swapping an inner and outer vector - c++

I have a vector of vector of myObjects defined, creating essentially a 2D array. I would like to transpose this array such that rows become columns and columns become rows. Obviously I could do this in a double for-loop, but this seems massively inelegant and will be pretty slow. I was wondering if there's something clever in C++ or the STL that would let me swap the inner and outer vectors around quickly and efficiently, rather than writing...
for (int iRow = 0; iRow < nRows; ++iRow)
for (int iCol = 0; iCol < nCols; ++iCol)
myNew2DArray[iCol][iRow] = myOriginal2DArray[iRow][iCol];

Alternatively, you can store the matrix in a vector and have a flag that specifies whether the matrix is transposed or not. Then you simply calculate the index. Here is an example:
class Matrix {
std::vector<int> matrix;
bool isTransposed = false;
int width, height;
// ...
int getElement(int x, int y)
int w = width;
int h = height;
if(isTransposed) {
int z = x;
x = y;
y = x;
z = w;
w = h;
h = z;
return matrix[y * width + x];
// ...
This will reduce the cost of transposing the matrix, but increases the cost of actually accessing the elements.

My suggestion would be to make a class called Matrix that contains the matrix that you are talking about. Give the class a function transpose() that toggles a state flag for the state "transposed". Then, overload the [] operator to follow mwd's suggestion of inverting the indeces when the matrix is in the transposed state.

What you've coded already is pretty much the easiest way. Really you don't need a vector of vectors. You can just append each new 'row' to a single vector. Then what would have been element matrix[i][j] in your original vector of vectors is now matrix[(i*n)+j], when n is the 'width' of your matrix. The fiddly part is coming up with the algorithm to perform the transpose. I'm not saying this way is any better, but it's an alternative route, and what you've got already is fine.

Your best bet is using the Eigen matrix library, which stores the transposedness property in a parameter of the matrix class. If that is not an option, google for one of the numerous matrix transpose algorithms.


Vector dot product in Microsoft SEAL with CKKS

I am currently trying to implement matrix multiplication methods using the Microsoft SEAL library. I have created a vector<vector<double>> as input matrix and encoded it with CKKSEncoder. However the encoder packs an entire vector into a single Plaintext so I just have a vector<Plaintext> which makes me lose the 2D structure (and then of course I'll have a vector<Ciphertext> after encryption). Having a 1D vector allows me to access only the rows entirely but not the columns.
I managed to transpose the matrices before encoding. This allowed me to multiply component-wise the rows of the first matrix and columns (rows in transposed form) of the second matrix but I am unable to sum the elements of the resulting vector together since it's packed into a single Ciphertext. I just need to figure out how to make the vector dot product work in SEAL to perform matrix multiplication. Am I missing something or is my method wrong?
It has been suggested by KyoohyungHan in the issue: https://github.com/microsoft/SEAL/issues/138 that it is possible to solve the problem with rotations by rotating the output vector and summing it up repeatedly.
For example:
// my_output_vector is the Ciphertext output
vector<Ciphertext> rotations_output(my_output_vector.size());
for(int steps = 0; steps < my_output_vector.size(); steps++)
evaluator.rotate_vector(my_output_vector, steps, galois_keys, rotations_output[steps]);
Ciphertext sum_output;
evaluator.add_many(rotations_output, sum_output);
vector of vectors is not the same as an array of arrays (2D, matrix).
While one-dimentional vector<double>.data() points to contiguous memory space (e.g., you can do memcpy on that), each of "subvectors" allocates own, separate memory buffer. Therefore vector<vector<double>>.data() makes no sense and cannot be used as a matrix.
In C++, two-dimensional array array2D[W][H] is stored in memory identically to array[W*H]. Therefore both can be processed by the same routines (when it makes sense). Consider the following example:
void fill_array(double *array, size_t size, double value) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
array[i] = value;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
constexpr size_t W = 10;
constexpr size_t H = 5;
double matrix[W][H];
// using 2D array as 1D to fill all elements with 5.
fill_array(&matrix[0][0], W * H, 5);
for (const auto &row: matrix) {
for (const auto v : row) {
cout << v << '\t';
cout << '\n';
return 0;
In the above example, you can substitute double matrix[W][H]; with vector<double> matrix(W * H); and feed matrix.data() into fill_array(). However, you cannot declare vector(W) of vector(H).
P.S. There are plenty of C++ implementations of math vector and matrix. You can use one of those if you don't want to deal with C-style arrays.

