Explain this algorithm (Compare points in SURF algorithm) - c++

I need to know if this algorithm is a known one:
void getMatches(IpVec &ipts1, IpVec &ipts2, IpPairVec &matches, float ratio) {
float dist, d1, d2;
Ipoint *match;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ipts1.size(); i++) {
d1 = d2 = FLT_MAX;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < ipts2.size(); j++) {
dist = ipts1[i] - ipts2[j];
if (dist < d1) // if this feature matches better than current best
d2 = d1;
d1 = dist;
match = &ipts2[j];
} else if (dist < d2) // this feature matches better than second best
d2 = dist;
// If match has a d1:d2 ratio < 0.65 ipoints are a match
if (d1 / d2 < ratio) {
// Store the change in position
ipts1[i].dx = match->x - ipts1[i].x;
ipts1[i].dy = match->y - ipts1[i].y;
matches.push_back(std::make_pair(ipts1[i], *match));
class Ipoint {
//! Destructor
~Ipoint() {
//! Constructor
Ipoint() : orientation(0) {
//! Gets the distance in descriptor space between Ipoints
float operator-(const Ipoint &rhs) {
float sum = 0.f;
for (int i = 0; i < 64; ++i) {
//std::cout << i << "\n";
try {
sum += (this->descriptor[i] - rhs.descriptor[i])*(this->descriptor[i] - rhs.descriptor[i]);
} catch (char *str) {
std::cout << "Caught some other exception: " << str << "\n";
return sqrt(sum);
//! Coordinates of the detected interest point
float x, y;
//! Detected scale
float scale;
//! Orientation measured anti-clockwise from +ve x-axis
float orientation;
//! Sign of laplacian for fast matching purposes
int laplacian;
//! Vector of descriptor components
float descriptor[64];
//! Placeholds for point motion (can be used for frame to frame motion analysis)
float dx, dy;
//! Used to store cluster index
int clusterIndex;
This compares the results of SURF algorithm.
This is a nearest neighbor algorithm? That looks like the func is searching the nearest point of every point.
Can I do the same using Quadtree or kd-tree?
There is a better algorithm to compare to images points and know if them are the same or similar?
Preferable I want to store them into mysql and build a kd-tree to compare 1 image through all images, that's possible?
RANSAC is useful for anything in this task?
There is any method to catch false positives?

You've asked a lot of questions and I don't think I can answer all of them, but here are answers to as much of your question as I can.
This is most certainly a nearest-neighbor algorithm where the goal is to find the two closest points to each point in the first vector and then check whether the ratio of their distances is less than some cutoff value.
You could do this with a quadtree or kd-tree, but because your points are all one-dimensional values you could do much better using a balanced binary search tree. Given such a tree, if you thread a linked list through the nodes, you can find the k nearest neighbors to some test point p by looking up the closest element p in the binary search tree, then traversing (k + 1) steps in each direction and taking the k closest points of what you find. This runs in time O(lg n + k), where n is the number of points and k is as above. This is substantially more efficient than what you have now, which takes O(n) time per lookup.
If the dimensionality of your feature vector is more than 1, but less than 20, then using kd-trees would be a very effective measure.
For higher dimensionalities, you might want to either reduce the number of dimensions with PCA before applying a kd-tree or use a more scalable ANN structure, such as locality-sensitive hashing.
SURF is best for scene and object detection. If you need to find out if two images are the same, you would do better with global descriptor algorithms, such as GIST. The advantage of using a global descriptor is that you get a single vector for the whole image and image comparison is performed with simple Eucledian distance.
You could definitely do this using MySQL because you don't need a kd-tree. A simple balanced binary tree should be sufficient.
RANSAC is a method of estimating model parameters that is robust against outliers. It is useful for using SURF features for combining multiple photographs into a 3D scene.
Checking for false positives is definitely a machine learning exercise and I'm not well-trained in that area. You could probably do this using a supervised learning algorithm (such as an SVM, boosted decision tree, or neural network), but I don't know enough to advise you on this.
Hope this helps!

I'll just answer 5 since templatetypedef addresses the rest. RANSAC is a parameter estimation method (kinda like finding the line of best fit to a set of data points). So its not directly useful in nearest neighbor searches.


