Waiting for button press in Qt - c++

I have a custom class inheriting from QDialog. I'm creating this dialog with function foo, and foo would like to continue doing its thing only when a certain button in the dialog is pressed. I was thinking of using signals and slots, but then how could I get foo to respond to a signal from another thread?
EDIT: basically I want to know how to reimplement the functionality of QInputDialog::getText() using my own dialog.

Your foo() function could call wait() on a [QWaitCondition][1] object, then your button could call wakeOne() on the same object to cause the wait() to return.
That said, there is really no necessity for using multithreading to reimplement QInputDialog::getText(). You should be able to reimplement that functionality inside a single thread without any problems, and doing it that way will be much simpler and more reliable.
(Note: assuming you want your version of getText() to block and not return until after a button is pressed, you'll need to call QDialog::exec(). I don't recommend that style of programming though, as it's error-prone... for example, what happens if the user closes your QInputDialog's parent window while the QInputDialog is still open? That deletes the QInputDialog object whose getText() method the program is still blocked inside, likely causing a crash because the QInputDialog's "this" pointer is now a dangling pointer. It's much cleaner and safer to make everything event-based instead (i.e. signals and slots only), and not attempt to block or recurse Qt's event loop in your own code)

Modal dialogs will block the user from interacting with other windows, which it sounds like you will need. Also, I think you want to call exec() instead of show(). Show() returns execution to the caller immediately, where as exec() blocks.


How to show paginated text from a QTextDocument in QML?

I currently have a C++ class inheriting from QQuickPaintedItem. I use it to paint layouted, paginated richtext from a QTextDocument via QTextDocument::drawContents (or by directly calling its QTextDocumenLayout's draw method).
However, as stated in QQuickPaintedItems documentation, there are threading issues to be aware of:
Warning: Extreme caution must be used when creating QObjects, emitting signals, starting timers and similar inside this function as these will have affinity to the rendering thread.
Specifically, in this case, QTextDocumentLayoutPrivate has timers which get started/stopped when QTextDocumenLayout::draw is called. Unfortunately, the QTextDocument and thus the timers lives in the qml main thread, while paint is called in the render thread, leading to messages like
QBasicTimer::start: Timers cannot be started from another thread
While this doesn't affect the functionality of my application (so far), this is probably not a good thing™.
Therefore, my question is whether there is a better way to show the paginated text in QML (not necessarily involving QQuickPaintedItem).
For now I'm still using the QQuickPaintedItem and when paint is called I do the following:
First check whether the QTextDocument has its affinity set to its current thread. If yes, I'll proceed as normal.
Otherwise QMetaObject::invokeMethod is used to call a method which moves the document to the rendering thread, and calls update to trigger a repaint, which now works as the thread affinity is correct. At the end of paint, the QTextDocument's thread affinity is set back to the original thread.
This works as far as I can tell (as in, no more warnings), but feels conceptually rather wrong.

