Moq SetUp.Return not working for repository mock - unit-testing

I am trying to mock my repository's Get() method to return an object in order to fake an update on that object, but my setup is not working:
Here is my Test:
public void TestUploadDealSummaryReportUploadedExistingUpdatesSuccessfully()
var dealSummary = new DealSummary {FileName = "Test"};
_mockRepository.Setup(r => r.Get(x => x.FileName == dealSummary.FileName))
.Returns(new DealSummary {FileName = "Test"}); //not working for some reason...
var reportUploader = new ReportUploader(_mockUnitOfWork.Object, _mockRepository.Object);
reportUploader.UploadDealSummaryReport(dealSummary, "", "");
_mockRepository.Verify(r => r.Update(dealSummary));
_mockUnitOfWork.Verify(uow => uow.Save());
Here is the method that is being tested:
public void UploadDealSummaryReport(DealSummary dealSummary, string uploadedBy, string comments)
dealSummary.UploadedBy = uploadedBy;
dealSummary.Comments = comments;
// method should be mocked to return a deal summary but returns null
var existingDealSummary = _repository.Get(x => x.FileName == dealSummary.FileName);
if (existingDealSummary == null)
And here is the error that I get when I run my unit test:
Moq.MockException :
Expected invocation on the mock at least once, but was never performed: r => r.Update(.dealSummary)
No setups configured.
Performed invocations:
IRepository1.Get(x => (x.FileName == value(FRSDashboard.Lib.Concrete.ReportUploader+<>c__DisplayClass0).dealSummary.FileName))
at Moq.Mock.ThrowVerifyException(MethodCall expected, IEnumerable1 setups, IEnumerable1 actualCalls, Expression expression, Times times, Int32 callCount)
at Moq.Mock.VerifyCalls(Interceptor targetInterceptor, MethodCall expected, Expression expression, Times times)
at Moq.Mock.Verify(Mock mock, Expression1 expression, Times times, String failMessage)
at Moq.Mock1.Verify(Expression`1 expression)
at FRSDashboard.Test.FRSDashboard.Lib.ReportUploaderTest.TestUploadDealSummaryReportUploadedExistingUpdatesSuccessfully
Through debugging I have found that the x => x.FileName is returning null, but even if i compare it to null I still get a null instead of the Deal Summary I want returned. Any ideas?

I'm guessing your setup isn't matching the call you make because they're two different anonymous lambdas. You may needs something like
_mockRepository.Setup(r => r.Get(It.IsAny<**whatever your get lambda is defined as**>()).Returns(new DealSummary {FileName = "Test"});
You could verify by setting a breakpoint in the Get() method of your repository and seeing if it is hit. It shouldn't be.


How to mock a validator for unit testing

I have a method that validate an Object calling an external service:
public void Validate(IValidator<MyType> validator)
IMapper<MyType> mapper = new MyTypeMapper();
foreach (var element in this.Elements)
ValidationResult result = validator.Validate(myTypeInstance, mapper, new ValidationConfiguration());
if (result.IsValid)
// do something
// do something else
Now in my unit test I have a collection of elements. And I want that if an element have a given id number the Validate method should return another stub with validation messages:
// arrange
var myAggregate aggregate = ElementsNonValidated.Stub();
var mockedValidator = new Mock<IValidator<MyType>>();
mockedValidator.Setup(a => a.Validate(
It.Is<Mytype>(x => x.Id == Guid.Parse("3F2504E0-4F89-11D3-9A0C-0305E82C3301")),
new Mapper(),
new ValidationConfiguration()
)).Returns<ValidationResult>(x => x = new ValidationResult());
// act
The problem is: When unit test starts and go forth till the real method validate still return result=null. Why? What's wrong with my mock?
The problem is here:
mockedValidator.Setup(a => a.Validate(
It.Is<Mytype>(x => x.Id == Guid.Parse("3F2504E0-4F89-11D3-9A0C-0305E82C3301")),
new Mapper(),
new ValidationConfiguration()
)).Returns<ValidationResult>(x => x = new ValidationResult());
You setup Validate to expect specific Mapper and ValidationResult instances, which of course do not match the instances used in your system under test. If you don't care what instance should be used for a parameter, use It.IsAny<>:
mockedValidator.Setup(a => a.Validate(
It.Is<Mytype>(x => x.Id == Guid.Parse("3F2504E0-4F89-11D3-9A0C-0305E82C3301")),
)).Returns<ValidationResult>(x => x = new ValidationResult());
This will return a new ValidationResult for any and every invocation to Validate where the object's Id is equal to that particular GUID.
The reason for the TargetParameterCountException is in your Returns statement, and is answered here.

Parameter count mismatch on stub with lambda expression using Moq

I get a 'parameter count mismatch' TargetParameterCountException when I want to test my Tenant repository:
The interface:
public interface ITenantRepository
IQueryable<Tenant> Get(Expression<Func<Tenant, bool>> filter = null,
Func<IQueryable<Tenant>, IOrderedQueryable<Tenant>> orderBy = null,
string includeProperties = null);
The test code:
var TenantRepository = new Mock<ITenantRepository>();
.Setup(p => p.Get(It.IsAny<Expression<Func<Tenant, bool>>>(),
It.IsAny<Func<IQueryable<Tenant>,IOrderedQueryable<Tenant>>>() ,
.Returns(new Func<Expression<Func<Tenant, bool>>,
IQueryable<Tenant>>(expr => Tenants.Where(expr.Compile()).AsQueryable()));
Tenant TestTenant = TenantRepository.Object.Get(
t => t.TenantID == Tenant2.TenantID,
The error occurs on the last line.
Found the solution for the correct parameters:
TenantRepository.Setup(p => p.Get(It.IsAny<Expression<Func<Tenant, bool>>>(),
It.IsAny<Func<IQueryable<Tenant>, IOrderedQueryable<Tenant>>>(),
(Expression<Func<Tenant, bool>> expr,
Func<IQueryable<Tenant>, IOrderedQueryable<Tenant>> orderBy,
string includeProperties) => Tenants.Where(expr.Compile()).AsQueryable());
I believe the problem resides in the return type of your mocked object: according to your interface, the method Get should return an IQueryable, but you are mocking it to return a Func<Expression<Func<Tenant, bool>>, IQueryable<Tenant>> instead.
Just keep in mind that returning a function is different from returning its result; in this case, you should create an expected IQueryable object and just tell Moq to return it. It doesn't make much sense to mock something using its expected behaviour - which looks like what you are trying to do here.

Converting Promise[Option[Model]] to Promise[Option[String]] while making webservice calls

I have two webservice calls. Webservice1 returns Promise[Option[Model]] and Webservice2 should take Model as a parameter and then return a Promise[Option[String]]. This is how I have structured my code:
def call1: Promise[Option[Model]] = for {
response1 <- callService1(requestHolderForService1)
} yield {
for {
response <- response1
} yield ParserForResponse(response)
After, this I want to chain my call to service 2 that takes the result from service 1 as a parameter:
def call2:Promise[Option[String]] = call1.flatMap{
optionModel => optionModel.flatMap{
model => callService2(requestHolderForService2(model)).map{
service2Option =>{
service2Result => ResultParse(service2Result)
The problem is that my call1 returns a Promise[Option[Model]] whereas the return from call2 needs to be Promise[Option[String]]. The issue stems from the intermediate service call
which returns Promise[Option[JsValue]] and I am unable to figure out the transition from Promise[Option[Model]] -> Promise[Option[JsValue]] -> Promise[Option[String]]
Can somebody point out how I might be able to chain these two calls together using map or flatMap?
The "normal" way would not to be working with the promises directly, but futures for those promises, which you can access from scala.concurrent.Promise.future
First you map the future, think of it as when the option arrives, do this transformation with it, then you need to handle the fact that the option may not exist, which also is a map, think of it as if there is a value to this tranformation on it.
val future1: Future[Option[Model]] = (...).future
val future2: Future[Option[String]] = { maybeModel => => model.toString) // or hovewer you make it a string
Which you then can use in your second web service call

When using Moq Verify() method invocation count, have failing test's error message contain actual method invocation count using Moq

