Django 404 dilemma - django

I have a bug in my 404 setup. I know that because, when I try to reach some page which doesn't exist, I get my server error template. But that templates is useless because it doesn't give me any debug info. In order to get django's debug page, I need to set DEBUG=True in settings file. But if I do that, bug doesn't appear because django doesn't try to access my buggy 404 setup. So what do you guys think? This is in my root urls file:
handler404 = '' And this is in
def handlenotfound(request):
global common_data
datas = {
'tags' : Tag.objects.all(),
'date_list' : Post.objects.filter(yayinlandi=True).dates("pub_date","year")
return render_to_response("404.html",datas)
I guess I also need to return a HttpResponseNotFound right?

If I had to debug this kind of errors, I would either
temporarily turn the handler into a simple view served by a custom url, so that django's internal mechanisms don't get into the way, or
(temporarily) wrap the handler code in a try..except block to log any error you may have missed
Anyway, are you sure your handler doesn't get called if DEBUG=true?

data.update(common_data) should be datas.update(common_data).
(Incidentally, data is already plural: the singular is datum.)


Redmine_RE plugin is not saving the data

i am using the Redmine.3.1.0.Then i have installed redmine_re plugin.But when i try to save the requirement using the Redmine_re plugin i am getting the following error
NameError (undefined local variable or method `connection' for #<ReArtifactRelationship:0x800ddb0>):
lib/plugins/acts_as_list/lib/active_record/acts/list.rb:220:in `bottom_item'
lib/plugins/acts_as_list/lib/active_record/acts/list.rb:214:in `bottom_position_in_list'
lib/plugins/acts_as_list/lib/active_record/acts/list.rb:205:in `add_to_list_bottom'
lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:63:in `sudo_mode'
pls suggest how to resolve this error
I did not develop this plugin, but I think the support for redmine 3.1.0 is only partial at the moment. (And you may get other errors even after fixing this).
I believe you are getting an error because of this: Deprecate #connection in favour of accessing it via the class
And your error is related to this file:
In this method:
def scope_condition()
"#{connection.quote_column_name("source_id")} = #{quote_value(self.source_id)}
#{connection.quote_column_name("relation_type")} = #{quote_value(self.relation_type)}"
Try to add self.class. in front of connection
You may have to repeat this for other files in the code.
If your changes are working, I would suggest you to submit a pull request on their plugin github page :)

QWebView - Error 400 when giving url

I'm trying to build a little application that needs to run the url that is generated by the script at this link:
The application is build with Qt4 and Pyqt4. I create a QWebView and want to load the url that is generated at the end of the script in the link inside the webview.
url = QUrl(ConnectionScript.generateURL())
but this code gives me a "HTTP Status 400 - BadRequest" error. I've tried to change the "load" with "setUrl" but there is no change.
The useful code is only this, other lines are just setting up the GUI (and it's doing fine). Any suggestion about how to fix this and what might the problem be? I think it's something very easy to fix but i can't do it right...
Edit1: i forgot to mention that when i open the generated link in a web browser (like chrome or firefox) all goes well and it gives me no such error
Found out that the problem was this line of code:
request_parameters += urllib.quote_plus("")
The quote_plus encoded : / so the webView load couldn't process the url in the right way.
Just don't use the urllib.quote_plus method and everything will go as expected.

application.cfc and page handling/propagation

Is it possible to render a different page when the requested page does not exist using the OnRequestStart event handler?
function onRequestStart( string targetPage ) {
// handle another page
include cgi.script_name;
// render another page
if I use the include directly instead of passing it through onRequestStart, I get an error about missing SESSION
If I don't abort the execution, I get the File not found error. Is there a way to skip trying to find the file and use the onRequestStart event to render a different page?
If you are trying to prevent a 404 of a coldFusion page (e.g. /index2.cfm) where the cfm template doesn't exists you can use onMissingTemplate() in your application.cfc
If the template that causes the 404 isn't something handled by CF (i.e .htm,.html) then you will have to catch it in the webserver using a custom 404 page or possibly a url rewite
Try this insted
This fires if an exception gets thrown and is not caught by the controlling code.
Check this article
Ben Nadel on application.cfc

magento Not valid template file /page/1column.phtml

I had my site running fine on the devp. server. After I migrated the app to my production server. Everything worked until I added an extension and enabled it. The site still works but the product view page doesn't show up. Everytime I click on the product view page, this error is appended to my log file...
CRIT (2): Not valid template file:frontend/base/default/template/page/1column.phtml
I have checked the file it is alright, just same as the one working on the development server. I've tried disabling the only plugin (custom menu) that I have and still the problem persists. I've tried increasing memory_limit but it doesn't help either.
Please help, I am stuck in the middle of nothing.
A common cause of this error is the use of symlinks without enabling this in the admin area…
System > configuration > developer > Template Settings
The error gets triggered in app\code\core\Mage\Core\Block\Template.php around line 243 ( see here ) - so if its not an issue with symlinks then this would be a good place to start debugging.
If you are not using xDebug then where the exception gets caught around line 250 you should either log or var_dump the values of:
Then make sure they both exist (paying attention to the case)
Failing that you might want to look at permissions.
UPDATE core_config_data SET value = '1' WHERE path = 'dev/template/allow_symlink';
INSERT INTO core_config_data (scope, scope_id, path, value) VALUES ('default', 0, 'dev/template/allow_symlink', '1');

Error with Flex HTTPService and Django, even though POST is successful

(This is the first time I've done this actually.)
<mx:HTTPService id="post_update" method="POST" result="{'bye')}"/>
The result handler above is just for debugging purposes, but its never hit, even though what I'm uploading via POST...
post_update.url = getPath(parentDocument.url)+"update";
post_update.send(new_sel); received and handled successfully by my Django view:
def wc_post(request) :
request.session['wc'] = request.POST
return http.HttpResponse("<ok/>", mimetype="text/xml")
As far as what I'm sending back from Django, I'm following the guidelines here:
Sending Images From Flex to a Server
I just don't want it to generate an error on the Flex side considering Django is actually receiving and processing the data. Any help appreciated. Can't remember the text of the error in Flex at the moment.
UPDATE: new_sel (what I'm posting from Flex) is just a Flex Object, with various text fields.
UPDATE: various error messages from event.message (in fault handler):
faultCode = "Server.Error.Request"
faultString = "HTTP request error"; DSStatusCode = 500; errorID = 2032; type = "ioError"
This is more grasping at straws than answers, but do I have to send a particular type of header back from Django- the default sent by Django includes a 200 success status code, and the response I was sending of "<ok/>" with mime type of "text/xml" was following the example exactly that I provided from that other source.
And also the url I'm sending the POST to is localhost:8000/wr_view1/wr_webcube/update, and I previously successfully did a GET to localhost:8000/wr_view1/wr_webcube/webcube.xml, and despite the .xml extension in the case of GET, it was still being handled by Django (and without errors in Flex). In the case of this POST, once again, the data is actually succesfully sent and handled by Django, but Flex is returning Error 2032, which I found out can mean numerous different things including cross domain issues, but don't see how that's the case here.
Just had to return HttpResponse("ok") Didn't like it being sent as xml for some reason. So much ado about nothing I guess.