Function pointers and functors - c++

Are function pointers functors ? Is there a virtual functor in use that helps sibling functors compile silently ?

At least as the term is normally used in C++ (Warning: it's used entirely differently relative to other languages such as Haskell), a functor is a class (or an instance of a class) that overloads operator() so it can be invoked like a function.
Since they use the same syntax, a template can be written to accept either a pointer to a function or an instance of a functor interchangeably. Not all algorithms will do so however -- some expect (for example) that you supply something with typedefs for things like argument_type and result_type. The standard library provides a couple of classes (unary_function and binary_function) to use as base classes for your functors to supply these. You can supply them on your own if you prefer -- these base classes are purely for convenience (and some people don't find them particularly convenient).

A function pointer is the address of a real function. A functor is a class for which the operator() has been overloaded; instances of these classes can be passed around and called with the same syntax as a function. So no, function pointers are not functors.
I don't know what "virtual functors" or "sibling functors" are, so I can't answer your second question.


What is the advantage of using boost::bind?

The definition and application of boost::bind are clearly outlined in the boost website, yet I hardly could find what is the benefit of using it over using a normal function call? Or to put it simply in which scenarios it might come in handy?
Sometimes you have a set of arguments that you are going to pass to the function, but you wish to call the function later without needing to pass the arguments that are already known. One reason to need this may be because the call may need to conform to an interface that doesn't allow those arguments. This is typical in the (functor style) "callback" idiom.
That situation can be solved by defining a class that stores the arguments as members, and defines function call operator overload that delegates to the original function and passes the arguments stored as members.
boost::bind is a structured way to represent such "argument binding" without needing to define the class yourself. The standard library used to have std::bind1st and std::bind2nd which were more limited, less generic forms of bind.
boost::bind is rarely needed anymore since it was introduced to the standard library as std::bind in C++11, and furthermore lambdas were introduced in C++11 and improved in C++14 and they have largely obsoleted bind.
bind provides a way to take a function or a function object with a certain arity and transform it to another function with lesser arity by precisely binding one or more arguments. And you can do it in place.
bind and functions don't have a good comparison.
bind is more comparable to simple lambdas that call a function and fix certain parameters in their implementation.
The big difference between boost::bind and a modern lambda is that the bind object has a certain degree of instrospection associated with it that the lambda doesn't have.
For example you could in principle recover the original function and reconstruct what is the argument bound.
In a lambda everything is private, even the simplest implementation.
In other words, the result of boost::bind is an "expression" and the type has well defined pattern (e.g. boost::bind_t<...> or something, and that can be matched in a template function argument).
Lambdas instead are each their own unknowable sui generis type.
Admittedly, few people maybe interested in the difference, but it is there and I played with it once or twice to implement a symbolic system (for derivatives).
I can't say the same about std::bind because the object returned is unspecified by the standard and it could be more difficult to reconstruct the full bind "expression".

When should you ever use functions over functors in C++?

Functors are apparently more efficient since the compiler is more easily able to inline them, and they work much better with parametrization. When should you ever use a plain old function over a functor?
Functions support distributed overriding. Functors do not. You must define all of the overloads of a Functor within itself; you can add new overloads of a function anywhere.
Functions support ADL (argument dependent lookup), permitting overloading in the argument-type associated namespace. Functors do not.
Function pointers are (kind of) a type-erased stateless functor that is a POD, as evidenced by how stateless lambdas convert into it. Such features (POD, stateless, type erasure) are useful.

Why are C++11 string new functions (stod, stof) not member functions of the string class?

