Can you link a C++ library from a C application? - c++

I have cross compiled an open-source library (C++ based) using my G++ cross compiler. I am now trying to use the outputted .a files in my C based application that is built using my GCC compiler... Is that possible?

Yes. Ensure that all functions you want to use are extern "C" and that you only use basic types on the functions you want to use.
If you use the same version GCC as you use G++ it should definitely not be any problem. Cross-version should be ok, but may have very minor incompatibilities. New GCC (3.0+) conform to the Itanium ABI so they'll be fine; they have a binary agreement on how to exchange & format data.

You will need to ensure that the C++ functions called from the C code are declared extern "C" and that their interfaces use only types that can be handled by C (simple types, opaque pointers, etc).
You will probably also need to link the application with the C++ compiler, rather than the C compiler, to ensure that the correct initializations are done for the C++ library. The C++ compiler used for the linking must be 'the same' as the one used to generate the library. That means either the same version of the C++ compiler or a compatible version of it. It usually means that you cannot link with CompilerA (from Vendor A) if the library was produced by CompilerB (from Vendor B); the C++ runtime conventions are such that different compilers (deliberately) use different schemes for supporting different features of C++.

You can link a C application to a c++ library,
BUT you can only include header files containing valid C -- not C++ -- code,
AND any c++ functions you call must have been declared with the extern "C" declaration.

The answer to your question is "yes" but as others have pointed out, there are some considerations, hazards & limitations to what you can do & how you do it.
Just recently in the course of covering this same topic with a client, I came across an article with a pretty good treatment of the topic. The article discusses things like calling C code from C++ code, calling C++ code from C code, linker considerations, function wrappers, exceptions, linkage specifications, and accessing C++ classes from C, etc.
Article: Mixing C and C++ Code in the Same Program

If the C++ library has C++ interfaces you cannot use them directly, you will have to create wrappers that are compiled as C++ but which have extern "C" linkage. The complexity of such wrappers will depend on the natuire of the interfaces, use of C++-only features such as classes, and function/operator overloading will require work to map an OO interface to a procedural one.

The easiest, least-hassle method to do this, assuming your C code is reasonably sane, is to simply build your C application with g++.
Remember, good C code almost always builds in a C++ compiler. Then there are no special considerations, no extern "C" statements to add, no ABI issues, etc, and you can easily use the C++ library to its fullest, regardless of how its functions are declared.


Can functions from the C standard library be used in C++?

Right now I'm getting familiar with C and the C standard library and I wonder if my knowledge in this area will be useful when I turn to working with C++ at a later time.
Therefore I'd like to know, whether I can use the functions provided by the C standard library in a C++ setting, and also whether and why it would make sense to actually do so.
Yes, C++ was originally designed so that any C library can be easily used in C++. Of course this is slightly less true (in particular, if a C library happens to use some C++ keyword like try or dynamic_cast, it won't work; also, if a callback coded in C++ passed to a C library is raising some exception, you are likely to have a big mess).
The standard practice to use a C header file in C++ is
extern "C" {
#include <some_c_header_file.h>
and most existing C header files are designed to cooperate with C++ by actually containing stuff like
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
//// most of the header material goes here, C style
#ifdef __cplusplus
}; // end extern "C"
In practice, many C standard headers have equivalent C++ headers wrapping things like above (and also in namespace std). Eg C <stdio.h> is C++ <cstdio> -but you often should prefer genuine C++ streams (<iostream>), however printf-like routines are usually more localization friendly mixed with gettext(3).
However C and C++ are very different languages. You should code in idiomatic C++11 (using standard C++ containers, auto, closures, RAII, smart pointers, rule of five, SFINAE, exceptions, anonymous functions, ...)
Some standard C functions are not very useful in idiomatic C++. For example, you are unlikely to use directly malloc in genuine C++ (at least prefer new -which is still very low level and no more in the C++ spirit-, more likely use a lot the containers and the smart pointers without dealing manually with heap allocation). But POSIX functions (notably syscalls(2) ....) are quite useful in C++. longjmp is likely to be incompatible with C++ exceptions.
BTW, C++ has evolved a lot in this century. Don't learn C++98 but at least C++11 (there are tremendous differences between them) and perhaps C++14. Use a recent compiler (GCC or Clang/LLVM); in december 2015, that means GCC 5 at least or Clang/LLVM 3.7 at least. Don't forget to enable all warnings & debug info in the compiler (e.g. g++ -Wall -Wextra -g -std=c++11)
C++ (that means C++11 at least) is a difficult programming language, considerably more complex than C is. You'll need weeks of reading to learn some of it, and good coding style and discipline is essential (you can easily write very crappy code in C++). Start with Programming: Principles & Practice Using C++
I believe that if you only know C, reading SICP (and studying a bit of Scheme) before learning C++ is worthwhile.
The notion of undefined behavior is very important, both in C and probably even more in C++. You absolutely need to understand it (see C.Lattner's blog on it) and avoid it.
You will also learn a big lot by studying (and perhaps contributing to) some existing free software and its source code. Hence I recommend using Linux.
I'll just quote a paragraph out of the ISO/IEC N3690(c++ standard).
17.2 The C standard library
1 The C++ standard library also makes available the facilities of the C standard library, suitably adjusted to ensure static type safety.
So simply yes!
yes .you can use standard c library functions in C++
stdio.h => cstdio (printf/scanf)
math.h => cmath (sqrt)

