Django - Emulate a http-post request - django

I have this view function search(request). The url suffix is /search. It takes a few POST parameters and shows search results accordingly.
I want to make a second function show_popular(request). It takes no post or get parameters. But it should emulate a call to the search function with some hard coded post parameters.
I want to achieve this without changing anything in any existing function and without changing setup. Is that possible?
EDIT: I know this can be achieved by refactoring the search into a separate function and have several view functions call this. But in this particular case, I am not interested in that. In my case the show_popular function is only temporary, and for irrelevant reasons I do not wish to re-factor.

Yes, but you don't want to do that. Refactor search() into a function that handles the request and a function that performs the search, and call the latter from show_popular().


Creating a function that takes a container "X" as a parameter, which passes X.size() parameters to a variadic function that it calls

I am currently working on an HTTP API that I want to use to perform CRUD operations on a database. I try to write the code for it as generic and modular as possible. I am using the MySQL X DevAPI.
Currently, I am stuck on the following problem:
mysqlx::Result MySQLDatabaseHandler::jsonToCUDOperation (const nlohmann::json& json, mysqlx::Table& table, int crudEnum)
The function above takes as an argument a reference to a json object, a reference to a table object and an integer.
What I want this function to do is:
Check the integer to decide what operation to perform
Check the size of the json to know how many parameters are gonna be passed to the variadic function of the X DevAPI that is used to perform the operation.
Assemble and perform the function call
For example, assume a table "users", as well as a json object "X" with following contents:
Now, when I would call the function like this
jsonToCUDOperation(X, users, MySQLDatabaseHandler::cud::create);
I would want the function to parse the json object and call the mysqlx::Table::Insert function with parameters (and parameter count) based on the json object's keys and values, so eventually calling
users.insert("id", "username", "email", "first_name")
.values("1", "test_user", "", "test").execute();
I first thought about achieving this behavior using a template function, but then I figured it wouldn't make sense, since the template function definitions are generated at compile time, and what I desire would require dynamic behavior at runtime. So I thought that it is not possible to design this as I intend, as it was my understanding that the behavior of a C++ function cannot change at runtime based on the parameters you pass to it. But I've figured that before I begin developing a solution which can only handle a limited json object size, I'd ask here to assure that I actually cant do what I want.
Thanks in advance for enlightening me
You can actually just pass STL containers to the CRUD functions provided by MySQL's X DevAPI

How to run a module pass in LLVM

I'm trying to find a way to optimize away empty global constructors. Previous optimizations will turn constructors into functions that do nothing. I need to add a new pass to remove these functions from llvm.global_ctors.
First, I tried optimizeGlobalCtorsList but this function doesn't actually call the callback I give it even though llvm.global_ctors is populated.
Then I tried running GlobalOptPass. I tried this:
llvm::GlobalOptPass pass;
llvm::ModuleAnalysisManager MAM{true};, MAM);
This ends up dereferencing a null pointer in AnalysisManager::lookupPass. I think I need to perform some sort of initialization or registration but I don't know how to do that. All the references on "llvm pass registration" talk about registering the pass with opt. I don't want to do that. I just want to run the pass.
Look in lib/Transforms/IPO/PassManagerBuilder.cpp (or lib/Passes/PassBuilder.cpp for the new pass manager) to see how opt sets up its pass pipeline. The code for opt is in tools/opt/opt.cpp and is very small, delegating almost all of its work to the core libraries.
You could use opt as a template for your own tool, or you could hack on the pass building pipline to insert your pass where you want it.

