ColdFusion 9 datasources defaulting to enterprise - coldfusion

I have a ColdFusion instance being run under enterprise, but for some reason it ignores the local data source. It will only connect if I put the data source at the enterprise level.
I've even tried the following code and it only returns the data sources that are declared at the instance manager, not the instance itself.
<cfset factory = createObject("java", "coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory")>
<cfset datasources = factory.getDataSourceService().getDatasources()>
<cfloop collection="#datasources#" item="dsnName">
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

These should help you figure out which instance you are on:
loc = {};
loc.machineName = createObject('java','').localhost.getCanonicalHostName();
loc.machineName2 = createObject('java','').localhost.getHostName();
loc.hostAddress = createObject('java','').localhost.getHostAddress();
loc.instanceName = createObject('java','jrunx.kernel.JRun').getServerName();
writeDump( var: loc );
If you are having problems getting the datasources you might need to authenticate first with your cf administrator password like so:
There is a datasourceExists(), verifyDatasource() and getDatasource() method on the data source service that you might find handy:
loc = {};
loc.dss = createObject('java','coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory').getDataSourceService();
loc.datasources = loc.dss.getDatasources();
loc.exists = loc.dss.datasourceExists('your-dsn');
loc.verified = loc.dss.verifyDatasource('your-dsn');
loc.datasource = loc.dss.getDatasource('your-dsn');
writeDump( var: loc );


cfinvoke with two different methods

I have two cfinvoke, I need to use them in one cfm
<cfinvoke component="cfc/queries" method="getProjects" searchString="#Session.Auth.pref_name#" view="#Session.Auth.view#" returnvariable="Projects">
<cfinvoke component="cfc/queries" method="projectDetails" searchString="" projectsuffix="#URL.suffix#" returnvariable="Details">
to return two queries, but when I coding like this way it's not working.
I'm still new to the ColdFusion and I don't know how to fix that.
Since both functions are in the same CFC, you wouldn't want to use cfinvoke since it recreates the object each time it's called. Instead, use a new or a createObject().
<cfset queries = new>
Then you can just reference the functions.
<cfset Projects =
view = session.Auth.view
<cfset Details =
You may want to sanitize and url.suffix before you pass them through. This will help with injection issues.
What does getProjects() do?
We can write like as below,
<!--- Object creation --->
<cfset query = CreateObject("component", "cfc.queries")/>
<!--- Function call --->
<cfset Projects = query.getProjects( searchString = session.Auth.pref_name, view = session.Auth.view )>
<cfset Details = query.projectDetails( searchString = session.Auth.pref_name, view = session.Auth.view )>

Some Functions seems to be not exist when creating new bucket or checking if bucket exists using OpenBD

I am using OpenBD and trying to check whether bucket exists or not on my S3 server, if it is not exist then, to create new bucket. Here's my code:
<cfset request.awsaccess = "zzzzawsaccesszzzz">
<cfset request.awskey = "zzzzzzzzawskeyzzzzzzzz">
<cfset request.datasource="tcs">
<cfset request.region="us-west-2">
AmazonRegisterdatasource(datasource=request.datasource,awsaccess=request.awsaccess,awskey=request.awskey,region=request.region );
result = AmazonS3listbuckets( datasource=request.datasource );
For the above code I am getting this output:
Now I am adding one more function AmazonS3createbucket(),
result = AmazonS3createbucket( datasource=request.datasource, bucket="anyBucket" );
For the above script I am getting error: that No such function exists - amazons3createbucket.. Here's the screenshot:
I am referring the OpenBD Manual to filter these function.
Also faced the same problem while using this functions also:
result = AmazonS3bucketexists( datasource=request.datasource, bucket="anyBucket" );
Have you tried using an alternate syntax?
result = AmazonS3bucketexists(ArgumentCollection = {
datasource : request.datasource,
bucket : "anyBucket"

Best way to dynamically set host server in ColdFusion 10

I use the following to dynamically detect the host server. The importance for making it dynamic is that currently there are too many hard coded redirect such as:
within my app.
When I'm moving from production site to development site and then back to production site, I have to manually change/comment out this http/https one by one and it is not only time consuming but also dangerous.
Here is the code I found that can detect the host server. Then I do the following:
<CFSET inet = CreateObject("java", "")>
<CFSET inet = inet.getLocalHost()>
<CFSET HostServer = "#inet.getHostName()#">
<CFSET ThisHostServer = "#LEFT(HostServer,6)#">
<CFSWITCH expression="#Trim(ThisHostServer)#"><!--- Prod or Dev server --->
<CFCASE value="">
<CFSET UseThisURL = "">
<CFCASE value="">
<CFSET UseThisURL = "">
Then on each page where links or redirection exist, I just need to use:
My question is:
Where is the best way to set #UseThisURL# in the application?
I'm using ColdFusion 10 and Application.cfc in Linux env.
Should I set it as an application or a session scope?
Since everything will be in an application or session scope, when users are idle on a certain page and the application/session scope is expired, when user click on a link will it generate an error? How to prevent users from seeing error caused by using this technique? Please advice, thank you!
Best practice that I used is creating config.cfc which can contain function like getServerSpecificVariables() to return structure. this structure will be saved in your application scope since you don't want to create USEThisURL for every session start. When you need to reset simply clear your application scope. instantiate below config component inside onApplicationStart event in Application.cfc
public struct function getServerSpeceficVariables(){
var config = {};
var inet = CreateObject("java", "");
inet = inet.getLocalHost();
HostServer = inet.getHostName();
ThisHostServer = LEFT(HostServer,6);
case '':{
config.useThisURL = '';
case '':{
config.useThisURL = '';
return config;

