getting object in each element in vector - c++

Is there a way for an iterator to return an object in each element of a C++ Standard Library vector?
I have this code:
struct mystruct {
int field1;
int DoSomethingWithMyStruct(mystruct& a);
std::vector<mystruct> myVector;
std::vector<mystruct>::iterator it;
mystruct s1,s2, temp;
for (it=myVector.begin();it!=myVector.end();it++)
//I want to call DoSomethingWithMyStruct, so I have to pass in mystruct object.
//can I use iterator to get the object of each element in myVector without having to create a temporary mystruct object and pass it in?
//I'm looking for an easier way than having to do this:
temp.field1 = it->field1;

As well as what the others said, you can do this instead:
#include <algorithm>
std::for_each(myVector.begin(), myVector.end(), DoSomethingWithMyStruct);
It's short and succinct. No need of manual loop.


Just dereference the iterator, surely:
std::vector<mystruct>::iterator it, end;
for (it = myVector.begin(), end = myVector.end(); it != end; ++it) {
Or am I missing something here...?
Going further, there are other ways to iterate. You could use BOOST_FOREACH or C++0x ranged-for to simplify the loop. You could also use an algorithm like std::for_each to remove it entirely!
(Remember that it->field1 is like (*it).field1, so you're already doing this... even though you're going on to make your code more complicated than is necessary afterwards!)

Just simply dereference your iterator. *it, and you get a mystruct. They behave like pointers in this regard.
But in the case if you wonder how to iterate over all fields of all elements of a vector, where the elements are polymorphic; e.g. std::vector<Base*>, it's a bit more difficult. Since C++ doesn't have reflection that would make this possible (semi)automatically, you need to do it manually. Something similar to the Visitor Pattern comes to mind.

You have not populated myVector
Could make code more efficent like this
std::vector<mystruct>::const_iterator theEnd;
for (it=myVector.begin();it!=theEnd;++it)
Notice the position of the ++
I think that &(*it) should work.


Is it possible to iterate over an iterator?

I have a working program that capitalizes strings in a vector, using iterators:
vector<string> v7{ 10, "apples" };
for (auto vIterator= v7.begin(); vIterator!= v7.end(); ++vIterator){
auto word = *vIterator; //here
auto charIterator = word.begin();
*charIterator = toupper(*charIterator);
*vIterator = word; //also here, i guess i could just print `word` instead?
cout << *vIterator << endl;
My question is;
2nd line inside the loop # the comment, i had to save the pointer to the iterator to another string variable before i was able to iterate over it.
Iterating over the pointer like so
didn't seem to work.
Is this the correct practice, or am i missing something?
I'm new to the C languages, the concept behind pointer-like tools is quite hard to understand even if i can use them, and in this case it just feels like I'm doing it wrong.
Edit: It was a syntax error (*vIterator).begin();
It just didn't make sense why i'd have to save it to another variable before iterating over it, cheers.
Since you are using C++11 look how simpler your code can become using ranged loops like the example below:
std::vector<std::string> v(10, "apples");
for(auto &&word : v) {
word[0] = toupper(word[0]);
Now as far as it concerns the (*vIterator.begin(); didn't seem to work.):
The dot operator (i.e., .) has a higher precedence than the dereference operator (i.e., *). Thus, *vIterator.begin() is interpreted as *(vIterator.begin()). The compiler rightfully complains because vIterator hasn't got a member begin().
Think of iterators as if they were pointers. The correct way to access the members of an object via a pointer/iterator pointing to it is either using the arrow operator (i.e., vIterator->begin()) or first dereference the pointer/iterator and then use the dot operator (i.e., (*vIterator).begin()).
So your code via the use of iterators would become:
std::vector<std::string> v(10, "apples");
for(auto it(v.begin()), ite(v.end()); it != ite; ++it) {
*(it->begin()) = toupper(*(it->begin()));
The correct way to write *vIterator.begin(); is (*vIterator).begin(); or, more often, vIterator->begin();. Also note that you can also access the first character of a string directly (without having to iterate over it) as word[0].
A simple STL-ish way of doing it:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main()
vector<string> v7{ 10, "apples" };
for_each(v7.begin(), v7.end(), [](string& word){word[0] = toupper(word[0]);});

