Functional testing JSP servlet based web application - unit-testing

I have developed a JSP servlet based web application and I would like to perform some functional testing on it.I know that functional test is to make sure that the application is performing actions which it is supposed to perform.
I have googled and found out that Selenium can be used for automated functional testing.I saw that I can record my actions which can be replayed to me.
Now since I am new to testing applications, I dont understand how replaying the actions is useful in testing.
I have not performed any unit tests on my application,i mean formally using jUnit and stuff, although I used to just run parts of my code to check if it was working properly.Is that a bad thing as in not using formal unit testing frameworks.

Replaying is only useful to verify if the test is doing everything the tester intended. The key point is that Selenium can export the testcase you're seeing replaying to a fullworthy testcase class for among others JUnit. This class can then be added to the group of other testcases you have for the webapp. This can then be executed after automatic build as part of continuous integration.

For basic functional testing, the Selenium IDE, in addition to record/playback capabilities, provides assertions and verifications for elements in your web app. Establishing these strategically (around perceived problem areas) will enable you to regress through your application ensuring newer implementations do not break existing functionality.


Webmethods mocking in flow services

In webmethods (Software AG), is there a way to Mock object during unit testing?
or any available tool to test flow service.
You could have a look at the Open Source test framework that allows general mocking and unit testing along with a host of other functionality. The framework allows you to:
Create mocks of IS services
Apply conditions to mocks so that they only execute when the pipeline contents meet that condition
Raise an exception based on a condition or in place of a service
Capture the pipeline to file before or after a service is called
Modify or insert content into the pipeline
Have a series of conditions for a mocked service with a default if none of the conditions match
Create assertions that can apply before or after a service so that its possible to prove a service has been executed. Assertions can also have conditions to verify that the pipeline had the expected content.
Return either random or sequenced content from a mock to very its output every time its called
Create mocks using RESTful calls so you can use alternative test tools, such as SOAPui, to create them as part of your integrations test
Use the JBehave functionality for Behaviour Driven Unit Testing within Designer and execute tests with the in-built JUnit.
WmTestSuite could be a good tool for you (Why reinvent the wheel), your company chose webMethods to speedup devs, i advice you to keep going.
What wmTestSuite does:
Create unit tests Graphically for you flows in the Designer
Generate the related TestUnit class (you can complete it to add some asserts)
Add a hook the Integration server to "register" data to create test data
Mock endpoints to ease tests (db, ws...)
I got this slide from a SoftwareAG guy. From the version 9.10 (April 2016) you should be able to download it from empower.
You cannot define mocks in webMethods directly, as it requires you to hook into the invoke chain. This is a set of methods that are called between every flow or java service invocation. They take care of things like access control, input/output validation, updating statistics, auditing etc.
There are various tools and products available that leverage this internal mechanism and let you create mocks (or stubs) for your unit or system test cases:
IwTest, commercial, from IntegrationWise
WmTestSuite, commercial, from SoftwareAG
CATE, commercial, from Cloudgensys
WmAOP, open source,
With all four you can create test cases for webMethods flow/java services and define mocks for services that access external systems. All four provide ways to define assertions that the results should satisfy.
By far the easiest to work with is IwTest as it lets you generate test suites, including mocks (or stubs), based on input/output pipelines that it records for you. In addition to this it also supports pub/sub (asynchronous) scenario's.
Ask your Software AG liaison about webMethods Test Suite (WmTestSuite), which plugs into the Eclipse-based Designer and provides basic Unit testing capabilities.
Mocks per se are lightweight services that can be configured in the WmTestSuite dialog alongside the (test) input and (expected) output pipelines.

