Problem getting CouchDB running w. Django - django

I'm having trouble getting my Django project to work with a CouchDB database.
I'm running Python 2.6.6, Django 1.3, and Lion on a Mac
I've got Django, CouchDB, and CouchDBKit installed. I can import all of them from the python interpreter without a problem. If I go to my CouchDB database URL, I can see the db.
The problem is, when I try to go to my django project URL, I get the following error:
You haven't set the database ENGINE setting yet.
I have the following lines in my file:
('my_project.my_db', ''),
The only possible solution I've found so far, is to set a throwaway database in the normal database engine settings. But, this just throws another error, because Django starts looking for database tables in the throw away DB.
Edit with new info:
I'm accessing my DB via an SSH tunnel
I'm able to create and access a CouchDB from the python interpeter.
I've run a test from the python interpreter, to access the app DB (again, via the tunnel), and the returned data accurately.
It's just when I try to access the actual site from a browser URL, I get the engine not defined error.
Django seems to be trying to use a normal DB (which isn't setup), instead of the CouchDB.
Any ideas?


How can I call a custom Django command directly from code with specific database connection

i followed this solution to run customer django command programmatically , but it is limited for just one database connection.
I have django app configured with multiple database , is it possible to run custom django command using specific database connection?
exactly like when we use connections["DB_NAME_CONNECTION"].cursor() to execute an sql query
thanks a lot for your help!
One option is to create a new settings module (here's a guide) that contains your specific database connection configuration, and then use that settings module when using call_command():
management.call_command('mycommand', '--settings=mysite.settings.specificconnection')

Implement LiteSync on Django

I've tried to write sync sqlite database between 2 different Server but same app and DB. But when i turn on in console, it doesnt synchronize the Django project with Django project in another server. I know it's wrong because i must configure it first in django project, but i've tried to change NAME of DATABASES into URI and it not work. I've tried it in console to execute query, it works, but not in Django Project. So, how to implement litesync on Django project? How to save data into Sqlite DB by URI?

how to import data to my database using my same database on my pc?

I have a website that written by django and also same django code on my pc. you call the website and my localhost on my pc is, I use the same database model object for two database but I don't want to change my website's database by I prefer change database on my pc that is and update my website by output of that. I should note that I use postgresql with same table and field for both. Please help me. thanks.

syncdb / migrate with djangae on google app engine

I'm following your setup from here and I'm able to run static django pages on GAE without any issues. The problems start when I try to use "djangae.db.backends.appengine" as I want to have some basic data stored in DB. I basically don't know how to get my django models synced to the datastore in GAE. When I follow this doc here, I end up using "./ --sandbox=remote makemigrations" but that gives me nasty error like this:
and additionally when I try to sync my models locally and get this error, my models are very simple as shown
Would anybody know how to deal with it?
Just a guess, the errors show an appid name of 'XXX'. You need to create that project through the Google cloud console first before you can use it as an app-id

Django HTSQL Web Interface for writing queries is not responding

I am trying to use HTSQL for one of my Django projects. For that I followed the procedure given HERE for furnishing HTSQL/Django requirements. Then I cloned the HTSQL repository for trying the example/demo in it from HERE. I am testing this on Django v1.4. The default db used in the demo example is sqlite3. In Django python shell, the queries are working fine now as per THIS question. But as demonstrated on HTSQL Website, it has a very powerful frontend to communicate with the database and also generates efficient queries (reference). I am trying to use this particular feature for my Django application which is also demonstrated in the demo/example django app from HTSQL. In the demo app, when I started my local django server and tried to access the following url:
The page loads and when I write the following lines:
to see the data from the polls_poll table, the RUN button does nothing and so does the more drop down menu. No error, no response, no data fetched from the polls_poll table. Then I noticed that the page wasn't loading properly i.e this trace was generated on the Django server terminal. So basically,
codemirror .js and .css files were throwing HTTP 500 error. For that I searched for the links of the codemirror .css and .js files and provided those links in the index.html of the HTSQL resided in the static folder. Following is its path:
>>> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/htsql/tweak/shell/static
Now the terminal trace has changed to THIS
But still the RUN button does nothing and no data is fetched from the table polls_poll
Am I doing something wrong or missing something??
CodeMirror just changed the download URL for their packages, which broke HTSQL shell. You either need to apply the following patch manually:
or you can wait for the next bugfix release of HTSQL, which will be out in a day or two.