(How) do you handle possible integer overflows in C++ code? - c++

Every now and then, especially when doing 64bit builds of some code base, I notice that there are plenty of cases where integer overflows are possible. The most common case is that I do something like this:
// Creates a QPixmap out of some block of data; this function comes from library A
QPixmap createFromData( const char *data, unsigned int len );
const std::vector<char> buf = createScreenShot();
return createFromData( &buf[0], buf.size() ); // <-- warning here in 64bit builds
The thing is that std::vector::size() nicely returns a size_t (which is 8 bytes in 64bit builds) but the function happens to take an unsigned int (which is still only 4 bytes in 64bit builds). So the compiler warns correctly.
If possible, I try to fix up the signatures to use the correct types in the first place. However, I'm often hitting this problem when combining functions from different libraries which I cannot modify. Unfortunately, I often resort to some reasoning along the lines of "Okay, nobody will ever do a screenshot generating more than 4GB of data, so why bother" and just change the code to do
return createFromData( &buf[0], static_cast<unsigned int>( buf.size() ) );
So that the compiler shuts up. However, this feels really evil. So I've been considering to have some sort of runtime assertion which at least yields a nice error in the debug builds, as in:
assert( buf.size() < std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::maximum() );
This is a bit nicer already, but I wonder: how do you deal with this sort of problem, that is: integer overflows which are "almost" impossible (in practice). I guess that means that they don't occur for you, they don't occur for QA - but they explode in the face of the customer.

If you can't fix the types (because you can't break library compatibility), and you're "confident" that the size will never get that big, you can use boost::numeric_cast in place of the static_cast. This will throw an exception if the value is too big.
Of course the surrounding code then has to do something vaguely sensible with the exception - since it's a "not expected ever to happen" condition, that might just mean shutting down cleanly. Still better than continuing with the wrong size.

The solution depends on context. In some cases, you know where the data
comes from, and can exclude overflow: an int that is initialized with
0 and incremented once a second, for example, isn't going to overflow
anytime in the lifetime of the machine. In such cases, you just convert
(or allow the implicit conversion to do its stuff), and don't worry
about it.
Another type of case is fairly similar: in your case, for example, it's
probably not reasonable for a screen schot to have more data that can be
represented by an int, so the conversion is also safe. Provided the
data really did come from a screen shot; in such cases, the usual
procedure is to validate the data on input, ensuring that it fulfills
your constraints downstream, and then do no further validation.
Finally, if you have no real control over where the data is coming from,
and can't validate on entry (at least not for your constraints
downstream), you're stuck with using some sort of checking conversion,
validating immediately at the point of conversion.

If you push a 64-bit overflowing number into a 32-bit library you open pandora's box -- undefined behaviour.
Throw an exception. Since exceptions can in general spring up arbitrarily anywhere you should have suitable code to catch it anyway. Given that, you may as well exploit it.
Error messages are unpleasant but they're better than undefined behaviour.

Such scenarios can be held in one of four ways or using a combination of them:
use right types
use static assertions
use runtime assertions
ignore until hurts
Usually the best is to use right types right until your code gets ugly and then roll in static assertions. Static assertions are much better than runtime assertions for this very purpose.
Finally, when static assertions won't work (like in your example) you use runtime assertions - yes, they get into customers' faces, but at least your program behaves predictably. Yes, customers don't like assertions - they start panic ("we have error!" in all caps), but without an assertion the program would likely misbehave and no way to easily diagnose the problem would be.

One thing just came to my mind: since I need some sort of runtime check (whether or not the value of e.g. buf.size() exceeds the range of unsigned int can only be tested at runtime), but I do not want to have a million assert() invocations everywhere, I could do something like
template <typename T, typename U>
T integer_cast( U v ) {
assert( v < std::numeric_limits<T>::maximum() );
return static_cast<T>( v );
That way, I would at least have the assertion centralized, and
return createFromData( &buf[0], integer_cast<unsigned int>( buf.size() ) );
Is a tiny bit better. Maybe I should rather throw an exception (it is quite exceptional indeed!) instead of assert'ing, to give the caller a chance to handle the situation gracefully by rolling back previous work and issueing diagnostic output or the like.


