How do you get Amazon SES working on Debian Squeeze? - amazon-web-services

All the Perl dependencies for it are met but I'm getting this error:
Can't locate object method "ssl_opts" via package "LWP::UserAgent" at line 250.

I just wanted to document what I had to do to get this running on my Debian system. The solution for Ubuntu is probably the same.
First, to let Perl find make the directory /usr/local/lib/site_perl and copy there. I prefer this solution over what the README recommends.
Your system probably has a lot of the dependencies met already so instead of installing duplicate packages just check first which ones it needs. To do that run these commands. If it gives an error it's not met:
perl -e 'use Crypt::SSLeay'
perl -e 'use Digest::SHA'
perl -e 'use Bundle::LWP'
perl -e 'use LWP::Protocol::https'
perl -e 'use MIME::Base64'
perl -e 'use Crypt::SSLeay'
perl -e 'use XML::LibXML'
I had to remove the package libcrypt-ssleay-perl because it's not compatible with this Amazon script. With it the script produces the error in the question.
I installed these packages from Debian:
libssl-dev (needed to compile dependencies)
To find out which package contains the Perl module you need use this page on the Debian site to search the contents of packages:
Replace the :: in the package with / and put .pm at the end. For example if you need XML::LibXML search for XML/
I installed these packages from CPAN. It takes a little while though. There are a lot of dependencies.
perl -MCPAN -e 'install LWP::Protocol::https'
perl -MCPAN -e 'install Crypt::SSLeay'

Comment out line 250 in, as follows:
# $browser->ssl_opts(verify_hostname => 1);
Then it will run. Probably less secure. But it runs.


Create PDF reports using R Markdown (TinyTeX) in Snakemake using Conda

I am currently having problems using TinyTeX in a conda environment with Snakemake. I have to install TinyTeX installation files using the command tinytex::install_tinytex() before running the pipeline. This installs TinyTeX outside of the created environment (which isn't that big of a problem... but not preferred either) . The main problem is that every time I execute my Snakemake pipeline it will try to reinstall this installation which I don't want. Could anyone tell me what the easiest way is for me to check whether it's installed already? Should I be using the command Rscript -e \"tinytex:::is_tinytex()\" with an if-statement? And what is the best way to write that if-statement by calling Rscript -e in Snakemake? Or should I just write a boolean text-file on first run which specifies whether TinyTeX has been installed before?
It kinda sucks that the TinyTeX conda dependency doesn't work on its own without additional installation...
Snakemake rule (ignore input/output):
rule assembly_report_rmarkdown:
config["outdir"] + "Hybrid_assembly_report.pdf"
cp report/RMarkdown/Hybrid_assembly_report.Rmd {config[outdir]}Hybrid_assembly_report.Rmd
Rscript -e \"tinytex::install_tinytex()\"
Rscript -e \"rmarkdown::render('{config[outdir]}Hybrid_assembly_report.Rmd')\"
rm -f {config[outdir]}Hybrid_assembly_report.Rmd {config[outdir]}Hybrid_assembly_report.tex
Conda YAML:
name: r-rmarkdown
- conda-forge
- bioconda
- r-base=4.0.3
- r-rmarkdown=2.5
- r-tinytex=0.27
Thanks in advance.
I think I've solved the issue. Instead of calling Rscript -e, I have put the following if-statement in the setup chunk in R Markdown (Which runs before running any other code if i'm correct). I then proceeded to uninstall TinyTeX to see whether it will install for once only which it did.
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
if (!tinytex:::is_tinytex()){

