recommended guides/books to read assembly [closed] - c++

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Closed 6 years ago.
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So lately I've been intrested in reading assembly which is displayed by a disassembler like ollydbg. The reason why I want to read this assembly is to learn how other developers build their applications or things like file formats of binary files the program has.
It's not like I'm a complete newbie at programming since I've been using C++ and C# for a while now. And I have a solid understanding of C++ so the whole pointer concept is clear to me.
Well I know that there are tons of assembly guides out there on the internet but I have no idea how reliable they are this tutorial: was very usefull too me and this is the kind of tutorial with just a short explanation of the instruction. This one was very clear to me but it doesn't cover all of the assembly codes.
I hope someone could give a good guide/tutorial.

I think the standard guide to assembly is The Art of Assembly. It's online and free.

If you are interesed in x86 assembly and the opcodes for all instructions, try the Intel manuals (free download). If you want to know how to program in assembler, use the recommendation by Seth Carnegie. Another download would be the 32 bit edition.

I learned much of what I know about assembly language from Matt Pietrek's Just Enough Assembly Language to Get By and its sequel. This is especially made for C or C++ programmers wanting to read what the compiler emits in their debugger.
Pietrek's material is above any doubt and he writes clear and entertaining. It's tailored to the Windows platform, though.

This is a different approach. I recently released a first draft of learning assembly by example. It is not x86 assembly though, on purpose. Learning a better and easier to understand instruction set first, will get you through the basic concepts, from there other instruction sets, x86 included are often a matter of downloading an instruction set reference for the desired processor.
Normally googling xyz instruction set will get you a number of hits (instead of xyz choose the one you are interested in, arm, avr, 6502, etc). Ideally you want the vendors documentation which is usually free. There have been so many variations on the x86 by different companies that it adds to the mess. There are a lot of good online references though. For other families, msp430, avr, arm, mips, pic, etc, you can often go to the (core processor) vendors site to find a good reference. msp430, arm and thumb are also good first time instruction sets if you are not interested in the lsa thing. mips or dlx as well so I am told unfortunately I have not learned those yet. avr and x86 after you have learned something else first. Pic has a few flavors, the non-mips traditional pic instruction set is certainly educational in its simplicity and approach, might be a stepping stone to x86 (I dont necessarily recommend pic as a first instruction set either). I recommend learning a couple of non-x86 instruction sets first. And I recommend learning the 8088/86 instructions first, I can give you an ISBN number for the original intel manuals, can probably be found for a few bucks at a used book store (online). Lots of websites have the x86 instruction set defined as well, I highly recommend a visible simulator first before trying on hardware, will make life easier...qemu for example is not very visible nor easy to make visible. gdb's simulators might be as you can at least step and dump things out.

I really liked Programming From the Ground Up, a free book which aims to teach you the basics of ASM programming in a pretty easy to understand way. You can check it out here:
Programming from the Ground up


