How to change image's alpha value without completely reloading every pixel each frame/ OPTIMIZATION - c++

so I'm trying to bring an image to visibility in sfml 1.6 by changing it's alpha value every frame. unfortunately there isn't an overall alpha value for the image, so i have to go through each pixel, one by one and change it's alpha value.
This is extremely slow however, so I wondering how I could possibly optimize my simple code, or if there was another sfml specific way to handle this.
anyway here's the code:
Each new frame I Recolor a sprite with a added alpha value of 1.7.
// #Return Ptr: a pointer to the stack allocated image so the
// user can deallocate it later
sf::Image* RecolorSprite(sf::Sprite& sprite, sf::Color filter, bool subtract){
// the image has to survive so it's put ont he stack
sf::Image* image = new sf::Image;
*image = *sprite.GetImage();
RecolorImage(*image, filter, subtract);
return image;
void RecolorImage(sf::Image& image, sf::Color filter, bool subtract){
for( int x= 0; x< image.GetWidth(); x++){
for(int y= 0; y< image.GetHeight(); y++){
sf::Color pixel = image.GetPixel(x, y);
SubtractColor(pixel, filter);
image.SetPixel(x, y, pixel);
image.SetPixel(x, y, image.GetPixel(x, y) + filter);
// int used to stop illegal operations on unsigned chars
void SubtractColor(sf::Color& col1, sf::Color& col2){
int diff = ((int)col1.r) - ((int)col2.r);
if(diff >= 0)
col1.r -= col2.r;
col1.r = 0;
diff = ((int)col1.g) - ((int)col2.g);
if(diff >= 0)
col1.g -= col2.g;
col1.g = 0;
diff = ((int)col1.b) - ((int)col2.b);
if(diff >= 0)
col1.b -= col2.b;
col1.b = 0;
diff = ((int)col1.a) - ((int)col2.a);
if(diff >= 0)
col1.a -= col2.a;
col1.a = 0;

Unless I'm misunderstanding your question, you should be able to use sf::Drawable::SetColor for this, giving white as the argument but with a differing alpha value. For instance, to set sprite's alpha to 50%, you could do the following:
sprite.SetColor(sf::Color(255, 255, 255, 128));


