-class.
int main(){
IOService ioService;
BaseSolver* mySolver = ioService.getSolver();
SolverB* bSolver = dynamic_cast<SolverB*>(mySolver);
if (bSolver != NULL)
int finallyIGotB = bSolver->b;
cout << finallyIGotB;
Note that there may be some better design solutions than using dynamic_cast. But at least this is one possibility.
The funny thing about polymorphism is that it points out to you when you are not using it.
Inheriting a base class in the way you are serves 1 purpose: to expose a uniform interface for objects with different behaviors. Basically, you want the child classes to look the same. If I have classes B and C that inherit from A, I want to say "do foo" to the class, and it'll do foob or fooc.
Essentially, you're flipping it around: I have a B and C of type A, and if it is B i want to do foob and if it is C I want to do fooc. While this may seem scary, usually the best way to solve the problem is to rephrase the question.
So to your example, you are currently saying "OK, so I have an XML file, and I will read data from it one way if I'm making an A, or another way if I'm making a B." But the polymorphic way would be "I have an XML file. It tells me to make an A or a B, and then I tell the instance to parse the XML file".
So one of the ways to solve this to change your solver interface:
class BaseSolver
virtual void ReadXMLFile(string xml) = 0;
While this does rephrase the problem in a way that uses polymorphism, and removes the need for you to see what you've created, you probably don't like that for the same reason I don't: you'd have to supply a default constructor, which leaves the class in an unknown state.
So rather than enforce it at the interface level, you could enforce it at the constructor level, and make both SolverA and SolverB have to take in the XML string as part of the constructor.
But what if the XML string is bad? Then you'd get an error state in the constructor, which is also a no-no. So I'd deal with this using the factory pattern:
class SolverFactory;
class BaseSolver
virtual void solve() = 0;
virtual int ReadXML(std::string xml) = 0;
friend class SolverFactory;
class A : public BaseSolver
virtual void solve() {std::cout << "A" << std::endl;}
virtual int ReadXML(std::string xml) {return 0;}
friend class SolverFactory;
class B : public BaseSolver
virtual void solve() {std::cout << "B" << std::endl;}
virtual int ReadXML(std::string xml) {return 0;}
friend class SolverFactory;
class SolverFactory
static BaseSolver* MakeSolver(std::string xml)
BaseSolver* ret = NULL;
if (xml=="A")
ret = new A();
else if (xml=="B")
ret = new B();
return ret;
int err = ret->ReadXML(xml);
if (err)
delete ret;
ret = NULL;
return ret;
I didn't put any actual XML processing in here because I am lazy, but you could have the factory get the type from the main tag and then pass the rest of the node in. This method ensures great encapsulation, can catch errors in the xml file, and safely separates the behaviors you are trying to get. It also only exposes the dangerous functions (the default constructor and ReadXMLFile) to the SolverFactory, where you (supposedly) know what you are doing.
Edit: in response to the question
The problem you've stated is "I have a B and C of type A, and if is B i want to set "b" settings and if it is C i want to set "c" settings".
Taking advantage of polymorphism, you say "I have a B and C of type A. I tell them to get their settings."
There a couple of ways to do this. If you don't mind mangling your IO with the class, you can simply expose the method:
class BaseSolver
virtual void GetSettingsFromCommandLine() = 0;
And then create the individual methods for each class.
If you do want to create them separate, then what you want is polymorphism in the io. So expose it that way:
class PolymorphicIO
virtual const BaseSolver& get_base_solver() const = 0;
virtual void DoSettingIO() = 0;
an example implmentation
class BaseSolverBIO : PolymorphicIO
virtual const BaseSolver& get_base_solver() const {return b;}
virtual void DoSettingIO() { char setting = get_char(); b.set_b(setting);}
BaseSolverB b;
At first glance this seems like a lot of code (we've doubled the number of classes, and probably need to supply a factory class for both BaseSolver and the IO interface). Why do it?
It is the issue of scaleability/maintainability. Lets say you have figured out a new solver you want to add (D). If you are using dynamic cast, you have to find all the places in your top level and add a new case statement. If there is only 1 place, then this is pretty easy, but if it is 10 places, you could easily forget one and it would be hard to track down. Instead, with this method you have a separate class that has all the specific IO functionality for the solver.
Lets also think of what happens to those dynamic_cast checks as the number of solvers grows. You've been maintaining this software for years now with a large team, and lets say you've come up with solvers up to the letter Z. Each of those if-else statements are hundreds-a tousand of lines long now: if you have an error in O you have to scroll through A-M just to find the bug. Also, the overhead for using the polymorphism is constant, while reflection just grows and grows and grows.
The final benefit for doing it this way is if you have a class BB : public B. You probably have all the old settings from B, and want to keep them, just make it a little bigger. Using this model, you can extend the IO class as well for the io for BB and reuse that code.
One way to achieve this is to add an interface method into the base class:
class BaseSolver{
virtual void SolverMethodToCallFromMain() = 0;
class SolverA : BaseSolver{
std::string a;
SolverA(TypeA objectA);
virtual void SolverMethodToCallFromMain() {/*SolverA stuff here*/};
class SolverB : BaseSolver{
int b;
SolverB(TypeB objectB);
virtual void SolverMethodToCallFromMain() {/*SolverB stuff here*/};
And in main:
int main(){
IOService ioService;
BaseSolver* mySolver = ioService.getSolver();

Always use a class after one condition was defined

I have two classes, one does all the work of getting data from a Database(already implemented) and the other from a File(implementing right now).
The thing here is that I want to be able to switch the streaming(Database or File). The process that check whether is Database or File is needed only once.
So, for each method in a class I don't wanna check everytime what should be use when this method is called.
for now, I do as follows:
Database::execQuery("SELECT * from table");
else //is FileStream
This is ugly. I'm refusing to do this.
I thought about callbacks, but that doesnt work between different classes.
Is there a way of not wasting processor work like that?
Thanks in advance
You should use the Strategy Design Pattern. Give both classes a common base with an abstract method taking the data, make a pointer to that base class, and then assign the pointer a file-based or a db-based implementation after a single check.
struct BaseStream {
virtual void process();
struct FileStream : public BaseStream {
virtual void process() {
struct DBStream : public BaseStream {
virtual void process() {
Database::execQuery("SELECT * from table");
BaseStream *s;
if (IsDataBaseStream()) {
s = new DBStream;
} else {
s = new FileStream;
s -> process();