Web service provider routing - web-services

I am looking to implement a service (web/windows, .net) that maintains a list of available services and can provide an endpoint based on the nature or type of request. The requester can then pass the actual work request to the provided endpoint. The actual work requests can contain very large chunks (from 10MB up to and possibly exceeding a GB) of data.
WCF routing services sounds like a perfect fit, but turns out not to be because the it requires the actual work request to pass through it, creating a bottleneck at the routing service (the whole point is to get a system to be able to scale out). If I had smaller messages, WCF routing would be a no brainer.
Is there anything out there that fits the bill? Preferably .NET/windows based?

Do you mean because the requests block for work?
Do could use OneWay OperationContract to create async services so as to not block the request pool.
interface IMyContract
[OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
void DoWork()
I think understand your question better now, you are looking to distribute load to different servers to avoid request bottle necks due to heavy traffic load (preferably distributed based on content).
I'd say that MVC Routing is indeed ideal for this. One of the features that you can leverage is the fall over functionality. You can actually define multiple backup endpoints, and in the case where one fails, it will automatically move over to the next. There's a good introduction to how this works here.
There's also a good article here that talks about load balancing with WCF using the same principles. It provides 2 solutions for a round robin filter implementation that allows you to load balance the service requests (even though at the begin he says his general answer to whether it supports load balancing is no for implementation reasons).
If you are worried about all requests routing via the one server and still becoming a bottle neck, then think of web load balancers. It's the same scenario. Sitting in the middle forwarding packets doesn't require much work, and they have no problem handling huge volumes of traffic. I don't think this is an issue IMO.


Can a service call another service inside its code?

Following is a point mentioned in a presentation slide related to SOA, and it confuses me with the concepts of service orchestration and service choreography. To enable service choreography, shouldn't a web service be able to call another web service?
SOA builds applications out of software services. Services comprise intrinsically
unassociated, loosely coupled units of functionality that have no calls to
each other embedded in them.
In theory, a service can do anything it needs to do to accomplish its job. So there doesn't seem to be a good reason to forbid using a second service to do your work. Why reinvent the wheel?
In practice, the issue is more complicated. If you start calling other services on your own web server, then you'll eventually starve it of resources. At best, "real" clients will have to wait a bit longer for their answers while your web service server plays with itself.
Another issue is recursive loops: Service A calls B calls C calls A calls B ... you get the idea. A small change in one service can introduce such a loop without anyone noticing and it can sit there for a long time until it suddenly kills your server.
That is why you should build micro services in a hierarchy inside the server (i.e. below the web service layer - this is not exposed to clients). Those micro services can use each other in a top-down manner (to avoid the loops). Unit tests then make sure they behave properly.
Lastly, such reuse is very slow. Each HTTP request takes a lot of resources to create, send, parse and process. Calling an internal method directly can be 10 - 10000 times faster.
These are the main reasons why the services exposed by a single server shouldn't reuse each other via the "public client API".
Note: There are web services which build new services by using existing ones. IFTTT - "If This Then That" is one such beast.
You could adopt every concept according to your needs. In my current project we have a separate module that is responsible for the Orchestration. This is required since in real life usage, scenarios can be very complicated. So in order to be close to the actual management of your system, you need to have such one.
Another advantage of this approach is that the Separation_of_concerns is kept. Also aligns the business request with the applications, data, and infrastructure that you have. It defines policies and service levels through automated workflows, provisioning etc.
Orchestration is critical in the delivery of Cloud services too. As they are networked to allow sharing of data-processing tasks, centralized data storage, and online access to services or resources.

Why do common web services client use a proxy

I've noticed that most architectures that acts as a web service client uses a proxy to communicate with the rest server? While it is possible to access a rest service without a proxy server, one example I've read is this where it uses a proxy server to communicate with its rest server are there any advantages of using a proxy to access a rest service?
Using a proxy is usually not necessary for small local application web services. It depends mostly on your server load (number of clients, frequency of requests), and on the network area where your services are accessed : back-office server-to-server, front-office LAN, WAN or on the whole internet).
The REST webservices are mostly online resources, identified in a unique way by an URL, and generally served in a classic HTTP way. From the client side, he does not know if the data he gets is static, dynamic or cached. He simply gets the data as if it's static.
On large scale applications, with the increase of clients, resources and web services requests, you need technical components to handle problematics like user balancing, usage tracking of your web services as your application evolves. You'll also want to deliver the best performance you can to the clients. This can be achieved efficiently with a proxy solution.
Advantages of NOT using a proxy:
Advantages of using a proxy-based solution:
Rewrite URLs from a single centralized entry point (instead of setting it heterogeneously on each server/app/ws configuration).
Track the usage of your webservices (globally)
Enhance performance capabilities (caching, balancing to dedicated servers)
Managing API versions (switching gobally /myAPI from /myAPI-V1 to /myAPI-V2 easily done, and go back fingers in the nose)
Modifying some API calls on-the-fly (compatibility between versions, do preliminary input data validation, or add technical information to calls).
Manage webservices security globally (control IPs, quota per user, etc).
Hope this answers your question.
Edit (in answer to comment)
The proxy can act as a cache. For frequently asked resources (REST services), it can serve the same response to several users. Your service will be called juste once, even if there is 100 requests on this resource.
But this depend on how your services are really used, so you need to track requests to know if caching is helpful or not in your case.
How many users do you have ?
How many web services ?
Whar kind of data/resources are served ?
How fast are your services (individually) ?
What is the network performance ? (LAN? WAN? Internet? Mobile?)
How many servers and applications serve your users ?
Do you encounter any network load problems ?
A proxy cannot "accelerate" your existing services, but it can enhance the way you serve the resources to your clients.
Do not use a proxy if you do not know if you need it. You must know what is your actual system architecture and what are the weaknesses and bottlenecks.