Difference between developing C/C++ code for different target MCUs [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I see on quite a few job descriptions for embedded developer positions, that a requirement would be for example to have knowledge of embedded C programming on ARM microcontrollers.
What's not very clear to me is , what is the difference between having knowledge of developing C for a particular ARM processor, or developing C for a PowerPC or other type of processor. Developing with C we are abstracted from the actual instructions which will get compiled and the architecture so why does it really matter?
I would guess that it is important mainly to have knowledge of embedded development, knowing memory constraints etc. and that the actual target processor wouldn't matter too much. For example, won't a developer who was writing code for PowerPC MCUs for many years be just as good as developing code for an ARM-based or other type of MCU?
Perhaps i'm missing something obvious here. Please could someone give an example of what could be some major differences between writing C/C++ code for one type of processor and another type. Thanks
All you write about Linux and kernels, but 99% of the embedded work is purely bare metal. therefore, the knowledge of the core and peripherals is essencial.
In the most cases, before Linux programmers learn how to program the bare metal, they are way useless.
And this time needed costs your employer money.
As usual, it depends.
If you are going to develop at a deep C level, it is a good idea to know about the architecture, in order to optimize your code according to speed or/and memory (data bus size, instructions per clock, etc).
It is a must if you are going to develop at a deeper level (and if we are talking about ARM and its thumb, thumb2 and ARM... It is madness).
Furthermore, each architecture because of legacy reasons or to make our life better, adds some tricks. For instance, ARM PC points to the instruction after the next one to be executed, which is quite different in PowerPC or RH850 or whatever.
Above that (I mean, above or close to an OS), the compiler uses to be better than us, but anyway, it is a nice to know how it is working (and definitely it will make the debugging easier)
The answer is yes and no.
If a job is more of application related then MCU specific knowledge will be of little help
If the software development is at kernel/BSP/drivers or hardware related then the knowledge of MCU/CPU hardware is critical.
Please check the Job Description in details to know the kind of work expected.
Well, I haven't written any ARM code myself, but I would think the ARM-specific experience would be (in no particular order):
Experience with ARM-specific toolchains (particularly non-standard parts of that toolchain, pieces of proprietary software etc)
Knowledge of which relevant libraries are available on ARM rather than on Intel machines, and whether their ARM version is performant enough, stable enough etc.
Knowledge of how certain coding patterns look like when compiled to ARM machine code, and consequently, good discretion regarding certain choices regarding low-level implementation.
Ability to write inline ARM assembly when and if necessary
Knowledge of ARM systems' cache layout
Ability to estimate/forecast the power economy of code rather than its mere performance (as ARM processors are sometimes more concerned with that).

Efficient C++ for ARM [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I will give internal training about C++ on ARM, focusing on programming tips and hints, and I searched some webpages like:
Embedded C interview Questions for Embedded Systems Engineers
Efficient C for ARM
all of above are mainly for C on ARM, in that I am wondering they apply to C++ as well, say struct padding and etc
can you help me on that, T.H.X
I didnt look at the first link, the second link Efficient C for ARM is very good, thanks for finding and sharing that, I am going to refer people to that link.
In the same way that the Zen of Assembly language is still as relevant today as when it came out is not because the modern x86 is related to the 8088/86 and the "cycle eaters", but because the thought process and analysis taught doesnt change over time. The cycle eaters might from language to language or target to target, but how you find them doesnt. That book was outdated and irrelevant when it came out as far as the tuning for an 8088/86 or so I read somewhere, but I read it then and use what I learned every day since.
Same here the Efficient C for ARM applies well to similar items in C++, but more importantly look at the early slides, before any specific structures or code is shown. You have to analyze by inspection, and by using a profiler (no different than what Zen of Assembly language says, look at it and time it). Then the Efficient C for ARM page goes on to inspect some examples, take your C++ code and compile it, then disassemble, and see what is really happening. The problem with doing that is that you have to realize that there are many tuning knobs on a compiler and compilers are constantly evolving, and different compilers say, gcc, llvm (clang) and visual C/C++ are completely different. The same C++ source code presented to the different compilers and different versions of the compilers and the same compilers with different optimzation settings is going to produce different results.
When you want to micro-optimize you have to learn a lot of how the compilers work by getting a considerable amount of experience at disassembling and analyzing what the compiler does with your code (FOR EACH TARGET YOU CARE ABOUT). Only then can you begin to do some real optimization without having to resort to writing assembler. Despite what folks may tell you you can do this, you can for some situations significantly improve execution performance by simply rearranging structures, functions, lines of code, etc. Also make code that is more portable to other processors and make code that is generally faster on a number of platforms, not just one. The nay-sayers are right in that you need to have a good reason for it, sometimes it doesnt change the readability, but often taking it to far makes your code unreadable or unmaintainable or fragile, etc. Always arrange your structures in a sensible way, larger, aligned variables first, then progressively smaller. Other things though you may not want to do as a habit but only for special occasions.