Making unsigned integer underflow throw an exception

I understand that there are applications in which using unsigned integer over/underflow is a good way to get cheap modular arithmetic.
In my code, I use uint exclusively for indices to containers, so I never want this behaviour.
Is this a bad idea? Should I be using int everywhere instead? I do have to do some unsavoury things to get a for loop to count down to 0.
Is there a commonly used implementation of a less unsafe unsigned integer type? Something that throws an exception?
Do compilers (for me gcc, clang) provide a mechanism for less unsafe behaviour in the given compilation unit?
First, a terminology quibble: there is no such thing as unsigned integer underflow, precisely because of the way they wrap around (using modulo arithmetic), which is probably the phrase you meant.
Second, is this a common scenario to be in? Yes, it is a bit. You're not the only one doing "unsavoury things" with loops for reverse counting, and I bet there are a ton of bugs out there where people haven't done "unsavoury things" and, as a result, their code has an unsavoury infinite loop hidden in it. Mind you, I'm not sure I'd go so far as to call unsigneds "unsafe" as a result; like anything, they are the right tool for a subset of infinite possible jobs, and within that subset they perfectly safe.
There is debate over whether unsigned integers should be used for array indexes at all. Some standard committee members believe that their use in the standard library was a mistake; I know that several members of the c++ community here on Stack Overflow also hate unsigned values and wish they'd go away.
Personally I think having access to the full range of the integer by default is absolutely crucial (and losing that is not worth it for a single "-1" sentinel value or whatever), so I think that — while you're not alone in this requirement, and it's a sensible requirement — using unsigned array indexes by default is a good thing. (And what the heck is a negative array index? Semantics, people!)
But that doesn't help you in this scenario. So, what can you do about it? No, there's no trapping unsigned integer implementation (at least, not one that I'm aware of, let alone widespread) because that would literally violate the rules of the type as defined by C++: it would introduce well-defined underflow/overflow semantics to a type for which underflow/overflow shouldn't even be possible.
You will have to use signed integers and check for "logical underflow" (i.e. going out of your desired range, say -1) yourself. You could wrap this behaviour in a class.
I suppose you could actually just wrap an unsigned integer while you're at it, adding some extra logic to operator-- and operator-= to detect a wrap-around and throw.
But I guess my point is that, whatever you do, it's going to be in your "code space" and thus subject to decreased performance. You can't eke out this behaviour from the platform itself.

What's the best strategy to get rid of "warning C4267 possible loss of data"?

I ported some legacy code from win32 to win64. Not because the win32 object size was too small for our needs, but just because win64 is more standard now and we wish to port all our environments to this format (and we also use some 3rd party libs offering better performance in 64bits than in 32bits).
We end up with tons of;
warning C4267: 'argument': conversion from 'size_t' to '...', possible loss of data
Mainly due to code like: unsigned int size = v.size(); where v is a STL container.
I know why the warning makes sense, I know why it is issued and how it could be fixed. However, in this specific example, we never experienced cases where the container size exceeded unsigned int's max value in the past.... so there will be no reason for this problem to appear when code is ported to 64bits environment.
We had discussions on what would be the best strategy to supress those noisy warnings (they may hide a relevant one we will miss), but we could not make a decision on the apropriate strategy.
So I'm asking the question here, what would be the best recommended strategy?
1. Use a static_cast
Use a static_cast. Do unsigned int size = static_cast<unsigned int>(v.size());. I don't "like" that because we loose the 64bits capability to store a huge amount of data in a container. But as our code never reached the 32bits limit, so this appears to be a safe solution...
2. Replace unsigned int by size_t
That's definitely harder as unsigned int size object in the example above could be pased to other functions, saved as class attribute and then removing a one-line warning could end up in doing hundreds of code change...
3. Disable the warning
That's most likely a very bad idea as it would also disable warning in this case uint8_t size = v.size() which is definitely likely to cause loss of data....
4. Define a "safe cast"* function and use it
Something like:
template <typename From, typename To> To safe_cast( const From& value )
//assert( value < std::numeric_limits<To>::max() && value > std::numeric_limits<To>::min() );
// Edit 19/05: test above fails in some unsigned to signed cast (int64_t to uint32_t), test below is better:
assert(value == static_cast<From>(static_cast<To>(value))); // verify we don't loose information!
// or throw....
return static_cast<To>( value );
5. Other solutions are welcome...
"Use solution 1 in this case but 2 in this case" could perfectly be a good answer.
Use the correct type (option 2) - the function/interface defines that type for you, use it.
std::size_t size = v.size(); // given vector<>::size_type is size_t
// or a more verbose
decltype(v)::size_type size = v.size();
It goes to the intent... you are getting the size of v and that size has a type. If the correct type had been used from the beginning, this would not have been a problem.
If you require that value later as another type, transform it then; the safe_cast<> is then a good alternative that includes the runtime bounds checking.
Option 6. Use auto
When you use size = v.size(), if you are not concerned what the type is, only that you use the correct type,
auto size = v.size();
And let the compiler do the hard work for you.
IFF you have time pressure to get the code warning free, I would initially disable the warning -- your code used to work with this, and it is, IMHO, extremely unlikely that in cases where you assign to a 32bit size you'll exceed it. (4G values in a collection - I doubt that'll fly in normal applications.)
That being said, for cases other than collections, the warning certainly has merit, so try to get it enabled sooner or later.
Second when enabling it and fixing the code, my precedence would be:
Use auto (or size_t pre C++11) for locals where the value is not further narrowed.
For when narrowing is necessary, use your safe_cast if you can justify the overhead of introducing it to your team. (learning, enforcing, etc.)
Otherwise just use static_cast:
I do not think this is a problem with collections. If you do not know better to the contrary, your collection will never have more than 4G items. IMHO, it just doesn't make sense to have that much data in a collection for any normal real world use cases. (that's not to say that there may not be the oddball case where you'll need such large data sets, it's just that you'll know when this is the case.)
For cases where you actually do not narrow a count of a collection, but some other numeric, the narrowing is probably problematic anyway, so there you'll fix the code appropriately.

