VC++ 2010: Weird Critical Section error - c++

My program is randomly crashing in a small scenario I can reproduce, but it happens in mlock.c (which is a VC++ runtime file) from ntdll.dll, and I can't see the stack trace. I do know that it happens in one of my thread functions, though.
This is the mlock.c code where the program crashes:
void __cdecl _unlock (
int locknum
* leave the critical section.
LeaveCriticalSection( _locktable[locknum].lock );
The error is "invalid handle specified". If I look at locknum, it's a number larger than _locktable's size, so this makes some sense.
This seems to be related to Critical Section usage. I do use CRITICAL_SECTIONS in my thread, via a CCriticalSection wrapper class and its associated RAII guard, CGuard. Definitions for both here to avoid even more clutter.
This is the thread function that's crashing:
unsigned int __stdcall CPlayBack::timerThread( void * pParams ) {
#ifdef _DEBUG
DRA::CommonCpp::SetThreadName( -1, "CPlayBack::timerThread" );
CPlayBack * pThis = static_cast<CPlayBack*>( pParams );
bool bContinue = true;
while( bContinue ) {
float m_fActualFrameRate = pThis->m_fFrameRate * pThis->m_fFrameRateMultiplier;
if( m_fActualFrameRate != 0 && pThis->m_bIsPlaying ) {
bContinue = ( ::WaitForSingleObject( pThis->m_hEndThreadEvent, static_cast<DWORD>( 1000.0f / m_fActualFrameRate ) ) == WAIT_TIMEOUT );
CImage img;
if( pThis->m_bIsPlaying && pThis->nextFrame( img ) )
pThis->sendImage( img );
bContinue = ( ::WaitForSingleObject( pThis->m_hEndThreadEvent, 10 ) == WAIT_TIMEOUT );
::GetErrorLoggerInstance()->Log( LOG_TYPE_NOTE, "CPlayBack", "timerThread", "Exiting thread" );
return 0;
Where does CCriticalSection come in? Every CImage object contains a CCriticalSection object which it uses through a CGuard RAII lock. Moreover, every CImage contains a CSharedMemory object which implements reference counting. To that end, it contains two CCriticalSection's as well, one for the data and one for the reference counter. A good example of these interactions is best seen in the destructors:
CImage::~CImage() {
CGuard guard(m_csData);
if( m_pSharedMemory != NULL ) {
if( !m_pSharedMemory->isBeingUsed() ){
delete m_pSharedMemory;
m_pSharedMemory = NULL;
CSharedMemory::~CSharedMemory() {
CGuard guardUse( m_cs );
if( m_pData && m_bCanDelete ){
delete []m_pData;
m_use = 0;
m_pData = NULL;
Anyone bumped into this kind of error? Any suggestion?
Edit: I got to see some call stack: the call comes from ~CSharedMemory. So there must be some race condition there
Edit: More CSharedMemory code here

The "invalid handle specified" return code paints a pretty clear picture that your critical section object has been deallocated; assuming of course that it was allocated properly to begin with.
Your RAII class seems like a likely culprit. If you take a step back and think about it, your RAII class violates the Sepration Of Concerns principle, because it has two jobs:
It provides allocate/destroy semantics for the CRITICAL_SECTION
It provides acquire/release semantics for the CRITICAL_SECTION
Most implementations of a CS wrapper I have seen violate the SoC principle in the same way, but it can be problematic. Especially when you have to start passing around instances of the class in order to get to the acquire/release functionality. Consider a simple, contrived example in psudocode:
void WorkerThreadProc(CCriticalSection cs)
int main()
CCriticalSection my_cs;
std::vector<NeatStuff> stuff_used_by_multiple_threads;
// Create 3 threads, passing the entry point "WorkerThreadProc"
for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
CreateThread(... &WorkerThreadProc, my_cs);
// Join the 3 threads...
The problem here is CCriticalSection is passed by value, so the destructor is called 4 times. Each time the destructor is called, the CRITICAL_SECTION is deallocated. The first time works fine, but now it's gone.
You could kludge around this problem by passing references or pointers to the critical section class, but then you muddy the semantic waters with ownership issues. What if the thread that "owns" the crit sec dies before the other threads? You could use a shared_ptr, but now nobody really "owns" the critical section, and you have given up a little control in on area in order to gain a little in another area.