Using grep with negative look-ahead returning no matches

So I am writing a few scripts for migrating SVN to GIT, we have a bunch of "old" branches in SVN that still exist but don't need to be moved to GIT. (Branches which happened to have already been merged to trunk).
After a bit of google-fu I've come up with the following:
$(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' --merged origin/trunk | grep '(?!origin\/trunk)origin\/.*')
To be passed to
git branch -D --remote _previouscommandgoeshere_
If I run just git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' --merged origin/trunk I get the following output:
When I add the grep command I get 0 values.
However, has thaught me that my regexp is doing exactly what I want to do. Remove all branches except for the trunk branch.
What is wrong with the regexp/grep? (note I am not a linux/grep guru. This is all done in bash that comes with windows git)
The regexp is right, but grep by default does not support PCRE expression constructs like Negative look-ahead (?!. You need to enable the -P flag to enable the PCRE library, without that it just supports the Basic Regular Expression engine
.. | grep -oP '(?!origin\/trunk)origin\/.*'
Or use a perl regex match on the command line for which no flags need to be set up
.. | perl -ne 'print if /(?!origin\/trunk)origin\/.*/'
grep -P 'origin/(?!trunk)'
just this, can match what your wanted

Renaming files using regular expressions - Linux

I have three files named
I am trying to rename them to
How would I go about this using regular expressions?
Like this :
rename -n 's/^file/mynewfile-/' *.txt
or from comments :
rename -n 's/^file(\d+)/mynewfile-${1}-test/' *.txt
___ ____
^ ^
capturing group |
captured group
Drop -n switch when the output looks good to rename for real.
There are other tools with the same name which may or may not be able to do this, so be careful.
The rename command that is part of the util-linux package, won't.
If you run the following command (GNU)
$ rename
and you see perlexpr, then this seems to be the right tool.
If not, to make it the default (usually already the case) on Debian and derivative like Ubuntu :
$ sudo apt install rename
$ sudo update-alternatives --set rename /usr/bin/file-rename
For archlinux:
pacman -S perl-rename
For RedHat-family distros:
yum install prename
The 'prename' package is in the EPEL repository.
For Gentoo:
emerge dev-perl/rename
For *BSD:
pkg install p5-File-Rename
For Mac users:
brew install rename
If you don't have this command with another distro, search your package manager to install it or do it manually
Or you can use perl CPAN:
cpan -i File::Rename
Old standalone version can be found here
man rename
This tool was originally written by Larry Wall, the Perl's dad.

How to list current package versions in OPAM?

opam list -a lists all packages currently available at OPAM, but does not display the version number for packages which are not currently installed, as per the opam list --help output:
(...) the output format displays one package per line, and each line contains the name of the package, the installed version or -- if the package is not installed, (...)
How can I list all packages including their version numbers?
Use opam info <packagename>.
I guess opam list does only prints the versions of already installed packages because of the package dependencies. Listing the latest versions of packages, for example, of not-yet-installed packages is not quite useful.
A refined (and quicker) version of anol's answer is to give the whole list of packages to opam show in one pass (asking opam to output both package and version field), and to process the result with sed, as apparently show outputs each field on its own line:
opam show -f package,version $(opam list -a -s) \
| sed -e '/ *package:/N; s/ *package: \([^\n]*\)\n *version: \([^\n]*\)/\1: \2/'
This is not an ideal solution, but using camlspotter's recommandation, I manually queried each package for its version field, using the following shell loop:
for p in $(opam list -a -s); do echo "$p $(opam show -f version $p)"; done
It works, but it takes ~85 seconds to complete on my machine (querying over 1000 packages currently available).

upgrade ocsigen error

I want to upgrade the ocsigen to 2.1 in my freebsd box.
$pkg_info | grep -i ocsigen
ocsigen-1.1.0_1 Web programming framework for OCaml
$cat /usr/ports/www/ocsigen/Makefile | grep -i version
$sudo pormaster ocsigen
===> Building for ocaml-tyxml-2.1
gmagmake: *** no rule to create “files/” needed by “files/META”。 Stop
StoStop in /usr/ports/textproc/ocaml-tyxml.
===>>> You can restart from the point of failure with this command line
porportmaster <flags> www/ocsigen textproc/ocaml-tyxml
Maybe it is a simple error, but i cannot fix it by myself.
You should now use OPAM, the "standard" tool for managing source distributions of OCaml packages. OPAM is available here: