Byte array to int in C++ - c++

Would the following be the most efficient way to get an int16 (short) value from a byte array?
inline __int16* ReadINT16(unsigned char* ByteArray,__int32 Offset){
return (__int16*)&ByteArray[Offset];
If the byte array contains a dump of the bytes in the same endian format as the machine, this code is being called on. Alternatives are welcome.

It depends on what you mean by "efficient", but note that in some architectures this method will fail if Offset is odd, since the resulting 16 bit int will be misaligned and you will get an exception when you subsequently try to access it. You should only use this method if you can guarantee that Offset is even, e.g.
inline int16_t ReadINT16(uint8_t *ByteArray, int32_t Offset){
assert((Offset & 1) == 0); // Offset must be multiple of 2
return *(int16_t*)&ByteArray[Offset];
Note also that I've changed this slightly so that it returns a 16 bit value directly, since returning a pointer and then subsequently de-referencing it will most likely less "efficient" than just returning a 16 bit value directly. I've also switched to standard Posix types for integers - I recommend you do the same.

I'm surprised no one has suggested this yet for a solution that is both alignment safe and correct across all architectures. (well, any architecture where there are 8 bits to a byte).
inline int16_t ReadINT16(uint8_t *ByteArray, int32_t Offset)
int16_t result;
memcpy(&result, ByteArray+Offset, sizeof(int16_t));
return result;
And I suppose the overhead of memcpy could be avoided:
inline int16_t ReadINT16(uint8_t *ByteArray, int32_t Offset)
int16_t result;
uint8_t* ptr1=(uint8_t*)&result;
uint8_t* ptr2 = ptr1+1;
*ptr1 = *ByteArray;
*ptr2 = *(ByteArray+1);
return result;
I believe alignment issues don't generate exceptions on x86. And if I recall, Windows (when it ran on Dec Alpha and others) would trap the alignment exception and fix it up (at a modest perf hit). And I do remember learning the hard way that Sparc on SunOS just flat out crashes when you have an alignment issue.

inline __int16* ReadINT16(unsigned char* ByteArray,__int32 Offset)
return (__int16*)&ByteArray[Offset];
Unfortunately this has undefined behavour in C++, because you are accessing storage using two different types which is not allowed under the strict aliasing rules. You can access the storage of a type using a char*, but not the other way around.
From previous questions I asked, the only safe way really is to use memcpy to copy the bytes into an int and then use that. (Which will likely be optimised to the same code you'd hope anyway, so just looks horribly inefficient).
Your code will probably work, and most people seem to do this... But the point is that you can't go crying to your compiler vendor when one day it generates code that doesn't do what you'd hope.

I see no problem with this, that's exactly what I'd do. As long as the byte array is safe to access and you make sure that the offset is correct (shorts are 2 bytes so you may want to make sure that they can't do odd offsets or something like that)