C++ Avoiding Triple Pointers

I am trying to create an array of X pointers referencing matrices of dimensions Y by 16. Is there any way to accomplish this in C++ without the use of triple pointers?
Edit: Adding some context for the problem.
There are a number of geometries on the screen, each with a transform that has been flattened to a 1x16 array. Each snapshot represents the transforms for each of number of components. So the matrix dimensions are 16 by num_components by num_snapshots , where the latter two dimensions are known at run-time. In the end, we have many geometries with motion applied.
I'm creating a function that takes a triple pointer argument, though I cannot use triple pointers in my situation. What other ways can I pass this data (possibly via multiple arguments)? Worst case, I thought about flattening this entire 3D matrix to an array, though it seems like a sloppy thing to do. Any better suggestions?
What I have now:
function(..., double ***snapshot_transforms, ...)
What I want to accomplish:
function (..., <1+ non-triple pointer parameters>, ...)
Below isn't the function I'm creating that takes the triple pointer, but shows what the data is all about.
static double ***snapshot_transforms_function (int num_snapshots, int num_geometries)
double component_transform[16];
double ***snapshot_transforms = new double**[num_snapshots];
for (int i = 0; i < num_snapshots; i++)
snapshot_transforms[i] = new double*[num_geometries];
for (int j = 0; j < num_geometries; j++)
snapshot_transforms[i][j] = new double[16];
// 4x4 transform put into a 1x16 array with dummy values for each component for each snapshot
for (int k = 0; k < 16; k++)
snapshot_transforms[i][j][k] = k;
return snapshot_transforms;
Edit2: I cannot create new classes, nor use C++ features like std, as the exposed function prototype in the header file is getting put into a wrapper (that doesn't know how to interpret triple pointers) for translation to other languages.
Edit3: After everyone's input in the comments, I think going with a flattened array is probably the best solution. I was hoping there would be some way to split this triple pointer and organize this complex data across multiple data pieces neatly using simple data types including single pointers. Though I don't think there is a pretty way of doing this given my caveats here. I appreciate everyone's help =)
It is easier, better, and less error prone to use an std::vector. You are using C++ and not C after all. I replaced all of the C-style array pointers with vectors. The typedef doublecube makes it so that you don't have to type vector<vector<vector<double>>> over and over again. Other than that the code basically stays the same as what you had.
If you don't actually need dummy values I would remove that innermost k loop completely. reserve will reserve the memory space that you need for the real data.
#include <vector>
using std::vector; // so we can just call it "vector"
typedef vector<vector<vector<double>>> doublecube;
static doublecube snapshot_transforms_function (int num_snapshots, int num_geometries)
// I deleted component_transform. It was never used
doublecube snapshot_transforms;
for (int i = 0; i < num_snapshots; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < num_geometries; j++)
// 4x4 transform put into a 1x16 array with dummy values for each component for each snapshot
for (int k = 0; k < 16; k++)
snapshot_transforms.at(i).at(j).at(k) = k;
return snapshot_transforms;
Adding a little bit of object-orientation usually makes the code easier to manage -- for example, here's some code that creates an array of 100 Matrix objects with varying numbers of rows per Matrix. (You could vary the number of columns in each Matrix too if you wanted to, but I left them at 16):
#include <vector>
#include <memory> // for shared_ptr (not strictly necessary, but used in main() to avoid unnecessarily copying of Matrix objects)
/** Represents a (numRows x numCols) 2D matrix of doubles */
class Matrix
// constructor
Matrix(int numRows = 0, int numCols = 0)
: _numRows(numRows)
, _numCols(numCols)
std::fill(_values.begin(), _values.end(), 0.0f);
// copy constructor
Matrix(const Matrix & rhs)
: _numRows(rhs._numRows)
, _numCols(rhs._numCols)
std::fill(_values.begin(), _values.end(), 0.0f);
/** Returns the value at (row/col) */
double get(int row, int col) const {return _values[(row*_numCols)+col];}
/** Sets the value at (row/col) to the specified value */
double set(int row, int col, double val) {return _values[(row*_numCols)+col] = val;}
/** Assignment operator */
Matrix & operator = (const Matrix & rhs)
_numRows = rhs._numRows;
_numCols = rhs._numCols;
_values = rhs._values;
return *this;
int _numRows;
int _numCols;
std::vector<double> _values;
int main(int, char **)
const int numCols = 16;
std::vector< std::shared_ptr<Matrix> > matrixList;
for (int i=0; i<100; i++) matrixList.push_back(std::make_shared<Matrix>(i, numCols));
return 0;