BOOST_FOREACH over a vector of pointers

I want to use the BOOST_FOREACH macro to iterate over a bunch of values in a vector of mine. The vector looks like this:
struct _Element
int key;
// more variables here
elements = new std::vector<_Element *>;
I'm very new to C++, and I'm a bit stumped as to how I would actually iterate over the contained _Element *'s. Why doesn't this work?
BOOST_FOREACH(_Element *currentElem, rootElement->_document->elements)
// do stuff
Compiling this gives me an error: error: no viable conversion from 'std::__1::vector<_Element *, std::__1::allocator<_Element *> >' to '_Element *'
BOOST_FOREACH(_Element *currentElem, rootElement->_document->elements)
The type of elements is vector<_Element *>*, so you need to dereference it before passing it to BOOST_FOREACH.
BOOST_FOREACH(_Element *currentElem, *(rootElement->_document->elements))
// do stuff
That will fix the compilation error, but since you're new to C++, there's a very good chance you don't need all those pointers you've declared. For instance, your code should probably look like this:
struct Element // do not use leading underscore followed by
// uppercase letter, that's reserved
int key;
// more variables here
std::vector<Element> elements = std::vector<Element>;
// vector of Element, not Element*. And elements is a vector, not vector *
Finally, if you have a compiler that supports C++11's range based for you don't need BOOST_FOREACH.
for(auto&& currentElem : rootElement.document.elements)
// notice that I've gotten rid of all the pointers within rootElement
// currentElem is a reference to the current element in the elements vector
The statement
elements = new std::vector<_Element *>;
indicates that elements is of pointer type.
Technically that means that you need to dereference it, *elements, for use with BOOST_FOREACH.
But that's still wholly wrong on the level of good programming practice.
Let elements just be a vector, directly. Not a pointer.
Don't use new.
Use a C++11 range-based for if your compiler supports it. If not, then upgrade your compiler and use a C++11 range-based for.
It can look like this:
for( auto const& item : elements )
// Do whatever
or if the items are of small/simple enough type that a bit of value copying doesn't matter, just
for( auto const item : elements )
// Do whatever
In passing: in addition to avoiding needless huge library dependencies, and avoiding use of raw pointers where practical, you might want to reconsider using a prefix underscore as a member name convention. Prefix underscores are used by a lot of other software and are reserved in the global namespace. A nice alternative is a suffix underscore.
BOOST_FOREACH expects a container not a pointer to a container as the second argument.
BOOST_FOREACH(_Element *currentElem, *(rootElement->_document->elements))
// do stuff
Do :
BOOST_FOREACH(_Element *currentElem, *(rootElement->_document->elements))
Or if your compiler supports C++11, prefer using the built-in range iteration:
for(auto element : *(rootElement->_document->elements))

Best way to delete a std::unique_ptr from a vector with a raw pointer?

So I have a vector like so:
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SomeClass>> myVector;
Then I have another vector which contains raw pointers of SomeClass:
std::vector<SomeClass*> myOtherVector;
If there is an element inside myOtherVector it will also be inside myVector, so I want to go through each element in myOtherVector and remove the same element from myVector. Then clear out the vector. This is what I came up with:
for(size_t i = 0; i < myOtherVector.size(); i++)
myVector.erase(std::remove(myVector.begin(), myVector.end(), myOtherVector[i]), myVector.end());
This produces a compile time error because myVector holds unique pointers but I'm giving the remove() function a raw pointer. This is where I need help because I don't know what the proper way to solve this problem would be. I changed the line to:
myVector.erase(std::remove(myVector.begin(), myVector.end(), std::unique_ptr<SomeClass>(myOtherVector[i])), myVector.end());
Frist of all this is incorrect because now I have two std::unique_ptrs referencing the same object. The element inside myVector contains a reference and the construction of the unique pointer in the above line is another reference. And I don't even know if constructing a new pointer to get the same type is conceptually the correct way to go about doing this. So then I changed the unique pointers to shared pointers:
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<SomeClass>> myVector;
std::vector<SomeClass*> myOtherVector;
for(size_t i = 0; i < myOtherVector.size(); i++)
myVector.erase(std::remove(myVector.begin(), myVector.end(), std::shared_ptr<SomeClass>(myOtherVector[i])), myVector.end());
When I ran the application the myVector.erase() line resulted in a runtime error which said "ApplicationName.exe has triggered a breakpoint." upon clicking continue I got a debug assertion failure.
So obviously I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what. What is the correct way to erase a smart pointer from a vector with a raw pointer?
This is how I would do it. Performance could be improved, but as long as it won't prove to be a bottleneck for your application, I would not bother with that. The algorithm is simple and clear.
It uses remove_if to selectively remove from the first container (myVector) all the elements pointing to objects that are pointed to by elements of the second container (myOtherVector); then, it clears the second container. The predicate is implemented through a lambda function:
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
struct SomeClass { /* ... */ };
int main()
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SomeClass>> myVector;
std::vector<SomeClass*> myOtherVector;
std::remove_if( // Selectively remove elements in the second vector...
[&] (std::unique_ptr<SomeClass> const& p)
{ // This predicate checks whether the element is contained
// in the second vector of pointers to be removed...
return std::find(
) != myOtherVector.end();
std::unique_ptr has a member function, get, that returns the owned pointer.
Consider the following:
std::sort(myOtherVector.begin(), myOtherVector.end());
myVector.erase(std::remove_if(myVector.begin(), myVector.end(),
[&](std::unique_ptr<SomeClass> const& p) -> bool
return std::binary_search(myOtherVector.begin(), myOtherVector.end(),
If you cant simplify your problem, how about std::set_difference or one of its kin (
You would need to specify a compare function to get() the raw pointer from the unique_ptr