OpenCV zooming in on Mat image without the window border changing c++

I have a window Mat gestures containing an image, I want to zoom in every pixel in the window but keep the border the same size. I have tried resize() but it's resizing the border as well.
For better explanation, I don't want the border that is in the green box to be resized as well as the whole border, but I need the image inside the border to be resized. How can I achieve this?
Set a ROI of the image excluding the border. If you already know the thickness, simply assign a new img from it. Then you can resize and draw cv::rectangle with the thickness of original image.
Following code snippet may not compile since I don't see a reproducible code.
cv::Mat img = cv::imread(...);
const int thick = 3;
const cv::Rect roi(thick, thick, img.width()-2*thick, img.height()-2*thick);
cv::Mat img_roi = img(roi);
cv::resize(...); // resize img_roi
cv::rectangle(...); // draw new border on img_roi, you need to pass a cv::Scalar value from, 0) for the color of it.
However, I'm expecting a better idea from someone else.
The basic idea is deciding the scale changed every time on mouse wheel. After you get the current scale (v.s. origin image), you then can get the position and length of rectangle on scaled image.
In my github,checking OnMouseWheel () and RefreshSrcView () in Fastest_Image_Pattern_Matching/ELCVMatchTool/ELCVMatchToolDlg.cpp may give what you want.
Besides, if you only want to use opencv window without MFC framework or other frameworks, check this (pure OpenCV version)
Part of the code:
BOOL CELCVMatchToolDlg::OnMouseWheel (UINT nFlags, short zDelta, CPoint pt)
POINT pointCursor;
GetCursorPos (&pointCursor);
ScreenToClient (&pointCursor);
// TODO: 在此加入您的訊息處理常式程式碼和 (或) 呼叫預設值
if (zDelta > 0)
if (m_iScaleTimes == MAX_SCALE_TIMES)
return TRUE;
if (zDelta < 0)
if (m_iScaleTimes == MIN_SCALE_TIMES)
return TRUE;
CRect rect;
//GetWindowRect (rect);
GetDlgItem (IDC_STATIC_SRC_VIEW)->GetWindowRect (rect);//重要
if (m_iScaleTimes == 0)
g_dCompensationX = g_dCompensationY = 0;
int iMouseOffsetX = pt.x - (rect.left + 1);
int iMouseOffsetY = pt.y - ( + 1);
double dPixelX = (m_hScrollBar.GetScrollPos () + iMouseOffsetX + g_dCompensationX) / m_dNewScale;
double dPixelY = (m_vScrollBar.GetScrollPos () + iMouseOffsetY + g_dCompensationY) / m_dNewScale;
m_dNewScale = m_dSrcScale * pow (SCALE_RATIO, m_iScaleTimes);
if (m_iScaleTimes != 0)
int iWidth = m_matSrc.cols;
int iHeight = m_matSrc.rows;
m_hScrollBar.SetScrollRange (0, int (m_dNewScale * iWidth - m_dSrcScale * iWidth) - 1 + BAR_SIZE);
m_vScrollBar.SetScrollRange (0, int (m_dNewScale * iHeight - m_dSrcScale * iHeight) - 1 + BAR_SIZE);
int iBarPosX = int (dPixelX * m_dNewScale - iMouseOffsetX + 0.5);
m_hScrollBar.SetScrollPos (iBarPosX);
m_hScrollBar.ShowWindow (SW_SHOW);
g_dCompensationX = -iBarPosX + (dPixelX * m_dNewScale - iMouseOffsetX);
int iBarPosY = int (dPixelY * m_dNewScale - iMouseOffsetY + 0.5);
m_vScrollBar.SetScrollPos (iBarPosY);
m_vScrollBar.ShowWindow (SW_SHOW);
g_dCompensationY = -iBarPosY + (dPixelY * m_dNewScale - iMouseOffsetY);
infoH.cbSize = sizeof (SCROLLINFO);
infoH.fMask = SIF_PAGE;
infoH.nPage = BAR_SIZE;
m_hScrollBar.SetScrollInfo (&infoH);
infoV.cbSize = sizeof (SCROLLINFO);
infoV.fMask = SIF_PAGE;
infoV.nPage = BAR_SIZE;
m_vScrollBar.SetScrollInfo (&infoV);
m_hScrollBar.SetScrollPos (0);
m_hScrollBar.ShowWindow (SW_HIDE);
m_vScrollBar.SetScrollPos (0);
m_vScrollBar.ShowWindow (SW_HIDE);
RefreshSrcView ();
return CDialogEx::OnMouseWheel (nFlags, zDelta, pt);

Bad Coloring in Mandelbrot set with C++ & OpenGL

I have the following Mandelbrot set code in C++ for use with opengl but the colours are not correct, these are the desired colors:
but I get this:
int vala = 600;
int valb = 600;
//render one frame
void Application::render(void)
// Clear the window and the depth buffer
//render grid
Image img( vala, valb);
double MinRe = -2.0;
double MaxRe = 1.0;
double MinIm = -1.2;
double MaxIm = MinIm+(MaxRe-MinRe)*vala/valb;
double Re_factor = (MaxRe-MinRe)/(vala-1);
double Im_factor = (MaxIm-MinIm)/(valb-1);
unsigned MaxIterations = 250;
for(unsigned int y = 0; y < img.height; y++){
double c_im = MaxIm - y*Im_factor;
for(unsigned x=0; x< img.width; ++x){
double c_re = MinRe + x*Re_factor;
double Z_re = c_re, Z_im = c_im;
bool isInside = true;
for(unsigned n=0; n<MaxIterations; ++n){
double Z_re2 = Z_re*Z_re, Z_im2 = Z_im*Z_im;
if(Z_re2 + Z_im2 > 4)
isInside = false;
Z_im = 2*Z_re*Z_im + c_im;
Z_re = Z_re2 - Z_im2 + c_re;
double z = sqrt(Z_re*Z_re + Z_im*Z_im);
int brightness = 256. *log(1.75 + n - log(log(z)));
img.setPixel(x,y, Color(sin(time)*brightness, sin(time/2)*brightness, brightness));
img.scale( this->window_width, this->window_height );
renderImage( &img );
//swap between front buffer and back buffer
Anyone know why this happens and how to fix it?
Thank you very much.
You're setting the color inside the loop, which is different from any Mandelbrot code I have seen. It also sets the color for the same pixel many times, which is very inefficient. Another aspect of the logic problem is that you set isInside, but then never use it.
The way this is typically done is that you set the color after the loop terminated. If isInside is true, you set the color to black (or leave it untouched if the image was cleared to black). Otherwise you set the color. If you look at the origin of the code you use, they suggest to determine the color in the "outside" case based on the number of iterations, which would be n in your case. The code you posted is using the value of Z_re/Z_im to determine the color.
Edit: Ok, your formula uses both n and Z_re/Z_im. In any case, unless you know exactly what forumula were used for the reference image, and you use the same, you can't expect exactly the same coloring. If you fix what I pointed out above, you should at least get black for the inside.