How to return from exec method programmatically in static singleton class

I am developing Qt application (Qt version 4.7.3) on SBC6000x board.
I have a MessageBox class derived from QDialog. I have made this class singleton.
Whenever a messagebox is to be show I am using .exec method to show it.
There are few places where I need to show messageboxes one after another.
So, to show new messagebox, I have to close previous one and show new one.
e.g. When Messagebox is open and at same time I receive an error from background I have to close the messagebox which is currently shown and show the one with error.
To closes previous dialog I have exposed CloseDlg method from messagebox class and trying to close it.
Inside this CloseDlg I am emitting finished signal.
void CMsgBox::CloseDlg()
if (NULL != CMsgBox::m_msgBox)
emit CMsgBox::m_msgBox->finished(0);
and calling it as
My show method is :-
int CMsgBox::showMsgBox(Icon icon, const QString &textMsg, const QString &okBtnText)
if (CMsgBox::m_msgBox == NULL)
CMsgBox::m_msgBox = new CMsgBox();
return CMsgBox::m_msgBox->m_btnPressed; //return, unblock the call
Again when I call showMsgBox,it is showing me following warning.
QDialog::exec: Recursive call detected
Problem is, it doesn’t return from previous exec call (unless we return, as commented above //).
I tried same with close(), accept(), reject() methods instead of finished() event but nothing worked.
What is the way to return from previous exe call and achieve above scenario? Any help is welcome.
What you have here looks like a race condition. A modal QDialog runs its own event loop, so your application behaves like a multithreaded application and you need to take care of concurrency and race conditions.
When you receive a second in your main event loop, you call CMsgBox::CloseDlg() and CMsgBox::showMsgBox() in quick succession. However, CloseDlg() tells the dialog's event loop to return, but CloseDlg() actually returns before the dialog's event loop is done cleaning up, and showMsgBox() attempts to call exec() on a dialog which hasn't finished exiting yet.
What you need to do is, when you call CMsgBox::CloseDlg(), connect to the finished(int) signal, and only when you receive the finished(int) can you safely exec() the dialog again.
NOTE: When connecting to the finished(int) signal, make sure to use a Qt::QueuedConnection instead of a Qt::DirectConnection which is the default.
So, you need modeless dialog box. As explained in their documentation :
Modeless dialogs are displayed using show(), which returns control to the caller immediately.
Therefore, instead of showing the box with exec(), show it with show().
Alternative to show() method suggested in another answer is, use QDialog::open(). It will return, but will still give you modal dialog, so the rest of the GUI will be disabled until you close it.

Modeless dialogs and accelerators

I want to perform some action when the user presses CTRL+S inside a modeless dialog.
Accelerators would be perfect for this, except that I don't have control over the thread's message loop (think plugin), so I can't call TranslateAccelerator.
A nested message loop is not an option because the main application does a lot of processing in between calls to PeekMessage.
Is there some way I can 'force' the existing message loop to handle my accelerator?
Is there any other way besides accelerators to catch CTRL+S?
I thought about using a Window hooks on WH_GETMESSAGE, which gets called before returning from GetMessage or PeekMessage. But I'm not sure what would happen after I successfully called TranslateAcellerator, I can't let the application know I handled it.
WH_MSGFILTER would require the app to implement a call to CallMsgFilter, which it doesn't from a quick glance with a debugger.
My last idea was subclassing the control which is what I'm trying to avoid. That would require some mechanism to signal the keypress event to the parent window, which I don't think is a great design. Also, if I add more controls I would have to subclass every single one.
Thanks for any hints.
This is a fairly infamous interop problem, it rears its ugly head also when using Winforms to implement UI in a native program. Microsoft's recommendation is a rough-and-tumble one: start your own thread to display the window so you can pump your own message loop. You'll need SetParent() to avoid Z-order problems. Scary stuff, do consider a modal dialog thrice before committing to this.
Can you use WM_GETDLGCODE? http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms645425(v=vs.85).aspx

Making connections in Qt

If I want to make a connection in Qt as follows:
QObject::connect(quitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), &myapp, SLOT(quit());
What does &myapp refer to here? Why should it be used?
In this case what you get is that whenever the quitButton sends the signal clicked it will be sent to the slot quit in myapp. If the names mean what I think this is probably a button to, well..., quit your app.
Notice there are different versions of connect. It's hard to get the context from a single line of code, but anyway you might wanna check qApp which already represents your application.
EDIT: From another post from you I noticed you asked a trivial question about pointers. So if this is more about what the &character means, it takes the address of your object. This is pure C++ (nothing specific to Qt).
What does &myapp refer to here? Why should it be used?
This is the object that will handle the signal (The & takes the objects address (ie. the underlying code uses pointers).
QObject::connect(quitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), &myapp, SLOT(quit());
When the signal clicked is activated on the object quitButton
Call the slot quit on the object myapp.
What this means:
A signal is just a method that is called by the object when certain internal state changes. In this case the object will call signal when the user interfaced element is clicked on by the mouse.
The signal method will then call all (slot) methods that have been registered. So in this case when you click on the button signal() is called this in turn will call the quit() method on the object 'myapp`.
Given the way QT examples are normally done. myapp is an application object and the quit() method will cause the main thread to exit from the call to exec().