Intensity Histogram ++

I'm writing my own Intensity histogram for greyscale images where the number of bins is passed into the function.
This is what i have so far:
std::vector<unsigned int> Image::histogram(const int bins)
std::vector<unsigned int> histogram(bins ,0);
for (unsigned int i(0); i < bins; i++)
for (unsigned int j(0); j < m_height * m_width; ++j)
if (i == m_p_image[j])
return histogram;
This works perfectly for 256 bins as each count is added to histogram, but for 128 bins its misses the second half of the image, I know I need to implement a way of grouping points together if the bin size is less than 256 but I'm unsure how to do this.
Your code strikes me as unnecessarily clumsy. There's no real need for the outer loop.
To answer the question you asked, however, the usual way to do this would be to use linear interpolation--that is, find the proportional position of a value in the input range, then increment the same proportional position in the output range.
for (j =0; j<height * width; j++) {
double input_pos = image[j] / 256.0;
int output_pos = int(input_pos * bin_count);
Given that these are colors, you could (if you chose to) apply a gamma curve instead of doing linear interpolation. The reason to do that would be if you wanted to model how you see colors instead of just basing the histogram on the input numbers themselves. The difference between the two is based on the fact that vision is something like logarithmic instead of linear, so a linear histogram (especially if you're using relatively few bins compared to the number of possible input values) doesn't represent what we see very accurately.

Linear regression poor gradient descent performance

I have implemented a simple Linear Regression (single variate for now) example in C++ to help me get my head around the concepts. I'm pretty sure that the key algorithm is right but my performance is terrible.
This is the method which actually performs the gradient descent:
void LinearRegression::BatchGradientDescent(std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> & data,float& theta1,float& theta2)
float weight = (1.0f/static_cast<float>(data.size()));
float theta1Res = 0.0f;
float theta2Res = 0.0f;
for(auto p: data)
float cost = Hypothesis(p.first,theta1,theta2) - p.second;
theta1Res += cost;
theta2Res += cost*p.first;
theta1 = theta1 - (m_LearningRate*weight* theta1Res);
theta2 = theta2 - (m_LearningRate*weight* theta2Res);
With the other key functions given as:
float LinearRegression::Hypothesis(float x,float theta1,float theta2) const
return theta1 + x*theta2;
float LinearRegression::CostFunction(std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> & data,
float theta1,
float theta2) const
float error = 0.0f;
for(auto p: data)
float prediction = (Hypothesis(p.first,theta1,theta2) - p.second) ;
error += prediction*prediction;
error *= 1.0f/(data.size()*2.0f);
return error;
void LinearRegression::Regress(std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> & data)
for(unsigned int itr = 0; itr < MAX_ITERATIONS; ++itr)
//Some visualisation code
Now the issue is that if the learning rate is greater than around 0.000001 the value of the cost function after gradient descent is higher than it is before. That is to say, the algorithm is working in reverse. The line forms into a straight line through the origin pretty quickly but then takes millions of iterations to actually reach a reasonably well fit line.
With a learning rate of 0.01, after six iterations the output is: (where difference is costAfter-costBefore)
Cost before 102901.945312, cost after 517539430400.000000, difference 517539332096.000000
Cost before 517539430400.000000, cost after 3131945127824588800.000000, difference 3131944578068774912.000000
Cost before 3131945127824588800.000000, cost after 18953312418560698826620928.000000, difference 18953308959796185006080000.000000
Cost before 18953312418560698826620928.000000, cost after 114697949347691988409089177681920.000000, difference 114697930004878874575022382383104.000000
Cost before 114697949347691988409089177681920.000000, cost after inf, difference inf
Cost before inf, cost after inf, difference nan
In this example the thetas are set to zero, the learning rate to 0.000001, and there are 8,000,000 iterations! The visualisation code only updates the graph after every 100,000 iterations.
Function which creates the data points:
static void SetupRegressionData(std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> & data)
srand (time(NULL));
for(int x = 50; x < 750; x += 3)
data.push_back(std::pair<int,int>(x+(rand() % 100), 400 + (rand() % 100) ));
In short, if my learning rate is too high the gradient descent algorithm effectively runs backwards and tends to infinity and if it is lowered to the point where it actually converges towards a minima the number of iterations required to actually do so is unacceptably high.
Have I missed anything/made a mistake in the core algorithm?
Looks like everything is behaving as expected, but you are having problems selecting a reasonable learning rate. That's not a totally trivial problem, and there are many approaches ranging from pre-defined schedules that progressively reduce the learning rate (see e.g. this paper) to adaptive methods such as AdaGrad or AdaDelta.
For your vanilla implementation with fixed learning rate you should make your life easier by normalising the data to zero mean and unit standard deviation before you feed it into the gradient descent algorithm. That way you will be able to reason about the learning rate more easily. Then you can just rescale your prediction accordingly.