Lazy evaluation for subset of class methods

I'm looking to make a general, lazy evaluation-esque procedure to streamline my code.
Right now, I have the ability to speed up the execution of mathematical functions - provided that I pre-process it by calling another method first. More concretely, given a function of the type:
const Eigen::MatrixXd<double, -1, -1> function_name(const Eigen::MatrixXd<double, -1, -1>& input)
I can pass this into another function, g, which will produce a new version of function_name g_p, which can be executed faster.
I would like to abstract all this busy-work away from the end-user. Ideally, I'd like to make a class such that when any function f matching function_name's method signature is called on any input (say, x), the following happens instead:
The class checks if f has been called before.
If it hasn't, it calls g(f), followed by g_p(x).
If it has, it just calls g_p(x)
This is tricky for two reasons. The first, is I don't know how to get a reference to the current method, or if that's even possible, and pass it to g. There might be a way around this, but passing one function to the other would be simplest/cleanest for me.
The second bigger issue is how to force the calls to g. I have read about the execute around pattern, which almost works for this purpose - except that, unless I'm understanding it wrong, it would be impossible to reference f in the surrounding function calls.
Is there any way to cleanly implement my dream class? I ideally want to eventually generalize beyond the type of function_name (perhaps with templates), but can take this one step at a time. I am also open to other solution to get the same functionality.
I don't think a "perfect" solution is possible in C++, for the following reasons.
If the calling site says:
result = object->f(x);
as compiled this will call into the unoptimized version. At this point you're pretty much hamstrung, since there's no way in C++ to change where a function call goes, that's determined at compile-time for static linkage, and at runtime via vtable lookup for virtual (dynamic) linkage. Whatever the case, it's not something you can directly alter. Other languages do allow this, e.g. Lua, and rather ironically C++'s great-grandfather BCPL also permits it. However C++ doesn't.
TL;DR to get a workable solution to this, you need to modify either the called function, or every calling site that uses one of these.
Long answer: you'll need to do one of two things. You can either offload the problem to the called class and make all functions look something like this:
const <return_type> myclass:f(x)
static auto unoptimized = [](x) -> <return_type>
// Do the optimizable heavy lifting here;
return whatever;
static auto optimized = g(unoptimized);
return optimized(x);
However I very strongly suspect this is exactly what you don't want to do, because assuming the end-user you're talking about is the author of the class, this fails your requirement to offload this from the end-user.
However, you can also solve it by using a template, but that requires modification to every place you call one of these. In essence you encapsulate the above logic in a template function, replacing unoptimized with the bare class member, and leaving most everything else alone. Then you just call the template function at the calling site, and it should work.
This does have the advantage of a relatively small change at the calling site:
result = object->f(x);
becomes either:
result = optimize(object->f, x);
result = optimize(object->f)(x);
depending on how you set the optimize template up. It also has the advantage of no changes at all to the class.
So I guess it comes down to where you wan't to make the changes.
Yet another choice. Would it be an option to take the class as authored by the end user, and pass the cpp and h files through a custom pre-processor? That could go through the class and automatically make the changes outlined above, which then yields the advantage of no change needed at the calling site.

How To Get SQLite Records in Single Class Method in C++

In this example...
...I see how to use sqlite3_exec() with a callback class method or function in order to get a recordset and iterate through it.
Well, what if I want to create a class DB and have a static class method
static void * getRS(void *hDB,std::string sSQL) ?
I'm kind of new with C++ but getting the hang of it extremely rapidly. Is there a way in C++ to create like a Lambda function, get the results from that, and pass them back? Or, is there another technique to return a std::map, std::multimap, etc. that I can iterate through each row?
(Note, I'm using XCode and calling C++ from a file in my Objective C project, if that matters.)
This question is not a duplicate of sqlite3_exec() Callback function Clarification. In that question, the author asks essentially how the callback is used in sqlite3_exec(). In my question, I'm asking how to do a top-down approach of SQLite3 code instead of using a callback. It just so happens that someone left an answer (not the approved answer, mind you) that solves my problem, not that author's problem.
The best solution to do this in a top-down (rather than callback) manner is to not use sqlite3_exec(). Instead, do it with sqlite3_prepare_v2(), sqlite3_step(), and then sqlite3_finalize(). Optionally, one can inject/bind query parameters with various sqlite3_bind_*() calls.
Here's an example of the proper code for that. different ways of creating and calling functions

Hoping someone can provide an explain-like-I’m-five elucidation of the difference between the following types of functions within, and when it’s appropriate to use them:
sampleFunction() {}
_sampleFunction() {}
SampleView.prototype.sampleFunction() {}
.bind and .call are also thrown around a lot…I understand them vaguely but not as concretely as I’d like. That might be a different question, but please feel free to use them in your explanation!
Apologies for the vagueness...wish there was more regarding this in university.
None of what you're looking at is syntax specific to It's actually common, if intermediate level, VanillaJS.
The _ is simply a coding convention to denote that a specific function should belong to the parent scope (ie a member/private function, whatever you prefer to call it). Javascript doesn't really have support for encapsulation - the act of blocking other classes and objects from accessing another class's functions and variables. While it is possible, it's quite cumbersome and hacky.
You'll see that uses the underscore convention to denote that a function is a member of the class using it. Some of these functions are actually just aliases to the actual Javascript native function, for example ._add actually just call's Javascript's .add method. Of course, ._add could be updated in the future on's end to do more in the future if that's required. You really wouldn't want to try and write over the native Javascript add. That's super bad.
The other upshot is that you can document that class and say that you can and should use the _add method for a specific purpose/scenario. You'll see that in the API docs.
Understanding prototype is a core part of what it means to be a Javascript Programmer, after all, it is a prototype driven language. MDN has a much better explanation than anything I can offer here but it's basically at the core of your classes.
If you want to extend off of an existing class (say, create your own View or Surface type) you would extend it's prototype. Check out Famous Starter Kit's App examples and see how many of them create an "AppView" class, which takes the prototype of the core View, copies it for itself, and then adds it's own functions, thus extending View without ruining the original copy.