Application wide periodic tasks with Dialog Based MFC application

In Single Document Interface (SDI) or Multiple Document Interface (MDI) MFC application, I created an application wide timer in the View. The timer will tick as long as the application is running and trigger some periodic actions.
How can I do the same with Dialog Based MFC application?
Should I create Thread's Timer (SetTimer with NULL HWND) and pass a callback function to it?
Should I create worker threads? My experience with other projects was when I tried to display some feedback GUI from non-GUI/worker threads, I need to roll out my own "delegate"/command pattern and a "delegate invoker"/command invoker. The worker thread will send message (I think using message is safer than direct function call when dealing across thread-boundary, CMIIW) to the UI-thread. and the UI-thread will be the "delegate"/command invoker. Failing to do this and to make sure that the windows/dialogs have the correct parent will result in bizzare behaviors such as the Application suddenly disappears to the background; Window/Dialog that is shown behind the current window/dialog and causing the current window to be unresponsive/unclickable. Probably I was doing something wrong but there were so much problems when dealing with threads.
Are there best practices for this?
A timer works as well in a dialog-based application as an SDI or MDI app. OTOH, timers are (mostly) a leftover from 16-bit Windows. If you want to do things periodically, a worker thread is usually a better way to do it (and yes, Windows Mobile supports multiple threads).
Edit: in a dialog-based application, the main dialog exists for (essentially) the entire life of the application. Unless you really need the timer during the milliseconds between application startup and dialog creation or dialog destruction and application exit, just attach it to the dialog. Otherwise, you can attach it to the main window -- which MFC creates and destroys, even though it's never displayed.
If you use the MFC Wizard to create the Dialog based app, you probably have a hidden view window as well as a dialog window. The view window creates the dialog with DoModal(), which runs the dialog in the same thread, effectively suspending the view window.
While the dialog is open, the view window will not process any events. So, if the view window owns the timer, it will not process the timer events.
The simplest solution is to create the timer in the dialog and let the dialog handle the timer messages.
IMO, use the Timer if it solves the problem. As you've mentioned a Worker Thread interacting with the UI, in MFC, can be more trouble than its worth sometimes.
If the problem is simple enough for a timer to suffice, thats what i'd use (Remember KISS)
SetTimer does not have to be handed a window to work, it can call a callback method.
You can use that in your application - declare in your CWinApp (or anywhere really)
static void CALLBACK OnTimer(HWND, UINT, UINT, DWORD);
Then in the InitInstance call SetTimer(0, [eventid], [time period], OnTimer);
In OnTimer you can get back to the CWinApp instance via AfxGetApp() or theApp since there is only one.
Second attempt: my previous answer was dne in a hurry and was not correct.
Your basic vanilla MFC Dialog app only uses one thread. The main thread starts with a class derived from CWinApp. In the InitInstance() method it launches the dialog using CDialog::DoModal(). This function doesn't return until the dialog is closed.
While the dialog is running, the CWinApp class does not process any messages, so won't see a WM_TIMER.
There are many ways around this.
Let the first dialog own the timer and make all other dialogs children of it. This might be OK, depending on your dialog requirements, but it might be too restrictive.
Launch the first Dialog as modeless, i.e. use Create() instead of DoModal(). Create() returns straight away (putting the Dialog into a different thread). You can then create a message loop in the CWinApp class and process timers there. You'll have to use thread timers instead of window timers as the CWinApp class doesn't have a window. (or you could create a hidden window if that is more convenient).
You can hack the dialog's mesage loop and make it pass messages to the CWinApp class' message handler. That is quite complex and not for the faint hearted.
You can create a dedicated timer thread. You'd probably do that from the CWinApp class before it creates the dialog, but other strategies are possible.
Do any of those schemes sound like they fit your needs? If not, maybe you can explain your needs more fully and we might be able to come up with something appropriate.