Pixel Perfect Collision Detection in Cocos2dx

I am trying to port the pixel perfect collision detection in Cocos2d-x the original version was made for Cocos2D and can be found here:
Here is my code for the Cocos2d-x version
bool CollisionDetection::areTheSpritesColliding(cocos2d::CCSprite *spr1, cocos2d::CCSprite *spr2, bool pp, CCRenderTexture* _rt) {
bool isColliding = false;
CCRect intersection;
CCRect r1 = spr1->boundingBox();
CCRect r2 = spr2->boundingBox();
intersection = CCRectMake(fmax(r1.getMinX(),r2.getMinX()), fmax( r1.getMinY(), r2.getMinY()) ,0,0);
intersection.size.width = fmin(r1.getMaxX(), r2.getMaxX() - intersection.getMinX());
intersection.size.height = fmin(r1.getMaxY(), r2.getMaxY() - intersection.getMinY());
// Look for simple bounding box collision
if ( (intersection.size.width>0) && (intersection.size.height>0) ) {
// If we're not checking for pixel perfect collisions, return true
if (!pp) {
return true;
unsigned int x = intersection.origin.x;
unsigned int y = intersection.origin.y;
unsigned int w = intersection.size.width;
unsigned int h = intersection.size.height;
unsigned int numPixels = w * h;
//CCLog("Intersection X and Y %d, %d", x, y);
//CCLog("Number of pixels %d", numPixels);
// Draw into the RenderTexture
_rt->beginWithClear( 0, 0, 0, 0);
// Render both sprites: first one in RED and second one in GREEN
glColorMask(1, 0, 0, 1);
glColorMask(0, 1, 0, 1);
glColorMask(1, 1, 1, 1);
// Get color values of intersection area
ccColor4B *buffer = (ccColor4B *)malloc( sizeof(ccColor4B) * numPixels );
glReadPixels(x, y, w, h, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer);
// Read buffer
unsigned int step = 1;
for(unsigned int i=0; i 0 && color.g > 0) {
isColliding = true;
// Free buffer memory
return isColliding;
My code is working perfectly if I send the "pp" parameter as false. That is if I do only a bounding box collision but I am not able to get it working correctly for the case when I need Pixel Perfect collision.
I think the opengl masking code is not working as I intended.
Here is the code for "_rt"
_rt = CCRenderTexture::create(visibleSize.width, visibleSize.height);
_rt->setPosition(ccp(origin.x + visibleSize.width * 0.5f, origin.y + visibleSize.height * 0.5f));
this->addChild(_rt, 1000000);
_rt->setVisible(true); //For testing
I think I am making a mistake with the implementation of this CCRenderTexture
Can anyone guide me with what I am doing wrong ?
Thank you for your time :)
Finally solved the problem.
Had to use custom opengl fragment shaders to shade one of the sprites completely RED and the other completely BLUE and then looping through glReadPixels values to find any pixel having both RED and BLUE pixels. (Blending has to be considered as well, we do not want to replace one pixel value by the other)
In-Depth information can be found on my blog post
You are not stepping through the buffer properly.
// Read buffer
unsigned int step = 1;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<numPixels; i+=step)
ccColor4B color = buffer;
if (color.r > 0 && color.g > 0)
isCollision = YES;