Consider the following, where I am testing that an injected dependency's method is called a specific number of times:
public void WhenBossTalksEmployeeBlinksTwice()
// arrange
var employee = new Mock<IEmployee>();
employee.Setup(e => e.Blink());
var boss = new Boss(employee.Object);
// act
// assert
employee.Verify(e => e.Blink(), Times.Exactly(2)); // Passes as expected
employee.Verify(e => e.Blink(), Times.Exactly(1)); // Fails as expected
When I force the failing test, the output is:
Moq.MockException: Invocation was not performed on the mock 1 times: e
=> e.Blink()
What would be better is something like:
Moq.MockException: Invocation was unexpectedly performed 2 times, not 1 time: e
=> e.Blink()
Here are the items involved with the test:
public interface IEmployee { void Blink(); }
public class Boss {
private readonly IEmployee _employee;
public Boss(IEmployee employee) { _employee = employee; }
public void Talk() {
Is it possible to harvest and display the actual number of times the dependency's method was called, in the failing test's error message?
I'm not sure that it matters, but I'm using Moq v3.1.416.3 (not the latest, I know, but another library I'm using hasn't updated to Moq 4.x yet…)
I don't know of a straight way to harvest the information in Moq3.
What I would do is use a callback on the setup of Blink.
int count = 0;
employee.Setup(e => e.Blink()).Callback(() => count++);
employee.Verify(e => e.Blink(), Times.Exactly(1), "Moq.MockException: Invocation was unexpectedly performed " + count + " times, not 1 time: e => e.Blink()"); // Fails as expected

Moq - How to unit test changes on a reference in a method

Another day , another question. My service layer has the following method
public MatchViewData CreateMatch(string user)
var matchViewData = !HasReachedMaxNumberOfMatchesLimit(user) ?
CreateMatchAndAddToRepository(user) :
MatchViewData.NewInstance(new Match(user));
matchViewData.LimitReached = HasReachedMaxNumberOfMatchesLimit(user);
return matchViewData;
The method calls the this helper method to create a new match object:
private MatchViewData CreateMatchAndAddToRepository(string user)
var match = new Match(user);
return MatchViewData.NewInstance(match);
The repository stores the given match object and sets the id to some value > 0.
public void Add(Match match)
Check.Require(match != null);
var numberOfMatchesBefore = Matches.Count;
SetIdPerReflection(match, NextVal());
Check.Ensure(numberOfMatchesBefore == Matches.Count - 1);
The matchviewdata object copies some properties of the the match object (including the id).
My unit test should verify that the resulting viewdata object in the service has an id > 0. To archieve this, i have to mock the repository and the behaviour of the add method. But the service method creates a new match object every time its been called and the add method on the repository updates the referenced match object (there is no need for a return value). I have no idea to solve this with moq.
This is my unit test so far:
public void ServiceCreateMatchReturnedMatchViewDataHasNonZeroId()
var match = TestUtils.FakePersistentMatch(User, 1);
var repositoryMock = new Mock<IMatchRepository>();
r => r.Add(It.IsAny<Match>())).Callback(() => match.Id = 1);
var serviceFacade = new DefaultServiceFacade(repositoryMock.Object);
var returnedMatch = serviceFacade.CreateMatch(User);
Assert.That(returnedMatch.Id, Is.GreaterThan(0));
I tried some other variations - nothing works.
It looks to me your problem is in this line;
r => r.Add(It.IsAny<Match>())).Callback(() => match.Id = 1);
What you're actually doing here is setting the id of the first match object you have declared in your test, NOT the new match created in your service.
Because the Match object you will be supplying to the Repository is created internally, I can't think of an easy way to reference it in your Test method to setup a callback for it. To me, this is a sign you may be trying to test too much in one unit test.
I think you should simply test that the Add method is called and write a separate test to ensure that it works as exepected.
I propose something like this;
public void ServiceAddsNewMatchToRepository()
var repositoryMock = new Mock<IMatchRepository>();
bool addCalled = false;
.Expect(r => r.Add(It.Is<Match>(x => x.Id == 0))
.Callback(() => addCalled = true);
var serviceFacade = new DefaultServiceFacade(repositoryMock.Object);
public void AddingANewMatchGeneratesANewId()
var match = new Match(user);
var matchRepository = new MatchRepository();
var returnedMatch = matchRepository.Add(match);
Assert.That(returnedMatch.Id, Is.GreaterThan(0));