Why bitset order looks like reversing per byte

I'm having trouble when I want to read binary file into bitset and process it.
std::ifstream is("data.txt", std::ifstream::binary);
if (is) {
// get length of file:
is.seekg(0, is.end);
int length = is.tellg();
is.seekg(0, is.beg);
char *buffer = new char[length];, length);
const int k = sizeof(buffer) * 8;
std::bitset<k> tmp;
memcpy(&tmp, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
std::cout << tmp;
delete[] buffer;
int a = 5;
std::bitset<32> bit;
memcpy(&bit, &a, sizeof(a));
std::cout << bit;
I want to get {05 00 00 00} (hex memory view), bitset[0~31]={00000101 00000000 00000000 00000000} but I get bitset[0~31]={10100000 00000000 00000000 00000000}
You need to learn how to crawl before you can crawl on broken glass.
In short, computer memory is an opaque box, and you should stop making assumptions about it.
Hyrum's law is the stupidest thing that has ever existed and if you stopped proliferating this cancer, that would be great.
What I'm about to write is common sense to every single competent C++ programmer out there. As trivial as breathing, and as important as breathing. It should be included in every single copy of C++ book ever, hammered into the heads of new programmers as soon as possible, but for some undefined reason, isn't.
The only things you can rely on when it comes to what I'm going to loosely define as "memory" is bits of a byte never being out of order. std::byte is such a type, and before it was added to the standard, we used unsigned char, they are more or less interchangeable, but you should prefer std::byte whenever you can.
So, what do I mean by this?
std::byte a = 0b10101000;
assert(((a >> 3) & 1) == 1); // always true
That's it, everything else is up to the compiler, your machine architecture and stars in the sky.
Oh, what, you thought you can just write int a = 0b1010100000000010; and expect something good? I'm sorry, but that's just not how things work in these savage lands. If you expect any order here, you will have to split it into bytes yourself, you cannot just cast this into std::byte bytes[2] and expect bytes[0] == 0b10101000. It is NEVER correct to assume anything here, if you do, one day your code will break, and by the time you realize that it's broken it will be too late, because it will be yet another undebuggable 30 million line of code legacy codebase half of which is only available in proprietary shared objects that we didn't have source code of since 1997. Goodluck.
So, what's the correct way? Luckily for us, binary shifts are architecture independent. int is guaranteed to be no smaller than 2 bytes, so that's the only thing this example relies on, but most machines have sizeof (int) == 4. If you needed more bytes, or exact number of bytes, you should be using appropriate type from Fixed width integer types.
int a = 0b1010100000000010;
std::byte bytes[2]; // always correct
// std::byte bytes[4]; // stupid assumption by inexperienced programmers
// std::byte bytes[sizeof (a)]; // flexible solution that needs more work
// we think in terms of 8 bits, don't care about the rest
bytes[0] = a & 0xFF;
// we need to skip possibly more than 8 bits to access next 8 bits however
bytes[1] = (a >> CHAR_BIT) & 0xFF;
This is the only absolutely correct way to convert sizeof (T) > 1 into array of bytes and if you see anything else then it's without a doubt subpar implementation that will stop working the moment you change a compiler and/or machine architecture.
The reverse is true too, you need to use binary shifts to convert a byte array to a size bigger than 1 byte.
On top of that, this only applies to primitive types. int, long, short... Sometimes you can rely on it working correctly with float or double as long as you always need IEEE 754 and will never need a machine so old or bizarre that it doesn't support IEEE 754. That's it.
If you think really long and hard, you may realize that this is no different from structs.
struct x {
int a;
int b;
What can we rely on? Well, we know that x will have address of a. That's it. If we want to set b, we need to access it by x.b, every other assumption is ALWAYS wrong with no ifs or buts. The only exception is if you wrote your own compiler and you are using your own compiler, but you're ignoring the standard and at that point anything is possible; that's fine, but it's not C++ anymore.
So, what can we infer from what we know now? Array of bytes cannot be just memcpy'd into a std::bitset. You don't know its implementation and you cannot know its implementation, it may change tomorrow and if your code breaks because of that then it's wrong and you're a failure of a programmer.
Want to convert an array of bytes to a bitset? Then go ahead and iterate over every single bit in the byte array and set each bit of the bitset however you need it to be, that's the only correct and sane solution. Every other solution is objectively wrong, now, and forever. Until someone decides to say otherwise in C++ standard. Let's just hope that it will never happen.

Are these integers misaligned, and should I even care?

I have some code that interprets multibyte width integers from an array of bytes at an arbitrary address.
std::vector<uint8> m_data; // filled with data
uint32 pos = 13; // position that might not be aligned well for 8 byte integers
uint64 * ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint64*>( + pos);
*ptr = swap64(*ptr); // (swaps endianness)
Would alignment be an issue for this code? And if it is, is it a severe issue, or one that can safely be ignored because the penalty is trivial?
Use memcpy instead:
uint64_t x;
memcpy(&x,, sizeof(uint64_t));
x = swap(x);
memcpy(, &x, sizeof(uint64_t));
It has two benefits:
you avoid strict aliasing violation (caused by reading uint8_t buffer as uint64_t)
you don't have to worry about misalignment at all (you do need to care about misalignment, because even on x86, it can crash if the compiler autovectorizes your code)
Current compilers are good enough to do the right thing (i.e., your code will not be slow, memcpy is recognized, and will be handled well).
Some architectures require the read to be aligned to work. They throw a processor signal if the alignment is incorrect.
Depending on the platform it can
Crash the program
Cause a re-run with an unaligned read. (Performance hit)
Just work correctly
Performing a performance measure is a good start, and checking the OS specifications for your target platform would be prudent.