The true "fix" for this problem is to seperate concerns. Have one class for allocation & deallocation:
class CCriticalSection : public CRITICAL_SECTION
CCriticalSection(){ InitializeCriticalSection(this); }
~CCriticalSection() { DestroyCriticalSection(this); }
...and another to handle locking & unlocking...
class CSLock
CSLock(CRITICAL_SECTION& cs) : cs_(cs) { EnterCriticalSection(&cs_); }
~CSLock() { LeaveCriticalSection(&cs_); }
Now you can pass around raw pointers or references to a single CCriticalSection object, possibly const, and have the worker threads instantiate their own CSLocks on it. The CSLock is owned by the thread that created it, which is as it should be, but ownership of the CCriticalSection is clearly retained by some controlling thread; also a good thing.

Make sure Critical Section object is not in #pragma packing 1 (or any non-default packing).
Ensure that no other thread (or same thread) is corrupting the CS object. Run some static analysis tool to check for any buffer overrun problem.
If you have runtime analysis tool, do run it to find the issue.

I decided to adhere to the KISS principle and rock and roll all nite simplify things. I figured I'd replace the CSharedMemoryClass with a std::tr1::shared_ptr<BYTE> and a CCriticalSection which protects it from concurrent access. Both are members of CImage now, and concerns are better separated now, IMHO.
That solved the weird critical section, but now it seems I have a memory leak caused by std::tr1::shared_ptr, you might see me post about it soon... It never ends!


Global State Mutex vs Lock

This question isn't specific to glfw, but it serves well to describe what I mean. In glfw, in order to start using any functions we need to call glfwInit() and when we no longer need to use them we call glfwTerminate(), I've been trying to come up with a way to wrap this around a RAII class, and I've found two useful ways to do it, but I'm not sure of the pros and cons of each one. In all of these I'm omitting the error-checking and the such, as they won't change the examples too much.
1: Using a Lock-like class
My first idea was to have a lock-like class that called glfwInit() at the beginning of it's lifetime and glfwTerminate() and the end, something like this:
struct GLFWLock
GLFWLock() { glfwInit(); }
~GLFWLock() { glfwTerminate(); }
I realized that if two of these classes were created, then glfwInit and glfwTerminate would be called twice, so I added a ref counter and I felt like this was a fairly complete solution, aside from making it thread-safe and possible others, but it would essentially be the same thing:
struct GLFWLock
static size_t ref_count; /* = 0 in .cpp */
GLFWLock() { if ( ref_count == 0 ) { glfwInit(); } ref_count++; }
~GLFWLock() { ref_count--; if ( ref_count == 0 ) { glfwTerminate(); } }
2: Using a Mutex-like class
After working with the previous model for a bit, I realized it is the same as a std::lock_guard with a mutex, in a way, so I thought I could make a mutex class and have the user do a lock_guard whenever they needed to use glfw, instead of offering just a lock.
I ended up coming up with this, which somewhat fits the concept of mutex according to the standard, ignoring a few of the formal requirements and focusing on what std::lock_guard will actually use:
struct GLFWMutex
static size_t ref_count; /* = 0 in the .cpp */
bool locked = false;
~GLFWMutex() { unlock(); }
void lock()
if ( !locked )
if ( ref_count == 0 ) { glfwInit(); }
locked = true;
void unlock()
if ( locked )
locked = false;
if ( ref_count == 0 ) { glfwTerminate(); }
And then use it with std::lock_guard whenever it's needed, like a normal mutex.
I can see using the lock-like class is less that you have to type, since you don't have to declare a mutex and a guard, but would the mutex-like class be more useful? Possibly after adding more member functions like try_lock(), owns_lock() and others? Or is there a better solution to encapsulate this behavior?