Why are RESTful Applications easier to scale

I always read that one reason to chose a RESTful architecture is (among others) better scalability for Webapplications with a high load.
Why is that? One reason I can think of is that because of the defined resources which are the same for every client, caching is made easier. After the first request, subsequent requests are served from a memcached instance which also scales well horizontally.
But couldn't you also accomplish this with a traditional approach where actions are encoded in the url, e.g. (booking.php/userid=123&travelid=456&foobar=789).
A part of REST is indeed the URL part (it's the R in REST) but the S is more important for scaling: state.
The server end of REST is stateless, which means that the server doesn't have to store anything across requests. This means that there doesn't have to be (much) communication between servers, making it horizontally scalable.
Of course, there's a small bonus in the R (representational) in that a load balancer can easily route the request to the right server if you have nice URLs, and GET could go to a slave while POSTs go to masters.
I think what Tom said is very accurate, however another problem with scalability is the barrier to change upon scaling. So, one of the biggest tenants of REST as it was intended is HyperMedia. Basically, the server will own the paths and pass them to the client at runtime. This allows you to change your code without breaking existing clients. However, you will find most implementations of REST to simply be RPC hiding behind the guise of REST...which is not scalable.
"Scalable" or "web scale" is one of the most abused terms when it comes to the web, the cloud and REST, and mainly used to convince management to get their support for moving their development team on board the REST train.
It is a buzzword that holds no value. If you search the web for "REST scalability" you'll find a lot of people parroting each other without any concrete evidence.
A REST service is exactly equally scalable as a service exposed over a SOAP interface. Both are just HTTP interfaces to an application service. How well this service actually scales depends entirely on how this service was actually implemented. It's possible to write a service that cannot scale as all in both REST and SOAP.
Yes, you can do things with SOAP that makes it scale worse, like rely on state and sessions. SOAP out of the box does not do this. This requires you to use a smarter load balancer, which you want anyway if you're really concerned with whatever form of scaling.
One thing that REST allows that SOAP doesn't, and that some other answers here address, is caching cacheable responses through an HTTP caching proxy or at the client side. This may make a REST service somewhat more lightly loaded than a SOAP service when a lot of operations' responses are cacheable. All this means is that fewer requests end up in your service.
The main reason behind saying a rest application is scalable is, Its built upon a HTTP protocol. Because HTTP is stateless. Stateless means it wont share anything between other request. So any request can go to any Server in a load balanced cluster. There is nothing forcing this user request go to this server. We can overcome this by using token.
Because of this statelessness,All REST application are very easy to scale. But if you want get high throughput(number of request capable in one second) in each server, then you should optimize blocking things from the application. Follow the following tips
Make each REST resource is a small entity. Don't read data from join of many tables.
Read data from near by databases
Use caches (Redis) instead of databases(You can save DISK I/O)
Always keep data sources as much as near by because these blocks will make server resources (CPU) ideal and it no other request can use that resource while it is ideal.
A reason (perhaps not the reason) is that RESTful services are sessionless. This means you can easily use a load balancer to direct requests to various web servers without having to replicate session state among all of your web servers or making sure all requests from a single session go to the same web server.

How to make a superfast webserver for "check for updates"?

Which is the best approach for creating a fast response in case a client application asks webserver for "check for updates".
Skype for example takes about 1 second to answer. How to achieve the same?
I assume you are running one or more web servers and one or more back-end servers (with business logic).
One possible approach that I have seen: keep a change counter in webserver and when the back-end state changes, let the business logic notify all webservers with new change counter value.
Each web browser polls regularly the webserver for counter value and compares the value to the previous value. In case old_value != new_value, the web browser goes and asks the webserver for new content.
This allows the regular polling to be super-fast (1ms) and cheap. And only if something has really changed the browser will ask for more resource-expensive content generation.
The other option would be to use some asynchronous HTTP magic (cometd) but the approach outlined above is simpler, more understandable and easier to troubleshoot.
The simple approach is to just have a flat text or XML file on the server, containing the details of the most recent version. The client app fetches it via http GET, compares the version, and reacts accordingly. The http server is simply returning a small file, which is what http servers are designed to do. You should be able to handle hundreds of requests per second this way.
Use a large, distributed systems, depending on the number of your users. Put your web server(s) closer to clients, avoiding longer latencies. Use cluster and load balancing software to enhance performance. Use reverse proxies to cache data.
But is is really important that a "check for updates" is that fast? You can also check in a background thread. I would improve performance for other tasks.