Tools for analyzing C++ codebase [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Which tools would be most useful for analyzing a C++ codebase?
What do they cost?
Can we manage with free and trial software, or are there commercial software that is good and that we really should to pay for?
The main object would be to get an understanding of quality - memory issues etc, also to understand the code (For spotting architectural problems for example), perhaps coding standards.
Primarily statical analysis, but we are hoping to be able to run the code.
Think it needs to be "robust in the sense that it should work with code for arcane compilers.
The best free tool is your compiler's warning errors, I always use them at maximum level. The first goal should be a clean build without any cheating (eg. disabling or casting away not-understood warnings).
Visual C++ has built in Code Analysis which is good for catching some bugs and Win32 API misuse, but it's not included in the free version and is (obviously) Windows-specific. This used to be an internal Microsoft tool called Prefast - analogous to FxCop in .Net.
PC-Lint is good, but verbose and not free. If you can get a config file to trap 'useful things' and ignore the noise, that would be a big plus. Again this is for Windows, but I know there are versions for other platforms.
Take a look at:
and a good many others:
I've heard very good things about Valgrind. "automatically detect many memory management and threading bugs, and profile your programs in detail"
The number one stink in programs is code duplication.
You can use clone detectors to find duplicates. Many clone detectors compare just text lines for exact matches; other compare token streams and will find almost-exact matches where the differences are just changed identifiers. You can use our CloneDR to find duplication in which arbitrary langauge structures are inserted or removed, using the langauge grammar as a guide. CloneDR works for large C++ systems, as well as many other languages. At the link you can find typical clone detection reports.
A popular broad-spectrum static checker is PCLint. This checks for a variety of common coding errors predefined by the tool. I don't know how well it handles "arcane" (compilers) dialects of C++.
If you want to define custom checks, you need a full C++ front end parser and the ability to configure your checks arbitrarily. Our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit is an engine that can be configured to accomplish this. DMS's C++ front end can be configured to handle "arcane" C++ dialects, but already covers ANSI, GCC3 and GCC4, MS Visual Studio 7 and 2005. Because DMS is a program transformation engine, it can even be used to "improve" the code quality by replacing poor constructs with better ones.
While not static analysis, test coverage tools for measuring how well you've tested your code are very helpful in assessing your code quality. Just because all your tests pass, doesn't mean you've tested well; unexercised code arguably can have any/all variety of problems.
Theres CCCC: -- result of a research project on metrics.
To tell the truth, I've not found much benefit in such things. What do you hope to get?
You could try out Vigilant Sentry, which analyzes C and C++ and looks for advanced errors in your software. This includes memory or resources leaks, and crash causing memory corruption, among other things.
The small business edition is currently only $795 (by far the cheapest on the market for the value) and the enterprise is $4995. Good luck finding what you need.