Efficiency of Breadth First Search

What would be the most efficient way to compute the fewest hops it takes to get from x1, y1 to x2, y2 on an unbounded/infinite chess board? Assume that from x1, y1 we can always generate a set of legal moves.
This sounds tailor made for BFS and I have implemented one successfully. But its space and time complexity seem atrocious if x2, y2 is arbitrarily large.
I have been looking at various other algorithms like A*, Bidirectional search, iterative deepening DFS etc but so far I am clueless as to which approach would yield the most optimal (and complete) solution. Is there some insight I am missing?
If the set of legal moves is independent of the current space, then this seems ideal as an integer linear programming (ILP) problem. You'd basically solve for the number of each type of move, such that the total number of moves is minimized. For instance, for a knight constrained to only move up and to the right (so that each move was either x+=1, y+=2 or x+=2, y+=1, you'd minimize a1+a2, subject to 2*a1+a2 == x2-x1, a1+2*a2 == y2-y1, a1 >= 0, a2 >= 0. While ILPs in general are NP-complete, I'd expect a standard hill-climbing algorithm to be able to solve it quite efficiently.
I don't have a complete proof yet, but I believe that if x1,y1 and x2,y2 are far away in both directions, then any optimal solution will have a lot of moves that move directly toward x2 and directly toward y2 (2 possible L-shaped moves that move in this direction). If the current position x is close to x2 but the current position y is far away from y2 for example, then alternate between the two moves that move two squares toward y2. And similarly if y is close to y2 and x and x2 are far away. Then, as soon as both the vertical and horizontal distance to x2,y2 are less than some rather small threshold (probably like 5 or 10), then you have to solve the problem with BFS or whatever to get the optimal solution, and the solution you get should be guaranteed to be optimal. I'll update my answer when I have a proof but I am almost certain this is true. If so, it means that no matter how far away x1,y1 and x2,y2 are from each other, you basically only have to solve a problem where the horizontal and vertical distances are like 5 or 10, which can be done quickly.
To expand on the discussion in comments, an uninformed search like breadth-first search (BFS) will find the optimal solution (the shortest path). However it only considers the cost-so-far g(n) for a node n and its cost increases exponentially with distance from source to target. To tame the cost of the search whilst still ensuring that the search finds the optimal solution, you need to add some information to the search algorithm via a heuristic, h(n).
Your case is a good fit for A* search, where the heuristic is a measure of distance from a node to the target (x2, y2). You could use the Euclidian distance "as the crow flies", but as you're considering a Knight then Manhattan distance might be more appropriate. Whatever measure you choose it has to be less (or equal to) the actual distance from the node to the target for the search to find the optimal solution (in this case the heuristic is known as "admissible"). Note that you need to divide each distance by a constant in order to get it to underestimate moves: divide by 3 for the Manhattan distance, and by sqrt(5) for the Euclidian distance (sqrt(5) is the length of the diagonal of a 2 by 1 square).
When you're running the algorithm you estimate the total distance f(n) from any node n that we've got to already as the distance so far plus the heuristic distance. I.e. f(n) = g(n) + h(n) where g(n) is the distance from (x1,y1) to node n and h(n) is the estimated heuristic distance from node n to (x2,y2). Given the nodes you've got to, you always choose the node n with the lowest f(n). I like the way you put it:
maintain a priority queue of nodes to be checked out ordered by g(n) + h(n).
If the heuristic is admissible then the algorithm finds the optimal solution because a suboptimal path can never be at the front of the priority queue: any fragment of the optimal path will always have a lower total distance (where, again, total distance is incurred distance plus heuristic distance).
The distance measure we've chosen here is monotonic (i.e. increases as the path lengthens rather than going up or down). In this case it's possible to show that it's efficient. As usual, see wikipedia or other sources on the web for more details. The Colorado state university page is particularly good and has nice discussions on optimality and efficiency.
