Mercurial ignore the ".idea" folder form PyCharm? - django

I am developing a Django app and it's my first time with Mercurial(using bitbucket).
I have done some commits without adding ".idea" folder from PyCharm to hgignore. Now I have added it to hgignore and want to remove .idea from the central repository but obviously do not want to delete the actual folder locally.
What's the proper way to handle this? I know this is a common thing, but I'm in the learning stage.
Thanks for the help in advance.

What it sounds like you want is for Mercurial to stop tracking everything under .idea. This should work (command issued in the repository root):
hg forget .idea\*

Use hg forget .idea. It's like hg remove, only it doesn't delete the file from your working directory.

hg forget .idea\* should be your solution!
you could read up more on forget / remove here
just for reference you can delete the .idea folder. pycharm will generate it the next time you open up your project files using it.


How to remove a repository in Fossil?

Yepp, I'm quite new to Fossil…
During my experiments I've faced a problem: fossil all info command lists all and every repos ever touched here including those removed/deleted/dropped/erased/got-rid-of quite obviously failing like that
************* /home/jno/src/dropped-repo.fossil *****************************************
SQLITE_CANTOPEN: cannot open file at line 36667 of [0c55d17973]
SQLITE_CANTOPEN: os_unix.c:36667: (21) open(/home/jno/src/dropped-repo.fossil) -
fossil: [/home/jno/src/dropped-repo.fossil]: unable to open database file
Yes, the --dontstop flag makes the life a bit easier, but does not fix the things.
So, the question is: how to properly remove a repository?
The only way I found so far is:
fossil close it
remove the repo file itself
run sqlite3 ~/.fossil and delete from global_config where name='…' on all mentions of that repo.
This looks ugly.
I see a new/init command to create a repo, but I see no way to remove it.
PS. The recipie from Fossil: "not a valid repository" - deleted repository (just rm ~/.fossil) looks an overkill.
For the fossil all command to ignore a certain (past or present) repository, you should use fossil all ignore.
In short:
fossil close closes a working directory (by deleting the .fslckout file)
rm /home/jno/src/dropped-repo.fossil actually deletes the repository (only do this if you really want to throw away the entire repository, including all versions)
fossil all ignore /home/jno/src/dropped-repo.fossil removes the repository from the list of repositories that's used by the fossil all command.

What do these lein folders do?

In my project directory, there are two folders named as follows:
I believe these folders are automatically generated. What are they for? Is it OK to delete them periodically when cleaning up?
I think these are both working directories used by the REPL when compiling REPL-related code.
In either case, why do you need to delete them?
The only consideration around this I can think of is wanting to make sure they don't somehow get committed to source code control. For that you can just use ignores or excludes if for example, you are using git.

Overwriting folders with git

I'm learning how to use django on a EC2 server, but i am editing the code on my local computer. When i run things like :
python startapp polls
It creates a folder with various files inside. Instead of individually adding the files to git, which leaves the possibility of me forgetting to add every newly created file, is it good practice just to:
git add (the root django project directory)
everytime django creates new files?
If this isn't good practice, what methods do you guys use to ensure that all files get added to git everytime new files are created?
I think you're over-thinking this. Ignore files you think you should (like *.pyc). Add all the files or do them individually, whichever you prefer. If you accidentally added one you shouldn't have, do a checkout of that file so that you don't add it. If you already committed with a file, git delete the file and commit.
You use git status, it will give you the list of all the files it's currently not tracking, so you can use that as a reference if you're afraid you'll forget something.
Additionally, I would say that you don't want to forget to properly setup your .gitignore, and then you can instruct git to add everything, otherwise, like Mark suggested, you would potentially be adding **.pyc* files, which you don't want to do.

Mercurial ignore part of a directory

Been fighting with Mercurial's .hgignore for a while under Windows.
I have a folder named Upload which is currently empty. I do want it tracked so I added a .empty file in it which work fine. I want this so that new developers doing an hg clone get the Upload document required for the application.
Thing is I never want the folder to be populated with anything on the source control itself (test uploads from a development machine).
If I add Public/image.jpg it wouldn't be tracked.
Additionally I would like it for sub directory to be tracked. So if developer adds
Upload/users/.empty I would like this to be tracked.
Is this possible with regex voodoo?
In mercurial (and unlike in svn and cvs) adding a file overrides the .hgignore file, so you can put this in your .hgignore:
and your Upload/.empty that you added will still be created on update and thus they'll get the directory.
Getting it to ignore files in upload but not not ignore files in subdirectories in Upload could be done with:
which says: ignore anything that Starts with Uploads and has no further slashes in it.
Really though, you should be creating Uploads with your build/install/configure script when possible, not with the clone/update.
Try putting
in .hgignore in the root of the repository
This should match any path starting with Uploads where the text after the last slash (=filename) is anything but .empty.

Excluding a single project file from an SVN repository

I have a django project that I have been working on as a solo developer, and have been using TortoiseSVN to keep the code managed in a repository on a work server. I work on this on a local installation of django etc.
There is now a second person who will be working on this project, and the possibility of working on some other PCs.
Now, there should, for the time being, only be one development version (branch?) of this project, but the configuration file ( will need to be different on each computer that is being used. I want to create one local version of this file on each PC which should not need to be changed again.
How can I set the repository (preferably within TortoiseSVN) to exclude this one file? E.g. the repository should not include When a checkout occurs, it should update all files in the local folder but not change/remove the local copy of When a commit occurs, should be ignored and not uploaded.
At the moment is overwritten/updated as per any other file in the project folder/repository.
Any nudges in the right direction would be useful - I'm new to SVN generally and would like to know if this is something that's going to need detailed understanding of branching or if there is a simpler way.
In TortoiseSVN, when you try to commit your files, in the file list dialog, right click the file and look for the Ignore option. You can ignore by complete filename or extension.
If the file is already in the repository, and you want to remove it from there and ignore it, you can simply right-click the file and in the TortoiseSVN menu look for the 'Delete and add to ignore list' option.
You'll be looking for the svn:ignore property, which tells subversion to not version files matching a pattern or patterns you specify.
There's some guidance on using it with TortoiseSVN at:
These should help:
I have a file in my project that every developer must change, but I don't want those local mods to ever be committed. How can I make 'svn commit' ignore the file?
Excluding Items from the Commit List
The typical solution is to do what bgever said and ignore the settings file itself, and then commit a file with example values, something like That file should only be updated when you add or remove settings. When deploying, you'd copy that to and edit the values.