need book & web site suggestion for advanced low-level programming

I want to learn all advanced details of low-level programming so i want to be able to
Learn advanced c/c++
Optimize my code with and without inline assembly
Understand the internals of an exe, dll, thread, process
Effeciently make use of technologies like SSE, 3DNow, MMX
Debug&disassemble executables/libraries and understand what's going on inside
The differences/features of different cpus/platforms like x86, MIPS, ARM, PowerPC
My first target is a x86 Windows based system. After that, comes linux based platforms. And embedded systems follow.
Any books, web sites, tutorials, forums, comunities that give me what I'm looking for DIRECTLY is fine.
What you are asking for cannot be found in a single book. Much of what you have mentioned is best found in User Manuals or Functional Specifications for various processors. I recommend starting with an understanding of the core x86 arch and working up from there. One of the old Intel 386 or 486 manuals might be a good start.
I know of no websites for this type of info.
A few recommendations from among my personal favourites to get you started:
“Effective C++: 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs (3rd Edition)”
-- Scott Meyers
“Inside the Machine” -- John Stokes
“Hacker’s Delight” -- Henry S. Warren
“The Software Optimization Cookbook” -- Richard Gerber
“Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 2A: Instruction Set Reference, A-M” (253666-021)
“Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 2B: Instruction Set Reference, N-Z” (253667-021)
Maybe it's time for you to get an account on, unplug the phone for a couple of weeks, load the refrigerator up with Jolt and Funyuns, say goodbye to your family and friends, and then read as many books as you can. They have a pretty substantial library on there that covers most of the topics that you're looking for.
that is a bit too much, that you want to learn. :)
i would suggest starting with basic ARM v4 core architecture.
it is simple enough to understand.
then move on to 8086, then build up to later versions of ARM and x86.
ARM is of the RISC type. and x86 of the CISC type.
you can never learn all of the processors. (like you wont be ever able to learn all the programming languages)
but having a knowledge of 1 or 2 can will enable to grasp any other you would come across.
there is nothing much Object oriented about low level programming.
so it doesnt matter if you use c++ or c.
get a full system simulator like gxemul or qemu.
try to execute a hello world assembly program - (without using the processor runtime libraries, - you want it hard, right?)
others might be able to guide you with respect to SSE, MMX etc.
checkout for the ARM assembly language and architecture specifications.
I've always found Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective ( to be a very good book. It's got a large amount of information about Computer Architecture, and it taught me about memory management, compilation and linking (as well as how to debug linking errors), optimization, relocatable object code, and some lower-level architecture items like how to go about studying computer science from a low-level (e.g. what the internals of the processor are like). There are a lot of good exercises, ranging from optimization examples to implementing buffer overflows. It discusses how to write inline assembly code (and make it work). There's even a section on writing code for a fictional (Y86) processor.
One caveat, though, is that it tends to focus to heavily on the Intel processor line (in my opinion). If you want something that's a bit more along the lines of working with say the ARM line, then you'll probably want to take the recommendations from others above.

What book or online resource do you suggest to learn programming C++ in Linux? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have years of C++ programming experience in Windows. Now I need to program some applications for Linux. Is there any resource that helps me quickly get the required information about Linux technologies available to C++ developers?
Programming in C++ under Linux isn't all that different at the core. Linux compilers are generally more standard's conforming than MSVC; however, that is changing as MSVC is becoming a better compiler. The difference is more from the environment and available libraries. Visual Studio isn't available (obviously) but some other environments like Visual SlickEdit and Eclipse are available on both.
The build system is widely varied and will probably be dictated by your preference between Gnome, KDE, or the ever-present command line. Personally, I find the latter to be the cleanest and most consistent. If you end up at the command line, then learn GNU Make and pick up a copy of GNU Autoconf, Automake, and Libtool. This will introduce the GNU command line development stack pretty nicely.
Debugging is a lot different being that VS provides a nice GUI debugging environment. Most Linux environments simply wrap a command line debugger (usually gdb) with a GUI. The result is less than satisfactory if you expect a nicely integrated debugger. I would recommend getting comfortable with gdb. There are some decent tutorials for gdb online. Just google for a bunch of them. Once you get a little comfortable, read the online manual for the really neat stuff.
The other choice is to use whatever development environment is packaged with your windowing system or to use something like Eclipse and some C++ plug-in
As for books on the subject, Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment is a must-read. UNIX Systems Programming is also a good read since it gives you a solid grounding in shells, processes, and what not. I would recommend both the POSIX Programmer's Guide and POSIX.4 Programmer's Guide since they give you a lot of the systems programming stuff.
With all of that said, enjoy your foray into an operating system that really cater to programmers ;)
I'm in the process of making the switch from Windows to Linux right now for a program and so far I have found that man and grep are great. Instead of looking up function prototypes in MSDN (or similar) I just use man.
If I need a code example, greping through an existing project that has some similarities to mine is a great help. Or if there is a project similar enough to warrant this, setting up an LXR of their code-base to more easily facilitate reading really helps a lot.
In general, the open source nature of Linux has been the greatest resource to learning to program on Linux.
Also Stevens' Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment was a huge boon. But as for IDE's and the like, call me a luddite, but I just like vim and make.
I've learned a lot from Beginning Linux Programming by Matthew and Stones, though it's more C than C++.
I use and lookup at The Open Group's website a lot,{function}.html. They have much the same information as man. I use SciTE, and have the C API and The Open Group POSIX lookup as hotkeys, as described here.