Taking an example of going from (-200,-100) to (0,0), which is equivalent to your example of (0,0) to (200,100), in my implementation what we see with a Manhattan heuristic is as follows
The implementation does too much searching because with the heuristic h = Manhattan distance, taking steps of across 1 up 2 seem just as good as the optimal steps of across 2 up 1, i.e. the f() values don't distinguish the two. However the algorithm still finds the optimal solution of 100 moves. It takes 2118 steps, which is still a lot better than the breadth first search, which spreads out like an ink blot (I estimate it might take 20000 to 30000 steps).
How does it do if you choose the h = Euclidian distance?
This is a lot better! It only takes 104 steps, and it does so well because it incorporates our intuition that you need to head in roughly the right direction. But before we congratulate ourselves let's try another example, from (-200,0) to (0,0). Both heuristics find an optimal path of length 100. The Euclidian heuristic takes 12171 steps to find an optimal path, as shown below.
Whereas the Manhattan heuristic takes 16077 steps
Leaving aside the fact that the Manhattan heuristic does worse, again, I believe the real problem here is that there are multiple optimal paths. This isn't so strange: a re-ordering of an optimal path is still optimal. This fact is automatically taken into account by recasting the problem in a mathematical form along the lines of #Sneftel's answer.
In summary, A* with an admissible heuristic produces an optimal solution more efficiently than does BFS but it is likely that there are more efficient soluions out there. A* is a good default algorithm in cases where you can easily come up with a distance heuristic, and although in this case it isn't going to be the best solution, it's possible to learn a lot about the problem by implementing it.
Code below in C++ as you requested.
#include <memory>
using std::shared_ptr;
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
#include <queue>
using std::priority_queue;
#include <map>
using std::map;
using std::pair;
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
#include <fstream>
using std::ofstream;
struct Point
short x;
short y;
Point(short _x, short _y) { x = _x; y = _y; }
bool IsOrigin() { return x == 0 && y == 0; }
bool operator<(const Point& p) const {
return pair<short, short>(x, y) < pair<short, short>(p.x, p.y);
class Path
Point m_end;
shared_ptr<Path> m_prev;
int m_length; // cached
Path(const Point& start)
: m_end(start)
{ m_length = 0; }
Path(const Point& start, shared_ptr<Path> prev)
: m_end(start)
, m_prev(prev)
{ m_length = m_prev->m_length +1; }
Point GetEnd() const { return m_end; }
int GetLength() const { return m_length; }
vector<Point> GetPoints() const
vector<Point> points;
for (const Path* curr = this; curr; curr = curr->m_prev.get()) {
return points;
double g() const { return m_length; }
//double h() const { return (abs(m_end.x) + abs(m_end.y)) / 3.0; } // Manhattan
double h() const { return sqrt((m_end.x*m_end.x + m_end.y*m_end.y)/5); } // Euclidian
double f() const { return g() + h(); }
bool operator<(const shared_ptr<Path>& p1, const shared_ptr<Path>& p2)
return 1/p1->f() < 1/p2->f(); // priority_queue has biggest at end of queue
int main()
const Point source(-200, 0);
const Point target(0, 0);
priority_queue<shared_ptr<Path>> q;
q.push(shared_ptr<Path>(new Path(source)));
map<Point, short> endPath2PathLength;
endPath2PathLength.insert(map<Point, short>::value_type(source, 0));
int pointsExpanded = 0;
shared_ptr<Path> path;
while (!(path = q.top())->GetEnd().IsOrigin())
const short newLength = path->GetLength() + 1;
for (short dx = -2; dx <= 2; ++dx){
for (short dy = -2; dy <= 2; ++dy){
if (abs(dx) + abs(dy) == 3){
const Point newEnd(path->GetEnd().x + dx, path->GetEnd().y + dy);
auto existingEndPath = endPath2PathLength.find(newEnd);
if (existingEndPath == endPath2PathLength.end() ||
existingEndPath->second > newLength) {
q.push(shared_ptr<Path>(new Path(newEnd, path)));
endPath2PathLength[newEnd] = newLength;
cout<< "Path length " << path->GetLength()
<< " (points expanded = " << pointsExpanded << ")\n";
ofstream fout("Points.csv");
for (auto i : endPath2PathLength) {
fout << i.first.x << "," << i.first.y << "," << i.second << "\n";
vector<Point> points = path->GetPoints();
ofstream fout2("OptimalPoints.csv");
for (auto i : points) {
fout2 << i.x << "," << i.y << "\n";
return 0;
Note this isn't very well tested so there may well be bugs but I hope the general idea is clear.