Shorter way to get an iterator for a std::vector

Lets say that I have got a vector like this.
std::vector<a_complicated_whatever_identifier *> *something
= new std::vector<a_complicated_whatever_identifier *>;
// by the way, is this the right way to do this?
Now I want to get an iterator for this... so I would do this like this.
std::vector<a_complicated_whatever_identifier *>::iterator iter;
But I find it a little too much for my code. I wonder, is there any more, brief way to ask for an iterator regardless of the type?
I was thinking in something like.
something::iterator iter;
// OK, don’t laugh at me, I am still beginning with C++
Well, it obviously fail, but I guess you get the idea. How to accomplish this or something similar?
You would typically give your containers sensible typedefs, and then it's a breeze:
typedef std::pair<int, Employee> EmployeeTag;
typedef std::map<Foo, EmployeeTag> SignInRecords;
for (SignInRecords::const_iterator it = clock_ins.begin(); ... )
Usually, having a handy typedef for the container is more practical and self-documenting that an explicit typedef for the iterator (imagine if you're changing the container).
With the new C++ (11), you can say auto it = clock_ins.cbegin() to get a const-iterator.
Use a typedef.
typedef std::vector<complicated *>::iterator complicated_iter
Then set them like this:
complicated_iter begin, end;
In C++11 you'll be able to use auto.
auto iter = my_container.begin();
In the meantime just use a typedef for the vector:
typedef std::vector<a_complicated_whatever_identifier *> my_vector;
my_vector::iterator iter = my_container.begin();
You should rarely have much need/use for defining an iterator directly. In particular, iterating through a collection should normally be done by a generic algorithm. If there's one already defined that can do the job, it's best to use it. If there's not, it's best to write your own algorithm as an algorithm. In this case, the iterator type becomes a template parameter with whatever name you prefer (usually something referring at least loosely to the iterator category):
template <class InputIterator>
void my_algorithm(InputIterator start, InputIterator stop) {
for (InputIterator p = start; p != stop; ++p)
Since they've been mentioned, I'll point out that IMO, typedef and C++11's new auto are (at least IMO) rarely a good answer to this situation. Yes, they can eliminate (or at least reduce) the verbosity in defining an object of the iterator type -- but in this case, it's basically just treating the symptom, not the disease.
As an aside, I'd also note that:
A vector of pointers is usually a mistake.
Dynamically allocating a vector is even more likely a mistake.
At least right off, it looks rather as if you're probably accustomed to something like Java, where you always have to use new to create an object. In C++, this is relatively unusual -- most of the time, you want to just define a local object so creation and destruction will be handled automatically.
// by the way, is this the right way to do this?
What you are doing is correct. The best approach depends on how you want to use that vector.
But I find it a little too much for my code. I wonder, is there any
more, brief way to ask for an iterator regardless of the type?
Yes, you can define the vector as a type:
typedef std::vector<a_complicated_whatever_identifier *> MyVector;
MyVector * vectPtr = new MyVector;
MyVector::iterator iter;
If you have a recent compiler, I suggest giving c++11 a spin. Most compilers support it in the form of the --std=c++0x flag. You can do all kinds of nifty things related to type inference:
std::list<std::map<std::string, some_complex_type> > tables;
for (auto& table: tables)
std::cout << table.size() << std::endl;
for (auto it = tables.begin(); it!= tables.end(); ++it)
std::cout << it->size() << std::endl;
Also look at decltype and many other handyness:
// full copy is easy
auto clone = tables;
// but you wanted same type, no data?
decltype(tables) empty;
Contrived example of combining typedefs with the above:
typedef decltype(tables) stables_t;
typedef stables_t::value_type::const_iterator ci_t;