String error-checking

I am using a lot of string functions like strncpy, strncat, sprintf etc. in my code. I know there are better alternatives to these, but I was handed over an old project, where these functions were used, so I have to stick with them for compatibility and consistency. My supervisor is very fussy about error checking and robustness, and insists that I check for buffer-overflow violations everytime I use these functions. This has created a lot of if-else statements in my code, which do not look pretty. My question is, is it really necessary to check for overflow everytime I call one of these functions? Even if I know that a buffer overflow can't possibly occur e.g. when storing an integer in a string using the sprintf function
I know that the maximum length of an unsigned integer on a 64-bit system can be 20 digits. buf on the other hand is well over 20 characters long. Should I still check for buffer overflow in this case?
I think the way to go is using exceptions. Exceptions are very useful when you must decouple the normal control-flow of a program and error-checking.
What you can do is create a wrapper for every string function in which you perform the error checking and throw an exception if a buffer overflow would occur.
Then, in your client code, you can simply call your wrappers inside a try block, and then check for exceptions and return error codes inside the catch block.
Sample code (not tested):
int sprintf_wrapper( char *buffer, int buffer_size, const char *format, ... )
if( /* check for buffer overflow */ )
throw my_buffer_exception;
va_list arg_ptr;
va_start( arg_ptr, format );
int ret = sprintf( buffer, , format, arg_ptr );
return ret;
Error foo()
sprintf_wrapper(buf1, 100, "%d", i1);
sprintf_wrapper(buf2, 100, "%d", i2);
sprintf_wrapper(buf3, 100, "%d", i3);
catch( my_buffer_exception& )
return err_code;
Maybe write a test case that you can invoke to simply test the buffer to reduce code duplication and ugliness.
You could abstract the if/else statements into a method of another class, and then pass in the buffer and length expected.
By nature, these buffers are VERY susceptible to overwrites, so be careful ANYTIME you take input in from a user/outside source. You could also try getting a string length (using strlen), or checking for the /0 end string character yourself, and comparing that to the buffer size. If you loop for the /0 character,and it's not there, you will get into an infinite loop if you don't constrain the max size of your loop by the expected buffer size, so check for this too.
Another option, is to refactor code, such that every time those methods are used, you replace them with a length safe version you write, where it calls a method with those checks already in place (but have to pass the buffer size to it). This may not be possible for some projects, as the complexity may be very hard to unit test.
Let me address your last paragraph first: You write code once, in contrast to how long it will be maintained and used. Guess how long you think your code will be in use, and then multiply that by 10-20 to figure out how long it will actually be in use. At the end of that window it's completely likely that an integer could be much bigger and overflow you buffer, so yes you must do buffer checking.
Given that you have a few options:
Use the "n" series of functions like snprintf to prevent buffer overflows and tell your users that it's undefined what will happen if the buffers overflow.
Consider it fatal and either abort() or throw an uncaught exception when a length violation occurs.
Try to notify the user there's a problem and either abort the operation or attempt to let the user modify input and retry.
The first two approaches are definitely going to be easier to implement and maintain because you don't have to worry about getting the right information back to the user in a reasonable way. In any of the cases you could most likely factored into a function as suggested in other answers.
Finally let me say since you've tagged this question C++ and not C, think long and hard about slowly migrating your code base to C++ (because your code base is C right now) and utilize the C++ facilities which then totally remove the need for these buffer checks, as it will happen automatically for you.
You can use gcc "-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1 D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2" for buffer overflow detection.