Wrote some perlin noise kind of code, it looks blocky

The previous answered question doesn't seem to answer my problem "Blocky" Perlin noise
I tried to simplify the most I could to make my code readable and understandable.
I don't use the permutation table, instead I use the mt19937 generator.
I use SFML
using namespace std;
using namespace sf;
typedef Vector2f Vec2;
Sprite spr;
Texture tx;
// dot product
float prod(Vec2 a, Vec2 b) { return a.x*b.x + a.y*b.y; }
// linear interpolation
float interp(float start,float end,float coef){return coef*(end-start)+start;}
// get the noise of a certain pixel, giving its relative value vector in the square with [0.0 1.0] values
float getnoise(Vec2&A, Vec2&B, Vec2&C, Vec2&D, Vec2 rel){
dot_a=prod(A ,Vec2(rel.x ,rel.y)),
dot_b=prod(B ,Vec2(rel.x-1 ,rel.y)),
dot_c=prod(C ,Vec2(rel.x ,rel.y-1)),
dot_d=prod(D ,Vec2(rel.x-1 ,rel.y-1));
return interp
// return interp
// (interp(da,db,rel.x),interp(dc,dd,rel.x),rel.y);
// calculate the [0.0 1.0] relative value of a pixel
Vec2 getrel(int i, int j, float cellsize){
return Vec2
(i // which pixel
-(i/int(cellsize))//which cell
*cellsize)// floor() equivalent
/cellsize,// [0,1] range
// generates an array of random float values
vector<float> seeded_rand_float(unsigned int seed, int many){
vector<float> ret;
std::mt19937 rr;
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> dist(0, 1.0);
for(int j = 0 ; j < many; ++j)
return ret;
// use above function to generate an array of random vectors with [0.0 1.0] values
vector<Vec2>seeded_rand_vec2(unsigned int seed, int many){
auto coeffs1 = seeded_rand_float(seed, many*2);
// auto coeffs2 = seeded_rand_float(seed+1, many); //bad choice !
vector<Vec2> pushere;
for(int i = 0; i < many; ++i)
// pushere.push_back(Vec2(coeffs1[i],coeffs2[i]));
return pushere;
// here we make the perlin noise
void make_perlin()
int seed = 43;
int pixels = 400; // how many pixels
int divisions = 10; // cell squares
float cellsize = float(pixels)/divisions; // size of a cell
auto randv = seeded_rand_vec2(seed,(divisions+1)*(divisions+1));
// makes the vectors be in [-1.0 1.0] range
a = a*2.0f-Vec2(1.f,1.f);
Image img;
for(int j=0;j<=pixels;++j)
for(int i=0;i<=pixels;++i)
int ii = int(i/cellsize); // cell index
int jj = int(j/cellsize);
// those are the nearest gradient vectors for the current pixel
A = randv[divisions*jj +ii],
B = randv[divisions*jj +ii+1],
C = randv[divisions*(jj+1) +ii],
D = randv[divisions*(jj+1) +ii+1];
float val = getnoise(A,B,C,D,getrel(i,j,cellsize));
val = 255.f*(.5f * val + .7f);
Here are the results, I included the resulted gradients vector (I multiplied them by cellsize/2).
My question is why are there white artifacts, you can somehow see the squares...
PS: it has been solved, I posted the fixed source here http://pastebin.com/XHEpV2UP
Don't make the mistake of applying a smooth interp on the result instead of the coefficient. Normalizing vectors or adding an offset to avoid zeroes doesn't seem to improve anything. Here is the colorized result:
The human eye is sensitive to discontinuities in the spatial derivative of luminance (brightness). The linear interpolation you're using here is sufficient to make brightness continuous, but it does not not make the derivative of the brightness continuous.
Perlin recommends using eased interpolation to get smoother results. You could use 3*t^2 - 2*t^3 (as suggested in the linked presentation) right in your interpolation function. That should solve the immediate issue.
That would look something like
// interpolation
float linear(float start,float end,float coef){return coef*(end-start)+start;}
float poly(float coef){return 3*coef*coef - 2*coef*coef*coef;}
float interp(float start,float end,float coef){return linear(start, end, poly(coef));}
But note that evaluating a polynomial for every interpolation is needlessly expensive. Usually (including here) this noise is being evaluated over a grid of pixels, with squares being some integer (or rational) number of pixels large; this means that rel.x, rel.y, rel.x-1, and rel.y-1 are quantized to particular possible values. You can make a lookup table for values of the polynomial ahead of time at those values, replacing the "poly" function in the code snippet provided. This technique lets you use even smoother (e.g. degree 5) easing functions at very little additional cost.
Although Jerry is correct in his above answer (I would have simply commented above, but I'm still pretty new to StackOverflow and I have insufficient reputation to comment at the moment)...
And his solution of using:
(3*coef*coef) - (2*coef*coef*coef)
to smooth/curve the interpolation factor works.
The slightly better solution is to simplify the equation to:
(3 - (2*coef)) * coef*coef
the resulting curve is virtually identical (there are slight differences, but they are tiny), and there's 2 less multiplications (and still only a single subtraction) to do per interpolation. Resulting in less computational effort.
This reduction in computation could really add up over time, especially when using the noise function alot. For instance, if you start generating noise in more than 2 dimensions.