Why are those C++11 new functions of header <string> (stod, stof, stoull) not member functions of the string class ?
Isn't more C++ compliant to write mystring.stod(...) rather than stod(mystring,...)?
It is a surprise to many, but C++ is not an Object-Oriented language (unlike Java or C#).
C++ is a multi-paradigm language, and therefore tries to use the best tool for the job whenever possible. In this instance, a free-function is the right tool.
Guideline: Prefer non-member non-friend functions to member functions (from Efficient C++, Item 23)
Reason: a member function or friend function has access to the class internals whereas a non-member non-friend function does not; therefore using a non-member non-friend function increases encapsulation.
Exception: when a member function or friend function provides a significant advantage (such as performance), then it is worth considering despite the extra coupling. For example even though std::find works really well, associative containers such as std::set provide a member-function std::set::find which works in O(log N) instead of O(N).
The fundamental reason is that they don't belong there. They
don't really have anything to do with strings. Stop and think
about it. User defined types should follow the same rules as
built-in types, so every time you defined a new user type,
you'd have to add a function to std::string. This would
actually be possible in C++: if std::string had a member
function template to, without a generic implementation, you
could add a specialization for each type, and call<double>() or<MyType>(). But is this really
what you want. It doesn't seem like a clean solution to me,
having everyone writing a new class having to add
a specialization to std::string. Putting these sort of things
in the string class bastardizes it, and is really the opposite
of what OO tries to achieve.
If you were to insist on pure OO, they would have to be
members of double, int, etc. (A constructor, really. This
is what Python does, for example.) C++ doesn't insist on pure
OO, and doesn't allow basic types like double and int to
have members or special constructors. So free functions are
both an acceptable solution, and the only clean solution
possible in the context of the language.
FWIW: conversions to/from textual representation is always
a delicate problem: if I do it in the target type, then I've
introduced a dependency on the various sources and sinks of text
in the target type---and these can vary in time. If I do it in
the source or sink type, I make them dependent on the the type
being converted, which is even worse. The C++ solution is to
define a protocol (in std::streambuf), where the user writes
a new free function (operator<< and operator>>) to handle
the conversions, and counts on operator overload resolution to
find the correct function. The advantage of the free function
solution is that the conversions are part of neither the data
type (which thus doesn't have to know of sources and sinks) nor
the source or sink type (which thus doesn't have to know about
user defined data types). It seems like the best solution to
me. And functions like stod are just convenience functions,
which make one particularly frequent use easier to write.
Actually they are some utility functions and they don't need to be inside the main class. Similar utility functions such as atoi, atof are defined (but for char*) inside stdlib.h and they too are standalone functions.

Advantages of 'pointer to a function' when using design patterns

In C++ we can make pointers to functions. So that we can pass a 'pointer to a function' as an argument to another function. When we consider about design patterns, are there any specific design patterns which specially take the advantage of using 'pointer to a function'?
Any design pattern that makes use of callbacks; such as visitor, strategy, and observer. Note that in C++, functors are also available to you and are generally preferred by the STL.
Most anything you can achieve with a pointer to a function, you can achieve with a functor with better optimization, or with virtual methods for better OO design. However, a pointer to a function is a requirement for narrow use cases where C code and C++ code are interfacing with each other. An OO design pattern can still allow C code to participate in the pattern. And, certain C interfaces only accept function pointers, so C++ code that use those APIs have to pass one in.
A function pointer is generally used as a means to call some code that is registered in some kind of subscription/publish model (event notification). For example, it could be used for the handle() method in the state pattern.
But, it can also be used as a simple hook to get code to run within a particular framework. For example, pthread_create takes a function pointer that is to be called after a thread is launched.
I generally see this done when a certain part of a function needs to be customized for certain cases. Allowing for the same function to take on multiple uses, this is demonstrated in the for_each function of C++, which goes through an iterable and applies a function to it. It really just allows for more reusable code.
On a related note, the C++ standard library uses a similar setup for it's container classes.
For example:
template < class T, class Container = deque<T> > class stack;
is the decleration for the stack class. As you can see, it takes in a configurable parameter for what it's underlying data structure is, this is similar to how a function pointer could be used.
EDIT: or the mentioned callbacks from other posters.