2D water shader in SFML

I want to implement the algorithm for a 2D water surface described here and here.
But instead of using two int arrays and calculating on the CPU I would like to use SFML's sf::RenderTexture's (FBO's basically) and a GLSL shader to run everything on the GPU. I want to use SFML, because it's so simple and I have worked with it before, so I know my way around it a little.
I've made some good progress so far. I was able to set up 3 sf::RenderTextures and ping-pong between them correctly (because other than int array you can't read and write to the same sf::RenderTexture at the same time). I was also able to adapt the algorithm for the height field creation form being in the range -32.767 to 32.767 to the range 0 to 1 (or to be more precise -0.5 to 0.5 for the calculation). Also adding new ripples works to some extend. So up to this point you can actually see a little of waves going on.
Here comes my problem now: The waves disappear really, really fast and I don't even apply any damping yet. According to the algorithm the ripples are not stopping if there is no damping applied. It's even the other way around. If I apply "amplification" the waves look close to what you would expect them to look like (but they still disappear without any damping applied to them). My first thought was that this is, because I use float's in range 0 - 1 instead of integers, but I only see this being a problem if multiplication is used, but I only use addition and subtraction.
Here is my SFML C++ code :
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <iostream>
int main()
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(1000, 1000), "SFML works!");
sf::RenderTexture buffers[3];
buffers[0].create(500, 500);
buffers[1].create(500, 500);
buffers[2].create(500, 500);
sf::RenderTexture* firstBuffer = buffers;
sf::RenderTexture* secondBuffer = &buffers[1];
sf::RenderTexture* finalBuffer = &buffers[2];
firstBuffer->clear(sf::Color(128, 128, 128));
secondBuffer->clear(sf::Color(128, 128, 128));
finalBuffer->clear(sf::Color(128, 128, 128));
sf::Shader waterHeightmapShader;
waterHeightmapShader.loadFromFile("waterHeightmapShader.glsl", sf::Shader::Fragment);
sf::Sprite spritefirst;
spritefirst.setPosition(0, 0);
sf::Sprite spritesecond;
spritesecond.setPosition(500, 0);
sf::Sprite spritefinal;
spritefinal.setPosition(0, 500);
while (window.isOpen())
sf::Event event;
while (window.pollEvent(event))
if(event.type == sf::Event::Closed)
if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyReleased && event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Escape)
waterHeightmapShader.setParameter("mousePosition", sf::Vector2f(-1.f, -1.f));
// if mouse button is pressed add new ripples
sf::Vector2i mousePosition = sf::Mouse::getPosition(window);
if(mousePosition.x < 500 && mousePosition.y < 500)
sf::Vector2f mouse(mousePosition);
mouse.x /= 500.f;
mouse.y /= 500.f;
mouse.y = 1 - mouse.y;
std::cout << mouse.x << " " << mouse.y << std::endl;
waterHeightmapShader.setParameter("mousePosition", mouse);
waterHeightmapShader.setParameter("textureTwoFramesAgo", firstBuffer->getTexture());
waterHeightmapShader.setParameter("textureOneFrameAgo", secondBuffer->getTexture());
// create the heightmap
finalBuffer->clear(sf::Color(128, 128, 128));
finalBuffer->draw(sf::Sprite(secondBuffer->getTexture()), &waterHeightmapShader);
// swap the buffers around, first becomes second, second becomes third and third becomes first
sf::RenderTexture* swapper = firstBuffer;
firstBuffer = secondBuffer;
secondBuffer = finalBuffer;
finalBuffer = swapper;
return 0;
And here is my GLSL shader code :