Best messaging medium for real-time SOA applications?

I'm working on a real time application implemented using in a SOA-style (read loosely coupled components connected via some messaging protocol - JMS, MQ or HTTP).
The architect who designed this system opted to use JMS to connect the components. This system is real time so there no need to queue up messages should one component fail (the transaction will simply time out). Further, there is no need for guaranteed delivery or rollback.
In this instance, is there any benefit to using JMS over something like an HTTP web service (speed, resource footprint, etc)?
One thing that I'm thinking is since the JMS approach requires us to set a thread pool size (the number of components listening to a JMS topic/queue), wouldn't a HTTP service be a better fit since this additional configuration is not needed (a new thread is created for each HTTP request making the application scalable to an "unlimited" number of requests until the server runs out of resources).
Am I missing something?
I don't disagree with the points made by S.Lott at all, but here are a couple of points to consider regarding HTTP web services:
Your clients only need to know how to communicate via HTTP - a protocol well supported by just about every modern langauge in one form or another. JMS, though popular, is more specialist than HTTP, and so restricts the languages your interconnected systems can use. Perhaps not an issue for your system at the moment, but will you need to plug in other systems later that might struggle to support JMS connectivity?
Standards like WSDL and SOAP which you could levarage for your services are well supported by many langauges and there are plenty of tools around that will generate code to implement both ends of the pipeline (client and server) for you from a WSDL file, reducing the amount of dev you'll have to do. These standards also make it relatively simple to define and publish the specification of the data you'll be passing between your systems, something you'll presumably have to do by hand using a queueing technology like JMS.
On the downside, as pointed out by S.Lott, JMS gives you functionality that you throw away using the (stateless) HTTP protocol: guaranteed ordering & reliability; monitoring; scalability; etc. Are you sure you don't need these, and won't need these going forward?
Great question, btw.
I think it's really dependent on the situation. Where I work, we support Remoting, JMS, MQ, HTTP, and sFTP. We are implementing a middleware appliance that speaks Remoting, JMS, MQ, and HTTP, and a software middleware component that speaks JMS, MQ, and HTTP.
As sgreeve alluded to above, standards help us become flexible, but proprietary formats allow more functionality.
In a nutshell, I'd say use HTTP for stateless calls (which could end up meeting almost all of your needs), and whatever proprietary formats you need for stateful calls. If you work in a big enterprise, a hardware appliance is usually a great fit as middleware: Lightning fast compression, encryption, transformation, and translation, with very low total cost of ownership.
I don't know enough about your requirements, but you may be overlooking Manageability, Flexibility and Performance.
JMS allows you to monitor and manage the queue. These are features HTTP lacks, and you'd have to build rather than buy from a vendor.
Also, There are queues and topics in JMS, allowing multiple subscribers to a single publisher. Not possible in HTTP.
While you may not need those things in release 1.0, you might want them in the future.
Also, JMS may be able to use other transport mechanisms like named sockets, which reduces the overheads if there isn't all that socket negotiation going on with (almost) every request.
If you go down the HTTP route and you want to support more than one machine or some kind of reliability - you are going to need a load balancer capable of discovering the available web servers and loading requests across them - then failing over to another web server if a particular box/process dies. Clients making HTTP requests are also going to have to deal with servers failing and retrying operations in some loop.
This is one of the main features of a message queue - reliable load balancing with failover and loose coupling among the producers and consumers without them having to include retry logic - so your client or server code doesn't have to worry about this kinda thing. This is totally separate to whether or not you want message persistence or want to use ACID transactions to produce/consume messages (which can be very handy BTW).
If you focus just on the server side using Java - whether Servlets or MessageListener/MDBs they are kinda similar either way really. The difference is the load balancer.
So maybe the question should really be - is a JMS broker easier to setup & work with than setting up your DNS/NAT/IP/HTTP load balancer infrastructure?
I suppose it depends on what you mean by real-time... Neither JMS nor HTTP in my opinion support "real-time" applications well, meaning they cannot offer predictable/deterministic performance nor properly prioritize flows in the presence of contention.
Part of it is that these technologies are built on top of TCP which serializes all traffic into a single FIFO meaning that different traffic flows cannot be easily prioritized. Moreover TCP timers are not easily controlled resulting unpredictable blocking and timeouts... For this reason many streaming applications use UDP instead of TCP as an underlying protocol.
Another problem with JMS is that typical implementations use a broker that centralizes message dispatch. This is not the best architecture to get deterministic performance.
If you are looking for a middleware that can offer you the kind of reliability guarantees and publish-subscribe semantics you get with JMS, but was developed to fit the real-time application domain I recommend you take a look at the OMG Data-Distribution Service (DDS). See dds.omg.org and this article I wrote arguing why DDS is the best middleware to implement a real-time SOA. http://soa.sys-con.com/node/467488