Determining if a point is inside a polyhedron

I'm attempting to determine if a specific point lies inside a polyhedron. In my current implementation, the method I'm working on take the point we're looking for an array of the faces of the polyhedron (triangles in this case, but it could be other polygons later). I've been trying to work from the info found here: http://softsurfer.com/Archive/algorithm_0111/algorithm_0111.htm
Below, you'll see my "inside" method. I know that the nrml/normal thing is kind of weird .. it's the result of old code. When I was running this it seemed to always return true no matter what input I give it. (This is solved, please see my answer below -- this code is working now).
bool Container::inside(Point* point, float* polyhedron[3], int faces) {
Vector* dS = Vector::fromPoints(point->X, point->Y, point->Z,
100, 100, 100);
int T_e = 0;
int T_l = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < faces; i++) {
float* polygon = polyhedron[i];
float* nrml = normal(&polygon[0], &polygon[1], &polygon[2]);
Vector* normal = new Vector(nrml[0], nrml[1], nrml[2]);
delete nrml;
float N = -((point->X-polygon[0][0])*normal->X +
(point->Y-polygon[0][1])*normal->Y +
float D = dS->dot(*normal);
if (D == 0) {
if (N < 0) {
return false;
float t = N/D;
if (D < 0) {
T_e = (t > T_e) ? t : T_e;
if (T_e > T_l) {
return false;
} else {
T_l = (t < T_l) ? t : T_l;
if (T_l < T_e) {
return false;
return true;
This is in C++ but as mentioned in the comments, it's really very language agnostic.
The link in your question has expired and I could not understand the algorithm from your code. Assuming you have a convex polyhedron with counterclockwise oriented faces (seen from outside), it should be sufficient to check that your point is behind all faces. To do that, you can take the vector from the point to each face and check the sign of the scalar product with the face's normal. If it is positive, the point is behind the face; if it is zero, the point is on the face; if it is negative, the point is in front of the face.
Here is some complete C++11 code, that works with 3-point faces or plain more-point faces (only the first 3 points are considered). You can easily change bound to exclude the boundaries.
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
struct Vector {
double x, y, z;
Vector operator-(Vector p) const {
return Vector{x - p.x, y - p.y, z - p.z};
Vector cross(Vector p) const {
return Vector{
y * p.z - p.y * z,
z * p.x - p.z * x,
x * p.y - p.x * y
double dot(Vector p) const {
return x * p.x + y * p.y + z * p.z;
double norm() const {
return std::sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
using Point = Vector;
struct Face {
std::vector<Point> v;
Vector normal() const {
assert(v.size() > 2);
Vector dir1 = v[1] - v[0];
Vector dir2 = v[2] - v[0];
Vector n = dir1.cross(dir2);
double d = n.norm();
return Vector{n.x / d, n.y / d, n.z / d};
bool isInConvexPoly(Point const& p, std::vector<Face> const& fs) {
for (Face const& f : fs) {
Vector p2f = f.v[0] - p; // f.v[0] is an arbitrary point on f
double d = p2f.dot(f.normal());
d /= p2f.norm(); // for numeric stability
constexpr double bound = -1e-15; // use 1e15 to exclude boundaries
if (d < bound)
return false;
return true;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
assert(argc == 3+1);
char* end;
Point p;
p.x = std::strtod(argv[1], &end);
p.y = std::strtod(argv[2], &end);
p.z = std::strtod(argv[3], &end);
std::vector<Face> cube{ // faces with 4 points, last point is ignored
Face{{Point{0,0,0}, Point{1,0,0}, Point{1,0,1}, Point{0,0,1}}}, // front
Face{{Point{0,1,0}, Point{0,1,1}, Point{1,1,1}, Point{1,1,0}}}, // back
Face{{Point{0,0,0}, Point{0,0,1}, Point{0,1,1}, Point{0,1,0}}}, // left