compile time polymorphism and runtime polymorphism

I noticed that somewhere polymorphism just refer to virtual function. However, somewhere they include the function overloading and template. Later, I found there are two terms, compile time polymorphism and run-time polymorphism. Is that true?
My question is when we talked about polymorphism generally, what's the widely accepted meaning?
Yes, you're right, in C++ there are two recognized "types" of polymorphism. And they mean pretty much what you think they mean
Dynamic polymorphism
is what C#/Java/OOP people typically refer to simply as "polymorphism". It is essentially subclassing, either deriving from a base class and overriding one or more virtual functions, or implementing an interface. (which in C++ is done by overriding the virtual functions belonging to the abstract base class)
Static polymorphism
takes place at compile-time, and could be considered a variation of ducktyping. The idea here is simply that different types can be used in a function to represent the same concept, despite being completely unrelated. For a very simple example, consider this
template <typename T>
T add(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return lhs + rhs; }
If this had been dynamic polymorphism, then we would define the add function to take some kind of "IAddable" object as its arguments. Any object that implement that interface (or derive from that base class) can be used despite their different implementations, which gives us the polymorphic behavior. We don't care which type is passed to us, as long as it implements some kind of "can be added together" interface.
However, the compiler doesn't actually know which type is passed to the function. The exact type is only known at runtime, hence this is dynamic polymorphism.
Here, though, we don't require you to derive from anything, the type T just has to define the + operator. It is then inserted statically. So at compile-time, we can switch between any valid type as long as they behave the same (meaning that they define the members we need)
This is another form of polymorphism. In principle, the effect is the same: The function works with any implementation of the concept we're interested in. We don't care if the object we work on is a string, an int, a float or a complex number, as long as it implements the "can be added together" concept.
Since the type used is known statically (at compile-time), this is known as static polymorphism. And the way static polymorphism is achieved is through templates and function overloading.
However, when a C++ programmer just say polymorphism, they generally refer to dynamic/runtime polymorphism.
(Note that this isn't necessarily true for all languages. A functional programmer will typically mean something like static polymorphism when he uses the term -- the ability to define generic functions using some kind of parametrized types, similar to templates)
"Polymorphism" literally means "many forms". The term is unfortunately a bit overloaded in computer science (excuse the pun).
According to FOLDOC, polymorphism is "a concept first identified by Christopher Strachey (1967) and developed by Hindley and Milner, allowing types such as list of anything."
In general, it's "a programming language feature that allows values of different data types to be handled using a uniform interface", to quote Wikipedia, which goes on to describe two main types of polymorphism:
Parametric polymorphism is when the same code can be applied to multiple data types. Most people in the object-oriented programming community refer to this as "generic programming" rather than polymorphism. Generics (and to some extent templates) fit into this category.
Ad-hoc polymorphism is when different code is used for different data-types. Overloading falls into this category, as does overriding. This is what people in the object-oriented community are generally referring to when they say "polymorphism". (and in fact, many mean overriding, not overloading, when they use the term "polymorphism")
For ad-hoc polymorphism there's also the question of whether the resolution of implementation code happens at run-time (dynamic) or compile-time (static). Method overloading is generally static, and method overriding is dynamic. This is where the terms static/compile-time polymorphism and dynamic/run-time polymorphism come from.
Usually people are referring to run-time polymorpism in my experience ...
When a C++ programmer says "polymorphism" he most likely means subtype polymorphism, which means "late binding" or "dynamic binding" with virtual functions. Function overloading and generic programming are both instances of polymorphism and they do involve static binding at compile time, so they can be referred to collectively as compile-time polymorphism. Subtype polymorphism is almost always referred to as just polymorphism, but the term could also refer to all of the above.
In its most succinct form, polymorphism means the ability of one type to appear as if it is another type.
There are two main types of polymorphism.
Subtype polymorphism: if D derives from B then D is a B.
Interface polymorphism: if C implements an interface I.
The first is what you are thinking of as runtime polymorphism. The second does not really apply to C++ and is a really a concept that applies to Java and C#.
Some people do think of overloading in the special case of operators (+, -, /, *) as a type of polymorphism because it allows you to think of types that have overloaded these operators as replaceable for each other (i.e., + for string and + for int). This concept of polymorphism most often applies to dynamic languages. I consider this an abuse of the terminology.
As for template programming, you will see some use the term "polymorphism" but this is really a very different thing than what we usually mean by polymorphism. A better name for this concept is "generic programming" or "genericity."
Various types of Function overloading (compile time polymorphism ...
9 Jun 2011 ... Polymorphism means same entity behaving differently at different times. Compile time polymorphism is also called as static binding.
A simple explanation on compile time polymorphism and run time polymorphism from :
Compile time Polymorphism:
C++ support polymorphism. One function multiple purpose, or in short many functions having same name but with different function body.
For every function call compiler binds the call to one function definition at compile time. This decision of binding among several functions is taken by considering formal arguments of the function, their data type and their sequence.
Run time polymorphism:
C++ allows binding to be delayed till run time. When you have a function with same name, equal number of arguments and same data type in same sequence in base class as well derived class and a function call of form: base_class_type_ptr->member_function(args); will always call base class member function. The keyword virtual on a member function in base class indicates to the compiler to delay the binding till run time.
Every class with atleast one virtual function has a vtable that helps in binding at run time. Looking at the content of base class type pointer it will correctly call the member function of one of possible derived / base class member function.
Yes, you are basically right. Compile-time polymorphism is the use of templates (instances of which's types vary, but are fixed at compile time) whereas run-time polymorphism refers to the use of inheritance and virtual functions (instances of which's types vary and are fixed at run time).