How can elusive 64-bit portability issues be detected?

I found a snippet similar to this in some (C++) code I'm preparing for a 64-bit port.
int n;
size_t pos, npos;
/* ... initialization ... */
while((pos = find(ch, start)) != npos)
/* ... advance start position ... */
n++; // this will overflow if the loop iterates too many times
While I seriously doubt this would actually cause a problem in even memory-intensive applications, it's worth looking at from a theoretical standpoint because similar errors could surface that will cause problems. (Change n to a short in the above example and even small files could overflow the counter.)
Static analysis tools are useful, but they can't detect this kind of error directly. (Not yet, anyway.) The counter n doesn't participate in the while expression at all, so this isn't as simple as other loops (where typecasting errors give the error away). Any tool would need to determine that the loop would execute more than 231 times, but that means it needs to be able to estimate how many times the expression (pos = find(ch, start)) != npos will evaluate as true—no small feat! Even if a tool could determine that the loop could execute more than 231 times (say, because it recognizes the find function is working on a string), how could it know that the loop won't execute more than 264 times, overflowing a size_t value, too?
It seems clear that to conclusively identify and fix this kind of error requires a human eye, but are there patterns that give away this kind of error so it can be manually inspected? What similar errors exist that I should be watchful for?
EDIT 1: Since short, int and long types are inherently problematic, this kind of error could be found by examining every instance of those types. However, given their ubiquity in legacy C++ code, I'm not sure this is practical for a large piece of software. What else gives away this error? Is each while loop likely to exhibit some kind of error like this? (for loops certainly aren't immune to it!) How bad is this kind of error if we're not dealing with 16-bit types like short?
EDIT 2: Here's another example, showing how this error appears in a for loop.
int i = 0;
for (iter = c.begin(); iter != c.end(); iter++, i++)
/* ... */
It's fundamentally the same problem: loops are counting on some variable that never directly interacts with a wider type. The variable can still overflow, but no compiler or tool detects a casting error. (Strictly speaking, there is none.)
EDIT 3: The code I'm working with is very large. (10-15 million lines of code for C++ alone.) It's infeasible to inspect all of it, so I'm specifically interested in ways to identify this sort of problem (even if it results in a high false-positive rate) automatically.
Code reviews. Get a bunch of smart people looking at the code.
Use of short, int, or long is a warning sign, because the range of these types isn't defined in the standard. Most usage should be changed to the new int_fastN_t types in <stdint.h>, usage dealing with serialization to intN_t. Well, actually these <stdint.h> types should be used to typedef new application-specific types.
This example really ought to be:
typedef int_fast32_t linecount_appt;
linecount_appt n;
This expresses a design assumption that linecount fits in 32 bits, and also makes it easy to fix the code if the design requirements change.
Its clear what you need is a smart "range" analyzer tool to determine what the range of values are that are computed vs the type in which those values are being stored. (Your fundamental objection is to that smart range analyzer being a person). You might need some additional code annotations (manually well-placed typedefs or assertions that provide explicit range constraints) to enable a good analysis, and to handle otherwise apparantly arbitrarily large user input.
You'd need special checks to handle the place where C/C++ says the arithmetic is legal but dumb (e.g., assumption that you don't want [twos complement] overflows).
For your n++ example, (equivalent to n_after=n_before+1), n_before can be 2^31-1 (because of your observations about strings), so n_before+1 can be 2^32 which is overflow. (I think standard C/C++ semantics says that overflow to -0 without complaint is OK).
Our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit in fact has range analysis machinery built in... but it is not presently connected to the DMS's C++ front end; we can only peddle so fast :-{ [We have used it on COBOL programs for different problems involving ranges].
In the absence of such range analysis, you could probably detect the existing of loops with such dependent flows; the value of n clearly depends on the loop count. I suspect this would get you every loop in the program that had a side effect, which might not be that much help.
Another poster suggests somehow redeclaring all the int-like declarations using application specific types (e.g., *linecount_appt*) and then typedef'ing those to value that work for your application. To do this, I'd think you'd have to classify each int-like declaration into categories (e.g., "these declarations are all *linecount_appt*"). Doing this by manual inspection for 10M SLOC seems pretty hard and very error prone. Finding all declarations which receive (by assignment) values from the "same" value sources might be a way to get hints about where such application types are. You'd want to be able to mechanically find such groups of declarations, and then have some tool automatically replace the actual declarations with a designated application type (e.g., *linecount_appt*). This is likely somewhat easier than doing precise range analysis.
There are tools that help find such issues. I won't give any links here because the ones I know of are commercial but should be pretty easy to find.

