Switching scenes with inputs - cocos2d-iphone

Here's the code I know to change scenes with cocos2d:
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene:[HelloWorld scene]];
But I wonder if it's possible I can switch the scenes with some parameters.
I tried this method:
HelloWorld *scene = [HelloWorld scene];
[scene initWithInput:0];
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene:scene];
-(void)initWithInput:(int)input is what I wrote for test in HelloWorld class.
And it does't work, does any one know how to do it?

Try overriding the scene method. Something like
+(id) sceneWithInput:(int) i
// 'scene' is an autorelease object.
CCScene *scene = [CCScene node];
// 'layer' is an autorelease object.
HelloWorld *layer = [HelloWorld nodeWithInput:i];
// add layer as a child to scene
[scene addChild: layer];
// return the scene
return scene;
Then you would call
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene:[HelloWorld sceneWithInput:0]];


removing texture

I am having some problem with removing my spritesheets after my scene exit..
I basically follow Ray's instructions by removing unused textures in init
[[CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache] removeUnusedSpriteFrames];
[[CCTextureCache sharedTextureCache] removeUnusedTextures];
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] purgeCachedData];
and in dealloc I have
CCTexture2D * texture = spriteNode.textureAtlas.texture;
[[CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache] removeSpriteFramesFromTexture:texture];
[[CCTextureCache sharedTextureCache] removeTexture:texture];
This works fine if the transition to scene is not the current scene.
But when I tried to "restart" the current scene it crashes.
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene:[CCTransitionFade transitionWithDuration:2.0 scene:[currentScene scene] withColor:ccBLACK]];
Seems like the problem is that when replacing the current scene by the "new" current scene.. the "new" current scene init is called before the current scene is deallocated. Hence my "new" current scene spritesheet got deallocated right after it's being created.
How can I properly remove the spritesheets in this case?
Or is my approach to restart the current scene incorrect?
I was trying to add a loading scene as advised but couldn't make it work.. here's my loading scene
+(CCScene *) scene
// 'scene' is an autorelease object.
CCScene *scene = [CCScene node];
// 'layer' is an autorelease object.
LoadingLayer * layer = [[[LoadingLayer alloc]init]autorelease];
// add layer as a child to scene
[scene addChild: layer];
// return the scene
return scene;
-(id) init{
if(self = [super init]){
winSize = [CCDirector sharedDirector].winSize;
CCLabelTTF * loadingLabel = [CCLabelTTF labelWithString:#"Loading..." fontName:#"Marker Felt" fontSize:30];
loadingLabel.position = ccp(winSize.width/2, winSize.height/2);
[loadingLayer addChild:loadingLabel];
[self scheduleUpdate];
return self;
-(void) update:(ccTime)dt{
[self unscheduleUpdate];
NSString * bgPlist = #"backgroundsIPAD.plist";;
NSString * hudPlist = #"hudSpritesIPAD.plist"
NSString * gameOnePlist = #"gameOneSpritesIPAD.plist";
// load background
[[CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache] addSpriteFramesWithFile:bgPlist];
// load hud
[[CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache] addSpriteFramesWithFile:hudPlist];
// load sprites
[[CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache] addSpriteFramesWithFile:gameOnePlist];
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene:[CCTransitionFade transitionWithDuration:2.0 scene:[GameTwoLayer scene] withColor:ccBLACK]];
This will give me a splash of the GameTwoLayer in this case, then a black screen..
What am I doing wrong?
Indeed, the new scene's init runs before your current scene is deallocated. Makes sense, since you're creating a new scene object within your current scene object.
You should not remove textures etc during init for that reason. It's just not the right place to do so. The scene that has been using the resources should be responsible for removing those resources. Removing textures etc should be done in the dealloc method of the scene.
If you need to avoid the memory spike with both scenes in memory at the same time, you'll have to add an in-between "loading" scene so that the previous scene will be deallocated before the next scene starts.