How to write Multiplicative Update Rules for Matrix Factorization when one doesn't have access to the whole matrix?

So we want to approximate the matrix A with m rows and n columns with the product of two matrices P and Q that have dimension mxk and kxn respectively. Here is an implementation of the multiplicative update rule due to Lee in C++ using the Eigen library.
void multiplicative_update()
Q = Q.cwiseProduct((P.transpose()*matrix).cwiseQuotient(P.transpose()*P*Q));
P = P.cwiseProduct((matrix*Q.transpose()).cwiseQuotient(P*Q*Q.transpose()));
where P, Q, and the matrix (matrix = A) are global variables in the class mat_fac. Thus I train them using the following method,
void train_2(){
double error_trial = 0;
for (int count = 0;count < num_iterations; count ++)
error_trial = (matrix-P*Q).squaredNorm();
if (error_trial < 0.001)
where num_iterations is also a global variable in the class mat_fac.
The problem is that I am working with very large matrices and in particular I do not have access to the entire matrix. Given a triple (i,j,matrix[i][j]), I have access to the row vector P[i][:] and the column vector Q[:][j]. So my goal is to write rewrite the multiplicative update rule in such a way that I update these two vectors every time, I see a non-zero matrix value.
In code, I want to have something like this:
void multiplicative_update(int i, int j, double mat_value)
Eigen::MatrixXd q_vect = get_vector(1, j); // get_vector returns Q[:][j] as a column vector
Eigen::MatrixXd p_vect = get_vector(0, i); // get_vector returns P[i][:] as a column vector
// Somehow compute coeff_AQ_t, coeff_PQQ_t, coeff_P_tA and coeff_P_tA.
for(int i = 0; i< k; i++):
p_vect[i] = p_vect[i]* (coeff_AQ_t)/(coeff_PQQ_t)
q_vect[i] = q_vect[i]* (coeff_P_tA)/(coeff_P_tA)
Thus the problem boils down to computing the required coefficients given the two vectors. Is this a possible thing to do? If not, what more data do I need for the multiplicative update to work in this manner?

How to access matrix data in opencv by another mat with locations (indexing)