Edit 1:
The usage syntax I'd like for this shared state would be something like:
struct glfw_shared_state
static size_t ref_count; /* = 0 in .cpp */
glfw_shared_state() { if ( ref_count == 0 ) { glfwInit(); } ref_count++; }
~glfw_shared_state() { ref_count--; if ( ref_count == 0 ) { glfwTerminate(); } }
struct Game
/// While this Game object is alive, I want to share the state of glfw, so it isn't terminated
glfw_shared_state state;
Where every instance of game would up the ref_count by one, which would make glfw stay alive throughout game's whole lifetime, basically a shared_ptr, but for functions instead of an object
Edit 2:
As for the std::lock_guard, what I meant was something like the following:
/// This has an internal ref counter for how many threads are currently locking it
/// When it first starts with 0 threads and someone locks, it calls glfwInit()
/// Then everytime some other thread locks, it just ups the ref counter
/// After every thread using it has unlocked it and it's ref counter is 0, it calls glfwTerminate()
/// So this isn't locking anyway, it's just sharing a state
glfw_mutex global_glfw_mutex;
void draw()
/// Make sure glfw is alive during this draw function
std::lock_guard lock(global_glfw_mutex);
It's a bit convoluted, but it's essentially what I meant with the second example in the original post, I think that mutex and lock aren't appropriate words for this, but I think the comment convey the meaning I want the code to have, the 'lock' is just a shared_ptr essentially

How and what data must be synced in multithreaded c++

I build a little application which has a render thread and some worker threads for tasks which can be made nearby the rendering, e.g. uploading files onto some server. Now in those worker threads I use different objects to store feedback information and share these with the render thread to read them for output purpose. So render = output, worker = input. Those shared objects are int, float, bool, STL string and STL list.
I had this running a few months and all was fine except 2 random crashes during output, but I learned about thread syncing now. I read int, bool, etc do not require syncing and I think it makes sense, but when I look at string and list I fear potential crashes if 2 threads attempt to read/write an object the same time. Basically I expect one thread changes the size of the string while the other might use the outdated size to loop through its characters and then read from unallocated memory. Today evening I want to build a little test scenario with 2 threads writing/reading the same object in a loop, however I was hoping to get some ideas here aswell.
I was reading about the CriticalSection in Win32 and thought it may be worth a try. Yet I am unsure what the best way would be to implement it. If I put it at the start and at the end of a read/function it feels like some time was wasted. And if I wrap EnterCriticalSection and LeaveCriticalSection in Set and Get Functions for each object I want to have synced across the threads, it is alot of adminstration.
I think I must crawl through more references.
Okay I am still not sure how to proceed. I was studying the links provided by StackedCrooked but do still have no image of how to do this.
I put copied/modified together this now and have no idea how to continue or what to do: someone has ideas?
class CSync
: m_isEnter(false)
{ InitializeCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); }
{ DeleteCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); }
bool TryEnter()
m_isEnter = TryEnterCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection)==0 ? false:true;
return m_isEnter;
void Enter()
void Leave()
CRITICAL_SECTION m_CriticalSection;
bool m_isEnter;
/* not needed
class CLockGuard
CLockGuard(CSync& refSync) : m_refSync(refSync) { Lock(); }
~CLockGuard() { Unlock(); }
CSync& m_refSync;
CLockGuard(const CLockGuard &refcSource);
CLockGuard& operator=(const CLockGuard& refcSource);
void Lock() { m_refSync.Enter(); }
void Unlock() { m_refSync.Leave(); }
template<class T> class Wrap
Wrap(T* pp, const CSync& sync)
: p(pp)
, m_refSync(refSync)
Call_proxy<T> operator->() { m_refSync.Enter(); return Call_proxy<T>(p); }
T* p;
CSync& m_refSync;
template<class T> class Call_proxy
Call_proxy(T* pp, const CSync& sync)
: p(pp)
, m_refSync(refSync)
~Call_proxy() { m_refSync.Leave(); }
T* operator->() { return p; }
T* p;
CSync& m_refSync;
int main
CSync sync;
Wrap<string> safeVar(new string);
// safeVar what now?
return 0;
Okay so I was preparing a little test now to see if my attempts do something good, so first I created a setup to make the application crash, I believed...