Face{{Point{1,0,0}, Point{1,1,0}, Point{1,1,1}, Point{1,0,1}}}, // right
Face{{Point{0,0,1}, Point{1,0,1}, Point{1,1,1}, Point{0,1,1}}}, // top
Face{{Point{0,0,0}, Point{0,1,0}, Point{1,1,0}, Point{1,0,0}}}, // bottom
std::cout << (isInConvexPoly(p, cube) ? "inside" : "outside") << std::endl;
return 0;
Compile it with your favorite compiler
clang++ -Wall -std=c++11 code.cpp -o inpoly
and test it like
$ ./inpoly 0.5 0.5 0.5
$ ./inpoly 1 1 1
$ ./inpoly 2 2 2
If your mesh is concave, and not necessarily watertight, that’s rather hard to accomplish.
As a first step, find the point on the surface of the mesh closest to the point. You need to keep track the location, and specific feature: whether the closest point is in the middle of face, on the edge of the mesh, or one of the vertices of the mesh.
If the feature is face, you’re lucky, can use windings to find whether it’s inside or outside. Compute normal to face (don't even need to normalize it, non-unit-length will do), then compute dot( normal, pt - tri[0] ) where pt is your point, tri[0] is any vertex of the face. If the faces have consistent winding, the sign of that dot product will tell you if it’s inside or outside.
If the feature is edge, compute normals to both faces (by normalizing a cross-product), add them together, use that as a normal to the mesh, and compute the same dot product.
The hardest case is when a vertex is the closest feature. To compute mesh normal at that vertex, you need to compute sum of the normals of the faces sharing that vertex, weighted by 2D angles of that face at that vertex. For example, for vertex of cube with 3 neighbor triangles, the weights will be Pi/2. For vertex of a cube with 6 neighbor triangles the weights will be Pi/4. And for real-life meshes the weights will be different for each face, in the range [ 0 .. +Pi ]. This means you gonna need some inverse trigonometry code for this case to compute the angle, probably acos().
If you want to know why that works, see e.g. “Generating Signed Distance Fields From Triangle Meshes” by J. Andreas Bærentzen and Henrik Aanæs.
I have already answered this question couple years ago. But since that time I’ve discovered much better algorithm. It was invented in 2018, here’s the link.
The idea is rather simple. Given that specific point, compute a sum of signed solid angles of all faces of the polyhedron as viewed from that point. If the point is outside, that sum gotta be zero. If the point is inside, that sum gotta be ±4·π steradians, + or - depends on the winding order of the faces of the polyhedron.
That particular algorithm is packing the polyhedron into a tree, which dramatically improves performance when you need multiple inside/outside queries for the same polyhedron. The algorithm only computes solid angles for individual faces when the face is very close to the query point. For large sets of faces far away from the query point, the algorithm is instead using an approximation of these sets, using some numbers they keep in the nodes of that BVH tree they build from the source mesh.
With limited precision of FP math, and if using that approximated BVH tree losses from the approximation, that angle will never be exactly 0 nor ±4·π. But still, the 2·π threshold works rather well in practice, at least in my experience. If the absolute value of that sum of solid angles is less than 2·π, consider the point to be outside.
It turns out that the problem was my reading of the algorithm referenced in the link above. I was reading:
N = - dot product of (P0-Vi) and ni;
N = - dot product of S and ni;
Having changed this, the code above now seems to work correctly. (I'm also updating the code in the question to reflect the correct solution).