Can we use the POSIX C libraries in c++?

I am new in the field of Linux system programming.I currently program in C and want to switch to c++.
Can we use all the functions defined in POSIX C libraries in c++ without any change ?
In principle you should be able to use any C API from C++; the language includes features to facilitate it, and most C library authors are aware that people want to do this and will take the appropriate steps. For the system programming interfaces specified by POSIX, C++ compatibility is an explicit design goal.
However, you may still encounter problems. In my experience, the most common problems are:
C API headers often dump hundreds of symbols into the global namespace. Some of those symbols may conflict with C++ library symbols, which will get you in trouble if you using namespace std (but you weren't doing that, right?)
C API headers often make heavy use of macros, including macro names that, yep, might conflict with C++ library symbols; std:: won't save you there.
Compiling your program in a strict conformance mode (e.g. -std=c++11 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=700) may expose bugs in system headers. This is more likely to happen with C++ than C.
A small handful of the POSIX APIs have abnormal control-flow behavior that may interact poorly with C++ exceptions and destructors, depending on how thorough your C library implementor was about avoiding the problem. setjmp and longjmp are obviously a concern here (has anyone done a C library that implements those on top of DWARF-style exception handling?) but so are fork, setcontext and friends, pthread_cancel, pthread_cleanup_push, and probably a few others I can't remember off the top of my head. (I recall a giant, ultimately inconclusive argument between Ulrich Drepper and the GCC C++ guys back in 2004 or so about exactly how pthread_cancel should behave in the presence of destructors.)
If you go beyond POSIX, you may also have problems with:
Headers that don't bother to wrap all the declarations in an extern "C" block when compiled as C++, which means all the function names get mangled when they shouldn't have been, and the link fails.
Headers that don't even bother to stick to the intersection of C and C++. In the worst case, this can cause failures that don't manifest until the program is run. The most common instances of this are:
Blithely using some C++ keyword as a declared-name (e.g. int template;)
Assuming that void * is assignment compatible with other pointer types (e.g. that it is not necessary to cast the result of malloc)
Assuming that struct foo; does not define a typedef-name foo
Note that the headers specified by POSIX frequently contain system-specific extensions that have not been as carefully thought out as the POSIX interfaces themselves.
"Can we use all the functions defined in POSIX C libraries in c++ without any change ?"
Of course you can. Any c-style API can be used seamlessly in c++.

C++ ABI issue related to STL

I have searched the net without any conclusive answers to issue related to lack of C++ ABI when it comes to exporting c++ classes accross dll boundaries in windows.
I can use extern c and provide a c like api to a library , but I would like end users to be able to use classes that us stl containers.
What generic patterns do you use for exporting a class that uses stl container across dll boundaries , in a safe manner? e.g. best practice.
This question is for experienced library authors.
There's no defined C++ ABI and it does differ between compilers in terms of memory layout, name mangling, RTL etc.
It gets worse than that though. If you are targeting MSVC compiler for example, your dll/exe can be built with different macros that configure the STL to not include iterator checks so that it is faster. This modifies the layout of STL classes and you end up breaking the One Definition Rule (ODR) when you link (but the link still succeeds). If the ODR is violated then your program will crash seemingly randomly.
I would recommend maybe reading Imperfect C++ which has a chapter on the subject of C++ ABIs.
The upshot is that either:
you compile the dll specifically for the target compiler that is going to link to it and name the dll's appropriately (like boost does it). In this case you can't avoid ODR violations so the user of the library must be able to recompile the library themselves with different options.
Provide a portable C API and provide C++ wrapper classes for convenience that are compiled on the client side of the API. This is time consuming but portable.
Take a look at CppComponents
You can export classes and interfaces across dll boundaries even across different compilers.
The library is header-only so nothing to build. To use it, you will need MSVC 2013 and/or GCC 4.8 as it uses C++11 variadic templates extensively.
See presentation from C++Now has the examples from the presentation.