How portable is using the low bit of a pointer as a flag?

If there is for example a class that requires a pointer and a bool. For simplicity an int pointer will be used in examples, but the pointer type is irrelevant as long as it points to something whose size() is more than 1 .
Defining the class with { bool , int *} data members will result in the class having a size that is double the size of the pointer and a lot of wasted space
If the pointer does not point to a char (or other data of size(1)), then presumably the low bit will always be zero. The class could defined with {int *} or for convenience: union { int *, uintptr_t }
The bool is implemented by setting/clearing the low bit of the pointer as per the logical bool value and clearing the bit when you need to use the pointer.
The defined way:
struct myData
int * ptr;
bool flag;
myData x;
// initialize
x.ptr = new int;
x.flag = false;
// set flag true
x.flag = true;
// set flag false
x.flag = false;
// use ptr
// change ptr
x = y; // y is another int *
And the proposed way:
union tiny
int * ptr;
uintptr_t flag;
tiny x;
// initialize
x.ptr = new int;
// set flag true
x.flag |= 1;
// set flag false
x.flag &= ~1;
// use ptr
tiny clean=x; // note that clean will likely be optimized out
clean.flag &= ~1; // back to original value as assigned to ptr
// change ptr
bool flag=x.flag;
x.ptr = y; // y is another int *
x.flag |= flag;
This seems to be undefined behavior, but how portable is this?
As long as you restore the pointer's low-order bit before trying to use it as a pointer, it's likely to be "reasonably" portable, as long as your system, your C++ implementation, and your code meet certain assumptions.
I can't necessarily give you a complete list of assumptions, but off the top of my head:
It assumes you're not pointing to anything whose size is 1 byte. This excludes char, unsigned char, signed char, int8_t, and uint8_t. (And that assumes CHAR_BIT == 8; on exotic systems with, say, 16-bit or 32-bit bytes, other types might be excluded.)
It assumes objects whose size is at least 2 bytes are always aligned at an even address. Note that x86 doesn't require this; you can access a 4-byte int at an odd address, but it will be slightly slower. But compilers typically arrange for objects to be stored at even addresses. Other architectures may have different requirements.
It assumes a pointer to an even address has its low-order bit set to 0.
For that last assumption, I actually have a concrete counterexample. On Cray vector systems (J90, T90, and SV1 are the ones I've used myself) a machine address points to a 64-bit word, but the C compiler under Unicos sets CHAR_BIT == 8. Byte pointers are implemented in software, with the 3-bit byte offset within a word stored in the otherwise unused high-order 3 bits of the 64-bit pointer. So a pointer to an 8-byte aligned object could have easily its low-order bit set to 1.
There have been Lisp implementations (example) that use the low-order 2 bits of pointers to store a type tag. I vaguely recall this causing serious problems during porting.
Bottom line: You can probably get away with it for most systems. Future architectures are largely unpredictable, and I can easily imagine your scheme breaking on the next Big New Thing.
Some things to consider:
Can you store the boolean values in a bit vector outside your class? (Maintaining the association between your pointer and the corresponding bit in the bit vector is left as an exercise).
Consider adding code to all pointer operations that fails with an error message if it ever sees a pointer with its low-order bit set to 1. Use #ifdef to remove the checking code in your production version. If you start running into problems on some platform, build a version of your code with the checks enabled and see what happens.
I suspect that, as your application grows (they seldom shrink), you'll want to store more than just a bool along with your pointer. If that happens, the space issue goes away, because you're already using that extra space anyway.
In "theory": it's undefined behavior as far as I know.
In "reality": it'll work on everyday x86/x64 machines, and probably ARM too?
I can't really make a statement beyond that.
It's very portable, and furthermore, you can assert when you accept the raw pointer to make sure it meets the alignment requirement. This will insure against the unfathomable future compiler that somehow messes you up.
Only reasons not to do it are the readability cost and general maintenance associated with "hacky" stuff like that. I'd shy away from it unless there's a clear gain to be made. But it is sometimes totally worth it.
Conform to those rules and it should be very portable.

Inject uint16_t value into uint8_t array using pointers?