uniform sampler2D textureTwoFramesAgo;
uniform sampler2D textureOneFrameAgo;
uniform vec2 mousePosition;
const float textureSize = 500.0;
const float pixelSize = 1.0 / textureSize;
void main()
// pixels position
vec2 position = gl_TexCoord[0].st;
vec4 finalColor = ((texture2D(textureOneFrameAgo, vec2(position.x - pixelSize, position.y)) +
texture2D(textureOneFrameAgo, vec2(position.x + pixelSize, position.y)) +
texture2D(textureOneFrameAgo, vec2(position.x, position.y + pixelSize)) +
texture2D(textureOneFrameAgo, vec2(position.x, position.y - pixelSize)) - 2.0) / 2) -
(texture2D(textureTwoFramesAgo, position) - 0.5);
// damping
// finalColor.rgb *= 1.9; // <---- uncomment this for the "amplifiction" ie. to see the waves better
finalColor.rgb += 0.5;
// add new ripples
if(mousePosition.x > 0.0)
if(distance(position, mousePosition) < pixelSize * 5)
finalColor = vec4(0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0);
gl_FragColor = finalColor;
Please remember that this is all just about the height field creation. There is no shading of the water yet.
Do you know why the waves disappear by them self without damping?
If I am reading the code correctly you sample the previous frame for the texture's colors/height and use four neighboring pixels/texels to determine the color/height of the current pixel.
As you are calculating (scaling) these neighbors you might run into missing the texel that contains the color/height you are looking for. It might not be the heighest texel, just one next to it a little bit lower causing the unexpected damping.
This is where you do not just use addition and subtraction:
const float pixelSize = 1.0 / textureSize;
By using this value you could just miss the texel you are looking for.
Also: you are averaging the samples so the result will always be less than the maximum value of the samples. So instead of averaging you could select the maximum value. That might give weird results but also extra insight.
Here are some "Processing" codes which implements the same algorithm you've posted above, and its damping is correct, I hope you can get some points from it :
// codes begin
int Width = 800;
int Height = 600;
int FullSize = 0;
//int Spacing = 10;
int[] source, dest;
PImage bg;
void setup()
// if you want to run these codes by "Processing"
// please make a picture named "HelloWorld.png"
bg = loadImage("HelloWorld.png");
Width = bg.width;
Height = bg.height;
FullSize = Width * Height;
size(Width, Height);
source = new int[FullSize];
dest = new int[FullSize];
for (int i=0; i< FullSize; i++)
source[i] = dest[i] = 0;
void draw()
for (int i=Width; i< FullSize-Width; i++)
// check for bounds
int xi = i % Width;
if ((xi==0) || (xi==Width-1)) continue;
dest[i] = (
source[i+Width]) >>1) ) -dest[i];
int dampFactor = 1000;
dest[i] -= (dest[i] >> dampFactor); // Damping - Quick divde by 32 (5 bits)
//image(bg, 0, 0);
for (int i=Width; i< FullSize-Width; i++)
// check for bounds
int xi = i % Width;
if ((xi==0) || (xi==Width-1)) continue;
int xoffset = dest[i-1] - dest[i+1];
int yoffset = dest[i-Width] - dest[i+Width];
int offset = i+xoffset+yoffset*Width;
if (offset>0 && offset<FullSize)
// TODO: make better map
pixels[i] = bg.pixels[offset];
int[] temp = source;
source = dest;
dest = temp;
void mouseDragged()
if (mouseX > 0 && mouseX < Width && mouseY > 0 && mouseY < Height)
source[mouseY*Width+mouseX] = (int)random(50, 100);
void mousePressed()
// TODO: make a area pulse value, like a radius circle
if (mouseX > 0 && mouseX < Width && mouseY > 0 && mouseY < Height)
source[mouseY*Width+mouseX] = (int)random(50, 100);
// codes end