Should a C API be included in a distributable library?

I have written a C++ library to do some numerical analysis. Is there a programmatic advantage to include a C API interface to the library in addition to the C++ API?
Is this isn't an appropriate question for stackoverflow I can delete it.
What has C over C++: a stable well-defined ABI.
There are multiple C++ ABIs (MSVC's and Itanium being the foremost) and each Standard Library implementation (Dirkumware, libstd++ or libc++ for examples) is incompatible with the others. Therefore, the only way for C++ code to correctly link with C++ code is to be compiled with the same compiler (or with compilers sharing the same ABI) and above the same Standard Library implementation.
C, however, is different. C compiled by gcc integrates smoothly with C compiled clang... but it goes well beyond. It integrates smoothly with C++, Python, Haskell, Java, Rust, Lua, Perl, ... most if not all "serious" languages can interact with C more or less smoothly.
So, what is the benefit of a C API over a C++ ? Smooth integration with virtually any programming language under the sun.
Yes, there is one: you need a C API if you would like to call your functions from C code. Unlike the C API, which can called also by your C++ code (extern "C" { ... }), this is not true for C++ API, which can't be call by your C code.
No there is no programmatic advantage to include a C API.
Guess it is down to marketing and what your customers want.

Why there's no dedicated compiler for c or c++?

Seems all compilers can deal with both c and c++,like gcc ,msvc...
Is it because these 2 languages are exactly very much alike?
Actually, GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) has two different front-ends, gcc and g++. To specify C++, you can also use a .cpp (or a few others) extension, or -x c++, when executing gcc. However, this requires extra options (like linking in the C++ standard library).
cl, Microsoft's C++ compiler, does not support modern C. However, it will compile C source files as a variant of C89, and you can specify this explicitly with /TC.
For both, you are correct that there's a lot of shared code, regardless of which front-end is used (GCC also has many more). However, the languages do have significant differences, which are discussed elsewhere (this question among others).
There is no dedicated compiler for C/C++ because there is no such language....
If you are going to write a C++ compiler then you will have to be able to compile C too, so you may as well also provide one.
There may still be some C compilers around that do not have a companion C++ compiler with them though.
No. That's not true. Look at Pelles which is a C only compiler.
The semantics of the core language constructs for C and C++ remain more or less identical, and C++ was designed to add structural elements to C rather than change or remove existing language features. Therefore if you go to the trouble to build a C++ compiler, having it also compile C is relatively trivial (at least for ISO C90). C99 diverges in some significant ways from C++, and some C++ compilers either do not support C99, or include C99 features as extensions in their C++ compiler.
C++ is also highly inteoperable with C, C++ for example wholly includes ISO C90's standard library, and can link any C library. C++ libraries can be given a C linkage compatible interface for use by C code (although that is often less straightforward than C++ calling C code).
Early C++ tools were not true compilers, but rather C++ translators, which generated C code for compilation by a native C compiler. Comeau C++ still takes this approach in order to support C++ on any target with a C compiler, which is useful in embedded environments where some targets are not well served by C++ tools.
TCC is an example of a C compiler which is not a C++ compiler. Actually compiling C++ is a huge pain; the only reason so many C compilers also support C++ is that there's a pretty big demand for C++.
C++ is a superset of C. I don't know if this is still true, but it at least used to be common for c++ compilers to convert code to C as a first step in compiling.
I've always heard that it is a superset. Since GMan says no, I looked at Wikipedia which says, "C++ is often considered to be a superset of C, but this is not strictly true.[21] Most C code can easily be made to compile correctly in C++, but there are a few differences that cause some valid C code to be invalid in C++, or to behave differently in C++." (See for details.) So I stand a bit corrected.
Edit 2:
I've read a bit further in the Wikipedia article. Sounds like this is more accurate: C++ started as C; C++ evolved by adding new features to C. At some point, C++ changed enough to no longer be a pure superset of C. Since then, C has also evolved, and now has some features that C++ doesn't. So they're closely related, but no longer wholly compatible with each other.
No, LCC compiler is for C only.
GCC has gcc and the g++ components which compile C and C++ code.
clang-llvm has a C front-end. There is an experimental, separate C++ front-end.
IBM's Visual Age is split into xlc and xlC compilers.
Portable C Compiler is C only.
Last time I used it, Labwindows/CVI suite by National Instruments was a C only compiler.
It isn't true, there are several, and there were plenty in the 1980s before C++ compiler products started to appear :-) However given a C++ compiler the marginal cost of producing a C compiler out of the same codebase is relatively small, and even going the other way isn't a major increment, at least compared tom starting from scratch with either.