Suppose I have a Mat of indices (locations) called B, We can say that this Mat has dimensions of 1 x 100 and We suppose to have another Mat, called A, full of data of the same dimensions of B.
Now, I would access to the data of A with B. Usually I would create a for loop and I would take for each elements of B, the right elements of A. For the most fussy of the site, this is the code that I would write:
for(int i=0; i < B.cols; i++){
int index = B.at<int>(0, i);
std::cout<<A.at<int>(0, index)<<std:endl;
Ok, now that I showed you what I could do, I ask you if there is a way to access the matrix A, always using the B indices, in a more intelligent and fast way. As someone could do in python thanks to the numpy.take() function.
This operation is called remapping. In OpenCV, you can use function cv::remap for this purpose.
Below I present the very basic example of how remap algorithm works; please note that I don't handle border conditions in this example, but cv::remap does - it allows you to use mirroring, clamping, etc. to specify what happens if the indices exceed the dimensions of the image. I also don't show how interpolation is done; check the cv::remap documentation that I've linked to above.
If you are going to use remapping you will probably have to convert indices to floating point; you will also have to introduce another array of indices that should be trivial (all equal to 0) if your image is one-dimensional. If this starts to represent a problem because of performance, I'd suggest you implement the 1-D remap equivalent yourself. But benchmark first before optimizing, of course.
For all the details, check the documentation, which covers everything you need to know to use te algorithm.
cv::Mat<float> remap_example(cv::Mat<float> image,
cv::Mat<float> positions_x,
cv::Mat<float> positions_y)
// sizes of positions arrays must be the same
int size_x = positions_x.cols;
int size_y = positions_x.rows;
auto out = cv::Mat<float>(size_y, size_x);
for(int y = 0; y < size_y; ++y)
for(int x = 0; x < size_x; ++x)
float ps_x = positions_x(x, y);
float ps_y = positions_y(x, y);
// use interpolation to determine intensity at image(ps_x, ps_y),
// at this point also handle border conditions
// float interpolated = bilinear_interpolation(image, ps_x, ps_y);
out(x, y) = interpolated;
return out;
One fast way is to use pointer for both A (data) and B (indexes).
const int* pA = A.ptr<int>(0);
const int* pIndexB = B.ptr<int>(0);
int sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < Bi.cols; ++i)
sum += pA[*pIndexB++];
Note: Be carefull with pixel type, in this case (as you write in your code) is int!
Note2: Using cout for each point access put the optimization useless!
Note3: In this article Satya compare four methods for pixel access and fastest seems "foreach": https://www.learnopencv.com/parallel-pixel-access-in-opencv-using-foreach/

passing several boost multi_array from function

I have a bunch of 3d arrays generated using boost::multi_array in a function. I would not want to use all these arrays in another code of mine is there any way to do this?
When I had a 2d case what I did was
typedef boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double> fils;
boost::array<fils,5> filter1(unsigned width, unsigned height)
//perform other steps//
boost::array<fils,5> t={l,m,n,o,p};
return t;
int main()
boost::array<fils,5> z;
z= t(w,h);
for the 2d case this method works fine. I now want to do the same with a 3D case where
typedef boost::multi_array<double,3>x;
boost::array<x,12>x1(unsigned w,unsigned h,unsigned s)
typedef boost::multi_array<double,3>M;
typedef M::index Mi;
m l(boost::extents[w][h][s]),m(boost::extents[w][h][s]),n(boost::extents[w][h][s]),o(boost::extents[w][h][s]);
//perform steps//
how do I get the matrices l,m,n,o,p so that I can use them as source in other bits of code.
In my opinion the most elegant solution is to declare a 4-D multi_array like so :
typedef boost::multi_array<double,4> FloatArray4D;
typedef M::index Mi;
function create4dArray()
FloatArray4D returnValue(boost::extents[w][h][s][4]);
// Populate the array as you please here is an example.
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < h; k++) {
for (int x = 0; x < s; x++) {
returnValue[j][k][x][i] = i+j*10+k*100+x*1000;
return returnValue;
Then you can access the subarray by indexing on the last coordinate. It might be more efficient to index them by the first coordinate (in terms of localization of the data) but I don't know the implementation details of boost::multi_array (can someone weight in on this in comments ?)
To extract a view (no-copy) of your 3-D data from the 4-D multi_array created you can use this :
typedef boost::multi_array_types::index_range range;
FloatArray4D::index_gen indices;
FloatArray4D my4DArray = create4dArray();
// Create a new view with 3 dimentions (corresponding to your l) fixing the 4th dimention to 0
FloatArray4D::array_view<3>::type l = [indices[range()][range()][range()][0];
then you can use l as if it was your 3-D array.
PS: NEVER name something x or M, especially not a type. Yes long names are a pain to type, but get a decent text editor with auto-completion and it won't be a problem.
Knowing what an object is by its name however, will always be great. It improves readability, for you and for anyone else who has to read your code.
Also do not typedef inside a function. If you want to define a custom type do it in a header file that is shared.
You don't want to have to declare that type everywhere.
And actually don't overuse typedef, only use it if it improves readability.