SDL - drawing 'negative' circles (Fog of War)

I have this 800x600square I want to draw to the screen. I want to 'cut' circles in it (where alpha would be 0). Basically I'm drawing this whole rectangle over a map so in these 'circles' I drew, you can see the map, otherwise you see the grey square
So, I assume you're trying to add fog of war to one of you game?
I had a small demo I made for a local University a few weeks ago to show A* pathfinding, so I thought I could add fog of war to it for you. Here's the results:
Initial map
First, you start with a complete map, totally visible
Then, I added a surface to cover the entire screen (take note that my map is smaller than the screen, so for this case I just added fog of war on the screen, but if you have scrolling, make sure it covers each map pixel 1:1)
mFogOfWar = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_HWSURFACE, in_Width, in_Height, 32, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000);
SDL_Rect screenRect = {0, 0, in_Width, in_Height};
SDL_FillRect(mFogOfWar, &screenRect, 0xFF202020);
Then, you need to draw it... I added this call after drawing the game objects and before drawing the UI
DrawSurface(mFogOfWar, 0, 0);
void RenderingManager::DrawSurface(SDL_Surface* in_Surface, int in_X, int in_Y)
SDL_Rect Dest = { in_X, in_Y, 0, 0 };
SDL_BlitSurface(in_Surface, NULL, mScreen, &Dest);
Which should give you the following result:
"Punch Surface"
I then created a 32 bits .png that looks like this (checkerboard shows alpha)
When rendering my main character, I added this call:
gRenderingManager.RemoveFogOfWar(int(mX) + SPRITE_X_OFFSET, int(mY) + SPRITE_Y_OFFSET);
The offset is only there to center the punch with the sprite, basically, what I'm passing to RemoveFogOfWar is the center of my sprite.
Remove Fog Of War
Now the meat of the fog of war. I did two versions, one where Fog of War is removed permanently and one where the fog of war is reset. My fog of war reset relies on my punch surface to have a contour where the alpha is reset to 0 and the fact that my character moves of less pixels than the contour contains per frame, otherwise I would keep the Rect where my punch was applied and I would refill it before drawing again the new punch.
Since I couldn't find a "multiply" blend with SDL, I decided to write a simple function that iterates on the punch surface and updates the alpha on the fog of war surface. The most important part is to make sure you stay within the bounds of your surfaces, so it takes up most of the code... there might be some crop functions but I didn't bother checking:
void RenderingManager::RemoveFogOfWar(int in_X, int in_Y)
const int halfWidth = mFogOfWarPunch->w / 2;
const int halfHeight = mFogOfWarPunch->h / 2;
SDL_Rect sourceRect = { 0, 0, mFogOfWarPunch->w, mFogOfWarPunch->h };
SDL_Rect destRect = { in_X - halfWidth, in_Y - halfHeight, mFogOfWarPunch->w, mFogOfWarPunch->h };
// Make sure our rects stays within bounds
if(destRect.x < 0)
sourceRect.x -= destRect.x; // remove the pixels outside of the surface
sourceRect.w -= sourceRect.x; // shrink to the surface, not to offset fog
destRect.x = 0;
destRect.w -= sourceRect.x; // shrink the width to stay within bounds
if(destRect.y < 0)
sourceRect.y -= destRect.y; // remove the pixels outside
sourceRect.h -= sourceRect.y; // shrink to the surface, not to offset fog
destRect.y = 0;
destRect.h -= sourceRect.y; // shrink the height to stay within bounds
int xDistanceFromEdge = (destRect.x + destRect.w) - mFogOfWar->w;
if(xDistanceFromEdge > 0) // we're busting
sourceRect.w -= xDistanceFromEdge;
destRect.w -= xDistanceFromEdge;
int yDistanceFromEdge = (destRect.y + destRect.h) - mFogOfWar->h;
if(yDistanceFromEdge > 0) // we're busting
sourceRect.h -= yDistanceFromEdge;
destRect.h -= yDistanceFromEdge;
Uint32* destPixels = (Uint32*)mFogOfWar->pixels;
Uint32* srcPixels = (Uint32*)mFogOfWarPunch->pixels;
static bool keepFogRemoved = false;
for(int x = 0; x < destRect.w; ++x)
for(int y = 0; y < destRect.h; ++y)
Uint32* destPixel = destPixels + (y + destRect.y) * mFogOfWar->w + destRect.x + x;
Uint32* srcPixel = srcPixels + (y + sourceRect.y) * mFogOfWarPunch->w + sourceRect.x + x;
unsigned char* destAlpha = (unsigned char*)destPixel + 3; // fetch alpha channel
unsigned char* srcAlpha = (unsigned char*)srcPixel + 3; // fetch alpha channel
if(keepFogRemoved == true && *srcAlpha > 0)
continue; // skip this pixel
*destAlpha = *srcAlpha;
Which then gave me this with keepFogRemoved = false even after the character had moved around
And this with keepFogRemoved = true
The important part is really to make sure you don't write outside of your pixel buffer, so watch out with negative offsets or offsets that would bring you out of the width or height. To validate my code, I added a simple call to RemoveFogOfWar when the mouse is clicked and tried corners and edges to make sure I didn't have a "off by one" problem
if(Event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)
gRenderingManager.RemoveFogOfWar(Event.button.x, Event.button.y);
Obviously, you don't need a 32 bits texture for the "punch", but it was the clearest way I could think of to show you how to do it. It could be done using as little as 1 bit per pixel (on / off). You can also add some gradient, and change the
if(keepFogRemoved == true && *srcAlpha > 0)
continue; // skip this pixel
To something like
if(*srcAlpha > *destAlpha)
To keep a smooth blend like this:
3 State Fog of War
I thought I should add this... I added a way to create a 3 state fog of war: visible, seen and fogged.
To do this, I simply keep the SDL_Rect of where I last "punched" the fog of war, and if the alpha is lower than a certain value, I clamp it at that value.
So, by simply adding
for(int x = 0; x < mLastFogOfWarPunchPosition.w; ++x)
for(int y = 0; y < mLastFogOfWarPunchPosition.h; ++y)
Uint32* destPixel = destPixels + (y + mLastFogOfWarPunchPosition.y) * mFogOfWar->w + mLastFogOfWarPunchPosition.x + x;
unsigned char* destAlpha = (unsigned char*)destPixel + 3;
if(*destAlpha < 0x60)
*destAlpha = 0x60;
mLastFogOfWarPunchPosition = destRect;
right before the loop where the fog of war is "punched", I get a fog of war similar to what you could have in games like StarCraft:
Now, since the "seen" fog of war is semi transparent, you will need to tweak your rendering method to properly clip "enemies" that would be in the fog, so you don't see them but you still see the terrain.
Hope this helps!