Best practice for Datasource use in a CFC

I have an application which uses context sensitive datasources. Currently I keep the datasource information stored a such
reqeust.DB.Datasource = "DatasourceName";
request.DB.Username = "DatasourceUsername"
request.DB.Password = "DatasourcePassword"
I then overwrite the variables depending on the context, so each cfquery tag has the attributes datasource="#request.DB.Datesource#" ... etc ...
I want to start moving to more CFC centric frameworks like Coldbox, but I just don't see how this would work.
Do I need to pass in a datasource object into the init statement of the CFC? This seems like it would be a super PITA.
With CF9, you can this.datasource in Application.cfc as the default datasource. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have a way to set username/password
A.) use an Dependency Injection framework such as ColdSpring (only suitable for singleton Services), Lightwire or Coldbox's own DI solution (Wirebox). and inject the datasource/username/password through the init constructor or setters.
B.) set <Datasources> in Coldbox.xml.cfm, see:
<!--Datasource Setup, you can then retreive a datasourceBean
via the getDatasource("name") method: -->
<Datasource alias="MyDSNAlias"
password="" />
Even if your objects only get initialized at request level, it seems like it should be less of a pain to work with in this fashion.
request.DB.Datasource = "DatasourceName";
request.DB.Username = "DatasourceUsername";
request.DB.Password = "DatasourcePassword";
request.randomDAO = createObject('component','DAOStuff.randomDAO');
request.randomDAO.init(DBObject = request.DB);
request.someQuery = request.randomDAO.someGetter();
request.someOtherQuery = request.randomDAO.someOtherGetter();
request.aThirdQuery = request.randomDAO.aThirdGetter();
As opposed to:
request.DB.Datasource = "DatasourceName";
request.DB.Username = "DatasourceUsername";
request.DB.Password = "DatasourcePassword";
<cfquery name="request.someQuery"
<cfquery name="request.someOtherQuery"
<cfquery name="request.aThirdQuery"
If it is safe for your data objects to exist at an application level (assuming here that the data source for the object will not change at run-time and that you have written thread-safe CFCs) You can store and initialize DAOs at application level and then each request has wonderfully simple code like:
request.someQuery = application.randomDAO.someGetter();
request.someOtherQuery = application.randomDAO.someOtherGetter();
request.aThirdQuery = application.randomDAO.aThirdGetter();

How do I create a ColdFusion web service client that uses WS-Security?

I've exposed several web services in our product using Java and WS-Security. One of our customers wants to consume the web service using ColdFusion. Does ColdFusion support WS-Security? Can I get around it by writing a Java client and using that in ColdFusion?
(I don't know much about ColdFusion).
I'm assuming you mean you need to pass the security in as part of the SOAP header. Here's a sample on how to connect to a .Net service. Same approach should apply w/ Java, just the url's would be different.
<cfset local.soapHeader = xmlNew()>
<cfset local.soapHeader.TheSoapHeader = xmlElemNew(local.soapHeader, "", "TheSoapHeader")>
<cfset local.soapHeader.TheSoapHeader.UserName.XmlText = "foo">
<cfset local.soapHeader.TheSoapHeader.UserName.XmlAttributes["xsi:type"] = "xsd:string">
<cfset local.soapHeader.TheSoapHeader = xmlElemNew(local.soapHeader, "", "TheSoapHeader")>
<cfset local.soapHeader.TheSoapHeader.Password.XmlText = "bar">
<cfset local.soapHeader.TheSoapHeader.Password.XmlAttributes["xsi:type"] = "xsd:string">
<cfset theWebService = createObject("webservice","")>
<cfset addSOAPRequestHeader(theWebService, "ignoredNameSpace", "ignoredName", local.soapHeader, false)>
<cfset aResponse = theWebService.SomeMethod(arg1)>
Hope this is what you needed.
This is probably more accurate to produce the 'simple' xml soap header. The example above is missing a few lines.
Local['soapHeader'] = xmlNew();
Local['soapHeader']['UsernameToken'] = xmlElemNew(local.soapHeader, "", "UsernameToken");
Local['soapHeader']['UsernameToken']['username'] = xmlElemNew(local.soapHeader, "", "username");
Local['soapHeader']['UsernameToken']['username'].XmlText = Arguments.szUserName;
Local['soapHeader']['UsernameToken']['username'].XmlAttributes["xsi:type"] = "xsd:string";
Local['soapHeader']['UsernameToken']['password'] = xmlElemNew(local.soapHeader, "", "password");
Local['soapHeader']['UsernameToken']['password'].XmlText = Arguments.szPassword;
Local['soapHeader']['UsernameToken']['password'].XmlAttributes["xsi:type"] = "xsd:string";
addSOAPRequestHeader(ws, "ignoredNameSpace", "ignoredName", Local.soapHeader, false);
I've never done any ws-security, and don't know if ColdFusion can consume it or not, but to answer your secondary question:
Can I get around it by writing a java client and using that in coldfusion?
Yes, absolutely. ColdFusion can easily use Java objects and methods.