UnitTest embedded in the Oracle OSB code

I'm struggling to UnitTest OSB code as there is no real unit test framework to do that. Actually the only way to test an OSB service is to use SoapUI. The problem with OSB is that You can test the service using only the endpoint.
So my idea was to create in-line unit tests.
The code would contain conditional blocks and read the unit test key passed in the SoapUI request.
Something like:
In the code itself there would be a block called UnitTest1 Stage and inside a condition:
if(UT1) {
test it...
Keeping it like this makes it clean and its "separated" from the code logic.
Afterwards the SoapUI will read the response and check results using assertions. That Way I'm able to test all possible scenarios.
But the big question comes - should such code be run in production?
Because the choice is really limited here:
embedded unit tests fully automated with hudson or
no test at all (for the scenarios that are not testable using soap ui)
In my opinion is better to have it 100% tests so TDD could be used, automated regression would come in place, etc..
What do You think?
Testing OSB nodes is difficult at the best of times.
Perhaps an easier route would be to convert the more complicated transforms to xquery (as is recommended), then test it using JUnit.
The next step would be to hook up SoapUI as part of your build pipeline, so you can test the OSB flow. You can customise to point your biz refs at a SoapUI mock service as you deploy, so you can test independently of other services.
So we've got a solution. We've created a Xquery & xslt java testers using junit.
For the OSB itself we've created a unit test framework that basically uses the WLST scripts that change the endpoints of the osb components switching to mocks for ws, calls, db adapters, jms, anything. We're doing this from the SoapUI using (groovy + python), so the testing of the OSB components is happening in isolation. Additionally we're capturing the input requests of the underlying osb business components (DB adapters, onther services) and store this in a JMS queue.
Afterwards using HermesJms we can retrieve the requests and perform assertions to check if the data was correct. And this is all happening in an automated way so we don't have to got to the OSB console anymore :)

Java EE test strategy

Java EE is a new world for me, my experiences are on embedded systems, but I started a new job and I would like to know if there is a test process to follow for web applications based on Java EE. Which test strategy is usually adopted in this field?
Basic Unit test
Functional test
Integration test
System test, stress test, load test,....
and which is the scope of each test phase for web development? As server code and client code are both involved I don't know which is the best approach in this field. Also, several machines are involved: DB, buisness tier, presentation tier, load balancers, authentication with CAS, Active Directory,...
Which is the best test environment for each phases? When using the production CAS authentication, ...
Links, books, simple explanation or other kind of address is well appreciated.
The best test framework is Junit -for unit tests, in my opinion.
-for mocking objects, which you will need a lot, like to mock the database, mock services and other object in j2ee environment to be able to test in isolation .use ,,
-for acceptance and functional testing there is selenium this framework enables you to automate your tests.
I Advice you to read this books about testing in general and testing in j2ee evironment in particular.
First, whatever you plan to do as testing, take care of your build process (a good starting point is maven as build tool)
Junit (or testng) is almost good for everything (due to its simplicity)
Unit test:
For mock, I would prefer Mockito to jmock or easymock.
Acceptance test:
Regarding UI testing selenium is fine for web application (give a look at PageObject pattern if you plan to do a lot of UI testing).
For other interface testing (such as webservice), soapui is a nice starting point.
Integration testing:
You will face the middle ware problem, mainly solved in java by a container. Now it becomes fun :) If you run in "real" JEE, then it depends if it's prior to JEE6 or not as from JEE6 you have an embedded container (which really ease the testing). Otherwise, go for a dependency injection framework (Spring, Guice, ...).
Other hints for integration or acceptance testing:
you will may be need to mock some interface (give a look to MOCO to mock external service based on HTTP).
also think about some embedded servlet container (Jetty) to ease web the testing.
configuration and provisioning can be a problem too. ex.: for the DB you can automate this with "flyway" or "liquibase"
DB testing you have two approach: resetting data after each test (see DBUnit) or in transaction testing (see Spring test for an example)