C++ test to verify equality operator is kept consistent with struct over time

I voted up #TomalakGeretkal for a good note about by-contract; I'm haven't accepted an answer as my question is how to programatically check the equals function.
I have a POD struct & an equality operator, a (very) small part of a system with >100 engineers.
Over time I expect the struct to be modified (members added/removed/reordered) and I want to write a test to verify that the equality op is testing every member of the struct (eg is kept up to date as the struct changes).
As Tomalak pointed out - comments & "by contract" is often the best/only way to enforce this; however in my situation I expect issues and want to explore whether there are any ways to proactively catch (at least many) of the modifications.
I'm not coming up with a satisfactory answer - this is the best I've thought of:
-new up two instances struct (x, y), fill each with identical non-zero data.
-check x==y
-modify x "byte by byte"
-take ptr to be (unsigned char*)&x
-iterator over ptr (for sizeof(x))
-increment the current byte
-check !(x==y)
-decrement the current byte
-check x==y
The test passes if the equality operator caught every byte (NOTE: there is a caveat to this - not all bytes are used in the compilers representation of x, therefore the test would have to 'skip' these bytes - eg hard code ignore bytes)
My proposed test has significant problems: (at least) the 'don't care' bytes, and the fact that incrementing one byte of the types in x may not result in a valid value for the variable at that memory location.
Any better solutions?
(This shouldn't matter, but I'm using VS2008, rtti is off, googletest suite)
Though tempting to make code 'fool-proof' with self-checks like this, it's my experience that keeping the self-checks themselves fool-proof is, well, a fool's errand.
Keep it simple and localise the effect of any changes. Write a comment in the struct definition making it clear that the equality operator must also be updated if the struct is; then, if this fails, it's just the programmer's fault.
I know that this will not seem optimal to you as it leaves the potential for user error in the future, but in reality you can't get around this (at least without making your code horrendously complicated), and often it's most practical just not to bother.
I agree with (and upvoted) Tomalak's answer. It's unlikely that you'll find a foolproof solution. Nonetheless, one simple semi-automated approach could be to validate the expected size within the equality operator:
MyStruct::operator==(const MyStruct &rhs)
assert(sizeof(MyStruct) == 42); // reminder to update as new members added
// actual functionality here ...
This way, if any new members are added, the assert will fire until someone updates the equality operator. This isn't foolproof, of course. (Member vars might be replaced with something of same size, etc.) Nonetheless, it's a relatively simple (one line assert) that has a good shot of detecting the error case.
I'm sure I'm going to get downvoted for this but...
How about a template equality function that takes a reference to an int parameter, and the two objects being tested. The equality function will return bool, but will increment the size reference (int) by the sizeof(T).
Then have a large test function that calls the template for each object and sums the total size --> compare this sum with the sizeof the object. The existence of virtual functions/inheritance, etc could kill this idea.
it's actually a difficult problem to solve correctly in a self-test.
the easiest solution i can think of is to take a few template functions which operate on multiple types, perform the necessary conversions, promotions, and comparisons, then verify the result in an external unit test. when a breaking change is introduced, at least you'll know.
some of these challenges are more easily maintained/verified using approaches such as composition, rather than extension/subclassing.
Agree with Tomalak and Eric. I have used this for very similar problems.
Assert does not work unless the DEBUG is defined, so potentially you can release code that is wrong. These tests will not always work reliably. If the structure contains bit fields, or items are inserted that take up slack space cause by compiler aligning to word boundaries, the size won't change. For this reason they offer limited value. e.g.
struct MyStruct {
char a ;
ulong l ;
changed to
struct MyStruct {
char a ;
char b ;
ulong l ;
Both structures are 8 bytes (on 32bit Linux x86)