Error when using set_union and set_intersection

I have two sets and I'm trying to do a union (I get the same error when doing an intersection). Here is the error:
error C3892: 'std::_Tree_const_iterator<_Mytree>::operator *' : you cannot assign to a variable that is const
Code snippet(if I comment out the line with the --> then the code compiles and my work around way of doing the union works fine):
set<Line *>::iterator it;
set<Line *> * newSet = new set<Line *>();
leftLines = pLeft->getSet();
rightLines = pRight->getSet();
-->it = set_union(leftLines->begin(),leftLines->end(),rightLines->begin(), rightLines->end(), newSet->begin());
for(it = leftLines->begin(); it != leftLines->end(); it++)
for(it = rightLines->begin(); it != rightLines->end(); it++)
it = newSet->begin();
while(it != newSet->end())
I'm sure this is something silly but I'm kind of lost. I think that code snippet should be enough but I can provide whatever else is needed. Thanks.
This is C++, not Java [edit: or .NET]. You almost certainly want to replace (for example):
set<Line *> * newSet = new set<Line *>();
with just:
set<Line *> newSet;
...or, better still, probably just:
set<Line> newSet;
Although it's impossible to say for certain based on the code you've posted, there's a pretty fair chance that your left and right shouldn't be dealing in pointers either -- if they're going to do anything of the sort, a reference probably makes more sense (though, as I said, based on just what you've posted, it's impossible to say for sure).
Once you've done that, you run into a minor problem: a "normal" iterator over a set (or multiset, map or multimap) is really a const_iterator. Once you insert something into an associative container, you're not allowed to change it because that could destroy the collection's invariant (being sorted). If you want to change an existing item, you need to delete if from the contain, make the change, and insert the changed object back into the container. In your case, you're just inserting new items, so you want an insert_iterator.
Since you're not planning on modifying either left or right, you might as well treat them as const as well:
std::set_union(left.cbegin(), left.cend(),
right.cbegin(), right.cend(),
std::inserter(newSet, newSet.end()));
If you decide to simulate set_union on your own, you can do something like this:
std::set<Line> newSet(left.cbegin(), left.cend());
std::copy(right.cbegin(), right.cend(), std::inserter(newSet, newSet.end()));
Instead of passing around pointers to containers, you normally want to pass around iterators into the containers. For example, to print out the contents, you apparently now have something like:
void print_data(std::vector<Line *> const *data) {
for (int i=0; i<data->size(); i++)
std::cout << *(*data)[i] << "\n";
It probably has more formatting and such, but for the moment we'll ignore those details and assume it's this simple. To write the data directly from a container of your choice, you normally want a template that will accept iterators of an arbitrary type:
template <class inIt>
void print_data(inIt begin, inIt end) {
while (begin != end)
std::cout << *begin++ << '\n';
We can, however, go a step further than that, and specify the output as an iterator as well:
template <class inIt, class outIt>
void print_data(inIt begin, inIt end, outIt dest) {
while (begin != end) {
*dest++ = *begin++;
*dest++ = '\n';
You could go one more step, and allow the user to specify the delimiter to be used between the items, instead of always using '\n', but at that point, you'd just be duplicating something what's already in the standard library -- a combination of std::copy and an std::ostream_iterator, which is how you probably want to deal with this in reality:
std::copy(newSet.begin(), newSet.end(),
std::ostream_iterator<Line>(std::cout, "\n"));
Note, however, that as far as the standard library cares, an ostream_iterator is just another iterator. If you're just going to print out the union of left and right, you can skip even creating a set to hold that union, and just print it out directly:
std::set_union(left.cbegin(), left.cend(),
right.cbegin(), right.cend(),
std::ostream_iterator<Line>(std::cout, "\n"));
The fact that an ostream_iterator writes to a file instead of putting things into a normal collection is entirely irrelevant to the standard library. It has a few classes of iterators, and can write output to any iterator that models the correct class.
Now, I may be jumping the gun, so to speak -- maybe need to do other processing on the data before you write it to the console. My point isn't that you necessarily have to write the union directly to standard output, but just that you don't necessarily have to write it to some other collection before you print it out.
set iterators aren't output iterators. Use this:
set_union(leftLines->begin(),leftLines->end(),rightLines->begin(), rightLines->end(), inserter(*newSet, newSet->begin()));
Also, why're you filling newSet? Leave it as is after the union/intersection or the union/intersection will be pointless.
set<Line *>::iterator it;
set<Line *> newSet; // No need to `new` this
leftLines = pLeft->getSet();
rightLines = pRight->getSet();
set_union(leftLines->begin(),leftLines->end(),rightLines->begin(), rightLines->end(), inserter(newSet, newSet.begin()));
// Assuming you really need the below code - you could likely just make an inserter directly on `result` instead of the copying.
it = newSet.begin();
while(it != newSet.end())