I am trying to insert a uint16_t value into a uint8_t array using pointers. I would think below would work, but haven't been able to do it. Any clues as to what the problem is?
uint8_t myarray[10];
uint16_t value = 10000;
uint16_t * myptr = (uint16_t *)(myarray+2);
*myptr = value;
I know I can do it like so, but why doesn't above work?
uint8_t myarray[10];
uint16_t value = 10000;
uint8_t * myptr = (myarray+2);
uint8_t * myptr2 =(myarray+3);
*myptr = value>>8;
*myptr2 =value;
The second version writes the most significant byte (with value 39) to myarray[2], and the least significant (with value 16) to myarray[3].
The first version will write the two bytes in an order determined by the endianness of your computer. Most modern computers are little-endian, meaning that the least significant byte of a multi-byte integer value comes first in memory - so this version will write the two bytes in the opposite order to the other version.
I'm assuming that that's the problem you're seeing; if it's something else, then please be more specific than "haven't been able to do it".
Also, the first version technically has undefined behaviour, and might do something completely unexpected on a sufficiently exotic computer. I suggest that you stick to well-defined code like the second version; only use dubious optimisations if profiling reveals both that the well-defined code is too slow, and that the dodgy pointer-aliasing code is faster. I would also suggest using reinterpret_cast rather than the evil C-style cast; it wouldn't change the behaviour, but it would be easier to see that there's something wonky going on.
You can do it like this:
uint8_t * value_data = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&value); // cast to `(unsigned) char*` is allowed by standard
myarray[0] = value_data[0];
myarray[1] = value_data[1];

Most efficient way to read UInt32 from any memory address?

What would be the most efficient way to read a UInt32 value from an arbitrary memory address in C++? (Assuming Windows x86 or Windows x64 architecture.)
For example, consider having a byte pointer that points somewhere in memory to block that contains a combination of ints, string data, etc., all mixed together. The following sample shows reading the various fields from this block in a loop.
typedef unsigned char* BytePtr;
typedef unsigned int UInt32;
BytePtr pCurrent = ...;
while ( *pCurrent != 0 )
if ( *pCurrent == ... )
UInt32 nValue = *( (UInt32*) ( pCurrent + 1 ) ); // line A
pCurrent += ...;
If at line A, pPtr happens to contain a 4-byte-aligned address, reading the UInt32 should be a single memory read. If pPtr contains a non-aligned address, more than one memory cycles my be needed which slows the code down. Is there a faster way to read the value from non-aligned addresses?
I'd recommend memcpy into a temporary of type UInt32 within your loop.
This takes advantage of the fact that a four byte memcpy will be inlined by the compiler when building with optimization enabled, and has a few other benefits:
If you are on a platform where alignment matters (hpux, solaris sparc, ...) your code isn't going to trap.
On a platform where alignment matters there it may be worthwhile to do an address check for alignment then one of a regular aligned load or a set of 4 byte loads and bit ors. Your compiler's memcpy very likely will do this the optimal way.
If you are on a platform where an unaligned access is allowed and doesn't hurt performance (x86, x64, powerpc, ...), you are pretty much guarenteed that such a memcpy is then going to be the cheapest way to do this access.
If your memory was initially a pointer to some other data structure, your code may be undefined because of aliasing problems, because you are casting to another type and dereferencing that cast. Run time problems due to aliasing related optimization issues are very hard to track down! Presuming that you can figure them out, fixing can also be very hard in established code and you may have to use obscure compilation options like -fno-strict-aliasing or -qansialias, which can limit the compiler's optimization ability significantly.
Your code is undefined behaviour.
Pretty much the only "correct" solution is to only read something as a type T if it is a type T, as follows:
uint32_t n;
char * p = point_me_to_random_memory();
std::copy(p, p + 4, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&n));
std::cout << "The value is: " << n << std::endl;
In this example, you want to read an integer, and the only way to do that is to have an integer. If you want it to contain a certain binary representation, you need to copy that data to the address starting at the beginning of the variable.
Let the compiler do the optimizing!
UInt32 ReadU32(unsigned char *ptr)
return static_cast<UInt32>(ptr[0]) |
(static_cast<UInt32>(ptr[1])<<8) |
(static_cast<UInt32>(ptr[2])<<16) |