But that does not crash!? Does that mean now I need no syncing? What does the program need to effectively crash? And if it does not crash why do I even bother. It seems I am missing some point again. Any ideas?
string gl_str, str_test;
void thread1()
gl_str = "12345";
str_test = gl_str;
void thread2()
gl_str = "123456789";
str_test = gl_str;
CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)thread1, NULL, 0, NULL );
CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)thread2, NULL, 0, NULL );
Just added more stuff and now it crashes when calling clear(). Good.
void thread1()
gl_str = "12345";
str_test = gl_str;
gl_int = 124;
void thread2()
gl_str = "123456789";
str_test = gl_str;
gl_str = "aaaaaaaaaaaaa";
gl_int = 244;
The rules is simple: if the object can be modified in any thread, all accesses to it require synchronization. The type of object doesn't matter: even bool or int require external synchronization of some sort (possibly by means of a special, system dependent function, rather than with a lock). There are no exceptions, at least in C++. (If you're willing to use inline assembler, and understand the implications of fences and memory barriers, you may be able to avoid a lock.)
I read int, bool, etc do not require syncing
This is not true:
A thread may store a copy of the variable in a CPU register and keep using the old value even in the original variable has been modified by another thread.
Simple operations like i++ are not atomic.
The compiler may reorder reads and writes to the variable. This may cause synchronization issues in multithreaded scenarios.
See Lockless Programming Considerations for more details.
You should use mutexes to protect against race conditions. See this article for a quick introduction to the boost threading library.
First, you do need protection even for accessing the most primitive of data types.
If you have an int x somewhere, you can write
x += 42;
... but that will mean, at the lowest level: read the old value of x, calculate a new value, write the new value to the variable x. If two threads do that at about the same time, strange things will happen. You need a lock/critical section.
I'd recommend using the C++11 and related interfaces, or, if that is not available, the corresponding things from the boost::thread library. If that is not an option either, critical sections on Win32 and pthread_mutex_* for Unix.
NO, Don't Start Writing Multithreaded Programs Yet!
Let's talk about invariants first.
In a (hypothetical) well-defined program, every class has an invariant.
The invariant is some logical statement that is always true about an instance's state, i.e. about the values of all its member variables. If the invariant ever becomes false, the object is broken, corrupted, your program may crash, bad things have already happened. All your functions assume that the invariant is true when they are called, and they make sure that it is still true afterwards.
When a member function changes a member variable, the invariant might temporarily become false, but that is OK because the member function will make sure that everything "fits together" again before it exits.
You need a lock that protects the invariant - whenever you do something that might affect the invariant, take the lock and do not release it until you've made sure that the invariant is restored.

Read-write thread-safe smart pointer in C++, x86-64

I develop some lock free data structure and following problem arises.
I have writer thread that creates objects on heap and wraps them in smart pointer with reference counter. I also have a lot of reader threads, that work with these objects. Code can look like this:
SmartPtr ptr;
class Reader : public Thread {
virtual void Run {
for (;;) {
SmartPtr local(ptr);
// do smth
class Writer : public Thread {
virtual void Run {
for (;;) {
SmartPtr newPtr(new Object);
ptr = newPtr;
int main() {
Pool* pool = SystemThreadPool();
pool->Run(new Reader());
pool->Run(new Writer());
for (;;) // wait for crash :(
When I create thread-local copy of ptr it means at least
Read an address.
Increment reference counter.
I can't do these two operations atomically and thus sometimes my readers work with deleted object.
The question is - what kind of smart pointer should I use to make read-write access from several threads with correct memory management possible? Solution should exist, since Java programmers don't even care about such a problem, simply relying on that all objects are references and are deleted only when nobody uses them.
For PowerPC I found, looks nice, but uses Load-Linked and Store-Conditional instructions, that we don't have in x86.
As far I as I understand, boost pointers provide such functionality only using locks. I need lock free solution.
boost::shared_ptr have atomic_store which uses a "lock-free" spinlock which should be fast enough for 99% of possible cases.
boost::shared_ptr<Object> ptr;
class Reader : public Thread {
virtual void Run {
for (;;) {
boost::shared_ptr<Object> local(boost::atomic_load(&ptr));
// do smth
class Writer : public Thread {
virtual void Run {
for (;;) {
boost::shared_ptr<Object> newPtr(new Object);
boost::atomic_store(&ptr, newPtr);
int main() {
Pool* pool = SystemThreadPool();
pool->Run(new Reader());
pool->Run(new Writer());
for (;;)
In response to comment below, the implementation is in "boost/shared_ptr.hpp"...