Cocos2d restart current scene

I've got an end of level layer added to game, each level has its own scene. I want to be able to restart the current scene. Obviously the scene will change but the layer will remain the same. How is this done. I've tried-
CCScene *currentScene = [[CCDirector sharedDirector]runningScene];
[[CCDirector sharedDirector]replaceScene:currentScene];
This does not work because you can't replace the same scene object with itself:
CCScene *currentScene = [[CCDirector sharedDirector]runningScene];
[[CCDirector sharedDirector]replaceScene:currentScene];
Instead you have to create a new instance of your scene, like so:
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene:[YourSceneClass scene]];
If you don't know what the current scene class is, then this ought to work:
CCScene *currentScene = [CCDirector sharedDirector].runningScene;
CCScene *newScene = [[[currentScene class] alloc] init];
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene:newScene];
Assuming you're using ARC as everyone should these days. Otherwise add an autorelease.
I ran into the same problem. I tried this
CCScene *currentScene = [CCDirector sharedDirector].runningScene;
CCScene *newScene = [[[currentScene class] alloc] init];
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene:newScene];
and it gave me a blank screen.
The problem is this line
CCScene *newScene = [[[currentScene class] alloc] init];
[currentScene class] actually returns CCScene..
[CCScene alloc] init] gives us a blank screen.
The way how I got around this problem was by setting tag for each of my scene class.
For example:
+(CCScene *) scene
// 'scene' is an autorelease object.
CCScene *scene = [CCScene node];
scene.tag = 1;
// 'layer' is an autorelease object.
GameOneLayer * layer = [[[GameOneLayer alloc] init];
// add layer as a child to scene
[scene addChild: layer];
// return the scene
return scene;
Hope this helps.

Cocos2d CCScene & CCLayer setup

Sorry for the newbie question but I was wondering what the difference is between these two different setups for the scene & the layer? I have tried both ways and each one works but I just don't know what the difference is or which one I should use.
#implementation Game
+(id) scene {
CCScene *scene = [CCScene node];
[scene addChild:[Game node]];
return scene; }
Or this way.
#implementation Game
+(id) scene {
CCScene *scene = [CCScene node];
Game *layer = [Game node];
[scene addChild:layer];
return scene; }
I don't see any difference between your 2 sample of code. Your 2 methods are identically the same.
[Game node] returns a layer so in the first case you add it directly into your scene and in the 2 example you just put it into a variable then add it into your scene.
For the compiler this is the same thing here.

ccscene arc and autorelease

I am trying to construct a number of scenes in my GameManager singleton init.
The scene is created via
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) { // 'mainScene' is an autorelease object.
mainScene = [CCScene node];
GameManger holds a strong reference to mainScene:
#interface GameManager : NSObject
CCScene* mainScene;
But if I try to push the scene later with
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] pushScene:mainScene];
If I create and immediately push then everything works. Shouldn't the default __strong reference keep the object allocated?
Thanks in advance for any help....
Figured it out ... [CCScene node] is a convenience factory method that does:
[[[self alloc] init] autorelease];
but since I am using arc...I dont want that - I want
mainScene = [[CCScene alloc]init];
instead of
mainScene = [CCScene node];

cocos2d start / stop running Scene

I'm trying to load one scene. This runs fine the first time, but when I try to reload again appears a white square where the animation is placed.
This is the code to start and stop the scene. What I'm missing?
-(void)runScene:(OTAnimationCC2d *)animation
scene = [CCScene node];
[scene addChild:animation];
if ([[[CCDirector sharedDirector] runningScene] isRunning])
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene:scene];
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] runWithScene:scene];
[[[CCDirector sharedDirector] runningScene] stopAllActions];
[[[CCDirector sharedDirector] runningScene] removeAllChildrenWithCleanup:YES];
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] pushScene:scene];
Why not just call [self runScene] at the end of stopScene rather than [[CCDirector sharedDirector] pushScene:scene]? It sounds like you want the scene to reload fresh, which your runScene already does when it calls replaceScene.
Either way you should be creating a new scene node and using replaceScene (which is being done in runScene and is why I recommend just calling that).