Is there a point Unit Testing a Repository? Entity Framework 4.1

I have been watching various videos and reading various blogs where they go about unit testing a repository.
The most common pattern is to create a Fake repository that implements the same interface as the real one. Then the fake one uses an internal Dictionary or something.
So in effect you are unit testing the logic of the fakerepository which will never go into production.
Now you may use dependency injection to inject a mock DBContext by using some IDBContext interface. However then you are just testing each repository method which in effect just forward to the dbcontext (which is mocked).
So unless each repository method has lots of logic before calling on the dbcontext then it seems a bit pointless?
I think it would be better to have the tests on repository as integration tests and actually have them hitting the Database?
The new EF 4.1 makes this easy as it can create the database on the fly based on a connection string in your test project, then you can delete it after tests are run using the dbcontext.Database methods.
Your objections are partially correct. Their correctness depends on the way how the repository is defined.
First faking or mocking repository is not for testing repository itself but for testing layers using the repository.
If the repository exposes IQueryable and upper layer can build linq-to-entities query then mocking repository means testing non existing logic. You need integration test and run the query against a real testing database. You can either redeploy database for each test which will make it very slow or you can run each test in a transaction and rollback it when the test completes.
If the repository doesn't exposes IQueryable you can still think about it as a black box and mock it. Query logic will be inside the repository and it will be tested separately with integration tests.
I would refer you to set of other answers about repository itself and testing.
The best approach I have seen is from Sharp Architecture where they use a SQLLite database, created in the TestFixtureSetup based on the NHibernate mapping info.
The repository tests then use this In-Memory database.
Technically this is still integration test as database involved, but practically, it ticks all the boxes for a unit test since:
1) The database is transient - no connection string configs to worry about, nor do you need a complete db sitting on a server somewhere for the unit test to use.
2) The setup is fast, and the tests equally so as all in memory.
3) As it uses the NHibernate mapping info to generate the schema, you don't have to worry about keeping the unit test setup synchronised with code changes.
It may be possible to use the same approach with EF.

How do you unit test web apps hosted remotely?

I'm familiar with TDD and use it in both my workplace and my home-brewed web applications. However, every time I have used TDD in a web application, I have had the luxury of having full access to the web server. That means that I can update the server then run my unit tests directly from the server. My question is, if you are using a third party web host, how do you run your unit tests on them?
You could argue that if your app is designed well and your build process is sound and automated, that running unit tests on your production server isn't necessary, but personally I like the peace of mind in knowing that everything is still "green" after a major update.
For everyone who has responded with "just test before you deploy" and "don't you have a staging server?", I understand where you're coming from. I do have a staging server and a CI process set up. My unit tests do run and I make sure they all pass before an an update to production.
I realize that in a perfect world I wouldn't be concerned with this. But I've seen it happen before. If a file is left out of the update or a SQL script isn't run, the effects are immediately apparent when running your unit tests but can go unnoticed for quite some time without them.
What I'm asking here is if there is any way, if only to satisfy my own compulsive desires, to run a unit test on a server that I cannot install applications on or remote into (e.g. one which I will only have FTP access to in order to update files)?
I think I probably would have to argue that running unit tests on your production server isn't really part of TDD because by the time you deploy to your production environment technically speaking, you're past "development".
I'm quite a stickler for TDD, and when I'm preaching the benefits to clients I often find myself saying "you can't half adopt TDD, it's all or nothing"
What you probably should have is some form of automated testing that you perform "after" deployment but these are not part of TDD.
Maybe you should look at your process again.
You could write functional tests in something like WATIR, WATIN or Selenium that test what is returned in the reponse page after posting certain form data or requesting specific URLs.
For clarification: what sort of access do you have to your web server? FTP or WebDAV only? From your question, I'm guessing ssh access isn't available - you're dropping files in a directory to deploy. Is that correct?
If so, the answer for unit testing is likely 'do it before you deploy'. You can set up functional testing driven by an automated tool like Selenium to test your app remotely via the web interface, but that's not really unit testing the sense that you're restricted to testing the system as a whole.
Have you considered setting up a staging server, perhaps as a VMWare instance, that mirrors or at least mimics your deployment environment?
What's preventing you from running unit tests on the server? If you can upload your production code and let it run there, why can't you upload this other code and run it as well?
I've written test tools for sites using python and httplib/urllib2 generally it would have been overkill but it was suitable in these cases. Not sure it's going to be of general use though.