template<class T> void atomic_store( shared_ptr<T> * p, shared_ptr<T> r )
boost::detail::spinlock_pool<2>::scoped_lock lock( p );
p->swap( r );
template<class T> shared_ptr<T> atomic_exchange( shared_ptr<T> * p, shared_ptr<T> r )
boost::detail::spinlock & sp = boost::detail::spinlock_pool<2>::spinlock_for( p );
p->swap( r );
return r; // return std::move( r )
With some jiggery-pokery you should be able to accomplish this using InterlockedCompareExchange128. Store the reference count and pointer in a 2 element __int64 array. If reference count is in array[0] and pointer in array[1] the atomic update would look like this:
__int64 comparand[2];
comparand[0] = refCount;
comparand[1] = pointer;
if(1 == InterlockedCompareExchange128(
refCount + 1,
// Pointer is ready for use. Exit the while loop.
If an InterlockedCompareExchange128 intrinsic function isn't available for your compiler then you may use the underlying CMPXCHG16B instruction instead, if you don't mind mucking around in assembly language.
The solution proposed by RobH doesn't work. It has the same problem as the original question: when accessing the reference count object, it might already have been deleted.
The only way I see of solving the problem without a global lock (as in boost::atomic_store) or conditional read/write instructions is to somehow delay the destruction of the object (or the shared reference count object if such thing is used). So zennehoy has a good idea but his method is too unsafe.
The way I might do it is by keeping copies of all the pointers in the writer thread so that the writer can control the destruction of the objects:
class Writer : public Thread {
virtual void Run() {
list<SmartPtr> ptrs; //list that holds all the old ptr values
for (;;) {
SmartPtr newPtr(new Object);
ptrs.push_back(ptr); //push previous pointer into the list
ptr = newPtr;
//Periodically go through the list and destroy objects that are not
//referenced by other threads
for(auto it=ptrs.begin(); it!=ptrs.end(); )
it = ptrs.erase(it);
However there are still requirements for the smart pointer class. This doesn't work with shared_ptr as the reads and writes are not atomic. It almost works with boost::intrusive_ptr. The assignment on intrusive_ptr is implemented like this (pseudocode):
//create temporary from rhs
tmp.ptr = rhs.ptr;
T* x = lhs.ptr;
lhs.ptr = tmp.ptr;
tmp.ptr = x;
//destroy temporary
As far as I understand the only thing missing here is a compiler level memory fence before lhs.ptr = tmp.ptr;. With that added, both reading rhs and writing lhs would be thread-safe under strict conditions: 1) x86 or x64 architecture 2) atomic reference counting 3) rhs refcount must not go to zero during the assignment (guaranteed by the Writer code above) 4) only one thread writing to lhs (using CAS you could have several writers).
Anyway, you could create your own smart pointer class based on intrusive_ptr with necessary changes. Definitely easier than re-implementing shared_ptr. And besides, if you want performance, intrusive is the way to go.
The reason this works much more easily in java is garbage collection. In C++, you have to manually ensure that a value is not just starting to be used by a different thread when you want to delete it.
A solution I've used in a similar situation is to simply delay the deletion of the value. I create a separate thread that iterates through a list of things to be deleted. When I want to delete something, I add it to this list with a timestamp. The deleting thread waits until some fixed time after this timestamp before actually deleting the value. You just have to make sure that the delay is large enough to guarantee that any temporary use of the value has completed.
100 milliseconds would have been enough in my case, I chose a few seconds to be safe.

What is the most efficient way to make this code thread safe?

Some C++ library I'm working on features a simple tracing mechanism which can be activated to generate log files showing which functions were called and what arguments were passed. It basically boils down to a TRACE macro being spilled all over the source of the library, and the macro expands to something like this:
typedef void(*TraceProc)( const char *msg );
/* Sets 'callback' to point to the trace procedure which actually prints the given
* message to some output channel, or to a null trace procedure which is a no-op when
* case the given source file/line position was disabled by the client.
* This function also registers the callback pointer in an internal data structure
* and resets it to zero in case the filtering configuration changed since the last
* invocation of updateTraceCallback.
void updateTraceCallback( TraceProc *callback, const char *file, unsinged int lineno );
#define TRACE(msg) \
{ \
static TraceProc traceCallback = 0; \
if ( !traceCallback ) \
updateTraceCallback( &traceCallback, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); \
traceCallback( msg ); \
The idea is that people can just say TRACE("foo hit") in their code and that will either
call a debug printing function or it will be a no-op. They can use some other API (which is not shown here) to configure that only TRACE uses in locations (source file/line number) should be printed. This configuration can change at runtime.
The issue with this is that this idea should now be used in a multi-threaded code base. Hence, the code which TRACE expands to needs to work correctly in the face of multiple threads of execution running the code simultaneously. There are about 20.000 different trace points in the code base right now and they are hit very often, so they should be rather efficient
What is the most efficient way to make this approach thread safe? I need a solution for Windows (XP and newer) and Linux. I'm afraid of doing excessive locking just to check whether the filter configuration changed (99% of the time a trace point is hit, the configuration didn't change). I'm open to larger changes to the macro, too. So instead of discussing mutex vs. critical section performance, it would also be acceptable if the macro just sent an event to an event loop in a different thread (assuming that accessing the event loop is thread safe) and all the processing happens in the same thread, so it's synchronized using the event loop.
UPDATE: I can probably simplify this question to:
If I have one thread reading a pointer, and another thread which might write to the variable (but 99% of the time it doesn't), how can I avoid that the reading thread needs to lock all the time?
You could implement a configuration file version variable. When your program starts it is set to 0. The macro can hold a static int that is the last config version it saw. Then a simple atomic comparison between the last seen and the current config version will tell you if you need to do a full lock and re-call updateTraceCallback();.
That way, 99% of the time you'll only add an extra atomic op, or memory barrier or something simmilar, which is very cheap. 1% of the time, just do the full mutex thing, it shouldn't affect your performance in any noticeable way, if its only 1% of the time.
Some .h file:
extern long trace_version;
Some .cpp file:
long trace_version = 0;
The macro:
#define TRACE(msg)
static long __lastSeenVersion = -1;
static TraceProc traceCallback = 0;
if ( !traceCallback || __lastSeenVersion != trace_version )
updateTraceCallback( &traceCallback, &__lastSeenVersion, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
traceCallback( msg );
The functions for incrementing a version and updates:
static long oldVersionRefcount = 0;
static long curVersionRefCount = 0;
void updateTraceCallback( TraceProc *callback, long &version, const char *file, unsinged int lineno ) {
if ( version != trace_version ) {
if ( InterlockedDecrement( oldVersionRefcount ) == 0 ) {
// resources.....
// mutex needed, since no one is using this,,,
//....aquire mutex and do stuff....
InterlockedIncrement( curVersionRefCount );
*version = trace_version;
//...release mutex...
void setNewTraceCallback( TraceProc *callback ) {
//...aquire mutex...
trace_version++; // No locks, mutexes or anything, this is atomic by itself.
while ( oldVersionRefcount != 0 ) { //..sleep? }
InterlockedExchange( &oldVersionRefcount, curVersionRefCount );
curVersionRefCount = 0;
//.... and so on...
//...release mutex...
Of course, this is very simplified, since if you need to upgrade the version and the oldVersionRefCount > 0, then you're in trouble; how to solve this is up to you, since it really depends on your problem. My guess is that in those situations, you could simply wait until the ref count is zero, since the amount of time that the ref count is incremented should be the time it takes to run the macro.
I still don't fully understand the question, so please correct me on anything I didn't get.
(I'm leaving out the backslashes.)
#define TRACE(msg)
static TraceProc traceCallback = NULL;
TraceProc localTraceCallback;
localTraceCallback = traceCallback;
if (!localTraceCallback)
updateTraceBallback(&localTraceCallback, __FILE__, __LINE__);
// If two threads are running this at the same time
// one of them will update traceCallback and get it overwritten
// by the other. This isn't a big deal.
traceCallback = localTraceCallback;
// Now there's no way localTraceCallback can be null.
// An issue here is if in the middle of this executing
// traceCallback gets null'ed. But you haven't specified any
// restrictions about this either, so I'm assuming it isn't a problem.
Your comment says "resets it to zero in case the filtering configuration changes at runtime" but am I correct in reading that as "resets it to zero when the filtering configuration changes"?
Without knowing exactly how updateTraceCallback implements its data structure, or what other data it's referring to in order to decide when to reset the callbacks (or indeed to set them in the first place), it's impossible to judge what would be safe. A similar problem applies to knowing what traceCallback does - if it accesses a shared output destination, for example.
Given these limitations the only safe recommendation that doesn't require reworking other code is to stick a mutex around the whole lot (or preferably a critical section on Windows).
I'm afraid of doing excessive locking just to check whether the filter configuration changed (99% of the time a trace point is hit, the configuration didn't change). I'm open to larger changes to the macro, too. So instead of discussing mutex vs. critical section performance, it would also be acceptable if the macro just sent an event to an event loop in a different thread (assuming that accessing the event loop is thread safe)
How do you think thread safe messaging between threads is implemented without locks?
Anyway, here's a design that might work:
The data structure that holds the filter must be changed so that it is allocated dynamically from the heap because we are going to be creating multiple instances of filters. Also, it's going to need a reference count added to it. You need a typedef something like:
typedef struct Filter
unsigned int refCount;
// all the other filter data
} Filter;
There's a singleton 'current filter' declared somewhere.
static Filter* currentFilter;
and initialised with some default settings.
In your TRACE macro:
#define TRACE(char* msg)
static Filter* filter = NULL;
static TraceProc traceCallback = NULL;
if (filterOutOfDate(filter))
getNewCallback(__FILE__, __LINE__, &traceCallback, &filter);
filterOutOfDate() merely compares the filter with currentFilter to see if it is the same. It should be enough to just compare addresses. It does no locking.
getNewCallback() applies the current filter to get the new trace function and updates the filter passed in with the address of the current filter. It's implementation must be protected with a mutex lock. Also, it decremetns the refCount of the original filter and increments the refCount of the new filter. This is so we know when we can free the old filter.
void getNewCallback(const char* file, int line, TraceProc* newCallback, Filter** filter)
// MUTEX lock
newCallback = // whatever you need to do
if (*filter != NULL)
if (*filter->refCount == 0)
// free filter and associated resources
*filter = currentFilter;
// MUTEX unlock
When you want to change the filter, you do something like
Filter* newFilter = // build a new filter
newFilter->refCount = 0;
// MUTEX lock (same mutex as above)
currentFilter = newFilter;
// MUTEX unlock
If I have one thread reading a pointer, and another thread which might write to the variable (but 99% of the time it doesn't), how can I avoid that the reading thread needs to lock all the time?
From your code, it is OK to use the mutex inside the updateTraceCallback() since it is going to be called very rarely (once per location). After taking the mutex, check whether the traceCallback is already initialized: if yes, then other thread just did it for you and there is nothing to be done.
If updateTraceCallback() would turn out to be a serious performance problem due to the collisions on the global mutex, then you can simply make an array of mutexes instead and use hashed value of the traceCallback pointer as an index into the mutex array. That would spread locking over many mutexes and minimize number of collisions.
#define TRACE(msg) \
{ \
static TraceProc traceCallback = \
updateTraceBallback( &traceCallback, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); \
traceCallback( msg ); \

Debugging instance of another thread altering my data

I have a huge global array of structures. Some regions of the array are tied to individual threads and those threads can modify their regions of the array without having to use critical sections. But there is one special region of the array which all threads may have access to. The code that accesses these parts of the array needs to carefully use critical sections (each array element has its own critical section) to prevent any possibility of two threads writing to the structure simultaneously.
Now I have a mysterious bug I am trying to chase, it is occurring unpredictably and very infrequently. It seems that one of the structures is being filled with some incorrect number. One obvious explanation is that another thread has accidentally been allowed to set this number when it should be excluded from doing so.
Unfortunately it seems close to impossible to track this bug. The array element in which the bad data appears is different each time. What I would love to be able to do is set some kind of trap for the bug as follows: I would enter a critical section for array element N, then I know that no other thread should be able to touch the data, then (until I exit the critical section) set some kind of flag to a debugging tool saying "if any other thread attempts to change the data here please break and show me the offending patch of source code"... but I suspect no such tool exists... or does it? Or is there some completely different debugging methodology that I should be employing.
How about wrapping your data with a transparent mutexed class? Then you could apply additional lock state checking.
class critical_section;
template < class T >
class element_wrapper
element_wrapper(const T& v) : val(v) {}
element_wrapper() {}
const element_wrapper& operator = (const T& v) {
val = v;
return *this;
operator T() { return val; }
critical_section* cs;
T val;
As for critical section implementation:
class critical_section
critical_section() : locked(FALSE) {
~critical_section() {
void lock() {
locked = TRUE;
void unlock() {
locked = FALSE;
BOOL is_locked() {
return locked;
BOOL locked;
Actually, instead of custom critical_section::locked flag, one could use ::TryEnterCriticalSection (followed by ::LeaveCriticalSection if it succeeds) to determine if a critical section is owned. Though, the implementation above is almost as good.
So the appropriate usage would be:
typedef std::vector< element_wrapper<int> > cont_t;
void change(cont_t::reference x) { x.lock(); x = 1; x.unlock(); }
int main()
cont_t container(10, 0);
std::for_each(container.begin(), container.end(), &change);
I know two ways to handle such errors:
1) Read the code again and again, looking for possible errors. I can think about two errors that can cause this: unsynchronized access or writing by incorrect memory address. Maybe you have more ideas.
2) Logging, logging an logging. Add lot of optional traces (OutputDebugString or log file), in every critical place, which contain enough information - indexes, variable values etc. It is a good idea to add this tracing with some #ifdef. Reproduce the bug and try to understand from the log, what happens.
Your best (fastest) bet is still to revise the mutex code. As you said, it is the obvious explanation - why not trying to really find the explanation (by logic) instead of additional hints (by coding) that may come out inconclusive? If the code review doesn't turn out something useful you may still take the mutex code and use it for a test run. The first try should not be to reproduce the bug in your system but to ensure correct implementation of the mutex - implement threads (start from 2 upwards) that all try to access the same data structure again and again with a random small delay in each of them to have them jitter around on the time line. If this test results in a buggy mutex which you simply can't identify in the code then you have fallen victim to some architecture dependant effect (maybe intstruction reordering, multi-core cache incoherency, etc.) and need to find another mutex implementation. If OTOH you find an obvious bug in the mutex, try to exploit it in your real system (instrument your code so that the error should appear much more often) so that you can ensure that it really is the cause of your original problem.
I was thinking about this while pedaling to work. One possible way of handling this is to make portions of the memory in question be read-only when it is not actively being accessed and protected via critical section ownership. This is assuming that the problem is caused by a thread writing to the memory when it does not own the appropriate critical section.
There are quite a few limitations to this that prevent it from working. Most importantly is the fact that I think you can only set privileges on a page by page basis (4K I believe). So that would likely require some very specific changes to your allocation scheme so that you could narrow down the appropriate section to protect. The second problem is that it would not catch the rogue thread writing to the memory if another thread actively owned the critical section. But it would catch it and cause an immediate access violation if the critical section was not owned.
The idea would be to do to change your EnterCriticalSection calls to:
VirtualProtect( … PAGE_READWRITE … );
And change the LeaveCriticalSection calls to:
VirtualProtect( … PAGE_READONLY … );
The following chunk of code shows a call to VirtualProtect
int main( int argc, char* argv[] 1
unsigned char *mem;
int i;
DWORD dwOld;
// this assume 4K page size
mem = malloc( 4096 * 10 );
for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
mem[i * 4096] = i;
// set the second page to be readonly. The allocation from malloc is
// not necessarily on a page boundary, but this will definitely be in
// the second page.
printf( "VirtualProtect res = %d\n",
VirtualProtect( mem + 4096,
1, // ends up setting entire page
// can still read it
for ( i = 1; i < 10; i++ )
printf( "%d ", mem[i*4096] );
printf( "\n" );
// Can write to all but the second page
for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
if ( i != 1 ) // avoid second page which we made readonly
mem[i] = 1;
// this causes an access violation
mem[4096] = 1;